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(Updated 2017)

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1.0) Ship Emission Management System (SEMS)

Ships are generally powered by large diesel engines operating on low quality fuel oil of

relatively high sulfur content (average around 2.7% sulfur by mass). Ships use diesel powered

electrical generators on board for lighting, air conditioning, control systems, fuel and water systems,

bow thrusters and cargo handling. Ships also use oil fired boilers to produce steam for fuel heating,

cargo heating and to drive turbines for cargo and ballast pumping. Ship emissions from these

combustion process have remarkable global, regional, and local adverse impacts on the air quality

on sea and land. The most important pollutants emitted from ships are nitrogen oxide (NOX), sulfur

dioxide (SO2), hydrocarbons (HC), and particulate matter (PM). In the port area, ship’s emissions

are produced during anchorage, maneuvering, at wharf, berthing and un-berthing. The health effects

of air pollution at ports may include asthma, other respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease, lung

cancer, and premature death.

Carbon dioxide produced by fossil burning engines is a greenhouse gas which not only

contribute to global warming, but also acid rain and ocean acidification. Various international

initiatives and regulations were made to reduce carbon dioxide emission. In 1997, an International

Conference of Parties to the MARPOL Convention agreed to amend the Marine Pollution Convention

(MARPOL Annex VI) and adopted a resolution to reduce CO2 emissions from ships. The resolution

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also invited International Maritime Organization (IMO), in cooperation with the United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to undertake a study of CO2 emissions from

ships for the purpose of establishing the amount and relative percentage of CO2 emissions from

ships as part of the global inventory of CO2 emissions.

Johor Port Authority (JPA), being the authority in charge of regulating ports in Johor has

collaborated with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia researchers, to develop an online system named

Ship Emission Management System (SEMS) for accounting the shipping emissions and analyse

the emissions improvement measures in ports ( Under the mandatory

requirement of JPA, Johor Port (JP), Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), and all jetties that has been

licensed by JPA (operation within Pasir Gudang and Tanjung Pelepas Port Water Limit) are required

to report the ship activities using the SEMS. The main objective of this system is to calculate and

estimate the amount of emission (CO2, NOX, SOX, PM10, PM2.5 and HC), which is released by all

ships operating in the port area. The implementation is in line with the JPA Green Port Policy and

compliance with MARPOL Annex VI on "Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships”.

The SEMS has been implemented in Ports of Johor since 01 July 2017 thru JPA Port Notice

that has been circulated to Port Operator, Ship Owner, Master of Ship, Forwarding Agent, Freight

Forwarder, Association, Private Jetty and all port users. The SEMS includes the web-based

interphase and mobile application to be used by JPA to monitor, calculate and estimate the

emissions (CO2, NOx, SOx, PM10 and PM2.5) contributed by each ships that operating in the port

area. The SEMS also include function for improvement measures to reduce the emissions such as

changing fuel type in port area, using shore power supply at berth, ship speed reduction, reduce

ship’s activities time and so on.

In cooperation with University Technologi Malaysia (UTM), JPA has conducted one day

training session to all shipping agent for the implementation of Ship Emission Management System

(SEMS) on 30 May 2017 and 21 June 2017.

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2.0) Tanjung Pelepas Ecological Park (TPEP)

a) The proposed Ecological Park and Research Centre and support facilities within the PTP

complements in a modest way the strategies for growth in the tourism sector in Iskandar

Malaysia to attain its goal of 4.7 times tourism growth by 2020 with its three pronged

strategy of ‘Fix, Grow and Diversify’ (IM Corridor and City Lab) which had started since

2012. The abundant ecological and historical attractions – Tanjung Piai wetlands (which

is part of the RAMSAR List of wetlands of International Importance in 2002) and Johor

Lama (the historical centre of the Johor Sultanate and the Centre for Malay-Riau Heritage

and Culture) are also unique selling points. The proposed Ecological Park and Research

Centre as another eco-tourism destination should represent a high quality nature tourist

centre and providing new ground for innovation and research and development to evolve.

