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Grade Seven Handbook

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Message from the Academic Staff

The children and staff respect the following principles Support for self-directed learning. Programmes which reflect the real world and its changing nature. The recognition and support of individual needs and aspirations. Involvement of the parents and the community. Striving for the development of lifelong learning. Maintaining flexibility and accountability within the academic curriculum. Fostering critical and creative thinking, problem solving, risk-taking and decision making.

Message from the Staff As a staff we take pride in the achievements of all our children. We encourage the pursuit of academic excellence, yet at the same time instil the important values of respect for self, others and the school. We provide an environment that makes all our children feel at home and that encourages them to be active learners involved in a variety of experiences. We teach them to be self-motivated, self-disciplined and self-directed in their learning. All our efforts around their education take into account the following principles of learning:

We all learn in different ways We all learn at different rates We learn through interaction We learn through observation We learn through effort Learning should be fun

We are committed to providing the best education possible for your sons and daughters. Knowing that you, as parents are the primary educators of your children, we encourage your involvement and participation - our doors are always open.

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Message from the Grade Seven Subject Teachers Welcome to Grade Seven. This booklet is designed to answer any general questions that you may have regarding the year. Should there be anything that you would like clarified or explained, please feel free to make an appointment, through the receptionist, to discuss your queries or concerns in more detail. We are here to provide the very best possible education for your child. This is only possible with your support and encouragement - please get involved as much and as often as you are able to. During this year your child will be given a lot of responsibility - in various forms. Please help us to encourage a sense of self-discipline and pride in your child. We expect the Grade Seven children to set a positive example for the rest of the school to follow. This encompasses all aspects of school life - the way they dress, the way they speak, the way they behave, the way they work and the way they treat others. You can help us by expecting the same standards at home. Should there be anything that is happening at home that may be out of the ordinary, please let us know. Small issues that may seem trivial to you could have a bigger impact on your child than you think. The death of a pet, an illness in the family, sibling rivalry, Mom or Dad going away for an extended period etc are all very relevant and we need to know about these changes at school. If there is anything that you would like to see added to this Information Booklet please let us know so that we can look into making the necessary changes. We hope that we have a successful and rewarding year with your child in our care.

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Daily Routine 07h40 Children to be at school. 07h45 School day starts 10h00 Tea break 13h30 Lunch break 14h00 Sport begins Fridays: School ends at 13h30. Day scholars and weekly boarders may elect to miss lunch and leave immediately after the academic day finishes. There is no homework on Fridays. Wednesdays: Although there is no official prep on Wednesdays, children are encouraged to read for pleasure for the equivalent of half the normal daily prep time allocation. Assessment Policy In the senior grades a combination of cumulative, summative, formal and informal assessments are used to determine the level of declarative knowledge achieved by an individual, and to assess the levels of competency in skills and to provide a measure of opinion and values held by the individual. Formal assessment includes all class tests and assignments, calendarised control tests and projects. Continuous assessment consists of general class work, oral work and class presentations. Parent/Teacher Communication We encourage you to communicate as often as possible with us. Nothing is too small for us to hear about. The more we know about each individual in our class, the better equipped we are to teach them more meaningfully. Please feel free to come in and chat, telephone or e-mail us at any time. During the first and third terms we have formal Parent-Teacher Interviews, the dates and times of which are published in our term calendar. This is an ideal opportunity for two-way communication

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during which we are able to discuss many relevant issues about your child. Please make every effort to attend these interviews - it makes a huge difference to your child. Outings Our focus insofar as outings go will be a 9 day adventure to the Tuli Game Reserve in Botswana. During the final two weeks of the Grade Seven Year the grade will take part in the ‘Farewell Programme’, which is a one-week programme of mixed events, daily outings and personal growth experiences. Academic Programme Overview Maths The focus of maths is to encourage the children to play and work with numbers in such a manner that the work becomes meaningful and enjoyable to them. A strong emphasis will be placed on the basics of maths - dealing quickly and accurately with areas that should be familiar to the learners. We consider these processes as being integral aspects of the maths lessons through the year: Exploring; Manipulating; Discovering; Ordering; Classifying; Generalizing; Abstracting; Estimating; Calculating; Predicting; Describing; Deducing; Drawing and Measuring. The following areas will be covered during the year: Estimation; the four operations; fractions - common and decimal; percentages and geometry. A lot of problem solving will also be dealt with during the various sections. A practical application of Mathematical skills as well as business principles will take the form of the annual Grade Seven Business Week in the third quarter.

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Science The main emphasis during these lessons is on the acquisition of relevant and specific skills. These skills are based on the scientific process of: observing; measuring; recording and interpreting. These skills are developed through tasks and activities within the following four modules: Module 1: Life and Living Module 2: Energy and change Module 3: Planet Earth and beyond Module 4: Matter and materials The children conduct much practical work in lessons as well as outdoors on the Clifton estate and beyond.

