


aaa __u_BB) itothp. pbinck/s m.8affrkh*nsion-


tovi.ov.Mwch6.-EarlGranTille, Br.tiah Mm-

isterfor Affaira, delivere.. a long apeech mthe Honse of LordB thia evening about the Bis¬

marck coi;troverHy.Furl Granvnle said he felt that it would be un-

bcconiiug for him to taake a lcugthy repiy ber» to

Prince HiatnarckX apeech in the Reichatag ou M -n-

dav, becauee Pnnce Bismarck had raised aevcral

ponitsconcerninaanumber of ..ritten cc-_a«nunl-catioBa whieh had baaa axchauged and a MBBhatcf dispatches whieh had beaa l__]f^***gItook before being del.verod and had declandthat diapatchaa had been pabliahod ought

never to have been pubhshed.-Tbo_*."aald Bat- Oranxill* " to make such

» Btalcnent Ln the roffnUr way to Prince Bismarckas ______

show him that the ahove points may bear

a very .liflerant color. I aiBcerely rcgret that the

¦Baaa. I made in tl.e House of Lords under preaaure:,_ _.voro oartv attaek should have aniioyedf_taca^ Hsinurck.wln. ev.denlly labored andera-nmc^nc ption. The Duke of »«^* *_*»*_tacketl tl.e (.overnuient. tMjiof ^ott.wn-P*£3abow tl.e Fgypuau poliey to hc badaod a . M

___rei«- statesmau condemna lt.' I _«_fa_a_*__JlD,_._l.;,k-.»fl..chmond had no oecaaBm to u np ¦ «

<d l'.mce Bia-aawh'l ^V^^^^JrhSetZtl. foilow the£^. °f__._»*f{*ghavo said opimou-whiel. Pnnco Bisuiar.K gave-he i»rcvious and preaent Goveinrncnt to

i'evn (i I presumed he did not expecti*Ctoah.ndon all liberty of actiea ir.ear fomgnam.i eolouial po icv. 1BB tiirusx wus*

u_d a the Duke of Kichmoi.d, aat atP -c Biamarek.. The .latter. to n.y areajJii-it. aaaattaad thia as having »a»w«itof ajwhlpo.ii.velv B-sscrt doea uot attach to it. I*rn <

fci .,oaxch alao complained of my incom-ctlv .1 -

iirn . .._. h.s advica, or. rather, opnuon. whieh,mcViiftriie I had m. riaht to mention, it

5?,nos New. re.urding tbe ivords.take EsXBt.'! ought orobably to 1nwe u-r.l .»

beU.r idirlsc if I rAmio... wUlstvefe cer.ainly applicable toanuexatib ;anri.ticloiate, or evou to occupatiou. NonodS;S;.r.-, tiioreauduobody would be injuredW,n> bv a of coiiude... e tban myaalL 1

tKJt bbBBB ta refer to thoae pnvate and meaoij^,,",, Priiice gtanarrkratbe Keichstag but to anbaequentdec...r.i UM -

whicli were t.ot coiiridenti-.l and /.^¥£J"_gto me to express Gern.any'e fonncr. if not h( t prMt hope that Enaland aould r.preseut tarppa a m-

to def.nd myaelf. but to. corre. t ine

xuisamuehcnsioua whieh are ia.xitable when i.u-

Si'riani ntterances aro &£2^£'fm\*Sffl' ofJ-aonentty happeaa, bctweeu the eapital* oi

Kn.rn' N-o coi'ilnry more fully aad r ,.!y a >-

Sfl.lll" .ieru.a.iv's iiiiinciisely imp.rtaut poaitionln l.uroi>c tban docs Englaud.Lord suid tha ia was now n r«

thau ever l>efore to the interert of ( Kiiglaiid thal tha reiatious between tl.e two

r».Te-.meiits8boiild be uood. because lt wasat tlio

uum> whon both poweis were aboaltomeeteactioihoriu all parta of the woild. "Wh.lM ca,.

power will maint.-iin its nehta. lwth oud.t toad-Yaiice ¦ said he. "in their coinnion work ol extciiu-

iiig coniin. rce and civilizaiKju in a sp.rit of candid^.inrai.ou." Ue denicd that be Lad pul.l.s. ode-Jiilidoutn.lmatter d by 1 rnice jiis-

nan-k. 11b. GaBaVaa C_t_aaee h.r. he aaid, rnuathavo inisundcrstood him. for F.-.igliDd. bcyon.l anyothvrNation. waagratitiea at Genuany s grca'i.ess..nd would no affolta to reta.u tl.e Inendsatpnow existina between the two governments."All my ertbrt-s," aaid Lord (.ranville. ... conclu-

Bkw. "will be axartad in favor of tbo .-(.ncin.itcryix.licv whieh Pnnce Bismarck has skctclicd o,.t.

Coiint Harbart lUsmarck v.sitcd the Pnnce ofWales to-day. He was charged with inocoii\e\.

fngof aapecial communicat.ou to the eilct tnal

thel.tup.-ror Williani wus desimus of aiaintaimnaoordial relal.ons between tho statesincu ol buglanUauid thoseof (.ermany. .__. ____.Count von Munster.the Gcrman AJabMaador. had

a eonferenre with Earl Granv.lle, at whieb ba Lare.porled to have given nne lii-

jn-.rck wiispxertmgliisiutluciice ... iiiduce IL deGicrs. the l.'ussian M.nistcr of 1-ore.iru Aftmr-. t--

.grec to ftaiuiultaneonawithdrawalof Kus.ia.ia aiu.

AighauB from the disputed fronticr outpo.sts,a-

CONDITION OF Ttta. BRIIISH NAVY.Loxdun. Mareh «..ln the H«»uso of Lords this

axaning the Earl of Northbrook, First Lo.d ef theAdminilty. m a siiocch maiutained that lh.-

Kavy was suponor to that of Franoo or any otherKat.oa. lie said it waa the mtentionof theGoTcrn-BMiit tobuild thirty torpedo boats. Ten of them

bad alraady l«»n ordcred. With rcgard totlie navaldofencos of the various coionies of Great lliitain.P_url of Northbrook gave asBiiraiice that the i»"v-

ernment would gladly asaist them lt. any Vay pos-Bible la improre the defeuces ou their coasts.

*» ..

8UFFEKINGS OF THE SI.AKIM GARUISON.Sbakim, Murch 6..There is mnch taUtettaf

Baaong the garrlaon here, because of tl.e scareity of frtali

WLoMron. Mareh fi.-flenoral Brackeubury'* column ar¬

rlved attMerawl to-day.

GENERAL WOLSELKY NOT RECALLED.' Kobti. Marcb 6..The report tbat i.oiht.iIW«4_s-iey had been reealled ls dcnled. III* health l* Im

atwing aud hi* eyasigtit i* better. Wben the cant.ui-

_Dtuit of tbe trooj* is effeeted Oenoral Wilaeley a_B BO.u» tourof lu.pectlon to the XlleaUtlou* IjoIwco.i A.

Bouim aud lK.ngola. He has no iuientioii ol leav.n_Kgypt _^_

PEBAT1X0THE RRDISTRinUriON BILI*Lonuon, Mareh G.The debate on the Re-

eiatrll.ution of Seatsbill tal reaunted in tbe

ef Commons to-dav. Mr. I'amell a aaaaaa lnWhieh he declared that the llorornuieut lnflu.ucc.1 tU<-_«i__j_l»*ionerB to dl»crimluate ln f .or ot

th« EnKllah ProU-slaut ln.ere*.* totha (Jeirliiieut ot tu* Nationalla.a andCatholir* ui allot'iif aeata lu Ulster. Mr. Hbnw-Ijef.-vr.naM that any unfa-rne-B had l>een practico.l. I lie

Hoaae went into couiBalttee of the whole, and agrt-ed t..tao claiues of the hilh

ENGLAND AND RU8SIA FRIE.VDLY.'London, Murch7..Itisreported intlielobbicH

that the (iov. muif-ut ha* received ihe 88988881 St.5'cti-rsbiiric dispatch. and that it is j.__-iUc lu tone. 'IheItaVy S'tri this uiornliij. <onlirui. n.o i.-jM.ri ti...! sucha dispatch haa beeu received.

{.HOOTING AT A 8WI8S Jl*DGE.Bf.bnk, Marcb 6.-An attempt to kiil IL

Dauaur. prcsldlngjudije of the pollce trlbunal of l_au the eapital of the Canton ofYaud, Hwitz .rland,.aamude to-day. M. I.uiour w;u pre»iding over a civil

trlal ln the pollce tribunal The defcn-lant lu the actloii.M. Chavan, while tho ca»* wa* tu pro^rea*. drew a re-

xolver, aud pointmg lt at the chlef Judge. nj-od. Ue badao BBBB-f douc so tuan Geardou, the cleTk of tbe tntni-

Bal.and Blancburd. the usber. sprang upou hltn and

attempted to di»ann bim. He succeeded in emptying liisrevolvor lu the attaek be u.ade up-n Oaardoa undblamburd liefore he »aa oveii_Dwere.l and dlsana.d._r*rssl.l.-nt l>umnr waa not lill l»y the bullet tlred at b in.tut tb.- <-:ork and the uahor were badly AfterbelnK ulaced under arrest. Chavan suld that he wa* notBorry for what iu- had doiie, and deelare.1 that bo badgonr imo tho tribuual with tbe Inteuiiou ot killn.g tbopresident aod all the otherJudge*.

EXPLOSION IN A 81LESIAN MINE.London, Mareh 6.-An eiplo.iion ocenircd in

aeollie. at KarwUi, a vlllage of A.ietrlan Jsileal..,... <u>-.At the tlme of the ezploaiou 147 meu were In tbe aataa,_-_diiiaa*>ot uukuowu whelher or uot any of UieuiWer. taved.


NEW8 N0TE8 FttOM LONDON.IjO.sixjh, Mareli 0.

Boicioa at Monaco..The aoeiety 1* oxerci»r«l over theauicldo of .. yo.iUK Knglish.nan, wbos* BBBBB ls for tliotiresi-iii coiirs al.-d frouj the pn-aa. He was recentlytoarried aud lately lo»l $250,000 gaiubltux al Monaco.

Tiik VoL-nrrar.R*,.The total of theenrolled voluuteersta Qieal ltrltaln at tb« <-nt time 1* aunouueed -..

816,000 meu, tue grruloat nuniber yet attalued.

ToWatcoaaTHE Pkincb or WAiK*.-Thou**nds of»*r»ou* lu Irelaud ure aiguing petltious of kladatolhr Iiublin Cbamlier «r Counucico. urglng that bodytoforin a araudcouiuiltteo ol roeeptlon for th<- PriiiceBad Irlncesa of Waie* upon the occaslau of tbeir toIi-lau-.


riiir bad Exouon of fboxtieb life.Three small boys lived in neiKhboring houaes

ln Klujr .u Tuoy played togelher, read dlme uoveis ta-fether and re*olved to " go We*t" at tue earllcat oir-p-riuiMty. Tbe opi_.rti.utiy cwue about ln> > week* ago,.Whe&oaeof the lad* named Bobert Honnrtt <!.- -.w-i.-.lthal bt. luothor had «350 put aw«y in a dra wer.H* took tha money. rt-uarted bia aucrca.s i« Ina ooin-pHclous, J.nie* Kl.rn.-y, aaje al-tecn. ol No. .',» K ln*: -t.,|ud H. J. Hc.nlon. aga lauru-eu, of >'o.87 Klng-at Kobort 1* fltteeu year* old,aod liveaatNo. SA Klug-at The Lad* lost uo time luwavtng New-York, aud nothii.-g more was board ofthem uiitll laat i.U'.t. whea tbey were enrountoredta Canal-at. by I'olicemau McMauua, of the .-ut."pr.-.-iu.a. They aald tbey had l_f.n to Sew-Orlean* aodBlao to Texa*. but all tb*y w*til__d now wa* to ko.ome. Only sJjKS 50 of the 9HM) waa lefa, but ea_-h of *he<last* waa armed alth a oheap revolrer. They were


botftoYt, Mareh compliance with the.aaaea. of Ibe president of tbe lloaton Water Powerttompauy that the truat*** under au Ludeuture ofJuue1,1X71, be reriutred ta tlle their aeeeuui lu tke HuffoikCaaatf Prohata Oeort, Oeorgo K. Ktcbardiwu, one of the jaal_rt__j aaasraftaaj Bal loaa, ba. ar«a »___ an account an j

behalf ethlmaelf and bia aa-oplatec Iba f**0.*,^S__i_a___|ai___f|§_-_r_Sctired by a mo«We of tha corupany'a «« «»2j*£ _.$l.G3K,87l,leavlng a balanoe of B-,153. rne caan ou

haud la *210. .


naiiK BBBBBBB and ap.tibtic coMniNATioytfl TO nr.

