
Greek Pottery Vase Painting

Standard Shapes of Greek Vessels

Geometric Art (900-700 BCE)

q  Krater (mixing bowl) that served as a grave marker.

q  This vessel marks a significant turning point: q  Human figure is reintroduced. q  The art of storytelling was revived

(pictorial record of funerary rituals). q Divided into registers. q Geometric shapes used to represent

human figures. q  There is no attempt to represent depth,

space or three-dimensions.

Orientalizing Art (700-600 BCE)

¤  Began in Corinth (port city).

¤  Trade with foreign cultures from the Near East and Egypt inspired new artistic conventions and new motifs.

¤  More open compositions built around large motifs that included real and imaginary animals, abstract plant forms, and human figures.

¤  Corinthians invented black-figure painting, a new ceramic technique.

Archaic Art (600-480 BCE)

¤  Francois Vase named for the excavator.

¤  Black-figure technique.

¤  Painter and potter sign their work.

¤  200 figures in 6 registers.

¤  Selective encyclopedia of Greek mythology.

Archaic Art (600-480 BCE)

¤  Acknowledged master of the black-figure technique was an Athenian named Exekias.

¤  Figures placed in a single large framed panel.

¤  Eyes stare out from the profile heads in the old manner.

Black-figure vs. Red-figure


Battle of Issus (Alexander Mosaic)

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