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Greetings to Business Studies Grade 12

Business studies simplified

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Learning outcomes Learning Outcome:1Business environment Learning Outcome: 2Business ventures Learning Outcome: 3Business Roles Learning Outcome: 4Business operation

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Business studies topic’s Learning outcome 1,2

Business Environments 1

1.Business environments Micro environment Marco environment Market environment

2. Strategies Types of strategies

3.Corporate citizenship Corporate citizenship Responsibility Characteristics of Corporate Social

Investment4.Impact of recent legislation on business5.Business environments and the three sectors

Business Ventures 2

1. Entrepreneurial qualities

2. Key success factors

3. Forms of ownership

4. Insurance 5. Investments

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Business studies topic’s Learning outcome 3,4

Business roles 3

1.Problem solving2.Business ethics3.Leadership and management4.Conflict5.Careers/teamwork

Business operation 4

1.The human resource2.Industrial relation3.Qualities

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Introduction to Learning outcome:1 sub-themes

Business environment Management influence Factors

Micro Full control Vision, mission, strategy, and objective.Organizational culture Organizational StructureOrganizational ResourcesBusiness functionWorking environment

Macro Management can influence factors in the environment

ConsumersSuppliersCivil societyStrategic alliesRegulatorsCompetitorsintermediaries

Market No control Social environmentEconomical environmentPolitical environmentGlobal environmentLegal environmentDemographical environmentCultural environmentPhysical environmentInstitutional environmentTechnological environment  

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2. Types of strategiesIntegration strategy

Vertical integration Forward

integration Backward


Horizontal integration  

Intensive strategy

Market penetration Market development Product development

Diversification strategy

Concentric Diversification

Horizontal Diversification

Conglomerate Diversification

Defensive strategy

Retrenchment Divestiture Liquidation

Other strategies Replacing individual

Issuing stock Allocating resources

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3. Corporate Citizenship

•CSR encourages businesses to consider the interest of society•CSR has been emphasized in South Africa since the 1990’sCharacteristics of CSR•To contribute towards sustainable development•Government expects business enterprises to make a CSI contribution•CSI is enforced by law •CSI plays a positive role in the development of communities

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Sub-themes4.Impact of legislations

1. Types of Acts The National Credit Act Broad base Black

Economic Empowerment Act

South African Qualification Authority Act

5. Business environment and the three sectors

Primary sector Secondary sector Tertiary sector

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Introduction to learning outcome:2 sub themes

1. Entrepreneurial qualities• Positive attitude• Clear vision• Flexible• Energetic• Able to take calculated risk

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2.Key success factors

Sustainability Profitability Customer base A great idea Competent works

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3.Forms of ownership

Sole trader Partnership Public company Private company

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4. Insurance

Assurance insurance

Covers for events that will happen

Covers for events that might happen

Long term insurance

Short term insurance

Compulsory insurance

For goods Life insurance Unemployment fundRoad accident fund

Forms of insuranceA contract between the insurer and the insured

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5.Investment1. Types of investment Shares Unit trusts Retirement annuities Life insurance 

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Introduction to learning outcome:3 sub-theme1.Problem solving•Types of problem solving skills 1. The problem solving cycle•Advanced problem solving skills 1. Creative thinking 2. Idea generation 3. Indigenous knowledge•Problem solving techniques 1.Forced flied analysis 2.Chair technique 3.Delphi technique 4.Nominal group 5.Brainstorming 6.Forced combination

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2.Business ethics

Corporate social responsibility Leadership issues Contribution made by business Issues concerning relation issues

between different companies

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3.Leadership and management

Leadership theories1. Authoritarian2. Super leaders3. Transactional theory4. Transformational theory5. Transitional theory6. Charismatic theory7.Democratic theory8.Lassies-faire theory 

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4.Conflict1.Types of conflict

Colleagues on the same level of management A manager and s subordinate Interpersonal conflict Intra-group conflict Intergroup conflict Inter-organizational conflict

2.Causes of conflict Miscommunication Personality clashes Different values Unfair treatment Discrimination

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1.Effective TeamJoint action by a group to complete a given task Has a clear task and deadline Has necessary skills Has common desire to accomplish their goals Respect one other’s skills Show mutual respects and trust Support one another

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Introduction to Learning outcome:41. The human resource activities Human resource planning Job analysis Recruitment Selection Interviewing Orientation Placement remuneration

2.Legislational on the human resource Labour relational Act Basic condition of employment Employment Equity Act Skills Development Act

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3. Industrial relational (IR) IR is the process through which

employers and employees interact, and through which they regulate conflict in workplace.

IR deals with relationships with works and their unions.

Industrial relational also looks at the rights of workers.

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4.Trade unions Roles and function of trade unionsImprove working conditionsEncourage decision making processPrevent retrenchmentEnsure fairness among workers FunctionRepresent workers LobbyingCollective bargainingSupport gender equalityAccess pension and provident funds

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