BHOWN HY MH. KLU-NDKB.A floral ahow in aid of the Gerinan nnd Or-

thopodic IIosDltala 1* to be glven by ('. V. Klundcr

under the patronage of Mra. W. H. Yanderbtlt, Mr*.

Wt:ilnru Aator, Mrs. Wllliam ___WJ and other ladle. proml-nent ln soclal llfe. It will opt-n on Monday ln the Kni.-k-erbocker BuUdlng, at Klftb-ave. and Twentx-elghtb-at-,and will preaent aome novel and lntereatlng features.

The large room ln whloh tbe dlsolay will, be mado

londslUolf mluilrably to tho .rhe.iio of dccoratlon. It

will be ligbtedby smull electilc lljrhta. As the ol.ject I*

to exhlblt not fifty or a hundred apcdmeiis of eaeh va-

riety of flowers. but to show the elfert of them ln solld

niasses. there wl!l be uo mlugllng of varictica. The re-

cesaedwlu.lowtrontii.gou Fiftli-avo.. whlch iuakes an

arch ten fc-ct in diaincter and twenty fect lu helght, will

be ltn.-U with f.ri.s. scrvit.g as a back grouud for s.ity

or more vaiieties of orcblds nrruiiged ln tdocka of

cuntraatiug aetoia, XhewaHaal abe room wilibo hun*

lus.juarosof solld S".oon.ea<lis..iiaro compoaed of tbe

folia^-c of some ono purticular roso. The IM8B, lu

tuii raeaa, ¦ateatag lhaaa «* aaai-V aa axi-ftla ta aataa.wiii bo sot aaataat thia Uxtag tai-osiry. Tbo aaaaairosrs. for cxninplc, n rare spoclinon, in 88881 between a

Mwriiiial Ni.i and Mfraa, wtD teaaaaai ta axaaaattaa aaaaa ladtBairfhaltli hat aaa-aai ItaewaaepBa-r aetorcd tatlaca So witli tl.o Pfeaaata ¦aaaalt, tl.o i-*dy de

Lyons an.l other-, over a bui.dred varietlt-a.

To illustrate the liiuitationsof docoi-ative art a* ap-

pliedto dinncr-irtviiu: two taTle*. 1888 s. Mn tt-UM and

ono ln silver. wl'.l o.-ciipy a departmont af Iha room,

wi.ich wiii i.e .livi.iod by paaaa and Moe-B-_l ptaata. covers wiii i.o i_id for atfhteeaand rixlio.i ic.-i_?, ni-d n 1X88, With MaM

waH-kaowB Bad peMBaeat neMet^niM la gold totter.on tha leaf. wiii lie beelde aaeb plate. Ml.«r, emuiand daawab ara bal a siuuii part ai tba aeeeBBoHeeef aawthetlc dluner-table, Tbe floral _-a.nii.ire .. thaaa,w,.t.ic-->TwllTSreoaeafalr Mea tfthe laipo^rtaaaeolriowoi-s nt reaata bb nnporiuuce aecond only t-- tu< a.iue*.

An n c rVt.,:_ n-aturr of tha dtaplar wlU ba ft****.fori.ail. ooreaxe aad brb-al l» wbtah thehuh-ionUas llckle und liaiun al.lo ua la of a 'nd) a

_Wn Ti.evi.itor, mnuiii. hla ejra esrer tbe eUboratebaptl.malfout.tb- uwrrlagc-bell ilagtag onl Belaalee*,.;,'.,:.. .,,,.,,.io f, alr. the M jra-^aaaadhomaboe* aod afl iha ***»«.- _"%._,* __.°._-of tO-daj r.-vcl., Will ci.ncliid.- Uiat tl.e tuturebaa little to efto ln th* »a| ... aaaderleea for pteaalna thoae .aeneea to whieh flow-,-,, particuUril appeal. IheUteatfloral ¦"**>»»"£.»¦.wlldcl .ver, re I auS whlte dMdeUpuB,«dairiee, l»"i'"'.aad tUaea, thoae chlMraa ol tha bo.hooae, ...rn of rl. n

,,,!.d.tea__.wUI be dlaplara-l on teWea

ll,,- !,-,-. 1, ,-f .!.¦ r......i. t.i.oth.r will. lli.-tln.-»t ap.-cl.miisui bel.etiope.carnutlena, i>rii.n<»»-.-»«lii»«n.i <_j'I"-Ktome worth* old laiimaatar, leai atoj^l^rtojtoothar aarth, - M get « jB-anaa of tha tuUaa » thUnew Knlekerbocker dwelUna be would «r..lii werebranidea ol pr-xraas. 0. rululr be eeuld w^tflj J"-1-'

f.r adu i-i.-i. to this three day* of June well apeat. Tl

bonra of exhlhitlon will b. betweea 11 a. m. and lt.p. m.

hi ibe 9th, 10th, aad lltb <./ Mar.-b.ii sbou.d i..» tbal Ihe t_caj__ue_elIthla florsi d -- i.mou.itiior io wraral Ihaaaaad d...lars. w;ii i..-

..i.u. i,. Mi. Klunder, ahooriglnated thal be wiii

aUo plaoe tba enUre recelpt* of the exhIMtkm ta tbahandsof the committee ot ladlei baxlaa lt m hai :¦ Whe iliM-lod ciiually l.olwt-o.n the Oeriuaii und Oi tt.--i- 81.Iln-l'itsla. __


,,:.] ai si _oo*_a oa ni OBoaci n "m^ raut-Mor pk.vzatce" iins

JitdpiiiK' !>>' tbe att.-iulance last night nt theAe__aa_j or Maata to heurtbc ..f.eaaaa ".' VBaaaaaa"suiik with a aaaaaa <-f pnalaa aella. meu, one migi.t auio thal the rij/iit 8f n> ii.i- tt o! tha force wa. u irr. at

noreltjrtea-lXaa Taaaafa, and that axaaw citi/tn was

an-ioiuto aat for once u rtaa ol liis cluit pnleataam Baaaiaa thi* may be. tho Aaailiay wa*

crowded. Many of the pios.cnluui boxe* wero t_~. B,tl.e aaahaaaaa chalrs. fa.nlly clrclo aud *ra-

leries were etmijlately flllcd and th888 Bhawore not fortunato cuoaifh to obUIn trvrvelM-at. ch.-erfully su.ol diirln tln- p<-rf..riiiaine F\.-r>-boily s'-cui.-d to l.c pleaacd wllh tho eiil.-rtainiu.-at, *ndaii tbe ralaa aaw aaaai an.i mbbj ta a Baaaaa arhlahBtkBi f'-rtU and prolonzed applauae from tln-

aadhaaaa Mti OeftraBe faihar aaa spo.-i.iiy aaaapla.lik- lu tbe rolc of Atabel. Her to.o in tbo tlr.t aot

was r.clvcd witb graal ontiiu. i.sni. aud abe

waa ol.lbred to n-j^iut It. Cl.i.r.oa H.. I'.irsona, as

ilujorOrtuTul SUml.y. ui-" wa. aucc«*aful. aud playadbi» ourt lo .bo ftjiiin.uc.i.Jii of tbo uudieuro. Jlu. wa. aw«Ju_1" < .|_ot..tlo.i, araa tiie »p|mnranrs» or tl.e I <>

lkciaoi.-* t'horua ln thi- -c BOV A chorua of i. certalul) a uom-1 ¦ttractlou, anda* tbe torty Kullunt aongaU-ra of tb.-M. t ropolitan PaHaa, ln all ibe alory oftb. ir bluc coats .rn bra-« bitttoua tnarchrd upon tboatiiifo tlirv gret-tett wllh u burat of appiauteauchaal'uitlmigl.t Ii.m uci. pro.i.lof

1 ii. * out two t.y two. lcl by Captaln F.lbert o.Bmlth and l.orgaanl I. Iward Mon-t. Althoi.Kh tha itaaxof tln- Aeademy la .pi-cious, theac forty iHiileem.-ncompletcly lil.ed lt. an.l tbe pt.-t.y dauj.-bt.ra of(;-.,<rii^ KUiuiey w. n- urarly crowiled out of »i.lil1 bo Nt-w-York policeiuan ls. however, uoted for bls g.l-la-,trj an.l licvotioii to tlio fair *oi. and wben It wa*a.-< n thal the ladlea araaa t-oiiur rfaaaai too far. tb* nmn-

iM.rtli in. mls-ra ol the iMinu-l lu.nlc tln-ium-Ivo* _. hiu.hi

¦ ;. ...iblo, and a little eorner at the left oftl.. atnge was left free for tbo fem.ile cborus.Tho . uorus-leader of tbe paUeB-Bia ***

Bobert O. Jeakiaa. wha i* aota__a_ober of tl.e i_ul.eeforce, but wln. tllli-d liis roll t>> tho natl-faClo.i of all.Ba the eluba whlch ara bb irr.-.t a lerxerte arll BeenBB*e li-BTBte-l t.. tbocuaUl.i.Ury moulim uud tln- " ta.a.ra," cliorua rollcfont from thoao dc-|. cb*at-., tln-a.ul-enie waaeoBvolaed w.tu laexUnxulabaole laui-liter.K..r a tiioui-ni tbe w..rtby potteeaaea wera takaaaba.-k at lindi.ig thcinaelvoa the BBhfcWtl of BM rniin nl

on tb. part ..f d-Bplc eltlaaaa, and taei aeeeBed i-> i»- aatb. iMiint of takinga fow of tbe audi. n-o .... Itm. r.»-

luomiNirlug tbe ttrcum_Unoe._. tbey d.-cd.-d lo aceepttb.- i.ii.ttion uraeofuily. Tbelr eoadeeenaloa redonbledIha omhii»i_-iui of tl.e thr) were appuuMadaiul reciill. -1 r. poatedlv. ' "The l'»l «

luiin's Ixit " |« elailv dellghtad the an.l aa an

ii, .,.<. *om»- renee wero am._ whu I. hu-l an »j;j.lii utioii utta.i*. Il.-re la a frug.nout wbiebwaa loiidly ap|-laiidodWl.eo ibe rtyuamlter. arou t a-dyusmltinx. dyuAniit-ui,nrmaniif-iiu ln* their bo.n »i

When Ib* ufia-liil Soc1aIiat*aieuv.ia-iu.-et|iig, nut a-uieetliig,Aud Vseull l'U.llcy 88888*1 Ure lirr «un-(itlicr line* Iolluwe*lal..»ulJir»tlce nnd the ploas-

ui-e whlch tln- policemen woald ezpenauee to ooaductany DMHnbera w tiie aadleee* before in.- Hoaer. The, iirui.i lell aiuni load aaa.uaa an.l tbe auda aaa aa. i-i.-.ithat they never iH-tore ku.-w what a bialy thej_--ice foree la. Tha partenaaaaa will ba rep._a.d tbiaBjlteiBoun aud cvc.uug.

