















Submitted as A Partial Requirements

For Degree of Undergraduate in English Education Department

Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty













In the name of Allah SWT the most gracious and the most merciful, the

Prophet Muhammad SAW is he inspiration of Moeslem’s life. The researcher

dedicate this thesis my beloved father Kusnadi, my beloved mother Ermayati for

their prays and supports. My sister Hakya Amanda Putri and my brother Andre

Kurniawan for the helps, suggestions and motivation. Thank you very much for


For Muhamam Fikry Ari Prasetyo I would like to say thank you very

much for your care, suggestion and motivation that you are given to me in

finishing this thesis. The last, for the all people who have helped me in giving the

suggestion in writing this thesis. I would like to say thank you very much.







Nama : Celsy Apridina

Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Kesalahan Grammatical Dalam Penulisan Teks Deskriptif Siswa


Delapan di MTsN 5 Kota Jambi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis kesalahan tata bahasa siswa

dalam penulisan deskriptif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif

kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik dokumentasi.

Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ada empat jenis kesalahan siswa dalam

penulisan teks deskriptif dengan jumlah 40 kesalahan dimana terdiri dari

kesalahan dalam jenis omission yang terdiri dari empat kategori kesalahan, yaitu

kesalahan dalam omission plural marker, past marker, omission article, omission

verb dengan jumlah kesalahan 10, kesalahan dalam addition yang terdiri dari

kesalahan singular, semantic feauture of present tense dengan jumlah kesalahan 2,

kesalahan dalam misformation yang terdiri dari kesalahan misformation singular

dan plural dengan jumlah kesalahan 3, kesalahan simple present tense yang terdiri

dari dua kategori kesalahan be error dan verb error dengan jumlah 25.

Kata kunci : Eror Analisis, Eror Tata Bahasa, Penulisan Bahasa





Nama : Celsy Apridina

Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Grammatical Error In Writing Descriptive Text At Eight Grade


Of MTsN 5 Kota Jambi

The objective of this research to find out the types of grammatical errors made by

students of MTsN 5 Kota Jambi in writing descriptive text. This research os

descriptive qualitative research while, the data were collected by documentation

and analyzed by theory of Surface Strategy Taxanomy. This research revealed that

there four types of errors with the total number 40 errors made by students in

writing descriptive text. Omission error which consists of four categories i.e

omission of plural marker, omission of past marker, omission in articles, omission

in verb with the total number of errors are 10, addition error includes two

categories i.e person singulars, addition in semantic feature of present tense with

the total number of errors were 2, misformation error which consist of

misformation error singular and plural with the total number of errors are 3,

simple present tense includes two categories of be error, verb error with the total

number 25.

Kata kunci : Eror Analisis, Eror Tata Bahasa, Penulisan Bahasa





PAGE OF TITTLE .................................................................................. i

OFFICIAL NOTE .................................................................................... ii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ..................................................... iii

DEDICATION .......................................................................................... iv

MOTTO .................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................... vi

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDIX .............................................................................. xii



1.2 Research Question.............................................................................4

1.3 Objective of The Research................................................................4

1.4 Limitation of The Research...............................................................4

1.5 Significant of The Research..............................................................4


2.1 General Concept of Writing..............................................................5

2.1.1 The Definition of Writing............................................................5

2.1.2 The Process of Writing................................................................6

2.1.3 The Components of Writing........................................................8

2.2 General Concept of Descriptive Text In Writing..............................9

2.2.1 The Definition of Descriptive Text.............................................9

2.2.2 The Features of Descriptive Text................................................10

2.2.3 The Language Used In Descriptive Text....................................10

2.3 Error and Mistake..............................................................................11

2.4 Error Analysis...................................................................................12

2.4.1 Surface Taxonomy Strategy.......................................................13

2.4.2 Simple Present Tense.................................................................18


2.5 Previous Research.............................................................................19


3.1 Research Design................................................................................21

3.2 Subject of The Study.........................................................................21

3.3 Research Setting................................................................................22

3.4 The Source of Data............................................................................22

3.5 The Technique of Data Collection....................................................23

3.6 The Technique of Analyzing Data....................................................23

3.7 Data Collecting Technique................................................................23



A. Research Finding ....................................................................................23

B. Discussions .............................................................................................32


A. Conclusion .............................................................................................35

B. Suggestion ..............................................................................................35

REFERENCES ..........................................................................................37







1. Instrument

2. Students writing descriptive text

3. Consultation card

4. Curricullum vitae




1.1 Background

Writing as one of the language skills, has given an important contribution

to human daily life. The important of writing can be seen in people’s daily

activities and in our social lifelike personal letters, office activities, and business

activities. According to Tan in Afifudin (2016:131), writing is very difficult, and

need to have a comprehensive understanding, cognitive analysis and linguistics

synthesis to pattern the language in order to be able to deliver ideas, messages,

feels, opinions, to the listeners or readers through writings. Writing is the most

difficult and complicated language skill to be learned in the English teaching and

learning process. According to Hylan in Limengka and Kunjtara (2013:230),

writing competence, indeed includes a good ability concerning grammar,

arrangement and punctuate on. Writing needs well knowledge, practice and hard

thinking when students produce words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs at the same

time with the good English grammatical

Writing is the process of using symbols (letter of the alphabet, puncuation

and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form. To write

clearly it is essential to understand the basic / system of a language.

According to Lyons in O’Mallyes (1996:136), writing is a personal act in

which writer take ideas or prompts and transform them into “self-initiated” topics.

In addition, Oshima and Hogue (1999:3) states that writing is process, not a

product. This means that piece of writing, whether it is a composition for English

class is never complete that is always possible to review and revise, review and

revise again. In learning English, writing skill is more complex and difficult skill

to be taught because it is not only requiring mastery on grammatical and rhetorical

wdevices but also on conceptual and judgment devices. In writing process, the

students are expected to write grammatical, express their idea, and make the

conclusion as the steps to rhetorical devices in written form.


