Page 1: Grace Notes - · my last vacation this summer than I had in several years now. And that is something I should probably change. Because swimming not only


Volume 70, Number 9 September 2018

Grace Notes

Shane Koepke Lead Pastor

Jennifer Gonsalves Associate Pastor

Office Hours 8:30 am―5:00 pm Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri

8:30 am―12:00 pm Tue


Worship Services Sunday Morning 9:00 am

Wednesday Evening 5:30 pm

Sunday School/ Confirmation

Age 4 through Adult Sunday Morning 10:15 am September through May


is published monthly by Grace Lutheran Church

918 Garfield Avenue Albert Lea, MN 56007


Grace Lutheran

Mission Statement:

Bringing People

Together and

Becoming Disciples for


Vacation Bible School 2018

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Pastor Shane Koepke Lead Pastor [email protected]

This changes everything…

The youth went to Houston, and I went along. To be honest, I’d even say I drug my feet a little. Not because of the youth, they’re great, but because the whole idea of the youth gathering never fascinated me like it did others I knew. But here I am, tail between my legs, telling you loud and proud, that it was great. It was wonderful, over-whelming at times and altogether a faith building experience. The experience of being in an NFL sta-dium full of 31,000 youth and leaders (we leaders were easily outnumbered) dancing, singing, crying, laughing and being moved to stand up and see that God was working in their lives, that God was chang-ing the world around them and changing them in the process, was not only needed, but a refreshing thing to hear.

Too often we think because God is never changing, that then the church knows everything about God and is not bound to change. Let’s be honest: The world is always a changing place, and from the be-ginning (yes, even in Genesis…the very beginning) God sets up and is active in the changing world. Our youth got a chance to hear from people who have experienced God’s grace in the midst of change, they worked in neighborhoods deep in need of change, and they themselves in the pro-cess were changed, are changing. Not because they are youth, but most especially because they are simply human. Like me. Like you.

The youth presented in worship a few weeks ago and I hope you were as proud as I was to their abil-ity to articulate their experience, to share it with us in worship and to invite you along for the journey of God’s work in a changing world. The church cannot afford to see our youth as the leaders of tomorrow

and put them on a shelf, the church needs them (and you!) right now! Our worship, volunteering, offering, and engagement need to be with each oth-er now. We need to listen to each other now. And right now, we need God to work in us the courage to do just that: listen and engage. Thank you so much for supporting our youth on this adventure, and thank you even more for welcoming them home to be a valuable part of the church.

Peace on your journey, PShane

The Pastor’s Pen

FUNERALS Judy Anderson

Norma Ruud


Once again, a 4-week Bible Study will be offered before church services beginning on September 16th and running through October 7th. The focus of this study is “Who is My Neighbor?” We will ex-plore what the Bible has to say about neighbors – who are they and how are we to respond? We will consider global neighbors, transient neighbors and neighbors within our own community. Join the study to share in the journey on discovering our ‘neighborhood’ and our call to action. Coffee and goodies will be available at 7:45; meetings will begin promptly at 8:00 and will end at 8:50.

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Pastor Jennifer Gonsalves, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Blessings. I hope that you all have had a wonderful summer

whether you relaxed at home, embarked on jour-neys to new and exciting places or spent time with family and friends. I decided to appease my wan-derlust with a trip to Costa Rica and Panama where I spent my days white water rafting, snorkeling, hik-ing to see waterfalls or just relaxing on the beach. And because I spent most of my vacation either in or by the water, I realized something on that trip: I had forgotten just how much I loved to swim. You see when I was a kid, I swam all the time. The local pool was five minutes from our house and we went all the time. And I still remember how excited my friends and I were when our parents decided that we were old enough to ride our bikes to the pool without them and we took advantage of that privi-lege whenever we could. We would even rush to the pool the day it opened to be the first to jump in even though the water was really too cold to swim. But as an adult, I find that I hardly ever swim any-more. In fact, I think I spent more time swimming on my last vacation this summer than I had in several years now. And that is something I should probably change. Because swimming not only is fun and a great form of exercise, by swimming I get to see and experience things that I never could if I just stayed on the land.