TXCIVF.XTS IX BOCIETY.Mra. David Lyall and the Miaaex Lyull, of

I', l;r»okl> u, were at __BB8 to a laCfl numiioi

of fri.-nda ye-terday afternoon. Among tlo-ir citlior.

v.ore Mr>. Kl-saiu. Mrs. and Misa l.i.rnea, Mlaa lluale-

burst, MIs* It. niiam, Mrs. Sheldon, Miss I.aooy, aud Mr.and Mrs. Lnckermai-Mra. Wynaiil Van iCauIt, asslstod by Mias Van /.andt,

guve a ple.iisant rec-j.tioii at hor homo, .No. 31 West

Twciity-tlftli at., .ifl.;ruoou. Miss Vi.u Z.n.ltba* orjra.ii_4.-d u " comiuerco" club, wblob met for the

flrst Ume last cvoiiiii,-; at hor baaaa, Tbo kuiuo was

playod niitil a B_ta l.iiir. Tl.e .nombeia of tl.o luli willnu et every i'bursday ivonmg thmugli ihe reiiiaimlcr of

Oeetaa Kiddle s-ave au latawaalaa rcadlng at Mra.,T ¦ 1.'a boino lu I'ui»ii-at., lirooklyu, yo»-terday afternoon. for tha boii.-lii ol tbe Brookiyn Bomefarcoiihi-mj.tiv.-s. Mra BbaMaa, Mrs. ll. it. Oteaia,Mrs. Hoagbtallux, Mr- Baraaa .nd oiher* aara preaent.

Mrs. Boiijaiiiin De I.auatar «uve a rcoei.tion wltbilaiiclin.' lasl .vo.iini? at Ber B0BBB, No. :.H(l Weat llnrty-»,.,.i-.t. __e aneeta laelBded Mias OBaaeroa. Mis* r, Mias Bower*. Mr. f.-riin, Mr. waikor. r>, Mml IIIM, aud John the tbo Ara.liiio (lul> iire.ont ves-

terdax Blteraeea at Mi* Bwlag'a tea^cixea iu tloirBoner. were tha Misse. Bii.throp. Misn BoaraBHU., ti.eMlaaea Bperer, M.aa Maud laiuud, Mlaa la.uii-a Morgaa,Mia* Morso, Mias I_.wrenco, l.vncli. Miss Mol.t-Komery, Ml»w Whlte ami Mli* McKlui. Tho club willme. t iie.t I liur. .I.. v al Mra. K.uttar'a house.Mra. llowl.nd. off furltou-ave., lirooklyu, hold a re-

cepll-.n yealordsy afternoou.__i**<inu-e DuiyaeBi-rtiijaii, nlec^ of (Ieneral Abram

iJiiriea. waama.ilod to eilllam II. McKu.ney, Jr., ou

Tbwiartar. the itev. K. Wallaee Neii otficiating. Thejou.ig eo-.iple will sall for Kernandlua, 1 ia., to-oay.


THH-WEDltlSO OF (IEXERAL TREVIXO.Ni kvo Labkdo, Mexico, Mareh 0..(Jeueral

Tres-ino, coiuman.ler of ihe army lu -Northeru Mexlco,baa In Nuevo L-lBeBah from Mouteiey, to con-

. ariaiigemi-cta lor Ma furtbeomlug ma. .la..-.with Siiioi ila i.u"- /.'-iniii ..uo, whoao lalUer la lb*

partioi of .---(ioveriior M ln u, _n.| one of the wealtbiostii..-.. buntaoi tln kej- il.l.e. lt la expauted the liuptl.l.-. roiuony will n.- one o! the mo»t brilliuul tbal ba* overlaken plaoe lu Norihon. Mcxioo.



Boston, Marcb G.-A privute letter wub re¬

ceived iu ¦aetoa to-<lay from tho wlfe of Captain llray,of the miiwlouaiy Moii.l.ig Htar. It.oiu.- by way of Val-..ari.l.o ami la dale.l Jnuii.iv 17, at wl.i.-n tlme w.a ut MmiuIv r..i.l. lu tiie Slraita of,with all 88 ooai.i well.

CBEUAT10X OF Ulr- KAVTBAWB BODY.The Ixxly of .Mra. i'urolin., wife of

Rlgkamund Kyifmai., . well-kuswn lawyer, waa ln-

.Iner.tedln ___a-a*lci, |-..n.,ou Tlmraday. Tbe bodyarrtved ln eba.*;.- of M-.m. Kaal._u-a.haf t.iotber-lu-law, aud wa*t«k>n lo tu. urinaU. !um. lt waaplaeedlu Ihe i*u.U al 5. '0 p. iu.. aud rauueed to aahe* luabout *n hi-i:r.

KILLED HY A BAB EJ.PL081CS.Tl, iK-cuuialatiou of BBB «_i.s. <S ac exploftion

.aat i.lKh'l» Iha re...i.ofiBv ntli _TT o. thi '^udardcl Onaafabi llaok, B. J. John l..n< h. v. <n >rk-l__n_i ww tl). - .""' .¦. --.ihd- workmau waa daugarvuelyweuun-U. L>] vAdi «.. u_-_-r.t__. '



The uir in Madison Pquare Gurden yeBter.laywas raw and eold. Tl.e huge atructur*. aiwaya chargedwltb uiolsture, felt Uke a vaiut. The frlnge of bumantythat lo&ked over the plcket fonoe at the skatera wero

blue ln the faee. Meu trled to sink thclr head* between

their shouldera that tbeir cara nilKbt got proteetionfrom their top eoat collari. Wouien «hlverea r ." pulled.thclr wrap* more closcly about thrui. The skatera alao

felt the chauge lu the atmoephcre. Maddo- looked Ukea pbost. a* he atalked an.unr. ln a ligbt eolored ulat.r

tbat hld bis tln .1 lcg*. Hchock'a weary body wa* eucassslin n bcavy wliltc knltt.slji.cke.. lioyst wore a short eoatwltb the eollar turned up. Honovan had a nsl mufllorn!..iiit his neck. o'Mella won-his rntlre war Irol.--. In

this faahion they skated throi^h the innmlnR andaft.riioot). Wl,on tl.e cl.-ctrlc IirIiI was turned on. andBome hundreds of gas iotsweto liglit-d tbe air grewwnnner and tl.o men dofled their rxtra ganuent*.The atteudance durlng theniornlng ws* llr-ht. It ln-

creased to a co.iple of thousand in tl.o afternoon. Thiadld not ei|>n, aod many wonden-d If WaaaA Ouruot would come ont whole. Csilonel Wood savs

_t__|__-(.,(>00 was o.rended before tlio atart wna mado.Thia siim. ho _ays, ro|-n--¦ ut. th- rent of tl.o (iur.l.n f-T

» wei-k. the ft.-or, ndvrrtl-Ini; u.ul 8 liui-drod other ox-

paaaai af wtatm tl.e ¦aaaaan al tha raco never Iraaaaaiiinlll the aftalr was under way. Th.- daily exj 88888 ure

...i.i tebaa niti.- Btwr tMeMa. ai taa aaaatiagaf tka raaathoy were largi-r.' Tlu-ro la a ¦___ army of ctnplnyes.Tlii.iU.-ii.liuc mi Piindav night uiia amall. I >n araa aat aiaehbetier. <»n Teeaday, weflne*dayBadTharada] nlgbta thero wji. money lu tlio urewaa,midlftlie ilii-e to.lav an.l lo nU'lit la mtgo tliOinanaircra aag tba. they will enaaa oal ali. _>l. .,

Tlio m.'iii who aai. "d 1100 "ii S.tinlay uUht tiie

leader woaM aal aoxer too mllea, imtd laa hrl reateraaymorning. Pobotbb panaed the BOu mlle poto at an earlyhour, and at o*ee_a«ned forward lutothe 900 nilebiock.At s o'cloek lnst BUhl ho va. i.i-r tlftv nill-* nl'.-a Iof tbe M-rimii man. '. his waa Bo) st 11.- paaaed Beboek a

.onreat6:40p.m. Pcbockahated uelnallday,bal itaefe t<> th- tnirk manfully. At uil.liil-'tit hc IedBoyat tweetr-two aattea an.l Bxe laaa. Al Bo'eloel rea-lorlav moriilinr he w.ia m-arlv llilrtv-citfh. BBUeB alu-.i-lol Boj -i. «im bad a-.uio t<> i-.-.l. At eeoa ata Irad was de-iniM-il io aerenteea and a ball mlle*. Betweea inid-tit_rl.t and <> .-'clii.k I.i Mi- -i.-iitn. Bebocl was off thetraea oulv tw<> boora, wi.i:.- BejrBl aVsp.¦a lu.iir aad a ball loaaar. The thleaaa man

Muck le hla work. imt conld not aatup ald apred.i i.i tiil no .ii be .1 7'- ii,u.-. HU beal

bm_r*a ">:_ araa between il end 19 o'cloek, wben becovered «..<. mllea. Ou Taeadaj be -k ited al tbe12 mllea aa boer. Helef. Ihe track al fi:10. comph-n i

exbauated. II-r-iu.i-i-d oir aali a ahorl tlme st-.l waaloiuily el', .-r.-.l hia n tiil... bal f-.-iinl himaell in tiu- raee und witli poor preapetta afrstalalago\. n tiuit poetl laa.

Iioiiuvali tea-llh ln.r.a__ -1 hl» 1- a.l OTl 1 S. lu_"V __XrlB8tbeday. Al mldolghl ba waa 80 Mlle* abead. At »;in tbe bia i- .-I b i- deereaaed te -."> aillea.At noon Iio had run it np <<> SBB-MJ at .1 |>. iu. to IT

0 r Pcho.-k. At 1 m. in- Doao. in waaiv'i mias Bhead <>f n--yst flre bonra;,it. ho waa <IH» B_1K -I Al I."i.:- I-11 aai '-C-s. mil-s. Fr<>n> lln_ hour I v-:

eatltdowaalowly.bat*teadll/. Doaevaa *.u« "H thetra.-k for thaaa hewa i«i weee nii.ini.-it. aad aooa. Baiv.ii-n tbeaahoaraheatoted -ti tmir-, a b. v- .. uul..-

ra!-- III* i.i--.-t work waaduae between Bead10, l- un I,a 13aod :s o'cloek. lu . a. ii <>f tknaabaaxa ba -kai-.i 10 mllea. li- l<>..ks n. tbetbettei nur woraa lhaa ba itd aa Iharada]He oarrlaa a eaiaU apoace wbieb ba eonalantly pnacalnat blsuoatrlla lt l* geaerahy believe>l that I>ooo an will wta theraaa Bov*i baa Meadewhe aracoe-t!-i- '.I ttnit he wiii r-1 li ihe tnal »i:-t. n<- lata nnrbtn-tt-r condition tban Dtiaovaa,!* .. faatakaler,aadweald bare » good iao« II be arera * Ithla twenly-B. ¦mllea of the b-ader aad had i.-r-.. i_ht bonra ab ad elllllll.BaratahaptS-ahaarsraaterdar. ib-.wi-.-ii ll nn i v.

o'cloeb ba -kat..i 11 flailea, t.ut bia averaar. Ineludlna :."-jlioi.r* al.-ej,. r.oiu to ii-m.u w.i« only i-l» mlleIn l- lu.ur- be 1-.HH---I ¦-.-.'>. mllea oa flebocl .n-l a. i>.:i<»took m i-i.i- e Thia poalUoo be oaa retaia vlthouldlfflculty. Bcbocb lu.s ta_-.. ta dogglngMeddox and ih<- Malae abaaiplea ioesafl in><- itll- I.1I..I- * deaparata aflorl le ahaka in* lottaaar,WboB. n-iillv ln* le.iiior. ta I'.e afl.-r.. I. it BM ii"l_:i. <.. od until Bchoek'a tr.ilnrr toob lil-n off Itie tnvku i,. u in- akatea.Bcboeb'a bead .. m-t lerel wnh iba j.icke. fen-<. B ln n lu- Btaada BtTalxhli,, |. ;. took '¦' lachea biga Ia thia eoaatralaadj,,,..:,oi he .katea r« at a taater t.iitlhaa aome <>f ln* <mapaiatlTi Ij h»ah opnooenu.,i..i Btill ii ii in fn.m ,-f m lu-. k aad »i.l Btnuada wni.O'Mella f.-r ihlrd plaea. 1 rom mldi ;_ .i uatll <i ..'cl..-kla-i aaenlaf (/Malla was "'? tbe tiu k twa aaal aaa-balf hoara, or a half haor le«a thaa Madaox. Betwaea7 and in o". lo. k ... Ihe Uiorai*K Mad-1->x ak.te.1thlny tnll... aud batweaa lo aud 11 o'clorblie cov.-n-d cl-von l,.i!.a. I " th- fl.-telafhteea hour. ad th- <1sy ba aks'-s| a.-Teii nelea .ii

liout, Iii- tbra. li .ur. alorj. At l .. iu i. «...