Teaching writing at junior high school is not as easy as teaching other

language skills. By its nature, writing is one of the skills which must be learn as

other language skills which are mastered, and it demands very much of the

learner, either the basic language proficiencies to control his/her language

performance, or their effort to have writing practice continuously. In writing,

students’ in MTsN 5 Kota Jambi have to consider about the grammar. This is

mostly because the students are influenced by their mother tongue on the

acquisition of the new structure.

Students find difficulties in dealing with the grammar especially to use of

tenses, particularly simple present tense in writing descriptive. Making sentences

using simple present tense is not so easy for the students of junior high school

level. The students often write “She go to the beach” instead of writing “She goes

to the beach.” If the descriptive writer makes an error in simple present tense , it

means that he/she is not careful enough in making his/her text vivid and detailed.

Consequently, the readers cannot exactly catch what he/she means. The example

above indicates that some Indonesian students often find difficulty in using verbs

in simple present tense.

Based on the students scores, they did not reach expected minimum score

like the exercises, homework, middle semester test and final semester test, after

the writer tried to find out this case actually this problem have started from

advance grade or the first grade. Based on the teacher’s interview, the students

often get confused when the teacher explained about the grammar in descriptive

text and when the students are writing descriptive text, the students also feel luck

about how good write descriptive text. Based on the writer’s observation, the

teacher’s just use 1 method in teaching grammar in the descriptive text and also

some of students often did not pay serious attention when the teacher explain the


In producing sentences, surely the students will produce errors since they

are in the process of learning. Brown in Obbe (2010) stated that “when we say or

write something quickly, our minds are so focused on the content of our message


that we might pay less attention to our language and inadvertently make a

grammatical error” (p. 33). There are many kinds of errors that are made by

learners such as vocabulary incorrectness, grammatical errors, etc. in this case,

writer used descriptive text to finding out students error in writing. The researcher

wants to find out the students error in writing. The researcher choose descriptive

text as a types of text, because descriptive text is one of text-types students learn

in writing.

There are some researchers which the topics are about Error analysis, and

they have been done by several researcher. First research, by Obbe dwiyanto with

the tittle simple present tense error produced by the high and low proficiency level

first year students at English department of Jambi university. The objective of this

research are to find out the frequent kinds error and to compare the

differences/similarities error made of high and low proficiency level first year

students at English department of Jambi University.

Second, research done by Ngatno Utomo. He design this research in

quantitative to analyze the data. The objective of his research are to find out

various kind of error in simple present tense in descriptive made by 8th students

junior high school N 2 Unggaran Semarang. In his research he analyze error made

by students and then he calculate where are the dominant error.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in conducting

research entitled Error in Writing Descriptive Text of Second Grade Students

MTsN 5 Kota Jambi. Many junior high school students have little enthusiasm in

English writing class. By writing description about object, people, or place,

hopefully the students will be enthusiastic in the writing class. In addition, by

identifying the students’ errors in descriptive writing skill, and researcher believes

that the teachers will be able to improve the students’ writing skill. And also the

teachers can improve their teaching about descriptive writing.


1.2 Research Question

What are the focus error in writing descriptive text of 8th grade students’

at MTsN 5 Kota Jambi?

1.3 Objective of the Research

To find out the focus error in writing descriptive text of 8th grade

students’ at junior high school and to discover the focus error in writing

descriptive text of 8th grade students’ at MTsN 5 Kota Jambi?

1.4 Limitation of The Research

This research only focus to finding out the dominant error in writing

descriptive text of 8th grade students’ MTsN 5 Kota Jambi. The subject of this

research are 8th grade students MTsN 5 Kota Jambi. The writer limits the object of

study only on simple present tense errors produced by the students writing. Then,

the writer will discuss only on simple present tense error based on Dulay, Burt,

and Krashen (1982)’s Surface Strategy Taxonomy.

1.5 Significant of The Research

From this research, the researcher hopes students can realize and

minimize their error in writing descriptive text. Then, the researcher hopes the

teachers know what are students’ problems and error writing descriptive text also

to solve the teaching learning problems. Finally, the researcher also wishes this

research can help English teachers and students to have possible solution to

reduce the frequency of making errors in writing descriptive text.




2.1 General Concept of Writing

General concept of writing included the definition of writing, the process

of writing, and the components of writing.

2.1.1 The Definition of Writing

Writing skills are more complex and difficult to teach requiring mastery

not only grammatical and rhetorical devices but also conceptual and judgment. In

writing process, the students are expected to write their written product

grammatically. Express their idea, and make the conclusion as the steps to

develop rhetorical devices in the written form.

Harmer (2004:86) states that writing is a process and that we write is often

heavily influenced by constrains of genres. Then these elements have to be

present in learning activities, analyzing a certain written genre in order to be able

to write within that genre is an integral part of the planning stage in a process


Meyers (2005:2) states that writing is a way to produce language you do

naturally when you speak. Writing is speaking to other on paper or on a computer

screen. Writing is also an action, a process of discovering and organizing your

ideas, putting them on paper and reshaping and revising them. In other words,

Palmer in Obbe (1994:5) states that writing is recursive. It goes back and forth we

plan a little, put words on paper, stop to plan when we want to say next, go back

and change a sentence, or change our minds altogether.

According to Lyons in O’Malley (1996:136), writing is a personal act in

which writers take ideas or prompts and transform them into “self-initiated”


topics. Writing is one of the complex skills, it covers almost all of English skill

such as vocabulary and grammar mastery, building ideas and self-expression.

Other aspect of writing are students’ competence. In many skills background,

such as spelling, punctuation and capitalization. In addition, Oshima and Hogue

(1999:3) states that writing is a process, not a product. This means that a piece of

writing, whether it is a composition for English class is never complete that is

always possible to review and revise, and review and revise again.

In conclusion, writing is one of complex skills and difficult to teach.

Writing is a way to express your idea, to produce language in a form of text. It is

often heavily influenced by constrain of genres, then these elements have to be

presented in learning activities.

