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Grants and Proposal Writing

Michelle Eberle

Consumer Health Information Coordinator


May 2009

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• Common Mistakes

• The Lingo

• Types of grants and funding opportunities

• Basic elements of the proposal

• The Budget

• Proposals for foundation funding

• Q & A

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Common Mistakes

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The “Lingo”

• RFP: request for proposals

• RFA: request for applications

• PA: program announcement

• Application

• Letter of intent

• Call for participation

• Principal investigator

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Types of Grants and Funding

• NN/LM Funding –– Government Grants– – Institute of Museum and Library Services – National Library of Medicine

• Other Organizations– Library Grants blog: – Foundation Center:

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Grant Publications

• Grants for Libraries• Grants for Libraries and Information

Services • National Guide to Funding for

Libraries & Information Services • Fundraising for Libraries: 25 Proven

Ways to Get More Money for Your Library

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NN/LM New England Region

Health Information

Outreach Subcontracts

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NNLM-NER Health Information Outreach Subcontracts

Formal Proposal

12-18 months

Up to $25,000

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NNLM-NER Subcontracts

• RFP annually in Fall

• Contact Associate Director with intent

• Develop relationships with collaborators

• Research and write proposal

• Get letters of support

• Submit proposal

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Technical evaluation criteria

Scoring• Identification of need, geographic area,

description of target group (35 points)• Methodology/ technical approach (35 point)• Experience and facilities of the respondent and

supporting documentation (30 points)

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Review of subcontracts

• Review by Outreach Review Committee

• Review by National Network Office

• Funding is determined

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Yale/New Haven Public Library Consumer Health Information Center

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University of VermontVermont Cooperative Consumer Health Information Project

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Tufts University Health Sciences Library Selected Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages (SPIRAL)

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Rhode Island Multitype Library Outreach for Health Information

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Massachusetts General HospitalAccess to Resources for Consumer Health (ARCH)

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JSI Center for Environmental Health Studies: Informed Communities Environmental Health Initiative

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Franklin Community Health Network Medical Library Outreach Project

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Northern New Hampshire Health Information Outreach ProjectLittleton Regional Hospital

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NN/LM New England Region

Outreach and

Community Engagement

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NNLM-NER Express Outreach

Outreach Community Engagement

• Smaller in scope than subcontract

• Short term (12 months or less)

• Maximum funding: $10,000

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NN/LM NER Express Outreach

Outreach Community Engagement

• Application requirements– Brief proposal with detailed budget– Must include goals, objectives, description of

collaborators, intended outcomes and evaluation plan

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Holyoke Consumer Health Library

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Massachusetts College of Pharmacy

Kids to College

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Healthy Choices (Stamford Hospital, CT)

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NNLM-NER Express Outreach

Course Development

Proposal instructions: Cover sheet, brief proposal with description of intended audience and need for the course; statement describing each module; goals; outline of plans; CVs of personnel; detailed budget with narrative justification

Allowable expenses: Personnel; supplies; material production (video, workbooks, handouts); communications; facility rental; equipment or software needed to develop / teach the course

Maximum funding: $10,000

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World Education

Health literacy tutorial

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NNLM-NER Express Outreach

Exhibits and Promotion of

Health Information Services

Proposal instructions: Cover sheet; name and description of venue; dates, location and estimated attendance; rationale for selecting the group; CVs of exhibit staff; budget and narrative justification

Allowable expenses: Registration, travel, publicity, booth rental, shipping, electricity and phone lines; equipment rental

Maximum award: $2,000

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Exhibit Award

• Lowell General Hospital (Lowell, MA) for the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN) Public Service Announcement to Promote Medical Libraries

• World Education (Boston, MA) Exhibit at the National Conference on Family Literacy

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NN/LM Technology Awareness Program Award

Proposal instructions: Goals and objectives; rationale for plan; detailed outline; audience and geographic area; numbers of participants; date and event; promotional plan; evaluation plan; personnel; facility/resources

Allowable expenses: Honoraria and travel, publicity, equipment rental, videotaping of the program; communication; phone lines for demos; facility rental; electricity

Maximum funding: $10,000

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Technology Awareness Award

• Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, MA) for the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN)MASHLIN Technology Day

• Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, MA) for the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN)New Models of Medicine in the Electronic Age: From Practice to Publishing

• North Country Health Consortium and New Hampshire AHEC Telehealth New Hampshire (June 14-15, 2004)

• University of Connecticut Health Sciences Library (Farmington, CT) Consumer Health Conference, Networking & Technology

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Other NER awards

• Electronic Document Delivery

• Internet Connectivity

• Visiting library

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The Proposal

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Getting Started

• Start early• Be clear about your reasons• Have a plan: don’t “chase the money”• Form a working group• Review the RFP written guidelines • Submit a Letter of Intent

– Letter is not binding– Provide: Name, Institution, Date

• Pay attention to any deadlines

Contact us if you need any assistance

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Before the Proposal

• Gather background information on the need to be addressed

• Identify project needs– Staffing– Equipment– Supplies

• Sketch a rough draft of the budget• Determine who will write the proposal

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Tips on Writing

• Make a cohesive argument• Always remember your plan• Avoid excessive jargon• Think of the reviewer

– No unnecessary information• Revise• Have someone else read the proposal• Edit• Show your enthusiasm, belief in the project

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Sections of the Proposal




Summary Budget

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Summary Statement

• Starts with a summary of the proposal.