Df.trn inlhna abrat <-f 'CMeil... a. » Bv in.oJli-.ii.suwillnn s-vrli nilln* of himIhe m-n wlio _¦. i Ui- ui.-«t BJ_BDBthl fr-nu tl.e

Bpeaaaaacaaaa Daaaeaa aad aebaek. taoy ?.¦' lb* moa.¦pplauaa nl">. v, baa ps-Uo.-k'a tr-J-ur. »u.-«w<.r.l* hlm op Lal lilrt.l «.' thal be >.I-I .(.mi a'utoattr.u-lit for a wlnle. Tue -t..w 1 rbaen d a-.S a .- .1 la a

iimuiiir that t> i..ui'1-l ald p*-1aalr_BB* of t.wir p.lmyo u elaaa nl._er.rr .1 l>.oko<. 1... Dl.lit a. tf Ik.iu,

.ui would wln. wl.h a ». af .Im.iji I.ISSiniloa lli« aaare will de|Mii.I. to *oni« extentmi llorat. If tbo latter w-iiks hanl br may u ,k-Il.uiovan n-el off 1,1V. ..ill-- Imt lf !!.-.-t BM-HMap hla aalnd he eaat wta, Doaovaa'a aeora u... n.-i n,,.,! i.u.. » nnir*. Thlrd plaea will f^ii laBhaoek. M.-l-ilot or (.'M'-ila, Wllh tln- <!i.«l..e. ln f.\... ofi.Ni-.i.i. if i.e I. properif ii.u-ii-.i. The aaparlaaaaof Ma-l-1ox. wlu, l« *n old man »t .he buaineee. m*yiui.h him i.iio third plaaa Iha ataaiawtM prubai.iylatah as tlicy alood at mMalgbtTbe .kuter*had tnore than (tn- u_u»l in- eiiiin- t-.-x-

erl lh. ma. Hca Uat Blxbt Al - o'l loal Ihe) w. re .-t-ml»h>-d lo see a body >'f mo;. al-itrnia, in.l I, ,,.:i.-.lafior ih- laahlna >.f tha aaatila aaaa aaa f«.r alithal gaxaaeaa eraaharaa lasn li Iate taa laeleaara andrange tbemaelrea aleag Ita aaithara and aeothera beaadarie*. Tho) »cn-iiriiied Wllh tiu exea of ftgaattO BlBO.Tbe* w*re foUowed i>v a eoaipaay of bmahta *iui ladlaa,Boldlera uud aall»r«. page*. atudonu. clowna.hurl.-iulu*. flower alrla, blaok, l.lue uu r.-.ldovila, Yaukcea of '71. aud hlnmueu of'Bfl aai a ho»l afoiiioi eharaetara aarai mb-ung Iroai a».:ui\.i. Thel.olicc.iiim with tho awaUad h.a.1 w»_ pro-fllaeat|. thn ciowd. Ile ha.idie.1 hla liut. an.l <loit_ rity. Baa liuil.-r Boddad.-oiidearendliiifly to tho crowd a* he akat.-d aromulwith the Olldnaaa nt Nl<ht. Ihe lu.vltal.le ..dii.lo,-' whoraugBt tbe attent.on of thaerowd ny fsillnif mrr bia*-a.lf and thou rollmgoior the gieetar i-aet »f Iha fl.M.r.w*. pr< »i l.t and ho, of couiw, turu. -1 ou. to )_» one of thebaal skatera .... tl.o floor. Tlio al.enda.iee waa Ihe larirestof .he woek. A* a BoaaeonaBee tba r.-eraiua.1- unuaiial eflorta to dl-.IiiftuUb thoijis, Ivo*and ata applaaaa AtlOafoloeb btaaaox »»« chrerrdiipm peaaiBg Beboek. Hn.uil duii.'t .i-i- ar on th* track.Of tbe tiiiruiiiioe men wln. Bterted aereateaa rwala.

It looked Iate Uat night a* If ('..hoii, 1'tjllllj.* »,.«).h.ul l- ft tha track for faed.

1 lu loBowSiii.' t.l.le show* the poaltlons of tiie meu at(i u. in ii'iiiu. (i I' hi aiul mlilul.lit, kii.I glvaa thn nuiu-Ih-i ut bonra of |_MBB haa b-en Oll tho track

1KHI_-V.11IXiratM» l-l-.irH..KM-k(J ..Irl.a.MaverA.u n-J UI, I, ..Hi\.«ldC.11,1.11*Walttra(..i.slmn.


U.i.llllobinsoflph.lUiait Ull. L

U.', !-. a in in"..! ii p. di l j. in un i»

Ml»l H7i>4 P'.iiS K7..1 I'.S,i :i Bll t, ...7 4 Bia

748 7 7--7. H.l.l H -H.l --3»7'..4.-_ r»> .i1 H71 -i s-.| ; 1-;7_. .4 7 1.7 Sla.7 s-7 J«mi i 7'|<M. 7IS. 7 :l M 11 '.j.;.7 5 MM 7"i.:. 7«H.I '---816.1 WH.! .'.iu... 7_-._ 'i' 6.0.7, enA.i 7io :i.i-H4.I UV.S.I MCB" 7IO 43.'..,;.... .-_io BBB -.- .41.1 4Hi.Bin.5| 6,'.l &!<_ 4 B__ 4.1507 5l» 6 OM. l:.l 1 l I_M> 8.18 . IgHl t,.ll .1 44anil' l.l 1 ..".'. :t ...mi 4'_4:_».6 4'iM..'. f, 1 6V.V7 01 Hi404.0 I.' 4Ci«4 191.6 61.

LEASE OF MADIKOS BQVAEB (IAUDEX.The Mutliaoi. Siiuant (.ardei. was leased vch-

tc.iiay to Wood an-l (,arn-tl for tlvc -,. a._, »nli tli- |.rl\-DBaaaf taa. tebaaaad aa a roii.-r _aal_aa rlak, I'l' iiiipion iiiouta will bo aad -I-ni-¦ |iii. Ill ol.tho lou.lh-.ui- aiilc. Tbe ronl va. 111 Ij. iy'...,.nsj . year.



arnoa fata,Ai-BANV. Mareh G (Sprcial)..Tlio towti «-lcc-

tlona ln forty-alx of tbe couiit.-M of t.,e Matp ahowlitrj,-- gain. for the Kopi.lillci.n party, ao Utxo tlr.l JohnW. Vroomao, tho aeeretarr of tho hepahtlaaa .-ta'o .'otu-nillloo. i-aya thut th.-re ean bo no tl.o Si.ito

goliig Ki-Jiublican noil fall. The --aius have beclilai.-,-|" i.ii.v lu Ho Ki-j.'ii-lu-i.u couiitlea, Imt there in.vo

bocn ao.uc I.i ino-t "f the Democratic counlle* ua w-ILThe countl.aof L'l.ter aud Keoaaelaer are aboul tl.o

only onea ln wlil. h Uu I'.uioiiata huv. mado Kiiliia. Ab-adiiig ltepubllcau aatimatc. thal the ltepu:>-ii.nii i-atii over tho itcpuhllcati vote last f.llBU.oiiiit.to20.UOO. Mr. Vrooman baa prejiurod a

t.ljiilated alal.iii.ut aliow mi; the .um- and loaae* of I olhuartloa ln tho i-lcctloua for auperv.aor. whicli ln.k 88888on tlio auiue day u* the lowu .-lecti,.*-.. Bupervlaor. l.i.vebeen iu the counlle. of Allegany, Urootue. ( *Ma-

raiiirua, Cayuga, ('huiiUu.jiia, CheuiiiiiK. CI.oDauj.-o. u-

ton, C'oluinbia, C'orllanil, I>elaaare, liut. lie*-., Krle, K»-888, Kranklln, Kul.on. «i.-u.-_-e,, H.-rki-oor,Jcfferson, Lcwla, ModlM.n, Monr.M-, Mi.utKo.o.-ry, Om-uUOuoudaga, Onlario, Oi.nj/c. Oaw*j.o. OtaBBb Iteua-.elaei.Ht. I.ttwrenre. Harutotfii. rv hohurli rhuyler, BraaeBMcuIm-ii, Mihivaii. ll-L-a, roiiij.kina, i«r, Ba*hln*Ttoa,Wuyue, B' V.n-i.

lu fortvnvo .--ilille. there ha* >een a'ni' n

of forty-three au|.-rv.aora. Ttua la a larga aaaaba '¦¦ ¦¦th* f_--t la u|.|iretlule.l tbal lu uu.ny l:-| iiuii-.u r i *I ' i.i.ic au|iervla"ra f ., ;-i.onalr ». n*

aoioly. t.oiernoi ,~_-i iii.uii i.B aald tbal lb. iu lai.lii. i.u1 n allon ol how Ibe -lal- o Haw-Yocb la ...-.ui. alat f-ill rleitlou I* ll.- aprlf.* man und aujs-rvlaoi le.-tion iu tho Ba_r_aaa < euattea. BapabUaaM aaa eaa ra <ii-iii- u» _..)-.uh- Tl.-ole,tloii of aii|M-r»ia..ra .*__. h .'.. .11«\ei lae Htato, mj tl al llc.ui be ..-. ej.tod aaa li- sl».oil!jy'n-l,. . ii-.ii of the ¦*¦') Ihelldc .1 1_j.iI 18 '* IBBX >'> ln iheht.i..-.Oue notable feature of tbe I.-. lu.ii* I* .h.-it Ihel'ro-'oul. t* havo auiTun.-t lu. ..-ri co- ntj <-win_ '... wllh tho Deuj.M-r.ila i..-t Ull -ns" Co.nmia-J.ouo.M Imr- ilel.Hi.Ml lh. No l.lce| a --.!!.iii.alonor*. ieij ..i-.-ir iu lH).ware>_>iiii.y imr )¦*« been a re

veraal «>I '.'"¦ *ltuMt.oii i- year »(< Tbi l. thore wereMiiuU_.i«> ta.- ¦- l< i._!»ivui.i and twa iicauae

CommlssloDer*. Thia year only two -Co Lleenae Com-iniaaiuiif-r* hare been eleoted _the remalntna **Tenteeoare Llceuae Cururuluionere. The Prohtbltlon party baareceived a baekset whlch lt will not be able to reeoverfrom for mauy yeara, lu the oplnlon of many polltlciau*.

ATTICMPTUVO TO BLOW UP A HOU8B.Pobt Jekvis, Mareh 6..A few nijrhta ago

two young men called on the daughtera of BamuelGo*er, at noliutervllle, Wayue County, Penn. Theywer- objectlonable to tho glrls and especlally so toMra. (lower, who ejecte.l them from tho houae. OnWedneaday, about 6 o'cloek ln the inornlng, the Urowerfauiily wa* aUrtlcd by an exploslon whlch shook thehouse. One 0f the fauiily, ln looklng out of the wlndow,aaw Jacob F. Helsiicker, ono of the young men who badbeen ejectcd hy Mr*. (lower, ninning away from theJionae. (in lnveatiiratlon it wa* dlaeovered that had ,,.,,, badly ahattorod by the oxploaion, andwas on Ure. After lh* flro wua eitlnRiilahcd |>urta of afu.e aud fraKiuonta of a brok-n bottle w*re found ui thekit-li-n. lio.-u.-k-r and Frank, his aaaa*I-.tni-ui, were ui re-t-d on a clmrare of atteni|.t1iiK to blowuji Ui-li.ii,,. witb jm.w.lor. Thoy wore taken to H-.u---dajeJall und the (.rand Jury belng tu ses.lou thoy wtroiudlctod.