2.1.2 The Process of Writing

Writing is a complex intellectual task involving many component skills,

some of which students may lack completely, some of which they may have only

partially mastered. These skills involve, among other things:

Reading comprehension

Analytical skills

Writing skills, including:

o Writing mechanics: grammar, sentence structure, spelling, etc.

o Planning a writing strategy

o Communicating ideas clearly and concisely

o Constructing a reasoned, demonstrable argument

o Effectively marshaling evidence and using sources appropriately

o Organizing ideas effectively

When students lack skills in these areas, their writing may be unsatisfactory in

multiple ways – from poor grammar and syntax to unclear organization to weak


reasoning and arguments. Complicating matters is the fact that many students’

reading skills are also poor.

For example, if they cannot recognize the main point of an argument in their

reading, they obviously cannot respond to this point in their writing.

Good writing is essential for success in school. Writing is a complex

combination of skill which is best taught by breaking down the process. The

writing process involves a series of steps to follow in producing a finished piece

of writing. Educators have found that by focusing on the process of writing,

almost everyone learn to write successfully. By breaking down writing step by

step, the mystery is removed and writers block is reduced. Most importantly,

students discover the benefits of constructive feedback on their writing, and they

progressively master, and even enjoy, writing.

According to Oshima and Hogue (2007:15), there are four main stages in

the writing process : prewriting, planning, writing and revising draft, and writing

the final copy to hand in. furthermore according to Oshima and Hogue (200:15),

the process of writing has roughly four steps. In the first steps, create ideas. In the

second step, organize the ideas. In the third step, write a rough draft. In the final

step, polish rough draft by editing and making revisions.

Oshima and Hogue (2007:16) states that the process of writing as follow:

1). Prewriting

The first step is called prewriting. Prewriting is a way to get ideas. In this

step, students choose a topic and collect ideas to explain the topic. There are

several techniques to get ideas. One of the techniques is called listing. Listing is a

prewriting technique in which the students write the topic at the top of a piece of

paper and then quickly make a list of the words or phrases that come in to the


2). Organizing.


The next step in the writing process is to organize the ideas into a simple


3). Writing.

The next step is to write a rough draft, using the outline as a guide, write

the rough draft as quickly without stopping to think about grammar, spelling, or

punctuation. Just get the idea down on paper. Here, probably see many errors in

rough draft. This is perfectly usual and acceptable after all, this is just a rough

draft and fix the errors later.

4). Polishing: revising and editing.

This step is also called revising and editing. Polishing is most successful if

do it in two steps, first, attack the biggest issues of content and organization

(revising). Then work on the smaller issues of grammar, punctuation, and

mechanics (editing).

2.1.3 The Components of Writing

In writing, there are form of communication using language or words,

sentence, punctuation, and good structure. With this way, the readers can

understand the informant easily. According to Heaton (1998:146), there are five

general components in writing, they are content, organization, vocabulary,

language use and mechanic.

Content is ideas information in the form of logical sentence. Organization

is about a basic structure or a pattern that include topic and supporting sentence.

Vocabulary is the selection of word that is suitable with the content.

Language use are simple, complex or compound sentences. It also refers

to agreement in the sentence and some other word such as noun, adjective and

time signal. The last Mechanic spelling, punctuation, capitalization in the



2.2 General Concept of Descriptive Text in Writing

General concept of descriptive text included the definition of descriptive

text, the features of descriptive text, and the language use in descriptive text.

2.2.1 The Definition of Descriptive Text

According to Kistono and Ismukoco in (2006:9), descriptive text is used to

describe a particular person, place, or thing. The purposes of descriptive text are

to describe a particular place/ thing/ person, describe a special place and explain

why it is special, describe the most important person in your life, describe the

animal's habitat in report.

According to Hartono in Yanora (2005:9), the generic structures of

descriptive texts are identification and description which identifies the person,

place, or thing to be described and description which describe parts, qualities and

characteristics . For example:

My Family

My family has four members: those are I, my sister, and parents of course.

My mother is 47 years old. Her name's Anisa. She's thin-faced and she's got long,

blond hair and beautiful green eyes. She is still slim because she always tries to

stay in shape. She is very good-looking, always well-dressed and elegant.

My father, Lukman, is 5 years older than my mother. He is 52. In spite of

his age he's still black-haired, with several grey hairs. He has bright blue eyes. He

is quite tall, but a bit shorter than me.

He's very hard-working. Besides that he is working in a travel company.

He can even make a dinner when my mother is outside. His cooking and his meals

are always very tasty as well as my mothers'.


Finally, my sister Nadina. She is 22. She is also red-haired and green-eyed.

She has long wavy hair and freckles. She is definitely shorter than me. She is

rather introverted. But she is very sensible, smart and co-operative. Right now she

is studying English and also knows Arabic and Mandarin. I want to be so smart as

she is.

They all, except me, speak Sundanese very well, because we were living

in Bandung for 5 years. My sister have been going to primary school there.

Unfortunately I was only 3 when we were leaving to Jakarta, so I can't speak

Sundanese. Now we are happily living in Jakarta.

2.2.2 The Features of Descriptive Text

According to Hartono in Yanora (2005:9) , the features of descriptive text

are focus on specific participants, use of attributive and identifying processes,

frequent use of ephitets and classifiers in nominal groups, use of simple present

tense. Furthermore, according to Djiwandono in Pitria (2011:17), descriptive

writing also consists of generic structure in range as identification, description,


2.2.3 The Language Used in Descriptive Text

According to Kistono and Ismukoco (2006:9), the language features in

descriptive text are:

1. use proper nouns

2. use simple present tense

3. use adjectives ( example; small village, short legs)

4. thinking verbs and feeling verbs ( example; think, believe)

5. action verbs ( example dance, go)


So, if the students want to make descriptive text, the students should

consider about the language features in descriptive text.

2.3 Error and Mistake

Error is an act or condition of ignorant or imprudent deviation from a

code of behavior. In learning language, students cannot avoid making error

because students still in learning progress.