Social Sciences - History The skills covered include: Researching; using various sources of information; evaluating sources of information; recording; cause and effect; empathizing. Much class discussion centres on current affairs and the history thereof. Topics covered during the year include:

Modern South Africa Apartheid Government systems Democracy and Basic Equality Human Rights The voyages of discovery The Crusades Individual projects on topics of own choice

Geography Skills which are explored during the second semester include: Using an atlas; locating places; using scale; direction (compass work); understanding relief; determining altitude; identifying slopes; map

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reading; understanding geographical relationships; grouping; analyzing data; interpreting graphs; decision making; evaluating; research; group work. Topics covered during the year include:

Mapwork Position Scale and distance Map reading Compass work The earth in space Physical features and terms Political terms Economy and trade Natural occurrences Population Population density and distribution Communication and transport

English Comprehension We use the SQ3R method - survey; question; read; re-read and reflect; respond. Comprehension work is done according to the themes. This includes the deciding and understanding of spoken, written and oral texts. Language Language includes punctuation, parts of speech, sentence construction, figures of speech, dictionary skills and appropriate and effective language usage. Writing Skills During the year we cover a variety of writing skills. These include creative writing, summarizing, paragraphing, report writing, essay writing, dialogues and poetry. Poetry Class and group discussions around poems. Comprehensions based on the poems.

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Spelling Words are taken from the theme as well as from other subjects. Dictations are linked to the theme. Create sentences using given words. Challenging/extension words. Revision of common mistakes. Literature and Reading Films and Set work novels are studied in Grade Seven. Personal Reading We expect each student to read at least 2 books per term and submit a review on their reading. Oral Work Reading and talking to an audience. Short impromptu orals . Prepared oral based on the theme (quarterly). Declamation preparation. Extension Work Crosswords Building vocabulary Puzzles Word games

Afrikaans (Choice) The aim of teaching Afrikaans is to give the children an opportunity to learn an additional language for communicative purposes. Games, songs and role play as well as weekly tests are used to reinforce structures learnt. The following outcomes are covered: listening, speaking, reading and viewing, writing, thinking and reasoning and the use of sounds, grammar and vocabulary. In class we focus on the following:

Grammar: Children are taught to write sentences with correct grammatical structure and word order. To achieve this, grammar rules are learnt and applied.

Oral: To enhance oral competence, the children are encouraged to apply their vocabulary and correct grammatical structures. They are also taught to deliver prepared speeches and conversations using key cards.

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Comprehension: The children are taught to respond to a variety of texts such as advertisements, magazine articles and cartoons. They are expected to answer various types of questions based on the reading matter. Visual comprehension is also included.

Literature: Class readers and poems/songs are also studied and tested.

Reading: The children have prepared and unprepared reading exercises. The identification and pronunciation of sounds is practiced regularly. They are also encouraged to read for their own enjoyment and to extend their vocabulary. They are expected to read one library book per term and to write a book review on it.

Writing: The children have practice writing sentences, paragraphs, dialogues, essays as well as sms’s, faxes and e-mail messages.

Zulu (Choice) At Clifton we have adopted an approach to the teaching and learning of our second additional language, which is essentially introductory and conversational, with further development of written work. The children will spend most of this time involved in oral work and modules are designed to assist their understanding of the language through themes for communicative purposes. A range of multi-media is used to improve interest and to enhance the learning and discovery process. Basic word recognition is done, with little emphasis on rules of grammar and language. Book Education

Revision of the Dewey System. Research games. Project skills. Bibliographies. General Knowledge quizzes.

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Life Orientation Life Orientation aims to encourage and develop the following in every individual: Responsibility Awareness of self and others Decision-making Independence and individuality Self esteem Respect of self, others and surroundings Concern for self, others and surroundings These are developed during tutor sessions. Drama In Drama, the children are given the opportunity to express themselves through bodily movements in a creative way. They are taught how to project their voices and use their bodies and body language to portray meaning in various contexts. Improvisation skills are taught as well as the fundamental basic skills of acting including mime and role-play. Music

Dynamics Pulse Rhythm: Extension of note value learning; Teaching the preliminary stages of learning music Theory: Advanced, structured theory work; Differentiate between major and minor scales; Learn technical vocabulary of music Singing (various languages) Instrumental work: Percussion instruments Listening skills: Improving concentration and aural work Composers Movement and dance Different styles of music: Pop, Folk, Blues, Jazz Music appreciation

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Art During art lessons variety is encouraged. There is an optional choice of media and technique and individual attention is given to whatever media and technique the individual chooses. Subject matter is chosen according to the ability of each grade and individual. A specific skill is emphasized with each topic. The following skills are covered in various degrees of difficulty:

Observation of shapes that make up an object Texture Looking at background The focal point Blending of colours; The colour wheel; Primary and Secondary colours; Line and movement Extending a colour image Impressionism (Monet; Renoir; van Gogh) Pointillism (Seurat) Sketching: Pencil Techniques; Shape and form; Shading; Portrait painting/drawing; Composition - still life; Fabric painting; Papier-mâché work - construction.

We try to cover as many of these as possible. Physical Education Programme PE occurs one hour per week where the focus is on gaining and/or improving swimming skills, developing large motor skills and refining various sporting techniques. The children will also do a fitness assessment at regular intervals, so as to monitor their development.

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DO put conscious effort into developing good study habits - the dividends will last a lifetime.

DO show interest and concern that will show your child that study matters.

DO explain why homework is important and not just an in-fringement on spare time,

DO provide helpful conditions, peace and quiet, non inter-ference by siblings.

DO negotiate a time and a time limit - it’s quality not quantity that count.

DO encourage an atmosphere of learning in the home, dis-cussions, listening and tolerating opinions, realistic expectations.

DO praise effort and give help where needed, encourage her to admit mistakes, help her to look up information that will

help. DO withdraw a privilege when homework is not done.

DO approach the teacher if your child cannot finish the homework in the allotted time.

DON”T let even small tasks get neglected—the message is clear—it doesn’t matter anyway.

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