On my trip, I saw things I would never be able to see if I didn’t dive in: coral in every shape and size and schools of brightly colored fish. I even fulfilled a dream of swimming with sea turtle and the sharks were an added bonus (they were very small ones)! Because I knew how to swim, a whole new world was opened to me. So I find it rather apt, that our Sunday School Programing this year is called Deep Blue where themes of water and diving in abound

as our kids explore what it means to be children of God in new fun and exciting ways.

In Sunday School this year, our 1st to 5th graders will dive deep into God’s Word and we pray that by diving in that they will feel God’s love more strong-ly, see God working in the world around them more clearly and that they will know that God has prom-ised to always be with even when the waters of this world get a little rough. So come by and check us out – we will be in the fellowship hall – and dive in with us as we have fun exploring the Bible and this wonderful world that God has made.

The Associate Pastor’s Corner

STEPPING STONES MINISTRY Stepping Stones is a program where parents and children ex-plore key aspects of their faith together. There will be a focus in

all classes on learning simple faith practices so that families can continue growing in faith together at home. Our Fall Classes are:

NEW CLASS! Practicing Faith at Home – Pre-School & Kindergarten When: Sunday Sept. 16th from 2-3pm in the Fellowship Hall The children will receive Story Bibles in wor-ship that morning and we learn simple ways to use their new Bibles to talk about God when you are at home.

The Holy Bible – 3rd Grade When: Sunday Sept. 30 from 2-4pm in Fellowship Hall The kids will receive a Bible in worship that morning and at class we will explore how to read and use your Bible. We will also explore ways how families can grow in faith by read-ing the Bible together.

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Deacon Robert Tewes, Director of Worship and Music [email protected]

As I write this article, the last weeks of Summer are rapidly

fleeing, and my focus is on the new program year beginning just days away. Reflecting on the various people who volunteered by providing special music during our summer worship services, I give my sin-cere thanks. Each of the groups/individuals did a great job!

As we look ahead to the new musical season, all ages are invited to participate in one of the various ensembles that we have here at Grace.

Our rehearsals will begin this Fall on Wednesday, September 12th.

For elementary-aged students we have Cherub and Chancel Choirs, with their Wednesday rehearsals held from 4:30-5:15p.m.

High School aged youth through adults are invited to participate in the Bells of Praise Hand Bell choir which rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m., and/or the Adult Choir, which rehearses on Wednes-days at 7:30.

I look with eager anticipation to the upcoming year, and hope that many of you will be able to join us in making a “Joyful Noise” with the talents which God has so richly blessed us.



"Fear not, for I am with you." Isaiah 41:10 "And who is my neighbor?" Luke 10:29

"Dark times lie ahead and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and

what is right." -Albus Dumbledore, in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

2018 is likely to be the 4th hottest year in human history, after 2016, 2015, and 2017, respectively. The challenges of extended heat waves, raging wildfires, massive hurricanes and other climate-related disas-ters are likely to increase in the coming years as the consequences of fossil fuel consumption mount.

Observing this situation, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda writes, "Seeing cruel realities in which we are implicated requires courage. Seeing in ways that build moral power rather than despair or powerlessness requires wisdom. Courage and wisdom begin with facing truth: the human species -- or rather the high consuming among us -- has, through climate change, become a threat to life on Earth. The credible scientific commu-nity is of one accord about this reality. Less widely accepted, however, is a corollary point of soul-searing moral import. It is this: In general, the people most devastated by climate change are not causing it." ("Science and Religion: Keys to an Equitable and Ecological Future," Holden Village

Voice, Summer 2018)

The one thing we all share in common is this earth. The time to act with-out fear, to love our neighbors, and to do what is right is now. How can we, the high consuming, live well (or even better) while buying less and generating less waste and emissions?

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Ashley Kuhlman, Youth Director [email protected]

[email protected]

This summer we sent 10 7th grad-ers to Confirmation Camp, 10

youth to Bible Camp, 19 high schoolers to Houston for the ELCA Youth Gathering and we had 17 unique 7th – 9th graders participate in our first Local Mission Trip Week. Thank you to all who participat-ed, volunteered, donated, or prayed for us this summer. Our Youth Ministry could not happen with-out those who have helped us in some way. We are so lucky to come from such a supporting congrega-tion. Thank you!