It requires that the project must be well conceived, managed and sustained for the long

term. The project must be spatially and functionally integrated with the existing activities

as well as committed and expected development in the area, for instance the proposed

Forest City

b) The aim of this project is to develop a sustainable ecological park by conserving the

natural environment and providing economic opportunities to local community.

c) The Objectives are :

Promoting development type appropriate to the location and site peculiarities

giving equal consideration to the environmental objective;

Establishing an eco-tourism destination that strives to offer environmentally

responsible travel products to relatively undisturbed areas to enjoy nature at its

best; and

Emphasis on sustainable development conservation of the environment and

equitable distribution of the economic benefits of growth among the local


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3.0) The Baseline Study for Compliance With International Convention “The Control And

Management Of Ship’s Ballast Water And Sediment 2004” (BWM 2004)

BWM Convention 2004 is an international instrument under the International Maritime

Organization (IMO) on ballast water management and control of ships. It is to prevent, reduce and

later eliminate transfer of pathogens and aquatic organisms which could be harmful in ballast tanks

from being introduced into different seawaters. The said Convention is also an instrument for

conserving local marine biodiversity. BWM Convention 2004 has been adopted by Malaysia on the

27th September 2010 and currently awaiting for date to enter into force globally. The said Convention

has outlined an entry into force 12 months after obtaining ratification of at least 30 countries and

reaching 35% of the world's merchant shipping gross tonnage. As of January 2013, the total gross

tonnage is recorded at 29% total gross tonnage following ratification from 35 countries. In the

collaboration with University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), JPA has conducted the baseline study

at two designated ports water front;

Port 1st phase 2nd phase

Pasir Gudang Port 28 - 29 May 2014 30 May – 1 Jun 2014

Port of Tanjung Pelepas 30 May – 1 Jun 2014 24 – 25 Jan 2015

The objectives of this study are:

a) Identify and record the presence and distribution of species and marine organisms in

waters within JPA port water limit.

b) Identify and record parameters that influence distributions of local marine species.

c) Identify the originality of species found and submits them to the central management of

data collection, inventory and specimens.

d) To provide a baseline assessment of native, and non-indigenous species.

e) To determine the physic-chemical environment.

f) To determine the effect of the southwest and northeast monsoon on species abundance

and distribution.

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4.0) Ship Emissions Analysis in Johor Port (JP) and Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP)

Johor Port (JP) and Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) are two international free trade zone ports

which are strategically located within Asia. JP has been opened since the year 1975 and is visited

by 4,000 to 7,000 ships yearly. JP also handles more than 25 million/ year cargoes loading and

unloading. On the other hand, PTP has been operated since 1999. It holds the world record of being

the fastest growing port with 1 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) after 571 days of operation.

The current capacity of PTP is over 8.4 million TEU/yr. The ports aim to become the transport and

logistics hub in the Southern Region of Malaysia to serve business in the pacific region. Despite the

rapid growth, there will be adverse side effects to the environment. For example, the activities of

vessels entering and leaving the port will lead to the occurrence of toxic gas emissions such as

nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and greenhouse gases (GHG) such as carbon dioxide

(CO2) and particle matters (PM) . Therefore, in order to follow the rapid growth, the emission control

must be aligned to ensure sustainability of the port and environment.

Johor Port Authority (JPA), being the authority in charge of regulating ports in Johor intends

to play a bigger role in reducing toxic gas and GHG emissions, to complement the efforts by the

international community, port state control and ship-owners. Other ports such as Rotterdam, Los

Angeles and Singapore have adopted many green port standards to reduce GHG. JPA has

appointed University Teknology Malaysia (UTM) as a consultant to carry out the research on ship

emissions analysis in JP and PTP. The amount of emissions from ships in JP and PTP are to be


The objectives of this study are:

a) To comply with MARPOL Annex VI – Regulations for the prevention of air pollution from


b) To predict the emissions (NOX, SOX, CO2, HC and PM) by various ships during anchorage,

maneuvering and berthing in JP and PTP.

c) The project aims to establish the calculation method for ship emissions, performing survey

on various types of ship in view of its age, size, vessel and engine type, usages of fuel, time

for anchorage, maneuvering and berthing.

d) To develop an Excel Tool which can be used by JPA for estimating future emissions of ships

into JP and PTP.

Study duration: 01 Jan – 31 December 2015

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5.0) Research Project on Hydrodynamic Simulation within Port Limit of Port of Tanjung

Pelepas and Establishment of Johor Port Authority (Tanjung Pelepas) Marine Data

Centre (MDC).

Current development along South Johor coastal zones which has changed the

hydrodynamics conditions of the coastline will further affect the shipping and commerce involving

the routes as well as natural resources conservation and marine ecosystem around the zones. JPA

as the regulating body on port development and landholding affairs along South Johor coastline

requires a mechanism to assist in performing the mandated duties. Hydrodynamic simulation tool

which is capable of predicting the movement of water and its effect to the hydrodynamic condition of

the coastal will benefit JPA could be used in analyzing the long term impact of the hydrodynamic

changes to marine environment along the coastlines. The intention of this research is to develop

such tool for JPA.

