Page 1: Grid of 9   horror film trailer analysis 2

The use of black, white and red colours is very typical of the horror genre. Also the way the background is like a cloudy night sky suggests that night time is linked with danger. It also tells the audience when the film is coming & how long they will have to wait.

Although this is not a deserted house it is the only one that is lit fully suggesting that the other houses are empty or people are sleeping. This makes it an isolated setting which is typical of this genre. The loud echoed scream is an enigma as is makes the viewer ask questions. It is an intellectual pleasure/puzzle.

The use of a close up shot emphasises the shocked expression on his face & the way he is peering through a door suggests he is hiding or watching something bad happening. The non-diegetic ticking clock suggests it is a race against time.

The crucifix is a common visual sign in horror films. This type of iconography causes the viewer to feel as if something unearthly is around. Also the middle of the shot is lit more than the edges showing the crucifix is of some importance.

This low angle shot is an enigma and is an intellectual puzzle as it causes the viewer to ask questions, such as who is this person and why are they carrying a spade? Also the person is holding a weapon which could suggest action is going to happen. This would represent the rising action in Freytag’s pyramid.

This is the exposition part of Freytag’s pyramid. The bright colours and rock music show the normality of city life in America.

Although the classroom is a calm & ordinary setting the expression on the boys face & how he is peering back suggests he may know something about who its missing & why. The framing allows us to see only the things we need to see.

The loud clash in the music when this character appears on screen suggests he could be dangerous. The use of low key lighting makes the colour change dramatically to monotone.

This bird’s eye view shot showing people escaping from their grave is very abnormal. This could be the climax in Freytag’s pyramid. In horrors it is conventional for the climax to be very close to the end of the film.

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