We have had a busy summer at Grace and now it’s already time to jump back into regular programming for the school year! As Pastor Jennifer has shared, our Sunday School programming may look differ-ent for many of you; but our kids will still get the same (maybe even a better) experience out of it. Our Confirmation program will be focusing on the Bible this school year and learning the different sto-ries in the New and Old Testaments. We will also be starting up our Sunday Youth Devotion Pro-gram (6th – 8th Grade) that is designed for youth to have some discussions, discovery and devotions during the regular Sunday School hour. We will al-so be restarting our High School Youth Group this school year! Anybody who is 9th – 12th grade is welcome to join us most Wednesdays (starting Sept. 12) for games, devotions, food and fellowship time with one another.

Is your child or loved one interested in joining us for one of these events? You can find registration forms online at or outside of Ashley’s Office. Please turn these into the office. Thank you!

Children, Youth & Family Fall Calendar:

Wednesday’s: 6:00pm Chew n Chat & 7:00pm Confirmation & Youth Group

Sundays: 10:15am Sunday School & Youth Devotions

Sept 5: Chew n Chat, First Night of Confirmation

Sept 9: First Day of Sunday School & Youth Devotions, 9th Grade Confirmation Afternoon Retreat & Meeting

Sept 12: First Night of Youth Group

Sept 23: Pre-K Stepping Stone Class

Sept 30: 3rd Grade Stepping Stone Class 6th – 12th Grade Prairie River Camp Event

Oct 6: 9th-12th Grade Wartburg & Luther College Visits

Prairie River Camp Low Ropes & Zip Line On Sunday Sept 30 from 1:30 – 5:30pm we will be heading over to Prairie River Camp to do the High Ropes Course! This is a great opportunity for 6th – 12th graders to develop some team building skills, work on strength building and do things they would-n’t usually do! This will cost $10/per person and must sign up by Sept 26th. There is a capacity of people that can join so first come, first serve! We are looking for at least one adult volunteer to drive for this event!

Wartburg & Luther College Tours On October 6th 8:00am – 6:00pm we are heading to Iowa to tour some ELCA Schools! This is a great chance to start looking into the different Lutheran Schools near us and look at some of the things that they offer. Those currently in 9th – 12th Grade and any parents interested are welcome to join us. This event is free and includes meals. Sign up by October 3rd.

Grace Children, Youth and Family Ministry

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Notes from the Building Superintendent Darin LaFrance Building Superintendent [email protected]

After a long week of torching the boilers, they are all gone, thanks Jim! Jim had to cut the old boilers

into small pieces in order to be able to carry them out the door. Since the roof is all concrete this was the only option. We are continuing to clean up all the other little things in the boiler room that will not be needed. As we are getting ready for Johnson Heating and Air-conditioning to begin the install of the new system, you may have noticed that the cel-ling in the basement hallway has been taken down. The celling will be replaced with a suspended cel-ling similar to the one in fellowship hall. Having this done has reduced the labor of the new heating sys-tem significantly. The new celling will also make it easier for any future maintenance work, brighter lighting, and for adding emergency lights. Please be aware through out the building as this project moves forward to possibly some sections maybe

closed off. We are going to do our best to coordi-nate weekly events, so the construction doesn’t interfere with any of them. I’m really looking for-ward to seeing the difference of gas consumption used from the previous years to this up coming winter season. By the end of winter there will be a graph displayed to show everyone the difference. Thank you and stay safe as the busy school sea-son started.

Jim Westeng cutting the old boiler into smaller pieces.

CAP Movie Nights (Cinema and Popcorn) CAP is scheduled for a Friday each month and starts at 6:30 in the Fireside Room. Bring a friend and come join in a great evening of fellowship. Our schedule for Fall 2018:

Friday September 21 - The Great Debaters The true story of professor Melvin B. Tolson who formed a debate team at a small, African American college in the 1930s. The team goes on to face Harvard in the national debate championships. Denzel Washington stars in this uplifting film.

Friday October 19 - Good Will Hunting Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, and Robin Williams star in this story about a working class genius with a chip on his shoulder.

November 16 - The Case for Christ A hard-driving journalist, Lee Strobel was exactly where he expected to be at work: on top. His award-winning investigative reporting recently earned him a promotion to legal editor at the ChicagoTribune. But things weren't going nearly as well at home where his wife Leslie's newfound faith in Christ went against everything Lee believed-or didn't be-lieve-as an avowed atheist. Utilizing his journalistic and legal training, Lee begins a quest to debunk the claims of Christianity in order to save his crumbling marriage. Chasing down the biggest story of his ca-reer, Lee comes face-to-face with unexpected results that could change his life forever.