According to Ellis in Obbe, errors reflect gaps in a learners’ knowledge;

they occur because the learner does not know what is correct. While, mistakes

reflect occasional lapses in performance; they occur because, in particular

instance, the learner is unable to perform what he or she knows (Ellis, 1997; 17).

The definition above shows that mistake is a fault which is made by the

learner and he or she can make correction. Meanwhile, error is a fault which is

made by the learner, and he or she is unable to make correction. Brown in Obbe

(1980: 163) stated that ‘a mistake refers to a performance error that is either a

random guess or a slip in that it is a failure to utilize a known system correctly.

Meanwhile, error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native

speaker, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learner’.

The study of errors is carried out by means of Error Analysis (EA). An

error takes place when the deviation arises as a result of knowledge. A mistake

occurs when learners fail to perform their competence. That is, it is the result of

processing problems that prevent learners from accessing their knowledge of a

target language rule and cause them to fall back on some alternative, non –

standard rule that they find easier to access. Mistakes, then, are performance

phenomena and are, of course, regular features of native – speaker speech,

reflecting processing failures that arise as a result of competing plans, memory

limitations, and lack of automaticity.

From the definitions above, we know that error is a systematic and

noticeable deviation in learner language from the grammar of a native speaker

which results from lack of knowledge of the correct rule. It reflects the


interlanguage competence of a learner and consistently made by a learner who is

unable to make correction. And mistake is a deviation in learner language which

results from the failure to perform learners’ competence and to utilize a known

system correctly but they are able to correct their fault.

2.4 Error Analysis

Error analysis is a methodology for dealing with which can be observed,

analyzed, and classified to uncover and reveal the incidence, nature, causes, and

consequences of unsuccessful language learning for the learners. As stated by

James (1987: 7) that error analysis is a methodology for dealing with data rather

than a theory of acquisition. The data can be obtained by conducting a test with

the students as the respondents.

Meanwhile Brown in Obbe (1980: 166) says that error analysis is a fact

that learners do make errors and that these errors can be observed, analyzed, and

classified something of the system operating within the learners. The purpose is to

uncover some problem faced by the students.

The study of errors is carried out by means of Error Analysis (EA). An

error takes place when the deviation arises as a result of knowledge. A mistake

occurs when learners fail to perform their competence. That is, it is the result of

processing problems that prevent learners from accessing their knowledge of a

target language rule and cause them to fall back on some alternative, non –

standard rule that they find easier to access.

There are two steps in analyzing the errors that are given by Ellis in Obbe

(1997), “The first step is identifying the errors” (p. 15). Identifying the errors can

be done by comparing between the learners’ sentences with the correct ones so

that the learners’ errors can be recognized. After that, the second step is

classifying the errors. Ellis in Obbe (1997) also states that “there are several ways

in classifying the errors” (p. 8). The first one is by classifying the learners’ errors

based on grammatical categories. Another way is classifying the errors based on


the ways the learners’ errors are different from the correct ones. Hence,

classifying the error based on this way can be done by using Dulay, Burt, and

Krashen’s in Obbe (1982) Surface Strategy Taxonomy (p. 150).

According to Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in Obbe (1982), the error

classification of this taxonomy is based on “the ways surface structures are

altered” (p.150). In the same line with theories above, the writer did his analysis

by using Surface Strategy Taxonomy.

2.4.1 Surface Strategy Taxonomy

Concerning this analysis, the writer uses a theory of linguistic category

taxonomies to classify simple present tense errors. in specifically, this studey

applies a linguistic category taxonomies which is developed by Dulay, Burt, and

Krashen (1982) called Surface Strategy Taxonomy. There are four mains of error

category such as omission error, addition error, misformation error, and

misordering error.

a. Omission Error

This error happens when there is an element or an item missing in the

sentences. In other word, it is characterized by the missing of an item that must

appear in the correct sentence. Those elements consist of gramatical morpheme

such as, noun verb inflection, articles, verb, and preposition etc. Here are

examples of omission error that usually happen.

Omission in noun and verb inflection.

It is characterized by the missing of,

Plural marker (‘s’) : I have two car (I have two cars)

Past marker (‘-ed) : he play football yesterday (he

played football yesterday)


Third person singular (‘s/es’) : He play futsal with me (he plays

futsal with me)

Present participles (‘-ing’) : he likes swim (he likes swimming)

Omission in articles

It is characterized by the missing of articles, such as ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’. For example:

He gives me apple (he gives me an aple)

My mother gives me book (my mother gives me a book).

Omission in verb

It characterized by the missing in simple predicate (to be, am, is, are do, does,

will, can) and the main verb.

They in the class (they are in the class)

Omission in preposition

It is characterized by the missing in kinds of preposition such as: in, on, at, under,


He stays home (he stays at home)

B. Addition Error

Addition error is the opposite of omission error. It happens when the

learner adds an element that should not be added into the sentence. The are two

kinds of additional error which explained below.

Double Marking

It is an error that happens in a sentence where an auxiliary is required then

the learner still acquired the tense form in auxiliary and verb. Double marking

error happens in past tense, present tense, negation, and object.


Addition in semantic feature of past tense.

It means that past tense is marked in the auxiliary and the verb.

He didn’t played yesterday (he didn’t play yesterday)

Addition in semantic feature of present tense.

It means that present tense is marked in the auxiliary and the verb.

He doesn’t plays that ball (he doesn’t play that ball)

Addition in semantic feature of negation.

It means that negation is marked in the auxiliary and the quantifier.

My mother doesn’t give me none (my mother doesn’t give me).

Addition in semantic feature of object.

It means that the object is both topicalized and expressed in the object


That’s the man who I saw him (that’s the man who I saw).


Regularization in additional error happens when the learner applies the

rules used to produce the regular form to those are irregular form. This type

incude addition in third person singular, additio in past tense, addition in article,

and addition in preposition.

Addition in third person singular (-s).

It means that the learner adds the third person singular to the subject that

should not be added.

o The cats doesn’t like the food (the cat doesn’t like the food).

Addition in past tense (irregular).

