
Date: __________

Lesson Plan English V

I. Learning Objectives

Recognize a variety of sentences according to structure.

Use a variety of sentences in giving important ideas/events.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic:

Using a Variety of Sentences according to structures

Simple Sentence

Compound Sentence

Complex Sentence

B. References:PELC Speaking 7.7

C. Materials:cut-out of mugs and cups

Value Focus: Respectfulness and Kindness

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Use the semantic web to bring out the pupils idea about being kind.

Ask: What comes to your mind when you hear or read the word kind? (Write pupils answers around the word kind.)

Ask:Have you ever met people who are kind?

How did they show kindness?

Who do you think are the people who need more kindness?

How can we show kindness to them?

B. Development of the Lesson


Say: Today, we are going to read a story about a boy and a lovely worm. Be able to find out what kind of a boy he was and to whom we can compare the worm. Listen as I read the story.

The Boy and the Worm

One day, a little boy was playing in his backyard near the artesian well. He watched a worm for a long time. Then he said, What an ugly thing you are! You have no hair, no legs, and I dont think you have eyes.

That doesnt matter, said the worm. All worms are like that and we manage fine, the worm commented as it watched its composure.

But, do you know how to do anything? said the boy. The animals run about and the birds fly and sing. You cannot do any of those things.

True, said the worm. I cannot do those things, the worm concluded.

I know how to do everything, said the boy. I know how to read, do my arithmetic, Im very good at division. To a certain extent, I make decisions like what shirt to wear or what food to order over the counter. I can do a lot of things with minor supervision.

I dont need to know how to read and write, said the worm. But tell me, are you prepared for an invasion? Are you brave enough to face explosions? Tell me, do you know how to live in this world all by yourself? Can you feed yourself and take care of yourself without the help of your parents? Can you stand an immeasurable cruel regime?

No, but Im still very young, said the boy.

But Im much younger than you are and yet I can feed myself and take care of myself without any help. And besides, did you ever see a worm that can talk? Am I not a national treasure?

Adapted from The Boy and the Word

by Cabrina Padilla

Comprehension Check-up

Write pupils answers on the board.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. What did the boy see in the backyard one day?

3. What did the worm comment when the boy said, What an ugly thing you are. You have no hair, no legs, and I dont think you have eyes.

4. How did the boy describe the animals and birds?

5. To a certain extent, what did the boy tell the worm about other things he can do?

Pupils possible answers:

1. The boy and the worm are the characters in the story.

2. The boy saw a worm.

3. All worms are the same and they can manage on their own.

4. The animals can run and the birds can fly and sing.

5. He can make decisions like what shirt to wear or what food to order in a restaurant.

Analysis and Discussion

Ask the pupils to read the answers written on the board and let them analyze the sentences.

1. Say:Class, look at the first two sentences on the board. Explain that a group of words that has a meaning or a complete thought is called a sentence.Ask:Who are we talking about in the first sentence?

What can we say about the boy and the worm? (Do the same with the second sentence.)

Explain that the part of the sentence that tells who or what is talked about is the subject and the part that tells action of being or tells something about the subject is the predicate.

Explain further that group of words that has a complete thought or independent clause is called a simple sentence.

2. Analyze the third sentence. Ask a pupil to go to the board and underline one independent clause then, call another pupil to do the same with the other clause.

a.Ask: Can the underlined group of words stand alone or are they independent?

b.Let the pupils read the first clause. Ask:Does this clause have a complete thought? How about the other clause? What conjunction connects the two clauses?

Explain that if a sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses, it is called compound sentence. (Cite other conjunctions that connect clauses such as but, moreover, however, besides, thus, and therefore.)

c.Analyze the last sentence. Let a pupil underline the first clause and another pupil to underline the other clause. Ask: Is the first clause an independent clause or a dependent clause? How about the other clause? What conjunction connects the two clauses?

Explain that if a sentence is made up of one independent clause and one more dependent clause, it is called a complex sentence. (Give other examples of conjunctions used in a complex sentence such as since, although, who, which, after, before, and until.)


1.What are the three kinds of sentences according to structure?

2.How would you identify each one?

Sentences can be simple, compound, or complex.