A tXIBMBJOTtOB FK«.M hKNATOR ARKT.T.L.Aliianv, Manh 6 (Spccial).. S.-nafor

Arkoll d-alro. a corroctlon of a paracraph iu tbla inorii-lin.-'a I_uaVBB with referenoe to au excuralon of N.-w-i .] 1-aiiM under his auaptccs, couplcd wltb an ln-timatlo.i that Iha afon salilexciirsion Is a.i|.|u.s.-d to havesome coii.iectlon wltb hla eaadldaey for (Jovoruor of th*M ite. The Baaalaf has ,,., oo.i.iecti'in whntevor witli

ii run!. ii,j,i.,i, ,| *xe__-aloa and will not be u niemli-r oftbe party. li ortglnaied witi.i.i- ion, WllUaa. .1. Ark-il.thebaalnea* manager of M- .\H>:<ty is ih tlgiird us a little trrat to a fow of hla p81811881fiiciida, with uo aetttteal Iirnlll. un..- whatevcr.

" J'AT" J0TCE7B NAEBOW ESC.U'E.rwo MTaraatocnj vonaa wim wobubbpul

HaoauiKa ro mthi aa bbb-N a bubbiiiuib.1'atiick .liivce and O'Donoxan Htisna worc

Ha ii.;:._.- Bgyptlaa aaWlaa .1. tha aaaai af ttta DM-aJfiu/iwu'i >c-icnlay. Itrooklyn, J.-rsey Clty nnd Hobo-kei. Iia.l -!- o ,t--. j-r.-s. ut. Baaa af II.on. l.i-ist.-d thutIwi-i.ti tivo 111111 who. ou; 1 11-0 ilyiiamitc would l.o h. t'orfor B _______ thaa I'.i.OO uith oldTa»hiou.d slecl uudl-.-ul." .1 moment, men," aald Hosan.

By tiie pr rkin* nf my Ihiirnh..Bea_aU___f *.. «.<l tin.s w.y cu;ae».

who's thaaa 1"-ii'.. nu," mui n K|U.nky ratea, aal _____ the ibbJHbb

of won.-t.'. clothlug was h. :trd out.ide ln tiu- i>:n.u_---.The ilyii.uiilt-nrs jiiiupod to tl.-lr f.-.-t overy ono... |- it " Jaxaa. Mrttaaaly epaaed tha door.

'. Oh, Mr. Joj co, I kn.iw you I .aw you over ln IheTuiiil.-. 1 hn la my Misa "

" You kiiuw me, oh I Then wall a BMBBBBl nntil wo

l-n-|-»n- to rro.-lve you. BseBUM 1110. la-lie-, Imt ln ti.iiosof M-ir no lnn.i's lif- is I .fo." And Joyc- hl.ii.ituod tl.edoor ln tlu-lr (Ba s.

" v> hat's ap i" Baaaa aahai... | ihluc s-il.l the li.-iitenint, " but J-.i»t\eep rj.ilrt a

in-iiu.i.i." I .i.-ii Ilal -li 11 iiulte chlef wa* lukod ll. his_aaeta_a

'. (0111-ln. Indles,-- . >¦ ,|..-.-, t.irnlne to the vl-lto.s," au-l 1-t m- f. !l you nt the __BjBb.tBg thut I _>u peapnadto i-ni laa l.uilit-i lut . any on- you r..u!>l .11.-

-ii.-. I am p-rl aj>*, but in tiuioa ofwar uo m.i.'a ,.;.¦ 1, ..rn. MI down.Th-.taa aaaaai looa made known thaa. kaaaaaaaa

Tiio) bad mbm v. iy Baafal __ast___aa ta tht -ir ledftaajatn.tov.ii Ii.i-. ..f Ihi-.n-uily wen- nocded .<. .e|_,r..t-

fron. i.u ...i.ui. lu- flratexploded woaM .. curot:,i .i.i ol tbe land; u.- secoud woald viiu

II..ui- Ituli, .....i Ibe t nr.l aud laet i_u>i.l-r-«h.» k woul-1n-suit in ih* i-i-- lamatioa «.f an IrUh EtepubUe. " I oaa_u -.- th- iu," Ihe vwin.i ii *___.

«._ . - that 1* to aay-well, lf Idon't i-o Ah I tlme mlk'ht I o»!l I "

.. Ani tlme," ai.,1 the vl-n. lagracoruliy bowod thoui-ae!.-- o lt.- I (..-.!' " a.. .1 " Pi* " arith a »l-l. of r.-iii f... ra _".'' »- i>-.. s ..'.' aear.'. \-i . ». I. I-. i.i... a\u_. hul bo a.lU'-.l well, ajid

... intrndm tion loryoo."In ti..- avealng. »'. < anof *.-. oal f-.r the addreaa." Mr«.

ldll.-iii.-ot, ror et ..f Bfee, Fotirth aad w il feUerentiiat-" An ..-... aaaaaa atlh ".,n _a_a aaawatad hlab_Beat_- Ar- i-.ii'], woman that ha* Iba Baacblaee, und do

it tj Im. .-i .i Boaaa . "

Bha *..i .... .l.i.i'l, and aaked hlm If 88 «aan't Mr.J..-..

- Nu," ...i.| u'Coiiiior. " but I haxa a 1. ttor afi.itnsi i.-ti .ii." aad he baaaa l> raaa. Th- t-MiU tha l.tter ir--ii Mm aad dlaap-

throiigh tiie atro.--. d.H.r, abe lockadonibeo U-d« <....-! u-r. f. na aomewhal aervoo*,held t... n-volr-ra rlruiH In hla hai.da. uud. with a

we,-li uia t. -1.1. J-.- .I H|> Bad downU.e.l.. . . :.! Boltlj ilo -r.."i --J..-I'.-d.aud

,iu..-i _..m.ti. with »wo >..iii._-1 oue* jaaered la.- rhat'a BSBI U." (U-y ail... to ll.eold wo.n»u.

,,, ,,, i, ,. . -.iu oi oiiio.r t» l.lui-i ilMra. Diile.ii-.-r th. ii-iiter..! anl t-i-1 Mr O'Colinor tbal

tt,r _n .'. !!¦. Iiiutbiut-B jurforicd lo _iioWthem tn Mr Jo).e iu |w-rai»n.W l>. li < >i .-I.i r> l.irue,! to .he oltlee. he wa« decomle.l

b) >.r lt-.«ra »Ith tt.e I'.-lilall Vlrtorut (,'rosa, u.ul d.^u.i. M f..r iu.ii,- dlaie duty lu the Boodaa." I'd have ow n aliol. ha I I Kone tho.e," Joyoe sald.

0B111 ABI.lIMolllY BHAY I-tTHUS,

I'mi.Ai'i i im \. M.irel. .".. Tiiinttliy Sliny Ar-tlii.r, Iha wo!l kii-.iiii wnter an.l, ilio.1 at hlari ,:.!rn. < i.eio l.r-iilghl froiu ki-in > trouble*. B§8 aaveuty*lx y-ar*.

Mr. Artbur wa* born In Newburg. N*. Y., ln IMM,Wlioii <|iilte young h- r-uiKi.-l to luttlmore, wherehe »f(|.ulill»h.Ml i. woekly Bawapapaf cullod/_. jUiaamai ta 1841 ba reaseared t<> p_____Wahia.where he h.a aiu.e ro-i-l-l. Mr. Artbur haa writtOBmaaj popular lalee -UBatraHre of deaaaatli llfe aad da* t«» l.tiiinoie inoraiitv. Aniot.if hla worka .aa] bameatloned - i.i.i.ta uu-l Shadaaraaf Baal Ufe,.IhaMgl.ta ln a l.a. room." " Talra for Blel and 1'oor.".¦ I.i ran f.-r tba iioua-hold." ¦. ThiaB Yeara la H M..U-

Ttap," **TkoQomtTiieoCamlax." an-l w.uka.Mr. Artbur waa .rtl»olT et.iraged lu llt. rsry work au-lln e.liti.iic Arthur't Homr ilagiuior unlll threo wn-k**_o. wh-u hc wa* for.isl to 88888 hl» labor mid tako tohla l» 1.

?-tOtt BLD DOOOI iKVlNd.

Mrs. H. leit DadfH Irvinir dii-d on Thiusdayat th. h .in-of hor aist.-r. Mr» maa Paaaa trtr_-a.~a!'j _B 1'entl.-at. Mra. Irvl.ig had almoat couijiloto.I BMeljrlityssecoiid year. Hko wua tho, both liy IiIo.mI und

¦axrtaaa tt Vaahlaajlaa irviog. ii.-r fath.-r wa* g.-u-

aral Maaaai l»o.Ue, aud h.-r awlhai waa Atm Irvlnir, thuiiuih-ir'a K.ater. Her busl.and I'.erro Monroe Irvlun wa.

lh- .of Uiliiaui III BBB, wlu. was W.ahl.iicton Irvlu_'aluoia-r n.iout alao yeara auo. II*im.. i-.-u a/aablaatea Irviiu'a i»in.te .eeretarx, aud tohim «u* 1-ft the ta«k of publlshiiig tue .. I.itl.-r.,,f u...hiii_-l.»i Irvinj:," in whlch voliiiuiiioua work thoband of hla wlfe, vbo liaaju .t -li-.l. ».-. i-.--.n-> -ii-c.-rnlui,-. Mra. I'.h/a DoigB tmaf, wha attll llaai »t un n-l-Miiii.-.i ,ii;o alao ui.uu.-.l her O.iar, ll.o aou ofw iimmand tba brotherof Plerre Irrlaa. Tuo funeral ol.Mr*. li viint wiii i.k- plaea tbla morniuK st IB «.'<iloea utI,,.,,.- .hiii.-h. The burial wiii ho ln th- oli BJeopylloln.w Ce.neierr nt Tarrytowu, tho gravo. of horhualisiid and h.-r fa.uoua uncle.

JAMMHCOTT..Jatiies Scotl, tl.e li. ail of Ihe llrm af Williiin.

H. -otfa .uia, of No. 111 W.ll st., diinl yeaterday morning.II, _ad baaa IU ouly elnce Hunduy. Ou WodBeaday pueti-i,i,.iiiad.'velo|_i«.| and death followed wlthln forty-elKhtbaaaa _tx.ieata_B_B_Ba__itBaaaaaai ..f

,,|leeliii|»>rlcrs lu this-Ity. It wus f.-uudod by hla father,who ls .t.ll Hvln*. ll. Mik'tl mor- than oighly y.-ars old.Under ns preee-1 uianagom.-ut it laalo-V -l Jaaaea aad hialiioih-i. Juhu F. Boo-t. A teiui known ... th- trade ua

. ..-. iitt's grailea "r. for* la Mr. Hoott'a .Ussiii. aUon ot

,,,||,-,-., whieh b.n roui- to Im> tho «.-,o|.t< .1 Btaa I..I-I- II"w m iiifc'iiiy aataamad annlallr. w..a a m-iuii-r »i ihe i nioariiib.thi I'n.on ____BX__j and tbo .NoW-^ork Taeht ClUB,_i,,l was .uo of tln- f..iiiul-rs of th* Down-Towii ClnlJ.

jii_h..iii. «aaatK& MMFtftb-ara Helaateeawataw,who waa M.a. Antoine.te T.m», of thi. clty, and two,i,n ia. ra. Ihafaaaaal axaraaaai wiii uke piace Mon-

UH-tBO'.N'. N. Y., Mareh .! (.s>cnVi/).-I."r«nz(i

Burrowa dlod at hla bome In Alblon tlns inornlng of old

a.e and geueral lebllity, at tho ago of eietit)-one Inl .|s he ... BBM-Ied to < froaa here nnd,_,. lerma. Il.< waa .fl-iwurd aleeted Coiutroller undi:,-...i. ..f tl..- r.iii-i.ity ..f tinaHiato. F»raarajalxearah- w.apie.l.leut of tl.o Firal Natlonal Ilank of Alb.ou.