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Lori Tuchtenhagen, Parish Nurse [email protected]

Dear Friends of Grace Lutheran,

Did you know that believing you are special can help lower your stress? Take these few thoughts to heart this week when you doubt yourself.

• I'm all the world there's nobody like me. Nobody has my smile. Nobody has my eyes, hair or voice.

• I'm one laughs like me or cries like me. No one sees things just as I do. No one reacts just as I would react.

• I'm special...I'm the only one in all creation who has my set of abilities. My unique combi-

nation of gifts, talents and abilities are an original symphony.

• I'm special...I'm rare. And in rarity there is great value. I need not imitate others. I will accept, yes, celebrate -my differences.

• I'm special...and I am beginning to see that God made me special, for a very special pur-pose. God has a job for me, that no one else can do as well as I do. Out of all the appli-cants only one is qualified. That one is me. Because...I am Special.

God made all of us special. Count your Blessings. Remember - at the core of your being, you are goodness and love!

May God Bless You, Lori Tuchtenhagen, Parish Nurse

Heart Notes from your Parish Nurse

LEAD TEAM The Lead Team is very excited to update you on the Food For Backpacks Program. We have had an overwhelming positive response for this program and the possibility of expanding it. We will again be providing weekend food packets to the students right across the street at Hawthorne Elementary; we are thrilled to be partnering with Zion Lutheran, just a block away. They too, are very excited to join in this community outreach program and will share the costs, storage and delivery for the school year at Hawthorne. And, more wonderful news!! We have the generous support and energy of 6 other churches in Albert Lea and Hayward who will be providing the same packets to students in need of weekend food at Halverson, Sibley and Lakeview schools, as well as Southwest Middle School. The Holy Spirit is at work here in Albert Lea. Again, we ask for your prayers and any support you can give

to this program. There are brochures available at the church if you would like to encourage service groups, area businesses, etc. to support this pro-gram. Donations can be dropped off or sent to: Food For Backpacks, at the church office. Thank you. "We love because Christ first loved us." 1 John 4:19.

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BOILER/BUILDING/ROOF/FURNACE FUND In Memory Of: Betty Hanson given by Dell & June Claussen, Grace Vee Lowell Olson given by David & Carol Paschka Shirley Baker—sister of Janet Henschl given by Dale & Dorothy Baldwin, Ona Meyer George Ehrhardt given by Dell & June Claussen Birdie Bowman given by Dexter & Jane Henschl Norma Ruud given by Marjorie Dann Doris Loberg—mother of Rick Loberg given by Dexter & Jane Henschel, Barb Tullberg, Judy Hall Forrie Claussen given by Bill & Sue Barber Aunt Birdie Bowman given by Bill & Sue Barber Jack Westendorf given by Carlyn Tufte Luverne Roberts given by Carol Roberts Gifts Given By: Dwane & Mary Peterson, Faith Ryan, Carroll Hanson, Dale & Dorothy Baldwin, Hardanger Group, Darin & Rebecca Passer, Roger Johnson FOOD SHELF In Memory Of: Allen Menssen given by Judy Menssen Jack Westendorf given by Wayne & Sharon Jahnke In Honor Of: Children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren given by Jean Hanson, Cheri Wehrenberg Gifts Given By: Darin & Rebecca Passer, John & Kathy Knutson, Shelly Sipple GENERAL FUND In Memory Of: Doris Loberg—mother of Rick Loberg given by Harriet Harne Birdie Bowman given by Harriet Harne Betty Hanson given by Roy & Cheryl Page HAWTHORNE SCHOOL BACKPACK PROGRAM In Memory Of: Judy Anderson given by Barbara Tullberg Aunt Birdie Bowman given by Larry & Lanae Thorstad Doris Loberg—mother of Rick Loberg given by Larry & Lanae Thorstad Betty Hanson given by Robert & Muriel Hoeg Gifts Given By: David & Carol Larson, Dale & Dorothy Baldwin, Dwane & Mary Peterson, John & Kathy Knutson, Al & Pat Arends, James & Judy Munyer, Don & Melody Munden, Gerhard & Irmgard Kleih, David & Jeanne Lundak, Arnold & Sharon Pasche, Anonymous LIBRARY FUND Gift Given By: Darin & Rebecca Passer

