  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    Project Presentation on

    Silk Grapes Form Pvt. Ltd

      Presented by:Raja Muhammad

    Kamran ja!

      "asmeen Mehboob

      Muhammad #mair

      #mair $aved %hatha

    &asi' ja!

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    Summary of the Project

    • (ame: Silk Grapes Farm Pvt. Ltd

    • Status: )nactive

    (ature: *+riculture,Fruitproduction business

    • %apacity: Production o' -/000

    +rapes in - year• Location: Southern Punjab and


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    Project Financing


    • 1otal 2uity 3045


    • 6ank Loan 3045


    • Markup to the 6orro7er 34a+e 8annum5

    14%• 1enure o' the Loan 3"ears5

    5 Years

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    9bjective o' Proposed FeasibilityReport

     The purpose of this document is to facilitatepotential inestors in Grapes Production Farm !yproidin" them #ith a "eneral understandin" of the!usiness #ith the intention of supportin" potential

    inestors in crucial inestment decisions$

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    6rie' escription o' Project ;Product:

    • rapes are "ro#n for eatin" as #ell as for producin" juices,

    car!onated drin&s, and raisins$

    • 'ultiation in three distinctie a"ro(climatic )ones* namely, +Su!(tropical, +-ot Tropical and +.ild Tropical climatic re"ions inPa&istan$ /ur tar"et re"ions #ould !e Southern Punja! and Sindh0e"ions

    •  Thompson 3in"s 0u!y

    • 0ed lo!e arc lac&

    • 'ardinal Perlette

    • 'rimson Sultana 6Sundar 3hani7

    •  The total cost of project is assumed as 0s$ 8$1 million$ :inancialanalysis sho#s the unit shall !e pro;ta!le from the second year ofoperation

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    Grapes %ultivation and ProductionProcess Flo7

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    %ompany Pro

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    Grapes Farm Project

    @ith hu"e potential, "rapes farmin" is "ainin" tremendouspopularity in many areas of Pa&istan, especially inaluchistan, 3P3 and South Punja!$

    •  The total time* from land preparation and so#in" of "rapes

    plant to produce fruits, is around 18 months$ The estimated"rape fruit production per acre #ould !e 4,2 &"s eAcludin"1% #asta"e$

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    )nstalled and 9perational %apacity

    •  The proposed +rapes :arm #ould!e located in 5 acre of a"ricultureland$

    •  Therefore, total "rapes producedfrom the proposed farm in year one

    is 15, &"s and su!seBuentlyaround 21, &"s in the later years$

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    %rucial Factors and Steps inecision Makin+ For )nvestment



    •Cn Pa&istan, fruit industry is ery important !ecause indicate that Pa&istan has acomparatie adanta"e in fruit production and eAports$

    •rapes are alued as protectie food and are ery rich source of minerals anditamins$ =emand for "rapes in Pa&istan has !een increasin" due to chan"es in

    consumption pattern and population "ro#th$ 



    •-i"h production costs$

    •Do# or lac& of interaction #ith farmers$ Poor information a!out each other$ Dac& of

    •eAtension serices$

    •Dac& of education and initiatie in farmer, traditional approach due to lac& of s&illsand


    •Enor"ani)ed sector, una#are of !asic farm mana"ement practices$

    •Dac& of farmF mar&et infra structures G mar&etin" information$

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx




    • S. sponsorship and oernmentHs &een interest in a"ricultural"ro#th can !oost up this !usiness project$

    • :ruit production is a potential source of hi"her eAports earnin"s$

    -u"e tar"et mar&et in Southern Punja! and Sindh re"ion could !eeAtremely pro;ta!le$



    0is& of hu"e loss !y natural disasters li&e earthBua&es and Ioods$• =ue to fear of default, !an&er community has reluctance for

    lendin" loans$

    • Dac& of a#areness a!out economics, demand G supply in mar&et$

    • Do# sain", lo# holdin" capacity G increasin" leel of poerty$

    • on(aaila!ility of su!sidy G taA holidays$

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    Project Profile

    • 'onsider to !e lar"est sector$

    • >pproA$ 2J% of total production$

    •  The total alue of production #as oer 0s$ 2K !illion$

    •  Total annual production estimated at 1$914 milliontons$

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    Project Pro;le

    • > medium si)ed "rapes cultiation farm on 5 acres of land$

    •  K species of "rapes #ill produce$

    •  Three distinctie a"ro(climatic )ones$

    • Pre(feasi!ility study, K "rape plants per acre #ill !e cultiated$

    •  The estimated "rape production per acre #ould !e 4,2 &"s eAcludin"