..,.,_«lanre frtlitaa ilo wa* a baxahaf of _ b,. iurrowe, lb-

CIIAHI.EH A. WHITNKY.Cltariai A. Whitiiey, the aecr.-tary of tlio

K**t Natlonal lUnk, dl*d reatarday at -** hotue,^o. l K» Eeal Forty flfth-.t. He wua tukeu alck on

Moudav « ih pneiimnnla, aud lasluir nearly aevontj yeur*ui, thu iii-.-.a,- aeted qalefclp. His leiBBlBlag famiiynsi.i -jI a .ou uud thu. d.UKht-r*.


John J. Cliaae, ..r-Hiipciiiteiuleiit of thoHoli-.keii fe-.-ry. di.-il joslerday iiftnr a BH-l lliuos*. Ile

m»_ lu >s.uj. rlie*. N. Y., In IHI."., und 888X81 ffOtAu ,l.. k ha.i.l --ii a .-.iiiisll alcaiii.iout. Ile ufi.-raaru ue-

... BVlaii -f th-aaiuo. vosael, and lu May, UfJ,_ho..h1 a p >.-.iou a. Baperlaiaadaal af laa Hoaoaeai, rn.*. Tw yeara aaa ba gava ut. hia ataaa aaaaaaa of

.i Ine**. M- w.a a prom.iient Fr.o Mason, aud wua<*

, I,.-!.i. iIjo lloboi-i -u Foriymena A».<>. latlon. Ihe

fiiuai U all! UUte pluee ta uiorrow lu the Kerormcd( 'i"w Arnol.l. *«ce Iifty ulne, of the Orm of Arnold Alicruheiiiier*. No. B4 8Ute-*l and a memoer ot

the I'r - l.«¦, d.eal ou Thurtalay at hl* bome,So. 12- 1-i-M8l. ly Miai-aU

ARI I8T OFA XOTBti UUEF AT WAbUIXQTOX.John Si-ntb. uliiut ".Si.iii.y" S.nilh, ali.iH

ItoKorr, u liailoi-i ., ll»lng *t No. 337 iJtal KUtnalitb-at,,w,u*rreat.a.i*,Ki.m ou by'*>.__«:tre-S-rL. auUM'._'il..and Hh-key, rhsmed with graidlar.. ..- (-,. tu* nuht ..f June _Jj. lB_8_ha aMa a aaMwaten .u.'chu.:. fr-.u. MaryCo*. No. UI7 KlUal.otl. .t-

II. wa* ar.v.te.1, b..t**eaiasd fr.-m the Toi.ibs by Juup-lua tUxougii a wuidow b__.k ol Uw Ju-iUoe . do*k_


The Lake Shore and Michigan SoutheroRailroad Company yeaterday fllod lt* report for tho l.ual-neaa of the quarter ended Deeember 31, 1884, with theNew-York State liallroad Commlsaioner*. The tardines*lnfillng the atatement (nlne week* inBtead of alx weekaafter the explratlon of the quarter) perhape la due to tbefaet that the quarter eompletta the company'* fla-.tlyear. A* compared with the same quarter of 1883, thehahuice of net earnlnga after the paymeut of flrst chargeaahow* a deereaae ot *"-...:i,*i5-_. aud aa no divldend waa

paid for the quarter of 1884 there remalned a *urplu. of*«47.20l uiMiust -i aurplu* of $201,8*23 after the pay-n.ent of 2 per cent divldend for tho quarter of 1883.

A COMPARISOM OF Bl' 31, 1893 UM Dlfferencea.Oraea reaaipt* ..$4,7y_,_wi $..,mso,042 dtc s-.>13,83.upcrarm* oxj>en»«a-udtaxua,. _.68>V-9:. .-,1_9,108 dec 51.S.H87

NeteaniliiB..$'i.l0b,bHH . 1.7i.o.»>3« dec *.i~t.'"-'-Kix.-d thargu*. 814.4.". U,ij7_._43 lnc 1.8,1.10naianco,l'..],l.'.:{ ».'_17,_J1 dec 1313 »6iguarcr. dividend, i' dec u.ll.3.0

Mu.T)liisnsri|i.iir.*r. $201,823 *-tik7,2.>l iuc *-U3,l.8. Ki.-lualve.jf taz«*.t Ii i-!ii-I,iil' laxi-s.

lly aildiog Iha preaont atutement to the pr-vlo.n threeqiiart-i'ly atiitou.ents, aa iii.ul-- to tho State ('oii.-ml.. u.n-ora, the r-aulta ofM.e comjian)'* hualiie.a the fullyearoflBBi, are.hown. Oaaapaied with the eoaapaayaeatlmatad .tatement kI\o_u to th- pnbUc aa Deeeaabee-I. tho not diffei* from tho catliuato onlya°J8,3A8 Ifl.t it ahow* tha oompaoj oiinu-d for tbeyear Ixm only a ? nmll fracilon ov.r -. |n-r -nt up-m Its¦toek, while it'p.ld 5 per cent ln dividenda. Io.-.ihk of 8_7,1CH] f..r the year. T_» fc.tluiatc.1 aaiaciual -t r- i... uis i'oui|.are a* followa :

lly .-oini.flny a Ity th* foort n.ate nu .rt-rlyYeir ei.rfed l>ee. ot r. porta to

ai.lIM, Dec 24.1881. tha Coin'ra. Idffcrence*.cmaae:irnl.i_-a .814.902,000811,870,431. Dec. *3l,5u"lij.i-i-.i -,-il- ex-ienwaaadiaaaa n.ico.'-oo o.oio.fwo d*:. laMSONetearnlnas. 13.741.500 85,853.489 Ire. |111,'J5H

1 itai .-ai-^c-.. :i.7_.S.(>ll _.K;.7.'_ia lnc. n3(K)l

nalanee. $l.!iM7,>s.9 18^918,317 lnc. $--8,333,-, -I .-,-. paid, 3 portcui . _-,.:_.:..--.-. 2,i7_,_-_Deflclt . 8483,130 8137,10. .

dthuhjufiied la giv.-n ihe balanro aheeia of a year a?o.tnat of the preeedlag .aartar an-l that «.f Deea-aba. .*!.1884, As compared with a year ago the laodeddebt la laereaaed 13.316.000 aod tha net unfunde.l debtI* deereaaed «;7i;i.;.->!». leavlng a n<-t laeraaaeln the of *>_'..ri72.(»l 1. On tl.e otherbaal lhara is an taexaaaa of BS.007,2M in thoamoiint of atoeba and bomla of other eompanlee. Thei.-iii-tion of a_AO,000 to tbe fundod debt from Moptcnt-i.-i 30probably la tberaaalt ol the appllcation ..f tbal.i.un.iil i in- .-r.-.l 1: of ih- ¦_B__ay faad a. reqii.rcd lorth-Iii st i-onaolldaled ln'.id. lh- foliowiux ls the com-pur.suii:


1-c ta, 1881 80,18X1 I'0<\ 11.18C_jb(tractton, ete. *--.--57,73.1 «¦ .-.»r.-. ii 8M.8B1,814Bt._ . uu.. bonda ofother company* ll.CH_,_.H 13,771.018 13..:90.7I4

Valley B it *i-raacai 277,!»88 276.. -0", -77.'.---

,-'i- p -a and iua-..r-mia. i.-'i ks t,taM_aTotal*. $H _VHO,4u7 plO_e9_a,4M *H 3,T:-t;,3J_

liitatttto,< *1 ItM atnok.$r,n,(K)O,00O #30,000,000 f. iii'.. l.t li.l-i'.(.-a) 47.!_B6,(_J0 4'. TL o.hi

No. ti...itiii. «!-bt . v. '¦' 8.811 .7 1.-7-.7.'.iiai.n.o*. . .,881.878 M*a,7_a ...i-i,«i_Total..$lo2,ol0. .07 *l-i.'(o_.,l.,iJ $lo::,7-...;.332

CIATKAI. s invioKNI. UDUCSDlThe oniy iiicinij' ra abaanl t_taa tha BMettac

..f tho l.oi.r.l of dir.iii.r- ol ttio -Now-Vork .'.-iitral I.ail-rond coiiij.any yesterday w.-re IV. JC. Van leroilt andat-UaaaBtlaa a apeclal lut-n-.t w... Bttaahad taahaiu- Baaaa aaaaaal al thaeaa___a____i laaaaaa whi-b hadboeu clnuiatci In Wall-at., rrxanth-g tl.e .juarterly dlvi-.t-n.i aad tho fatan jkj!.<.> af Iha aaaapaay laaaN tl.ew--t bhora raaa. Iha tftraaaara daelarad adtrMeadef1 i-rc.-nt f..r tho 'juartor endluic Mar.-i. :tl. payuble on

Ajiril 1">. A -tat. iiu-iit w is also aliowinjt tl.attha B8xal_wjfl af tha aeeapaap for .thi ¦ peno<i waial«O0par aaal aad tha Maaakaf thaaaaaaaarf palabaila-halBM t as B Juat.tlci.ti.j.i of Uilliaiii II. Viiiiderbllt'a «t..I--

m. nt. leeaa Uaaa tgo, thal tha laad aaaM aBty jmywhat lt earn.-d lu-livul-u is. Tli-y BBBBrtai th it there-du. tion ii. tho dlild.-n-l waa caii-ed by tho falling "tt in

eariilnifa BB uc.-oiint of tho ro- nt Baaa liiu.ka.l--, whlchcbeeked larnely th* movement of trafllc.

f. i-r-tary W88888881 aaM to a TBtBOBB r-p.-rtcr th-itthe w-«t aaart was ¦ .t BMatloaod la tha dlaraaalaai etthemoetlpg. The foUowlna taaolattoe, Lowo-cr, waa

paaaa<! i.v ti - board¦.Vli-i-.i- the oilii-.-r* of thia company have, alnce

the radoetlon tn frel«ht and pa.eengor ratea l.y j.arallrlr.-a-i¦>. re-lti- -d iho r.i.e, of freiijtil aud p._aa«u_:er* totbe lowrat r-at_* to ineel tho*e cnarged tiy our coin|.etl-to. -.