It means that learner adds ‘-ed’ for the irregular past form.

o She eated banana yesterday (she ate banana yesterday).


Addition in article

It means the learner adds article that should be added in a sentence.

o A this book is good for me (this book is good for me).

Addition in preposition

It means that the learner adds a preposition such as; in, out, at,of, under.

That should not be added in a sentence.

o She keeps the book in over here (she keeps the book over here).

Simple addition

It means that an addition error that is not a double marking nor a

regularization. It is characterized by the use of an item which should not

appear in a right form sentence.

o They wears blue jeans in my class (they wear blue jeans in my


C. Misformation Error

Misformation error happens when the learner uses the wrong form of a

structure or a morpheme. The examples of misformation error are explained


Misformation in reflexive pronoun.

It means that the learner uses the wrong form in applying the reflexive pronoun.

He eats by hisself (he eats by himself).

Misformation in perfect and progressive aspect.

It means that the learner uses the wrong form in the structure of ‘have’ and -‘ing’

in a sentence.

We are waited here already three weeks (we have waited here three



Misformation in passive setence.

It means when the learner misuses the pattern of passive in sentences.

Each book given by our lecturer (our teacher gives each book).

Misformation of singular and plural.

It means that the learner may uses both singular and plural in one sentence.

She is a famous singers (she is a famous singer).

Misformation in preposition.

It happens when the learner uses wrong form in applying the preposition.

In Monday, he usually goes to football yard

(On Monday, he usually goues to football yard)

Misformation in part of speech

It happens when the learner misuses in applying part of speech like noun, verb,

adjective, adverb, and pronoun.

Misuse noun as verb

She carried pizza and delivery to them

(she carried pizza and delivered to them)

Misuse adjective as adverb

she looks very good (she looks beautiful).

Misuse possesive pronoun as object pronoun

I asked the woman what happened to him

(I asked the woman what happened to her)

Misuse among pronoun

My father and me are go to dinner (my father and I go to dinner)

Misuse noun as adjectve

She is a honesty friend (she is a honest friend).


Misformation in gerund

It happens when the learner uses the wrong form in applying the gerund.

My father likes singing by uses his guitar

(my father likes singing by using his piano).

Misformation in using verb

It happens when the learner uses the wrong form in applying verb (to be and main

verb) that related with the number.

The perform is amazing (The performance is amazing).

Misformation in article

It means that the learner uses the wrong form in applying article.

She cooks an cake (she cooks a cake).

D. Misordering Error

Misordering error happens when the learner misplaces an item of

morpheme or group of morpheme in a sentence.

My father saw here his frend (my fathe saw his friend here)

2.4.2 Simple Present Tense

Azar’s in Obbe (1992) description on simple present tense as in her book

Fundamentals of English Grammar Second Edition in order to know the rules of

simple present tense. There are several rules that to be followed in simple present


1. Adding ‘s/es’ ending into the verb if the subject is third person singular

a. Final ‘-s’ is added to most verbs and verbs end in ‘-e’.

Example: visit -> visits, hope -> hopes.

b. Final ‘es’ is added if the verb ends in ‘-ch’,’-sh’,’-s’,’-x’, or ‘-z’.

Example: catch -> catches, wash -> washes

c. Final ‘-es’ is added to ‘do’ and ‘go’.


Example: do -> does, go -> goes

d. If a verb ends in a consonant + -y, change the ‘-y’ to ‘-i’ and add ‘-es’.

Example: study -> studies, worry -> worries

e. If a verb ends in a vowel + -y, simply add ‘-s’.

Example: pay -> pays, destroy -> destroys

2. Adding auxiliary ‘do/does’ into the sentence if the sentence is negative or


Example: You do not have to go to school everyday.

3. In negative and interrogative sentence, there is no need to add ‘s/es’ into the

verb if the sentence already uses auxiliary ‘does’.

Example: the sun does not rise from the west.

By conducting error analysis, hopefully the students’ error can be

eliminated. So, the students’ capability in English is improved significantly and

the teachers’ teaching is improving as well.

2.5 Previous Research

There are some research entitle Error analysis has been done by several

researcher. Obbe dwiyanto simple present tense error produced by the high and

low proficiency level first year students at English department of jambi university.

The objective of his research are to find out the frequent kinds error and to

compare the differences/similarities error made of high and low proficiency level

first year students at English department of jambi university.

In his research, before doing analysis the data, he give written test to know

the high and low proficiency level. From this test, he found high and low level

from students score.


After that, he give the students test again with same topic and then he

compare the students written. The design of his research is descriptive quantitative


Another research by Ngatno Utomo. He design his research in quantitative

to analyze the data. The objective of his research are to find out various kind of

error in simple present tense in descriptive made by 8th students junior high school

N 2 Unggaran Semarang. In his research he analyze error made by students and

then he calculate where are the dominant error.

The similarity between research by Obbe and Ngatno with this research

they was analyze the error in writing made by students’ and they are find out the

dominant kind of error made by students’. But in Obbe and Ngatno they used

quantitative method to analyze the data. Finally, their hope this research can be

usefull for the reader and the teacher also every students’ can minimize their error

in writing text. Also, they can find out the good way to solve their problem.




3.1 Research Design

This research was find out error in writing descriptive text of second grade

students’ at MTsN 5 Kota Jambi. The design of this research is descriptive

qualitative research. Descriptive qualitative as method to analyze error in writing

descriptive text of 8th grade students.

The design of this research is descriptive qualitative research. Descriptive

qualitative method means a research method which is used to study the status of a

community, an object, or a set of condition, a system of thinking or an event on

present nazir in risky( 2008: 23) .

Qualitative researchers seek to understand a phenomenon by focusing on

the total pictures rather than breaking it down into variables. The goal is a holistic

picture and depth of understanding rather that numeric of data Donald Ary (p.29)

3.2 Subject of The Study

This research wants to find the errors in writing descriptive text of second

grade students’ at MTsN 5 Kota Jambi. The sampling techniques applied is

purposive sampling in which based on the specific purpose of the research, the

researcher uses personal judgment to select the sample. According Sugiyono

(2017, p.53), purposive sampling is a technique to get the sample of the data in a

certain consideration, for example those that are considerate to be the most

knowledgeable about what the reseacher need.