Emphasis is given on periodic data collection analysis of water column movement and its

impact data sharing platform later to be managed by JPA. The project deliverables comprise of a

collection of topographic, bathymetric and hydrodynamic data for an area within Port Limit Tanjung

Pelepas, development of hydrodynamic model and simulation system, simulation of the

hydrodynamic condition within the area, development of a data centre for data management and

sharing platform and provision of training and manuals.

By having its own tool to perform independent evaluation on possible future impact of

coastline development to port operations, JPA will have a wider perspective on the level of risk

associated with hydrodynamic and topographic changes and its impact to ship navigation within its

territory area. Coverage of the research area could be extended throughout the South Johor

Coastline. As such, JPA will have an enormous hydrographic and hydrodynamic data as a unique

stature as a port authority .In the near future, JPA will become a reference role model regulatory

body for owning and managing an up to date knowledge and sharing data centre. This certainly

benefited JPA itself and its partners and stakeholders which in return will advance its excellence and

prestigious growth.

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Research Objectives:

The objectives of the project are distinguished in two parts and as follows:

Project 1:

Hydrodynamic Simulation within Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) Water Limit

i. To develop a simulation model of hydrodynamic conditions of PTP water limit

ii. To simulate pattern of hydrodynamic conditions of PTP water limit including shoreline evolution

Project 2:

Development of Computer Program for Marine Hydrodynamic Data Storage, Preliminary Analysis

and Information Sharing for JPA MDC

i. To develop a computer program for data repository system for JPA MDC

ii. To design hardware and software architecture of knowledge management system for JPA MDC

iii. To develop database on topographic, hydrographic and hydrodynamic, data within PTP water


Researcher: Institute Sultan Iskandar, University Teknology Malaysia (ISI-UTM)

Duration: 01 May 2015 – 31 October 2017

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6.0) Development of Online System: Shipping Emissions Accounting (SEA) and Emissions

Improvement Measures (EIM) in Johor Port (JP) and Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP).

In the previous research contracts, namely “Ship Emissions Analysis in Port of Tanjung

Pelepas (PTP)” and “Ship Emissions Analysis in Johor Port (JP)”, the UTM project team had

successfully helped JPA to develop the method of accounting the ship emissions, collect the data

through survey, account the ship emissions in PTP and JP through the developed excel, and

analyses the ship emissions and suggest the improvement options.

The completed projects have enabled the JPA to gain insight on the level of complexity to

handle the data and compute the estimation of ship emissions. Thus it is envisaged that an online

system includes web-based and mobile application would assist JPA to deliver the tasks in a more

efficient manner, with less involvement of man hours and minimize the human error in processing

the data. Two key scope from this project are proposed to assist JPA to account the shipping

emissions and evaluate the various measurements through the development of online system,


i) Shipping Emissions Accounting (SEA), and

ii) Emissions Improvement Measures (EIM)

Among the benefits to JPA for this project are:

b) Facilitate the establishment of green culture among employees through the use of ICT.

c) Showcasing JPA efforts and commitment towards sustainability to the society

d) Build a positive and green image towards becoming a regional port of choice

e) Fast and easy data collection and data monitoring

Research Objectives:

1) To develop an online software (web-based and IOS mobile application) to account the shipping


2) To analyses the emissions improvement measures in port area.

Duration: 01 April – 31 December 2016

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7.0) Non-Shipping Emission Analysis in Johor Port (JP) and Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP)

Non-ship emissions involve includes cargo handling equipment (CHE) such as terminal

tractors, cranes, container handlers, and forklifts, as well as heavy-duty trucks and locomotives

operating within a port area. These sources of emission are likely to use diesel engine. The sulphur

content of fuel is emitted as SO2, leading to secondary formation of very fine aqueous sulphate


Non-shipping emissions in port area have remarkable global, regional, and local adverse

impacts on the air quality on sea and land. The most important pollutants emitted are nitrogen oxide

(NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrocarbons (HC), and particulate matter (PM).

The health effects of air pollution at ports may include asthma, other respiratory diseases,

cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and premature death.

Johor Port Authority (JPA), being the authority in charge of regulating ports in Johor should

play a bigger role in contributing to the reduction of toxic gas emissions and GHG, to complement

the efforts by the international community, port state control and ship-owners. Other ports such as

Rotterdam, Los Angeles and Singapore have adopted many green port standards to reduce GHG

which should be emulated by ports under JPA jurisdictions.