.-K. . ilv-.l. Iha! Ilo- .-tlon of tl.o o!1|.-is uf t____road iuf.,1 i.v,i- _r the r. iiii-t.ou of paxallal raade tu order toprolaiil iu bu.luoaa bo fully apj.rovo.1 "

tiik ril'iaBURQ AM) wi:sti:i:n.riTT-ni i;i,, Haiah 0 (Spfrial)..U is now

atat.-.l that tlio I'lttabiirg au-l Wostern Hullroad Com-jiBBJ ls not only bauk. tijit but that lt ha* been ao forthree >.....-« ami that tho tinio has come whon tl.o ak' tho must 88 nict. To day the|>aj.ra w.-ie draw.. up It ia aald. aakinj; for the aj.j.oiut-in.-ut of aiaaattaa n latarthar aaaaai thal the ayndi-cate the atock o.' thia company waa rojiro-aont.1 h-ro l.y Wililain .-semj.le and Jatm-s (nlery ; InN.-w-Y.-rk l.y K. I>, Karaaa aud Co., and ln Haltiiiiure l-ytho lialtliuon. and (ihl-i l.' ( ...ii|..iu) ; tho tlrsttuo j.arli.-s hoMliiif B7hj pai cent and the last 2,j jm. rcut. The avndti ute Is aaid to Im> iiiulor jdodgo, underth-a .!.ii.-iit iii.t-1- with th- l*u!tliiioi- aud _b_8 1..-1aiimiuer, to pro\ al- iiinney to in-ot Jhe.Iuly Inter. st BBthe iH.ardod i.i.l.litoiluoas, tho amoiint of Ij.iiuIs ,,u t

ln»f b.liiK *-">,17(»,.%(al. It Is further atat.-d thaf tho Aju illiit-i-at on the "NOO.OOO of tho Pltt--N_BKj ttr__tf»rt audiintfaio, gaaxaateed ap tha Ptttahari aad Vaatara,will not be jia.ii. i.u.l the iii..r!_-;./e will bo fore-¦aaaaa. Thi. wiu uot h.irt _ha luttor aai_BB__tlaa, how.ever, aslt will be lt from un u.ijirotitul.loNorthorn llno, will.oiil luuarforo.ioo arith lt*

ayaioui. The bot.d* whlch yester-tay aolu at 02 were to-

day at .*>!», with uo tak-r*. The Intereat on the

road'a houdod imlobtednoha au.ounta to fl.iaio a day.A re|.rc»entiitlve of the iroi. nnd ateol liulustric. ataied

tlmt the and Ohlo ('oinpany 'a ahort time 8ff8a.ioi-.l lok'ttaraiileo tho luiiida ot the road »n the i.aue.f aaa boada baarlni I par eaat laiorast; that Piasldoul Callery, ua well a. many other Uii.'.- hold.-r* of Ihebonds favored tha projeet, bat thal Iha graateetopi.o-ilion lo the ..boiii- caiuo from K. 1). Morjcau Mco who. it is -iai.1. refaaad taaoeede tothe propoa tionand the oplBloa waa eiproaaed that tho att-mpt to.iM-ar" tho -to.-k, was f*r tba pamea of eompelling thoBaa Voiki r_ to coiui- to f'r. slil-ut C.iiory was

not ln the clty to-day. Bobbb ol his Hibordlaatea aai.lth-r- waa BO tiuth ta tho r*p-.rt of Ihe road'a tliiaiiclal.uibaru.siii-'il


M|< IM.I.ANKors HA1I.WAY INTKI.LIOENCE., Mareh 6..The iinnual r.-port of thoLittle K-ick and l'ort fuiitli Kallroad Company for 1S84aiiowatin- ajaaaaaralaaxla baaaaaurni aataaiaaa.-.s-Jl ...-'-; .urplua, *>._". .,ia.(l. 1 ho amoiint of luinds a-i-

oeiledby inn.lauies ia 8X8,000. Iha tetel eharaaa aaaanrreaaed laal year by reaaoaot an Inareaaa laeeapoaacrlpln \*<t Tbeeapltal sto.-k aadaabt cloae of lf-:i except aa to tho oaucellatlon of bo.ul*Baaaa.KoHToN, Mareh l\.-The Tra>ttcri)d aay*: Ihorej.ort

that tho ( lnra.o. 15.irllng.oii and t_ulncy Kallroad Com-

|.any has d.-.ui.d to build aixty mlle* of ro.d fiom

l.oui-lanu, llrighton, llllnol*. for tbe pur-¦888 of Klvingtht-._____ajB_al and 8t. Joscjih roa.1 acou-

n.ctlou Vttb St. Loiila .hd.-i_-iulont of tl.o Wal.,.-!. ro.t.l.can !.<. doiued. The report probabli arlaea from ih- factii, ,t sii.h a roate baa Baaa ___rr_exa. i»y the OMaaaa*lliirlnm'lou and eiull.oera

I'i.. iit.KO. Marcb ll-I'aper* have been proj.aro.l for

prceiitiitloii to tho court uaklng for tho appolntun-.itof ti roeeiver for tl.o I'' and Weatern KallroadCon j.auy. The roiul, lt la now aaid, ha* bi en bankr.ij.tfor two or three yeara, und aeveral*Wbieb havo li-on aiaved ot! nt- |ire-ae.l foraeltlemoiit luboadeddebloautaadlag is U.175.900.aadii. eapital ataak, |7,-UMMKM>. hhoal l_____oa al it*

papor, it I* »aid, wenl Io prolcat here this wenk.

Ktwiu r», Murch 8..Tha Maeaaahaaetta loKiaiative

party tl.ia inornlng laiflBlai the *lto for the pntpoaedhrldgo acroaa the lludaon Klv.r from Klorm Kinjf to

llroakneck Mountaln. The Maaaachuai-tt*

to guarantee the Intereat on bonda for .-..naiructlon not

ex.ocliiiif *."' 000.000. It I* no. known what action tliolillroad Committee will take The uiuuibeia declliiedto^ irnlah ......rslews fo, jiulil.oa.lo... Tbe hrldgo I....ld... t.e iieeded to shorteu r.llwav eommunlcalloii be-tw.Vn New¦ huicland aad tbe coal hold*. The party re-

turned |0 i.a.lon to-day.BUaaaaa__b l-aB__, Mareh 0.-The purchaae of the

Miirqui-tte and Wostern Kullway by the Marquette,____B8-__BI and Ontonagon Kallroad Company haa bean<-onl.. ined, und the roud onco more baaa luouopolyof Iha <>re carrylin; ol tue Marquette lron rau«e.

Toi-kka, Kaiiaaa. Maroh 0,-Artlclea of lucorporatlonof the Kilawortha.iroat Hend and Weatern Kailw.yCompany havo b«-en ttlaiL The coi.ij.aiiy 888888X8 to

build a line of atundard aaugo'betwo-i. Kllawor.b. Kk.i-

aa* and Fucblo. (olorado. a dlatanc- of about 370n^'eaTand «lao l^tween Koud, iu llartot Ooun.yKHiiaaa, and KI .'*.,.., Teia.a totenortttoat Ukemllea- I l.e capilai atock la plaocd ut *U.OOO.OOO.


Litti.e H.iCK, Ark., Mareh ti.-Tho atoamerMilt Hurry waa burned ln the Whlte Kiver, twenty-flvemlle* abovo l.alc*vtlle. to-ilay. 8ha wa* reported to be

loaded wltb rottoi. for 8t. Loula. Tho wa* valuedat ik7,OO0 ; Ui.urod for aj.'i.OOO.BXHIOBB. l'enn.. Maroh «.-A lamp exploded In tho

Iiu..klrkUou-eat5 a. m. toalay, Igultlog the bu.l.u..*-

aud tt*ull__a »u Uie OoatU ol two jraraom., Baraay Fieel,

a bntcher, and lamea Harlln, a Uqnor aeller. Freel <m>eupied the room where tbe flre origlnated, aad Mtxtipoccupied room No. 16. on tbe third floor, irami___*telyabove. The bodle. were found near eaeh other, burnedbeyond rerognltlon. A man named Hhejipard, aerenty-flve yeara old, luniped from a *ecoud-story wlndow andwaa aaved. J.o.k Wboeler eacajted, but wa* allghU*7burucd. O. M. H-llor, a oarpenter In the employ of thaKri- road, Jumped from a third atory wlndow. Ho lebadly burned on the handa and back. U-fore the flrecould bo checked, f-.-ir butldiog. were daatroyed. Thftotal loaa 1*ai-out $10,000.H'i. ii m uii-. NT. J., Mareh 6 (BpreUtt)..Two harn. inthe heart of the clty were burned here last night. Th*lo.a 1* about #1,__X), with full Inatirance. John Dnnnlng,au old mau, waa run into by a hoao-cart aud aerlotialrh.trt.

IIai.ifax. Macb 6..The woollen mlll* of the CulonManufaot.iri.iK Company, about two mllea from Truro,wer.- deetroyed by tiie last The losa Ia $20,0001In.urel for $12,000 ln the Llverpool, ami London, andoiouo, aabtra, Wortbeea, Weetera ami Pbeeata in-surance companiea. The opcratlvc* bad a nnrrow ..*-ruj>-. I; ri e- -_inu-i. tho toreiuau, Jumped froiu a wln¬dow aud -ualainod jiaiuful lujurle*.


GOVEI.XMr.NT IXl-ICATIOXS.W______UMf_t__j Mareh G..For Xow-Kng-laiid,

falr weather, followed by local ralU- or auowa, wanuerweather, vanalde wind*.For the Ml.Mle Atlantle Ptatea, pRrtly cloudy weather

nnd local ralna, wanner ln tl.e 'northcrn portluii, all/hloh-ina-e.. In tompcrature ln tho aotithorn portion, wtudegenerally .outhea.terly. by wcaterly wiud*.

TRI1IUXE LOCAL OIWEUVAT10X8.IKjUics: Moruiujt. J I-9B!___4jll_fjj m v: if>rt*5«7- 91011

.i- L-j-;


.32 f, __i____M_-..i --_>._ ., .

Ta*-1_t-_m »__»¦ tht f% .rr.' '-.: t.riitioiu ta thi. eltj br t.i.h*Ol .... -.«. 1 |>.-r|_?«.I.c.l.r Iin, ¦ rl»-,« f.r tb' 1. _. _r*prfo-dlnf Ki, (rr. (.1 ir ntt» II _*-rpre-r.U 'br -..r. tbr m. Mury dui.n. tlio-l L.-i. 1 _t'.M. . r .loit»_ llnt rt»f<_> nt*.br».r1»:.ou. ln I»n-_K-,_iiir,. _. _._,___». _f ._« !__,_,._.,... ai U__-kai . rl_wi___j, 11. BrM-vaf.

TRiBtTtB Omc*. Mareh 7-1 a. m..In Monlana andth-Wofctorn (imf Stut-s there waa u alight riac iu tem-jjeruture yesterday, and elaowlierc n alight fall. Cl.'udl-n.-.s gaaaaally prevalled from Uakoia to Eaatern T-n-no.«a«_- and tho St. Lawreoee Valley, witli o«c.alunal li_-i.|anow* or ralna. Tho BBBBaam -l.ovc the meau fromTf-xaato M.iino.aot.'i and westwurd, and iui-rea-slng iu theNorthw--. t. Tho movement of the barometer hcrc waaalowiy npward iintll i.o-m, and tlien ilownwanL Thesky clo.nted at nigUfall. The temi>eT_t.iro .ng-cd lie-tween 3i>° an.l 10°, the uver_-_-c CJl1.-/ beiug 28*= lowerthaa Ofl warn.or partly elotnly weather and llithf rala

nr tnea m,i> twexpoetai lo-dai le Uu. cu>- aud v.ciuiiy,wllh cooic-r, clearing w.ath-r to-morrow.-«,-

A Ct-Bltaat Cous-li, witli F«_ilin.r Strengfh,and W;i*tiiigof Fl-sti, ar- i-yinj.toin __MB8__Bg I'liliuoiiitrfaraaaa ¦aaa or laasaaftaaalj. a_hal8B. Dr. jayne'* Kx-paaaataal i* a afe rem.-.iy far laxaa aai Thioat aiu.

IH-iflin* Inlo CiinMiimpflon .A ba". -o-iifh rh»t wn .ldilri_tj-ii'i -I'''- .--iiMiiiiipti'jn lu a -iii.ut ., mav ba circU ia U.r.o uat*with Ilal- s ii, ii y of ll.ire'i.Mm.i of tar.ruo'.s IXethe ba DaaBaeaxa n l nitiiu.e.

Kaihrnitle. tBBklf you wsnl «1 worth uf rmbrni-Iery allk for 10 cent-i. *rad

f»r na BBM.I __atarr .-irls. an.l .< :os . io cent* in ata up*.lo th<; Iraiu-iii 4 Ariiisir-i..',- sj o ,1 S:lk Co- I'LiLttlo vhia.


Tniamnoy ! Imuil.ui returuert frrni tho In*ncnr.llon Int le_f..r,r BhapB, .N.-v-rlH-fur- ha.1 su lu-irh it-»l -ii'..viu-i.t nnane.eara.on. Everyoaefeli it waaaraaily one t<, t _»fui-i i!...i .i.-v oul. iioj 1 iliiiu.- ..uu- IiIj _.u3y-'. l'ur-) M.ltWhiakey.