3.3 Research Setting

This research was conducted at second grade students’ of MTsN 5 Kota

Jambi. It is located in Jl. Lingkar Barat II Kelurahan Bagan Pete Kota Baru Jambi.

In MTsN 5 Kota Jambi 8th grade consist of 5 classes: VIIIA, VIIIB, VIIIC, VIIID.

In every class consist of 40 – 43 students and researchers choose classes VIIIC

Based on the students scores, they did not reach expected minimum score like the

exercises, homework, middle semester test and final semester test, after the writer

tried to find out this case actually this problem have started from advance grade or

the first grade. Based on the teacher’s interview, the students often get confused

when the teacher explained about the grammar in descriptive text and when the

students are writing descriptive text. The reserchers use 40 sample in the class


3.4 The Source of Data

The data of this research is analyzed by using descriptive qualitative


a. Primary data

In this research, primary data to get information about the types

grammatical errors of students writing descriptive text at 8th grade MTsN 5 Kota

Jambi. The data wiil be collected by documentation. According to Sutopo (2002:

54) documents is written material which related with certain event or activities.

The documents in this research continue the resullts of assignment given by the

teacher. the researcher analyze students to find out the error made by the students

and the researcher can find the dominant error made by 8th grade students.

b. Secondary data

Secondary data is the data which supporting of this research. The

secondary data will be collected by students writing descriptive text by giving the

test to the students at 8th grade MTsN 5 Kota Jambi.


3.5 The Techinque of Data Collection

The researcher use documentation in collecting data. According to

creswell (2016:225). Document consists of public ( newspaper, paper, meeting)

and private record that include personal journals, letters, e-mail, diary.

In this research the researcher take documentation i.e student’s writing

descriptive text. Then student’s writing is collected and anlyzed based on the

surface strategy taxanomy. From this, the researcher knows that types of student’s


3.6 The Techniques of Analyzing Data

According to Moelong (2001: 103), analyzing the data is called as process

of organizing and arranging the data into pattern, category and a set of basic

classification to find the theme and to formulate the research hypothesis as what

the data adviced.

In qualitative research, techniques of analyzing the data were used in order

to synthesize the data collecting from various sources into a coherent description

of what the researcher had been observed and discovered. Regarding with this

research, the researcher used data analysis based on Miles and Huberman Model


In analyzing the data, first the writer tried to find out the simple present

tense sentences which are incorrect and underline them. Then the writer classified

the errors based on classification of errors given by Dulay, Burt, and Krashen

(1982) and Ellis (1997).

After the writer put the errors of students, Then the instruction of second

test was same as first test and the writer made same the topic.

3.7 Data Collecting Technique

Data needed in this research were the grammatical errors made by students

at eight grade student in their writing text (test). The reseacher collected the

students writing test to be documented and read carefully. After that, data


classified and analyzed. The steps for classifying and analyzing grammatical

errors in writing are as follows :

a) Identifying the errors which is found on very words, pharases or


b) Classifying the data into the sub-category of surface strategy


c) Interpreting and describe data which have been classified


d) Analyzing data to infer the errors.




4.1. Research Finding

After analyzing the data, the researcher found some errors which were

made by students. The writer described the errors based on the types of errors.

The researcher presents and analyzes the data which have been collected

during the research. The data were taken from the students writing descriptive

text. The research continue the resullts of assignment by the teacher for students.

And the topic were public figure, favorite animal and favorite object. But many

students have choose public figure and favorite animal.

There were 220 students in VIII. The writer used purposive sampling to

got the subject of the research. purposive sampling in which based on the specific

purpose of the research. The research took VIII C as the sample of this research.

The researcher took the sample based on the full of descriptive text material that

have been learned by students. Therefore, the sources of the data were 40

descriptive text which written by VIII C students at MTsN 5 Kota Jambi.

Because students in the class are slow to understand in the lesson.

1. Omission error.

Omission error takes place when the writer omitted the necessary

utterance. Most of students committed error by omitting an item in their

writing. The researcher found that there are some categories of inflectional

errors in students writing descriptive text.

a) omission in noun and verb inflection.

Plural marker (‘s’)

*Has eleven friend (student 2)

The correct sentence is : * Has eleven friends.

The reason is the sentence has not suffix –s at the friend

word. Because this is a plural object not singular object.


*She eat carrot (student 17)

The correct sentence is : *She eats carrot.

The reason is the sentence has not suffix –s at the verb.

Because the subject is pronoun (she).

*She have two ears (student 17)

The correct sentence is : *She has two ears.

The reason is the sentence doesnt right the verb. Because

have in this sentence can be verb, but this sentence the put

wrong verb. The should be has not have bacause the subject

is she.

*She hape two eye (student 4)

The correct sentence is : *She have two eyes.

The reason is the sentence is have mistakes in verb and

object. The verb is should be have and the object is should

be suffix –s to be eyes.

*Have four leg (sudent 31)

The correct sentence is : *Have four legs

The reason is the sentence the object should be legs not leg.

Because this is a plural.

Past marker (‘-ed)

*She play bowling yesterday (student 25)

The correct sentence is : *She played bowling yesterday.

The reason is the verb should be verb 2 not verb 1 and the

verb should be played because based on the context their is

yesterday word. (adverb of time)

b) Omission in articles

It is characterized by the missing of articles, such as ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’.

*Iqbal ramadhan is artis (student 23)


The correct sentence is : *Iqbal ramadhan is an artist.

The reason is the article is wrong because the object is begining the

vocal voice than the article should be and not a.

c) Omission in verb

It characterized by the missing in simple predicate (to be, am, is,

are do, does, will, can) and the main verb.

*cow feet four (student 24)

The correct sentence is : * Cow feet are four.

The reason is the to be is nothing a this sentence has no to be. So

the to be is plural because the subject plural.