• Answer: who, what, how, how much

• Why is there a need?

• What are you going to do to solve this need?

• Also known as an executive summary

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Population/Geographic Area

• Identify target group • Identify geographic area• Use background data (examples, statistics)• Be as specific as possible:

– Demographics– Socioeconomic data– Census information- Populations

• Statement of need– We are so needy/poor that…

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Identification of Need

• How do you know there is a need?

• Research your/other organizations’ efforts– What is being done currently?

• Did it work?

– What has been done in the past? • How will your project be different?

• How will the project address that need?

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Goal and Objectives

• What do you want to accomplish?• List goal and objectives to reach goal

– Goal: Increase teenagers’ use of MedlinePlus– Objectives:

• Publicize MedlinePlus in Winston High School newspaper• Conduct MedlinePlus presentations at Winston High School• Conduct MedlinePlus training classes at Paco Public Library

targeting teenagers

• Use action words: increase, reduce, expand

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Methodology / Approach

• Provide rationale for the stated objectives and plan of work for achieving them

• Include any experience with methodology, areas of anticipated difficulties or unusual circumstances

Schedule/ timeline: Provide an activity based timeline corresponding to objectives

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Publicity / Promotion

• What is your plan for publicity?

• Publications, flyers, newspaper, radio?

• Web site?

• Exhibiting?

• Tagging on to existing programming?

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• Identify all project personnel

• Include a narrative summary of qualifications as they relate to the statement of work and project responsibilities

• Evidence of the project prinicipal’s ability to handle a project of similar scope

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Establish Baseline Data

• How will you determine “starting point”?

• Baseline data allows you to determine success or failure of the project

• Does not need to be completed prior to submission of proposal

• Baseline questionnaire– e.g. "What websites do you use to find health


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Facilities/Institutional Support

• Describe the organization/institution • What makes your organization unique?• Describe services or facilities • Detail any support provided by partner

organizations, library, university etc.• Any other source of funding• Letters of support

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• Must be measurable and quantifiable

• Use baseline data

• Evaluate each goal and objective

• Outreach and Evaluation Research Center (OERC) – Measuring the Difference– Planning and Evaluating Health Information

Outreach Projects

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Continuation of Activities

• Will the project be continued after period of funding ends?– Indicates recipient’s belief in the project

• What will be done with the information gathered during the project?

• Important to foundations, non-profit organizations, private funders

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The Budget

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The Budget

Step 1

• Contact Grants or Accounting office in your institution for Indirect Cost Rate (IDC)

• Indirect Cost: Costs not readily identifiable with a particular cost objective, but necessary to the operation of the institution to conduct the activities it performs

• Not all awards will permit Indirect Costs

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The Budget (cont.)

Step 2• Highlight each item in the narrative that will

appear in the budget– Tip: Conversely, every item that appears in

the budget must be described in the narrative • Break down each item into parts; be intuitive

Equipment $1000


Dell computer Model # $900

Remote Mouse $100

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The Budget (cont.)

Step 3

• Ensure that the RFP allows for funding of the items included in your narrative– Tip: If you include items not listed in the

budget section of the RFP, contact the funding institution to discuss! They want to hear from you!

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The Budget (cont.)

Step 4

• In – kind contributions or waived fees must be stated or discussed in the proposal– Tip: Be as explicit as possible in all

descriptions in the narrative. Reviewers are not as familiar with your concepts or environment as you are.

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The Budget (cont.)

Step 5

• Specifications• Quotes• Hourly Rates• Salary breakdowns• Travel

– Miles per gallon– Per diem

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The Budget (cont.)

Step 6

• Is your budget realistic?– Tip: Consider the period of performance of

the project, in relation to the amount of recurring expenditures, e.g. reproduction, supplies, communication, travel

• Don’t cut yourself short

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The Budget (cont.)

Step 7

• Ensure that your figures add up correctly

• Ensure that your proposed budget does not surpass the total funding amount

– Indirect Costs + Direct Costs = Total

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Putting it Together:

• Title: Make it descriptive, not clever

• Include a table of contents

• Do not bind the proposal

• Appendices:– Charts, graphs– Evaluation form– CV from every staff member– Any letters of support

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Exercise: Program Planning

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Private Grants

• Proposals should be only 5-7 pages in length• Proposal:

– Cover letter– Executive Summary– Statement of Need– Project Description– Budget– Organization Information– Conclusion

• Letter of application may be required

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Final Thoughts

• Plan, Plan, Plan

• Apply Early– Applications make take 9 months to go

through the process

• Follow directions!!

• Learn from rejection

• Resubmit

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Remember: It all Starts with an Idea

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Michelle EberleConsumer Health Information Coordinator

National Network of Libraries of Medicine

New England Region

[email protected]


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