  1. 1. June 26, 2015 The Last Lecture George Waters Middle School
  2. 2. For our grade 8s... ... but this his really applies to everyone here, including me ... Commitment, Compassion, Courage, Culture, Control, Consistency, and Curiosity
  3. 3. A short video from 1992. It's a bit grainy. We didn't have HD TV back then. Those were indeed dark days.
  4. 4. This is how I think it relates to high school
  5. 5. The beginning of high school Excited Come flying out of the gates Refreshed after a summer off
  6. 6. The goal: To get the the finish line Complete grade 12 Using the Cs to help you along the way
  7. 7. Everyone will face challenges The work may be hard Relationships may fail Personal things may get hard At times lots of things can be seen as a challenge
  8. 8. The Cs will help you persevere Be Creative Collaborate Communicate Think Critically Be a good Citizen Have Character
  9. 9. People may get in your way It's in your control Be Committed Be Curious Have Compassion Be Consistent Be proud of your Culture Be Courageous
  10. 10. Help Ask for it Accept it Don't do it alone
  11. 11. Whatever happens Finish! Grow Learn Be kind Enjoy every minute All of you
  12. 12. Make your world better! Get Involved, Stand Up for Others, Be Philanthropists
  13. 13. But whatever you choose to do, do this...Have fun and make someone else's day better!

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