A simple sentence is made up of a subject and a predicate. It contains one independent clause only. Simple sentences may have a:

a. simple subject simple predicate

b. compound subject simple predicate

c. simple subject compound predicate

d. compound subject compound predicate

A compound sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses. The clauses are joined by conjunctions like and, but, or, moreover, besides, thus, and therefore.

A complex sentence is made up of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Some conjunctions used are since, though, who, which, after, before, until, and others.

Values Integration

How do you treat people with special needs? Why do you say so?

C. Post Activities


Read the following sentences about a Visayan myth on the sun and the moon. Identify the kind of sentences used. In the blank before the number, write S for simple sentence, CM for compound sentence, and CX for complex sentence.

_____1. The Sun and the Moon were married and they had many

children, the stars.

_____2. The Sun was very fond of his children.

_____3. But whenever he tried to embrace any of them, he was too hot

that he burned them up.

_____4. This made the Moon so angry she finally forbade him from

touching them again.

_____5. One day, the Moon went down to the spring to do some


_____6. When she left, she told the Sun that he must not touch any of

their children in her absence.

_____7. When she returned, however, she found that Sun had

disobeyed her, and several of her children had perished.

_____8. She was very angry, she picked up a banana tree to strike


_____9. The Sun threw sand on the Moons face, that up to this day you

can see the dark marks on the face of the moon.

_____10. The Sun started to chase the Moon and they had been going

around in circles ever since.

_____11. Sometimes, the Moon gets so near that the Sun would almost

catch her, but she escapes.

_____12. Then, she would be far ahead again.

Enrichment Activities

A. Lets have a Tea Party

You may not necessarily have a tea party in class where you have cups of tea. It is an activity where you provide your pupils with cut-outs of cups labeled with topics that are of interest to them. The pupils move about and engage in a conversation using the three kinds of sentences. Below are some topics to talk about in your tea party. Give your pupils at least five minutes to write the sentences.

During your tea party, everybody shares his/her ideas. What should you do when one of your classmates is talking or sharing his/her idea?

B. Write the appropriate conjunctions (and, or, not, but, after, before, until, that, when) to join the sentences to complete the myth.The Rose

There once was a pretty __________ very naughty child. Her name was Rosa. She was scornful of others, especially the poor.

One day, a beggar went to their house. He begged for a drink __________ he was ignored by Rosa. She sent him away instead.

Just __________ the beggar left, the world darkened.

It rained hard. It thundered __________ lightning flashed.

A bolt of lightning struck Rosas house. The rain stopped __________ the world brightened. Rosa was nowhere to be seen. Her parents couldnt find her __________ they grieved.

One day, a plant sprouted in their yard. It grew __________ bore a beautiful flower __________ was thorny. It reminded the parents their lost child. They called the plant rose, a reminder of their lost child.

IV. Evaluation

A. Read the selection and select three simple sentences three compound sentences, and three complex sentences. Write your answers on your pad paper.

Why the Sky is High

In the early days, when the sky was still low, two brothers named Ingat and Daskol lived with their parents on earth.

As their names indicate, Ingat was careful in everything he did and was therefore his fathers right-hand man. He was always helping with the work in the field and his parents were very pleased with him.

On the other hand, Daskol did his work sloppily. In the absence of a daughter in the family, the house work came to be Daskols responsibility. He fetched water, cleaned the house, and did the cooking. He also did the pounding of the palay that his father and Ingat harvested. Even in pounding, Daskol lived up to his name. Half of the grain he pounded would scatter and fall to the ground. Being naturally lazy and impatient, he did not like grain pounding.

One day, Daskol had to pound a greater quantity of palay than usual. He was irritated because every time he raised the pestle, it would hit the sky. His anger added to his strength and desire to finish the work quickly. So he raised the pestle higher and everytime it hit the sky, the sky would be raised. In his hurry, Daskol did not notice that the sky was rising. When he finished pounding the grain, he looked up and discovered that the sky had risen, as we see it today.

B. Describe the events in the story using simple, compound, and complex sentences

V. Assignment

Write a paragraph about the things you do at home using simple, compound, and complex sentences.







bring joy to others

My best friend

My favorite food

My wish for my birthday

My favorite TV program

My most unforgettable experience

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