-a> .

WABBOBIjKNIfiOV.Itonn.On ThursdaT. M»rch 5. atthe reaidi nr.>of I lie tii.l-'s iiio-!ii-r, l.y the C.-. \. P. ..... -r. _aii-ledI.i the Itev. A. t; D-uli-in. J.m-a llarv-y Ueals.ia. o .\.-_-.urU, H.J. l-i Mrs. . .um:. P, Kodd. of J-raoy ity, N J

DOUBl.'.!> \ Y COBCBOPr-On rhursilay. Mareli R. -st. M.-.tlhiaa-a t'hunsli. Svdii'v. N X BT, i.v I ie ll. r,/.a-L.irv llarij, D. tJ.. Jary, .i»uiit»r of Uiineli K.IwiD x. f)»iible<lav. «f FQ,'le»oo>t New-J-raor.BKBD.BOHABD-Ob Thaiida/. Marcb 1 t>v __a i... | lM BaaBL I». IJ.. John H. I'.-e.l tn l-i < a N. Hi.u.rd. .'. ..Uu-r ot tbe lata ueaaral i. Nwwaaat r, *.( nlaaibaa uhiu.

All noti>e* of marriajet imttt be iedorted icith fullaaaa and aaaaxaa.

DIED.Itl IXNAI--A. Bevhaaa. Mareh 4, ll*ch»l. daugbter ot

t.-.e Iate l«-n ral < hauiu-i-y an.l iler.-y i-.kui.Kiiii. ni froiu ..or laio leB-BBBee. J-i-1 l_.udoi.-t-, aB8BB8_BJf a*

'_ p. ui

Kel*livc* -u-1 fru-nda luvite.1 wilhuut furlhar aotice.cAiiPKNTKit.Oa Marcleaaia Baea>Terh (itv.Maiv Dantorih. il-iujrliu-r of w U.lam 11. and Mury H. rar-p< a:.-l 1' v.-ar..

Kmieral a. Ihe r-ai-leii of her jiar-ota. 1'.tth.-t. _n-l Inl-luoiii.o p * - ..u - iiiir.t ty luoruina-. .Mur.-h ,'. -i lo ...

TtOlY.Da, MBBBB .!, w hn lat* reat.lonce, B.1 \l'r-1I. lat at fi It. v /in»IJo.v. rly of MhWletown, Obio.

Baaaa oi .uu. r_j. or. .ner.

QirrfTBIT 1_B Ilu.paday. Man-'i ''. 1-8'.. Anni Sbarminw.f.of Ki-.. -llu A'. tilliordan. daagbiac of the l.t* i'hil*iiu.i l> ila.jriii. iu tln. -tl' y-_r a. u-r i;

liriativa. an-. <.'the fa ullv aro roapectf.llly Invltolt« iti.iul the horlal aenrices at -t J.h.i s Free C'hur, i,Seiaey (.'lly lleiThta, X. J.. ou -miu.I ir. Mareh rl. *t i p m.

ll.Vi.v...( n I'lni s.!*.. H irch 5. Ilclen, widow of I'le.-raM. rvii.^' a-r il ^:y.ta».

lun-i.l ser\u. it OraeB Cliurch, roroer Hniadway audli'.h-J.. ou --anirda Mar. 1.7 at iOo'clo.-k a. m. Bl li.mtown.I.KYI.HI. H--'ti Tue.ilay. Mareh". it N-wtowu. I. I.. .,fpneu'.iou.a, iluiry >. Lcve-ii-h inth--<l*t ht« **;*.

H.laliv.saii'l jro invile; ta »lie_.l tlio a i-vi. ea from tiie lYeaiiyierlaii < tiur.-h at Newtown. ous*tu--lav. Ui* 7:1. luat ... 8«_eieek u. .u.

I'i i.u leave* I.u..' I. I.nd Clty ai -'- ." i> I* kl.i.liy r...|u-.i-.| th d uo aeaat* aa a nt.Mi Ll AK.Al >..ith orlrl.lit. n-'aw.n- (.-o,X. Y., Manh

^I u ,_is-t.*. aawan vv. __ ______

posf.Mra. lho-iliisl.-. Am. l'.m; lajru iu Caven.llah. VI..(iit-lirr tt, l-s.2-dl.-d of c.urrlia puoumoola ___*_¦ i >lp tu.

I-'um-ial from tl.-> resldeuc* uf bat .m.ujhtor, Mrs. Jo_n I,taiaaparl Btrawbanp um. st»:uf.>id. o.m, Mareh 7, ottl Ul.

PRItilt.At hmres.rtence. Itoalrn. t_ I . -ir<1 -lonth, fuurth.j. AiiKuanis i'i ioi, of |>*ri i an . ;e j y-ar<.1 li- nliiiiv, s a-i-l ar.) lavil -1 lo ...on I tiie funeral at. Kr en.l.' Me-liior llous*. .venoary. ... 1.. ou tli|t U..y (StU

lUSt , »t 1 1 uY. ..'_

C'.rri**>. will Im in ur.ltlnr*. We«tbnry St»t! n ... the »r-hval of the -.1 .. ut. lr.i.1 from LB-MJ Island ( itv.

BQOTT ri' oi jiii-iiui.>iili, Bl hia roi.-leaoa. 590 '-thiv.-.. »n t'r.ita.., Mareh li. Jmue* -.o:t, iu ih- 4:uh )i-_r..fhla.*-.

N-it.ce of funeral hereaft-T.VAN l-KLl -Tinuail.y.vM.ri-h 5. al New.Ctncbt, John I_

\ an P-it. iii Ifi 7:>lliyo:ir ... hl.ajre.Kuuerai fro ti his i*_» raaataoaa aa --atiirlav. M.-uvti 7, at 2:'.0o'cloek i- ui "Ith .ui fiiriuor ii-.l.e.

li. ii lea.-a at 2 u. tu on iho llrojkly.i, 11*1 h amiou- v -.a.-l lt tl.

VaB aki:n. a Bfedaaai*r, M»rch4, uiiimm v_a Akou,oftIu-. ny air-sl ..--..; ._.____ ¦__. ,,

luu-ral s-i'vu- s a! tlio rosideiire of Ids fat.ier-ln-law. /acTia.rl.h lu-ilen. k, No --.aat sOth-at.. uu .-s.tur-l.y. 7lh luat..ui o'cloek p. m

rtnlBtl.IB~* a.-lnvit-.l t-> atlend.Inteiai.-ul at Ua conv.-ui.-uce <>f tho fa u.iy.WHIT.-BT.Oa tbe aa) b_bU aiWb raaMaaaa. no. .'i7

.v.irth l-.h si. fbilai-al«ha TllBITI WluiLoy. iu tl.. usituj-.-.i uf iii*_a<-.

Uu* iiiiti.-eor ihe run. ral will lw _rivoa.WIIITNKY-Oa I'rliUv. M.nh'i. ut his reai.t-iic-. 140 Kaat4 ih-aU. ol ptieuilioliU. lliari.a A. WbllB-t/, _«e 7-1 year*.

Frlo.i-la-ire reqii.-ae-l to alteiiil th- luu.-ial arvic- uiih.Church ... ttie Meavt-iily Kael uear 4itha:,.iBMond.ii. M.r.h I »t lou'cl.M-k a tu , an.iar* re»pi»-ifu..rr,-iiuealo.l U"t loa.-n.t tluw-rs

M... i...» ol k-i.~ . od«e. .N .. 4. .'. * A. M ar* InUeeaallyl.ivtted.

epcritii tfatutaa.

a i-'uM-buiiina aaaaai___arp MTMaaalor TUE 8UNDAY NKWgl.

A Q.-KSTIUX OF UAMAOKS;-,Ur. Ihe ..teat ('»-_[!» ree'_ Ai-ooout i'aaa.

Ity J T. TttOWBBI-W.K,Antlior of "' tiiljo'a (ave." *-Moajrhbae Jackwoud."

"(Joupou iloud*," " rti* Vagaoouda," ac.

(.'-.niiiif rhajiier*.u tli»BUNDaV M-.W.-i IiM »KBOWSTMJAY NE .'H T.J-M-)Kll(tW.

Twelvo 1 *xoa. Thr*.- eot*. ; >u .». "-

.i... nrennn.Uon of (OI) LTTBB (-11.-Strenjrthemi.r..' flit-uin5" CA "wi-LI M_ss, Y A ( O *H BM~I_H.( .-?f,K t'Vi. 1.1 \ it Oil, with IKP.lX.aul Q0.JIU.__,j.l.1 H'w.y *nu J7s .'.ih. .v,-.. .s Y._

ll N «miire .V Son«. Jewelera. »T Kii'mn-.l. X. %." Uia'uund t-'.At lliiira iaateue.1 *H ai«*a.

W*_che*,otirown ui.ko. rl >l .>! .» steruiu sitvecwan. B.

Hoine-HaaeT'rasmrrreo. Ac ,,._,._,_._Fiimillo* witli Hreaervea, JelUea, UraniU.l aaJ

i .iino.1 l-rnii*, IKkiea. 4c, pui up int, 1. A > -

%Aod v.,ulanl-d

I'KKIKCILV l't'ltKCircular*. couta-nlne price* »ud r«fereuc*, aent oo apnlloa.

1 " 8AUAH 8. McF.I.RATnSO.i i..-«.ii» s'.. Urooklyn. _!._____

***>*l .IJcd NoUce

fett.-rs fi-r Eni'.usi now! aul oa »padl_1lr dlraala.1 for

¦MoaaaB or auy pwuculur .Unan«r.u .irl.r t. "w^J**?'.lolivorv aldo.t_-.tiiu. ai»ll Iria. AuaattJ ".U -ar* ior-

Port-ia-u mau. for tu. wo.* enani._..M^_-D 7' mm cWM

ll-uoaerLi inano-asai .litn. otBoe «a roo.._-i,

__-lUllUAY-Al .:«. am. ....; BaBBjB, 888 8__a-jBB__B8B>ti».i»ea.i.i»ii. ;.0..»n.. «.,."*'.*.',7,,,_r_0«_?.*£s ____s___^'-TV7_anfvw**^^^__,wXvTa..a-,.^"&rraa_B*lto.di.a.'l.(; " po. l»o-vmnii"?" - .;. a." for Ja«-a«-- B.U Vertuiiims, a»

lisoa iii f,.ri';uioi.e. l'0--» a. Necker. Ma soulha.-i.pi.aairld immirn,.!! l:3o tor cuh* aud PoTlo ll__o. pc* a e.

N iiital a. Via ll..'-iiam N.ivV-A. 7 'd p in for Hon.'.ui.s aud Llrmg.-ttoB, par

* tiYlty ol Oal***. via Xew.ur.eau*.

11.11* lor LhiuJaii't J»|.-m.ner a a. Ci.T of ^em-Yort.jmji_j.i--raiKis.-j e_eaa her.. .\i.i,h _Mj an.a.Ma!.* lor A.tarrall*. X*w.y.oal»u<_ aod KijiJ_uu.ta. per a.V /* ivt. -.n Fr_..cHK)». elaa* *«r*Mareh "7 ai i o. B*. iorouarnv_l at Maw-Toraalal.CelUC w.m Unlisli uiaU* 4vU*lr_l»»!.

~~_a40i1t.iuleo.c1c~11a.0f 1'ran*-.'aciae -naila la amaeaaou lh. oieaai.ipiK.uof tue.r umulerruplwl jv«rl_nt tratMil l_hari Krauoiaco. MalU tro.u tiie l-.-*t arrtTtat oa MI Mk.. mncimjo ou th* i*y "t totliai of Mea aara ar* 'Ua-natehou ihe-o. tb* «bno d.y^ ___^^^__*iu--_-. aawVora. _a. -, *«l». _M*a_»

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