    1% #asta"e$•  The proposed farm #ill produce around 21, &"s of "rapes annually$

    • Proide employment opportunities to t#o 627 indiiduals directly, #hileseasonal pic&ers G pac&ers #ould also !e reBuired$

    •  The total time frame is around 18 months, #hereas, productie life of a"rape plant to produce fruits is more than 1 years$

    •  The cost of capital is 0s$ 8$1 million ,0s$ 2$44 million 0s$ $KJ million is#or&in" capital$

    • rapes cultiation can !e a hi"hly pro;ta!le !usiness enture for thefarmers if modern farmin" techniBues are applied$

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx



    Red Globe (11,000 hectares)

    Cardinal (7,000 hectares)

     Kings Rb! (1",000 hectares)

     #arc $lac% ( 1"" hectares)

     Perlette (&& hectares)

     Crimson ('"0 hectares)

     ltana (ndar Khani ( 1',000 hectares)

    Prodction o Grapes Farms

    *rea *nd Prodction +


    ear   Total Area



    nes)1&&0-1&&.   8192 42941

    1&&.-'000   8383 71968

    '000-'00.   8543 74143

    '00.-'010   8724 74346

    '010-'01.   8943 75848

    '01.-'0'0   9016 77421


     Total >rea 6 hec7

    Producion 6 tones7

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx



  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    rapes 'ultiation and Production

    Process :lo#

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx



    • usiness De"al Status

    • Cnstalled and /perational F Proposed'apacity

    • eo"raphical potential forinestment

    • Space 0eBuirement

    • Project Docation

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    Project Cnestment

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx



    • Project :inancin"

    • Project 'ost

    escription etails

    1otal 2uity 3045 1,549,442

    6ank Loan 3045 1,549,442

    Markup to the6orro7er 34a+e 8annum5


    1enure o' the Loan3"ears5


    Project %ost escription *mount 3Rs5

     %apital %ost 6uildin+ 8

    )n'rastructure Farm


    Structure/ Plantationand 2uipmentFurniture ; Fi?ture


    Pre,operatin+ %ost 52?,49

    1otal %apital %ost 2,485,K99

    Ra7 Material )nventory 8K,J?1 

    #p,'ront *+riculturalLand Lease Rent


    %ash 825,95

    1otal &orkin+ %apital KK8,1?5

    1otal Project %ost 8,9?,??5

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    '0CTC'>D :>'T/0S•

    est a"ronomic practices$• 'ommercial ia!ility$

    • Cdenti;cation of arieties$

    • Proper soil analysis$

    •  Timely control$

    •  Timely irri"ation$

    • >ppropriate post(harest$

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    Sector G Cndustry >nalysis

    • > comparatie adanta"e in production and eAports$

    •  -u"e demand for "rapes$

    • >n analysis of lon"(term inestment decisions for "rape production in thePunja! G Sindh area$

    •  The analysis oMers the true #orth of farmers lon" term inestmentdecisions for "rape production$

    • Search diMerent suppliers, tar"et potential mar&et , competitors identifyeAporter and traders

    • 'hec& the !usiness position in the industry $

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    .ar&et Cnformation

    • Sector 'haracteristics

    • .ar&et Potential

    'ompetitors•  Tar"et customers

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    9$1 Project

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    9$2 Project :inancin"

    escription etails


  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    9$4 Space 0eBuirement

    escription stimated*rea3S2 't5

    #nit %ost3Rs.5

    1otal %ost3Rs.5

    rapes Sortin" and

    Pac&a"in" Shed

    K J 42,

    :ruit Stora"e 0oom 1 ? ?,

    Store for :arm Cnputs 1 ? ?,

    @ash 0oom 5 K 8,

    Da!or 0oom 1 ? ?,

    1otal @A0/000

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    9$5 :arm Structure, Plantation and

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    9$5 :arm Structure, Plantation and

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    9$K :urniture and :iAture0eBuirement

    escription Buantity #nit %ost 3Rs.5 1otal %ost3Rs.5

    'hairs 2 1, 2,

     Ta!les forPac&in"

    8 5, 15,

    Stools 5 5 2,5

    Di"htin" etc$ 2,

    :ans 2 2,2 4,4

    1otal D/A00

  • 8/20/2019 grapes yard Final.pptx


    9$J Pre(operatin" 'ost=etail

    escription 1otal %ost3Rs.5

    Permanent StaM Salaries for 12 .onths 82K,

    Crri"ation, reen .anure, and :ertili)er !efore Plantation 18,4?

    Crri"ation for 12 months J?,

    :un"al Spray after K months of Plantation 2,J5

    >ccrued Cnterest 1J,?19

    1otal Pre,operatin+ %ost DE/0A

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