*They is very easy get angry (student 15)

The correct sentence is :* They are very easy to get


The reason is the to be is wrong because the subject is they to be

should be plural no singular.

*She is like eat fish (student 4)

The correct sentence is : *She likes to eat fish.

The reason is the sentence have double verb (like and eat) it should

be in the sentence must have one verb. Beside the subject is she the right

verb is likes and the eat verb should be the object.

2. Addition error

It is an error that happens in a sentence where an auxiliary is required

then the learner still acquired the tense form in auxiliary and verb.

Addition errors are characterized by the presence of an item which must

not appear in a well-formed utterance (Dulay et all 1982:156).

Double marking

It is an error that happens in a sentence where an auxiliary is required

then the learner still acquired the tense form in auxiliary and verb.

a) Addition in semantic feature of present tense.


It means that present tense is marked in the auxiliary and the verb.

* She didn’t played yesterday (student 27)

The correct sentence is : * She didn’t play yesterday.

The reason is the sentence has to verb ( did and played). The

played word should be play because their is add word ( past tense).


Regularization in additional error happens when the learner applies the

rules used to produce the regular form to those are irregular form.

a) Addition in third person singular (-s).

It means that the learner adds the third person singular to the

subject that should not be added.

*The monkeys doesn’t like the food

The correct sentence is: * the monkey doesn’t like the food.

The reason is the subject is universal not specifix so the sentence

doesnt put suffix –s the monkey word.

3. Misformation Error

Misformation error happens when the learner uses the wrong form of a

structure or a morpheme.

a) Misformation of singular and plural.

It means that the learner may uses both singular and plural in one


*Has eleven friend

The correct sentence is: *Has eleven friends

*He has milion subcriber

The correct sentence is: *He has milion subcribers.

*She is a famous singers

The correct sentence is: *she is a famous singer

The sentences have many wrong objects: The first, friend should

be friends. The second, subcriber should be subcribers. The last

sentence must be singular object not plural object.


Simple present tense

Azar’s in Obbe (1992) description on simple present tense as in her book

Fundamentals of English GrammarSecond Edition in order to know the rules of

simple present tense.

Almost all students use be as the verb in their sentences. However, many

of them still made errors in using this kind of verb. In this case, there were 2 types

of be errors made by the students. They were:

Be Error

a) Omission of be

Many students still found difficulty in using be in the sentences. Many of

which still omit the use of be. For example:

1. *Atta Halilintar one offo famous youtubers (student 2)

The correct sentence is : * Atta Halilintar is one of famous youtubers.

2. *This one good (student 6)

The correct sentence is : * This one is good.

3. *Who dangerous (student 9)

The correct sentence is : * Who is dangerous.

4. *Iqbal Ramadhan fery inspiration (student 23)

The correct sentence is : * Iqbal Ramadhan is very inspiration.

5. *She very cute (student 26)

The correct sentence is : * She is very cute.

6. *He from Indonesia (student 29)

The correct sentence is : * He is from Indonesia

7. *He very good (student 29)

The correct sentence is : * He is very good.

8. *Who polite (student 29)

The correct sentence is : * Who is polite.

9. *Prabowo so very famous (student 33)

The correct sentence is : * Prabowo is so famous.


10. *Si very funny (student 17)

The correct sentence is : * It is very funny.

In sentences (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (10), the subjects are

third singular person so that is should be written after the subjects. The sentence

have many no to bes. The to be should be is “is” but the sentences doesnt put to

be. These types of errors occur because such rules do not exist in the students’

mother tongue, so that the errors can be classified as incomplete application of

rules. (Richards: 1974:177)

b) Wrong form of be

In this type of error, the students failed to identify what kind of be should

be used in the sentence. For example:

1. *They is very easy get angry (student 15)

The correct sentence is : * They are very easy to get angry

The use of be depends on the subject. In sentences (15), the students

should use are instead of is because the subject are plural form. The reason is the

sentence has wrong to be because the to be is “are” not is.

Verb Errors

As the writer explained before, there were 3 types of verb errors.

a) The use of auxiliary be (be before verb)

It was quite difficult for some students to write the form of verb used in

simple present tense. Some students wrote be before the verb in simple

present sentences. For example:

1) *Nisa is singing is solawat (student 1)

The correct sentence is : * Nisa is singing solawat.

The reason is because there are two to bes. It should be the

sentence must have one to be.

2) *She is like eat fish (student 4)


The correct sentence is: * She like to eat fish.

The reason is the sentence have double verb. So the verb ( eat)

must add the gerund (to).

3) *She is like flay (student 4)

The correct sentence is: * She likes to fly.

The reason is the sentence Have double verb. So the to be is

must nothing from the sentence. So the verb should be likes.

4) *Iqbal Ramadhan is artis (student 23)

The correct sentence is: * Iqbal Ramadhan is an artist.

The reason is the sentence has no the article. The article should

be an.

Even though all sentences above are simple present tense, but all of

them contain be before the verbs. In sentence (1), (2), (3) and (4),

students use to be is before the verb. The sentences need infinitive as

the verbs. Students should eliminate is in their sentences. According to

Richards (1974:174), such kinds of errors occur because the learner

creates the deviant of the structure on the basis of his experience of

other structure in the target language.

b) Error of using has/have

Many students were difficult to differentiate the using of have and has

for some subjects. For examples:

1) *Taiger is animal that have big bodi (student 15)

The correct sentence is: * Tiger is animal that has big body.

2) *She have two ear which long and board (student 17)

The correct sentence is: * She has two ears which long and


3) *Hi have two eye ( student 19)

The correct sentence is: * He has two eyes

4) *Cat have four feet (student 28)


The correct sentence is: * Cat has four feets.

In the sentences (1), (2), (3), and (4), students should use has

because the subjects of the sentences are third person singular.