In this project, the amount of emissions from non-ships in PTP & JP is being estimated. The

results of the study is hoped to be used to set new regulations or policies by JPA or further study on

emission reduction initiatives.

Research Objectives:

1) To identify the source of air pollutant emissions from non-shipping activities in Pasir Gudang (JP)

Port and Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP).

2) To account the direct emissions (NOX, SO2, CO2, HC and PM) from non-shipping activities in

JP and PTP.

3) To analyses & propose potential emission improvement measures.

Duration: 01 April – 31 December 2016

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8.0) Green Port Conference 2015

JPA organized the Green Port Conference 2015 on 19-20 October 2015 (JPA Port Week

2015), located at Persada Convention Centre Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. The objectives of this

conference were:

To raise awareness and share the green initiatives that have been undertaken in ports

of Johor in line with the requirements of JPA Green Port Policy.

To exchange information on the latest development in sustainable environmental

practice and in exploring the key issues, challenges to discover the strategic and best

practices on the implementation of the Green Initiatives at the port.

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9.0) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program

a) JPA has conducted the CSR program with PTP for “Tanjung Adang Seagrass Meadow”

site visit on 09 March 2016.

10.0) Research Project On Conceptual Master Plan Tanjung Pelepas Ecological Park &

Gallery (TPE) at Free Zone Area, Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP)

The proposal for a Conceptual Ecological Park and Research Centre can be expected to

contribute to the overall strategic objectives of Iskandar Malaysia in several ways, inter alia:

a) Promoting development type appropriate to the location and site peculiarities giving equal

consideration to the environmental objective.

b) Establishing an eco-tourism destination that strives to offer environmentally responsible

travel products to relatively undisturbed areas to enjoy nature at its best.

c) Emphasis on sustainable development conservation of the environment and equitable

distribution of the economic benefits of growth among the local community.

Duration: 02 May – 22 August 2016

Researcher: Institute Sultan Iskandar, University Technology Malaysia (ISI-UTM)

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11.0) A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signing Ceremony Between Malaysian Green

Technology Corporation (MGTC) and Johor Port Authority (JPA) on 6 October 2016 at

KLCC for Sustainable Project for JPA Building (2016-2018).

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12.0) Sustainable Project for JPA Office.

12.1) JPA Green Procurement Policy

a) The development of JPA Green Procurement Policy is in line with the Government Green

Procurement Policy.

b) The effective date for the implementation of JPA Green Procurement Policy is by 02 July


c) This policy were involved any procurement process in supplies, services and works in


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12.2) Upgrading Penarafan Hijau JKR (pH JKR) For JPA Office

a) Currently, JPA office has awarded for 3 stars rating for Penarafan Hijau JKR (pH JKR).

pH JKR is one of the tool for Malaysian Green Building Rating. Please refer to

Appendix 3

b) We are currently planning to upgrade and achieves 5 stars rating for our office. Some

of the green initiatives incorporated into the upgrading process include:

i) Development and implement the JPA Green Procurement Policy;

ii) To replace all florescent lamp to LED;

iii) A study to use PV Solar as renewable energy.

12.3) Provide 3R bins to separate paper, aluminium, paper and glass wastes to encourage

all staff to implement 3R concept (reduce, reuse & recycle).

12.4) Provide E-waste bin to encourage all staff employ a proper procedure to dispose E-

waste products.

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12.5) In collaboration with Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (MGTC), JPA

currently have a project to replace all florescent lamp to LED. The duration of this

project starting from 05 March until 17 September 2017.


Type Of Lamp

Quantity (Unit)

Florescent LED

1 T5 Tube 4f LigLED T5 Tube Light

(1200mm/4ft) 645

2 T5 Tube 2f LigLED T5 Tube Light

(1200mm/2ft) 2624

3 Down Light 4 inch LigLED Down Light 4”

square 725

4 Flood Light LigLED Flood Light 20

5 Spot Light LigLED Spot Light 18

6 Bulb Light LigLED Bulb Light 93

TOTAL 4125

12.6) JPA has started to do the collaboration and study with Malaysian Green Technology

Corporation (MGTC) to explore the potential for installation of solar PV at JPA office

and strategic location in the port area. (Shading Simulation Study)

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12.7) Green Management

a) Malaysian Green Building Rating Tool - Penarafan Hijau JKR (pH JKR) for JPA office. (3

stars rating).

b) SEDA grant (RM60k) for Energy Audit Program for JPA office. (07 May – 11 Jun


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c) JPA was pioneer recipient of Green Accord Initiative Award (GAIA) on 22 November

2016. GAIA is an award introduced by Iskandar Malaysia for sustainable and green


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