LOVE Gifts Given By: LaVerne Seberson, Ed & Julie Groeneweg, Talora Grosland, Shelly Sipple MARTIN LUTHER FUND In Honor Of: Lea Nolting’s 90th Birthday given by Wayne & Sharon Jahnke In Memory Of: Doris Loberg—mother of Rick Loberg given by Hazel Spiering MEMORIAL FUND In Memory Of: Sister “Lorraine” given by Dolly Feeley, Jean Hanson, Cheryl Wehrenberg, Betty Johnson, Doris Callahan MUSIC MINISTRY Gift Given By: Carroll Hanson PARISH NURSE FUND In Memory Of: Betty Hanson given by Chuck & Shari Van Wey Judy Anderson given by David & Sally Skrlin PRAYER SHAWL In Memory Of: Doris Loberg—mother of Rick Loberg given by Kenn & Gerri Breamer STEWARDSHIP BACKPACKS Gifts Given By: John & Kathy Knutson, Hazel Spiering, Anonymous SUNDAY SCHOOL FUND In Memory Of: Judy Anderson given by Beverly Evans Birdie Bowman given by Beverly Evans WORLD HUNGER FUND In Memory Of: Harlin Elseth given by Ross & Shelly Peterson PLEASE NOTE that any additional "Gifts of Love" recorded by the church office after August 26th will appear in the next issue. If you have given a gift and your name has not been recorded, please call the church office so the correction can be made. Thank you.

Gifts of Love

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September (The list below is to remind us to pray for our

Grace family members on the following dates.) 1. Nikki Schumaker, Brody, Logan 2. Phil & Jenny Scott, Brock, Brynlea 3. William & Patricia Searles 4. Julie Seavey, Benjamin, Jenna 5. Charles & Sherry Seberson 6. LaVerne Seberson 7. Norman & Barbara Seberson 8. Randy & Tammy Senholtz, Anthony 9. Brandon & Stephanie Servantez, Konner 10. Jean Severson 11. Mark Severson, Lukas 12. Michael & Cynthia Severson 13. Lester & Diane Shaunce 14. Howard & Doris Sigurdson 15. Norris & Beulah Sigurdson 16. Terry & Shirlee Sigurdson 17. Shelly Sipple 18. David & Sally Skrlin 19. Sue Smith, Amanda 20. Dave & Jane Smith 21. Pastor Peter & Debra Soli, Anna, Margaret, Jonathan 22. Peter & Debra Solie, Cameron, Brady 23. Gordon Sorenson 24. Mark & Diane Sorenson 25. Tom & Julie Sorenson, Drew 26. Virginia Sorenson 27. Hazel Spiering 28. Alice Spilde 29. Blake & Lynn Stadheim, Tony, Tyler 30. Cliff & Betty Stahl

Grace Prays

Prayers of Healing Evan Peterson

(Grandson of Lowell & Barb Peterson) Gretchen Anderson

(Daughter of LuVerne Godtland)

Prayers for those Grieving Family & Friends of Birdiene Bowman

(Sister-in-law of Ona Meyer)

Family & Friends of Judy Anderson

Family & Friends of Norman Ruud

Family & Friends of Doris Loberg

(Mother of Rick Loberg)

Prayers of Joy The marriage of

Daniel & Rebecca Sharpsteen

Paul & Lorraine Nagel’s 62nd Wedding Anniversary

Bob & Bernice Moreau’s 66th Wedding Anniversary

Rally Sunday & Blessing of the Backpacks

(If you know anyone needing prayers of our congregation, please let us know so we can include

them on our list. Requests for the Prayer Chain can be arranged by calling the church office.)

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Caring and Sharing

Chairwomen: Corrine Tims Kay Goodmanson

Donna & Victor Avery Lorraine Branstad Jay & Amy Cichosz Kate & Wes Dahl Shauna Dakken Norma Demmer Patricia Ehlert Gloria Ell Pamela & Richard Hanson Renee & Ryan Haugsdal Carol & Ronald Johnson Diann & Don King Carol Kubat Judy Moen Sharon O’Byrne Dianne & Bruce Olson Delores & Milton Ost Patricia & Bruce Palmer May & Dwane Peterson Marsha Rafdal Karen & Mark Sanderson Carolyn Schmitz Diane & Craig Schultz Shelly Sipple Carol & Judean Thompson Gerry & Jerry Vogt Maxine Wachotz Karen Wangen Sharon & Joel Westcott Marian Ziebell

OUR THANKS to Elaine Long and Ann Oliphant for serving as chairwomen for August Caring and Shar-ing; and to all who volunteered to help and/or provide food. Your help was appreciated.


