Page 1: GRC 10.0 - Post Installation Guide

GRC 10.0 Post-Installation

Customer Solution Adoption

June 27th 2011

Version 1.4

Page 2: GRC 10.0 - Post Installation Guide

Purpose of this document

This guide covers the basic steps required for the post-installation of GRC

in general, before performing the solution specific (e.g. AC, PC or RM)

post-installation tasks.

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This presentation outlines our general product direction and should not be relied on in

making a purchase decision. This presentation is not subject to your license agreement

or any other agreement with SAP. SAP has no obligation to pursue any course of

business outlined in this presentation or to develop or release any functionality

mentioned in this presentation. This presentation and SAP's strategy and possible future

developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any

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caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent.

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1.Client Copy

2.Activating Applications in Client

3.Check SAP ICF Services

4.Activating BC Sets

5.Creating the Initial User in the ABAP System

6.Activate Profile of Roles Delivered by SAP

7.Activate Common Workflow

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Client Copy

For more information specific to GRC 10.0, see SAP Note: 1505255.

See and search for Client Copy.

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1.Client Copy

2.Activating Applications in Client

3.Check SAP ICF Services

4.Activating BC Sets

5.Creating the Initial User in the ABAP System

6.Activate Profile of Roles Delivered by SAP

7.Activate Common Workflow

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Activating Applications in Client 1/3

Call the customizing with transaction


Choose SAP Reference IMG

Expand the Governance, Risk and

Compliance > General Settings node

and choose Activate Applications in


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Activating Applications in Client 2/3

Choose New Entries

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Activating Applications in Client 3/3

Click the first row and select the GRC solution(s) required for your project

Then choose the Active checkbox

Click Save

Note: you may have to create a transport request

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1.Client Copy

2.Activating Applications in Client

3.Check SAP ICF Services

4.Activating BC Sets

5.Creating the Initial User in the ABAP System

6.Activate Profile of Roles Delivered by SAP

7.Activate Common Workflow

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Check SAP ICF Services 1/4

Call transaction SICF

Click the Execute icon

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Check SAP ICF Services 2/4

Expand the node default_host -> sap -> public

Right click public and choose Activate Service

Choose Activate Service for all sub-nodes

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Check SAP ICF Services 3/4

Proceed likewise with the node default_host -> sap -> bc

Activate all sub-nodes too

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Check SAP ICF Services 4/4

Now activate the node default_host -> sap -> grc

Also activate all sub-nodes

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1.Client Copy

2.Activating Applications in Client

3.Check SAP ICF Services

4.Activating BC Sets

5.Creating the Initial User in the ABAP System

6.Activate Profile of Roles Delivered by SAP

7.Activate Common Workflow

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Activating BC Sets 1/5

Call transaction SPRO again

Click SAP Reference IMG

Click Existing BC Sets in the next screen

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Activating BC Sets 2/5

Select a BC Set

Click “BC Sets for Activity”

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Activating BC Sets 3/5

From the menu choose Goto Activation Transaction

These BC sets can also be activated via transaction code SCPR20

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Activating BC Sets 4/5

Activate the corresponding BC sets.

Proceed likewise for all required PC, RM, and/or AC BC sets

For a complete list of BC Sets please refer to the PC/RM/AC install guide!

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Activating BC Sets 5/5

When activating always use “Expert” mode

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1.Client Copy

2.Activating Applications in Client

3.Check SAP ICF Services

4.Activating BC Sets

5.Creating the Initial User in the ABAP System

6.Activate Profile of Roles Delivered by SAP

7.Activate Common Workflow

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Creating the Initial User in the ABAP System

Call transaction SU01, create a user

Assign following role to access GRC applications, such as AC


Assign following power user role to the person doing the customization of the product


Assign following role to the business users


Assign following role if you use NWBC as front end UI instead of Portal


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1.Client Copy

2.Activating Applications in Client

3.Check SAP ICF Services

4.Activating BC Sets

5.Creating the Initial User in the ABAP System

6.Activate Profile of Roles Delivered by SAP

7.Activate Common Workflow

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Activate Profile of Roles Delivered by SAP

• Activate profile of roles delivered by SAP via transaction PFCG if you want to use them


• For the list of the roles, please refer to Security Guide - here is an example of the SAP-GRC-