Sentence have errors modal and object, for example the modal have

paired with the plural object ( have two ears) and than the modal has

paired with the singular object (has big body).

c) –s form

Most of students made this type of error. Some students omitted –s/-es

from the verb even if the subject is third person singular. For example:

1) *Has eleven friend (student 2)

The correct sentence is: *Has eleven friends

2) *He has milion subcriber ( student 2)

The correct sentence is: *He has milion subcribers.

3) *She has two ear (student 17)

The correct sentence is: *She has two ears.

4) *Have four leg (student 31)

The correct sentence is: *Have four legs

In sentences (1), (2),(3) and (4), the students omitted –s/-es from the

verb. Because the subjects of sentences are third singular person, so

they must use verb-s as the predicators. Doesnt omitted because the

sentences have no suffix –s add the object word because the subject is


4.2 Discussion

The result of the error analysis research showed that the students ommit

error into three type based on surface strategy taxonomy and simple present tense.

These are omission with the total numbers of error are 10, addition with the total

numbers of error are 2, misformation with the total numbers of error are 3 and

simple present tense with the total numbers of error are 25.


The errors performed by the students were also caused by several factors

which happened in their learning process as the causes of their errors; one of the

factors is interlingual transfer. The different systems of both of target language

(English) and source language (mother tongue) were the main fator of the

existence of errors in their construction the descriptive text.

According to Hourani (2008:42) causes of error in English writing is

language transfer because we need process between source language and target

language. Since the learners are beginner, he tends to rely on a great deal of

transfer from their mother language

Omission error occurs because the student does not put or forget to omit the

omission in their sentences. From the analysis, students are categorized because

they omit subject, plural marker, past marker, articles and verb.

Addition error occur because the students omit an item or some items that

must appear in the sentence. According to Meilia as double marking. It is also

supported by Sulistyawati (2011) classified the types of addition error and

researcher finds doule marking and regularization error in the analysis. The

regularization error happens because the students apply the rules use to produce

the regular one to those are irregular. The regularization error categorized addition

third person singular’s. And Doube marking It is an error that happens in a

sentence where an auxiliary is required then the learner still acquired the tense

form in auxiliary and verb. doube marking categorized addition in semantic

feature of present tense.

Misformation error happens when the learner uses the wrong form of a

structure or a morpheme, Misformation categorized of singular and plural. Simple

present tense most of the students use be as the verb in their sentences. However,

many of them still made errors in using this kind of verb. In this case, there were 2

types of be errors made by the students. They were Be errors and Verb errors.

Some students didn’t put be between subject and adjective or noun. These

types of errors occur because such rules do not exist in the students’ mother


tongue, so that the errors can be classified as incomplete application of rules.

(Richards: 1974:177)

The second type of error was the wrong type of be. Some students used ‘are’

while they should use is and they used be is while they should used are. In this

case, the students may be confused to use what kind of be must be used in the

sentences, because in their mother tongue’s rule there is no difference in meaning

between both of them.

There were 3 types of error in term of verb-error. The first was the use of

auxiliary be before verb. In present tense, students should not put a be in verbal

sentences. However, some students put it in some sentences.

The second error in verb-error was in using have or has. Some students were

confused to differentiate which subject should have and which subject should use

has. The error happened because the students may be confused to use what kind of

be must be used in the sentences, because in their mother tongue’s rule there is no

difference in meaning between both of them.

The last type of error was in term of using s-form. This was the most error

made the students. Most students were hard to understand that they should use s-

form of verb (verb1+s/es) if the subject of sentences were third person singular.

As Allen (1973:67) says that the only inflexion in the simple present tense is

the-s of the third person singular, but the students of English seem to have great

difficulty in remembering it.




5.1 Conclusion

After conducting the research, some conclusions about error in writing

descriptive text by 8th grade students’ at MTsN 5 Kota Jambi were presented.

These are omision error, addition error, misformation error, and simple present

tense. Omission with the total numbers of error are 10, addition with the total

numbers of error are 2, misformation with the total numbers of error are 3 and

simple present tense with the total numbers of error are 25. So, the total value of

all errors are 40.

The researcher also found some of students’ didn’t know what the

descriptive text. Some students didn’t know about the generic structure of

descriptive text. Generally, the students made such kinds of errors because they

only transferred rules from their mother tongue. It happened since they didn’t

really comprehend the target language.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on conclusion above, it is suggested for English teacher at junior

high school, especially English teachers of MTsN 5 Kota Jambi to consider about

method or strategy in teaching descriptive text for students’ at junior high school.

The teacher should give more explanation of grammatical rules in English,

particularly in simple present tense, so that the students will understand more

about good writing. Also the teachers should drill the students with more

exercises dealing with grammar in writing text. By giving a lot of practice in

writing, the students are trained to transfer their ideas into the English. It will help

them in applying the grammar rules in their sentences.

For the students, they should be aware and more pay attention, checked

and rechecked what they write even it is subject, verb, object, gerund, plural,


singular, possessive, pronoun, etc. Also, the students should be more practice and

learn about structure of tense, grammar and how to apply it in writing.

For the further researcher, the researher suggest to extend the larger of

error analysis. In this research, the researcher only find the types of error of

surface strategy taxonomy strategy, but there are other types of errors. the

researcher hopes that the next researcher to examine not only based on the surface

strategy taxonomy, but also the other types.



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O’Malley, J. M. (1996). Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners.

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Write the descriptive text in English at least 45 words. Here are the topics. You

may choose one of the topics below!

1. One of public figure that you know

2. One of your favorite animal

3. One of your favorite object


















































(Daftar Riwayat Hidup)

Nama : Celsy Apridina

Gender : Female

Place and Date of Birth : Muara Bulian, 23th 1997

Address : Jl. Pemuda Komplek Air Panas. Muara Bulian

Email Address : [email protected]

Educational Background :

No. Education Graduated Year Place

1. TK Pembina 2003 Muara Bulian

2. SD N 111/1 Komplek Air


2009 Muara Bulian

3. SMP N 3 Batang Hari 2012 Muara Bulian

4. SMA N 1 Batang Hari 2015 Muara Bulian

5. UIN STS Jambi 2019 Jambi

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