NWBC role

• Please use transaction “SUPC” for mass profile generation in case you want to generate

profiles for multiple roles

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1.Client Copy

2.Activating Applications in Client

3.Check SAP ICF Services

4.Activating BC Sets

5.Creating the Initial User in the ABAP System

6.Activate Profile of Roles Delivered by SAP

7.Activate Common Workflow

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Activate Common Workflow

Call transaction SPRO again

Click SAP Reference IMG

Access Workflow node under

Governance, Risk and Compliance >

General Settings

Execute Perform Automatic Workflow


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Activate Common Workflow

Perform Automatic Workflow Customizing (1/2)

Execute Perform Automatic

Workflow Customizing

Make sure that all tasks are green

after the generation as show in the


Note: you may have to create a

transport request

During the activation procedure you

might receive an error message,

then check the created system user

„WF-BATCH“ in SU01 if the user

has sufficient roles assigned – see

SAP Note 1251255 and the GRC

Security Guide.

You may need to run program

RHSOBJCH to fix HR control tables

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Activate Common Workflow

Perform Automatic Workflow Customizing (2/2)

Maintain the Prefix Numbers to your needs or like shown in the screenshot

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Activate Common Workflow

Perform Task-Specific Customizing 1/5

Execute Perform Task-

Specific Customizing

Expand the GRC node.

Click the Assign Agents

link at the right side of the

GRC node.

Note: if no folders are visible below the “GRC“ folder please run report “RS_APPL_REFRESH” in SE38

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Activate Common Workflow

Perform Task-Specific Customizing 2/5

Assign Task as General

Task via Task Attribute.

Make sure all tasks that are

not using Background

task have been assigned

as General Task.

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Activate Common Workflow

Perform Task-Specific Customizing 3/5

Click Activate event


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Activate Common Workflow

Perform Task-Specific Customizing 4/5

Click the Properties


Set the Linkage

Status to No


Make sure Event

linkage activated

is checked.

Set Error feedback

to Do not change


Be sure to activate

all WS.

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Activate Common Workflow

Perform Task-Specific Customizing 5/5

Repeat the first four

steps to activate the

solutions you need (e.g.

for Access Control


Note: task-specific

customizing for GRC-AC

is not available in case

you have the GRC plug-

ins installed in your GRC

system, check the

Appendix for perfoming

the customizing in this


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Activate Crystal Reports

In IMG you need to

check this option to be

able to see report

tables also as Crystal


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Appendix – Task-Specific customizing with plugins

In case you have the GRC plugins installed also in the central GRC instance the

task-specific customizing for Access Control is not visible in IMG as shown below.

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Appendix – Task-Specific customizing with plugins

Event Linkage (1/2)

Go to transaction SWE2 and maintain the following linkages by double clicking on

each line in Change mode.

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Appendix – Task-Specific customizing with plugins

Event Linkage (2/2)

Set these parameters per event linkage item

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Appendix – Task-Specific customizing with plugins

Assign Agents (1/4)

Go to transaction PFTC and select the type and task as shown below, you need

to repeat the whole process for each item.

Access Request Approval Workflow WS76300056

User Access Review Workflow WS76300082

Function Approval Workflow WS76300084

Mitigation Control Maintenance WS76300088

Risk Approval Workflow WS76300085

SOD Risk Review Workflow WS76300081

Role Approval Workflow WS76300080

Fire Fighter Log Report Review WF WS76300089

Control Assignment Approval Workflow WS76300087

Role Assignment Review Workflow WS76300086

Display Approval webdynpro Appl TS 76307918

Display Role Approval App TS 76307944

user access review approval task TS 76307964

Role approval UI task TS 76307966

GRAC Read Stage TS 76307967

GRAC Read Stage TS 76308011

GRAC Diaplay Approval for AR TS 76308013

Access Request Approval dialog TS 76308021

Access Request Approval dialog TS 76308026

SPM Audit Review Approval TS 76308028

RAR Rule for Function Approval TS 76308029

Display Approval webdynpro Appl TS 76308031

Display Approval webdynpro RAR Risk TS 76308038

Display Approval webdynpro Appl TS 76308047

Role assignement dialog step TS 76308056

Control assignment approval dialog TS 76308057

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Appendix – Task-Specific customizing with plugins

Assign Agents (2/4)

Then go to Additional Data Agent assignment Maintain. If the “Transfer

container elements” window shows answer always “No”

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Appendix – Task-Specific customizing with plugins

Assign Agents (3/4)

Now select “Attributes” and change the task to General Task

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Appendix – Task-Specific customizing with plugins

Assign Agents (4/4)

After you have changed all tasks you need to activate the workflows tasks using

transaction SWDD

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