We invite you to join any of our regular Bible

study groups at Grace Lutheran.

Sunday Morning Adult Forum September — May

Come join us at 10:15 Sunday mornings.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study Tuesday mornings, 10:00-11:00am (Fireside Room) This study for women offers fellowship,

singing, and great discussion.

Thursday Morning Bible Study 6:00-7:00am (Kitchen) Consider joining this group where there is an opportunity for good discussion and good fel-

lowship, along with good coffee and treats!

Grace WELCA Women’s Circles

Mary Circle (meeting 1st Monday, 5:15pm)

Lois Circle (meeting 4th Tuesday, 9:30am)

Martha Circle (meeting 4th Wednesday,


New members are always welcome! Call the

church office, 373-6496, for more information.

GARDENING COMMITTEE Calling all who would like to donate some time keeping our gardens weeded and our planters wa-tered and blooming. We have a small group look-ing for people to share the work and to expand the fellowship. This could be a family ‘work together’ project. It could be a ‘small group’ opportunity. The work would involve weeding, watering and dead-heading flowers. The more volunteers we add to the list, the smaller the workload for everyone. Contact Becky at 391-2770 to join the effort.

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August 14, 2018

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Church Council President Nikki Schumaker called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Opening Devotions

The Council opened with prayer.

3. Open Forum

Budget Update – Patty Tewes provided the Council with an update on our budget and giving. She noted that some additional gifts have been made in response to the letter on giving sent by Pastor Shane and the Coun-cil. Tewes added that congregational giving has improved and the gap between monthly giving and budgetary needs has narrowed. She stressed that the needs of the budget are still outpacing giving each month. Tewes concluded her update by discussing with the Council the need to improve the manage-ment of fund accounts, pre-tax accounts, designated fund accounts, and the income and expenses associated with all accounts managed by Grace.

It was MSA (Move-Seconded-Approved) by Schindler and Dahl to give Patty and Marsha Rafdahl to reconcile the church’s designated funds.

4. Approval of Today's Agenda – Action

MSA (Move-Seconded-Approved) - Groeneweg and Timms

5. Approval of Last Month’s Minutes – Action

MSA – Dahl and Schindler

6. Consent items – No Action

7. Reports

7.1 Lead Pastor Report Presenter: Pastor Koepke

7.2 Associate Pastor Report Presenter: Pastor Jennifer

Pastor Jennifer updated the Council on the new Sunday School program. The program will include a variety of large group and small group activities. Students will have some choice of the activities that they will engage in each Sunday. Leadership of the program could include a one month commit-ment verses nine months in the past. The structure of Sunday School will include a pre-school program led by Katy Dahl, a First to Fifth Grade program, and a Sixth to Seventh Grade led by Youth Director Ashley. Pastor also noted that Vacation Bible School has good enrollment. Finally, she wished to con-sider having the maintenance of the Peace Garden as a service project for our youth.

7.3 Commission & Committee Report Highlights

LEAD – Timms provided an update on the Backpack Program. A food order is pending delivery and all churches have paid their share for the food. A new brochure has been developed for the program and there was press coverage done by the Albert Lea Trib-une. In addition, the program will be featured in the synod newsletter. Finally, Timms not-ed that Dave Drommerhausen developed a spreadsheet to manage food ordering and collections.

7.4 Council President Report - No report.

8. Effective & Efficient Operations

8.1 Stewardship – No report

8.2 Constitution Revision– No report

Church Council Minutes

Continued on page 13

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8.3 Boiler/Engineering/Capital Campaign Expected Outcome: Project Manage-


Capital Campaign Update – Patty Tewes also provided the Council with an update on the Capital Campaign. Twenty-one thou-sand dollars ($21,000) was received in pledges that last month. Billings are pending for the doors and the key fob security sys-tem. There are $463,000 of funds available in the Campaign account.

8.4 Grace Lutheran Logo

The new logo design will be implemented this Fall in conjunction with the stewardship effort.

9. Other Business

9.1 Any other business - No report.

10. Prayer Intercessions

“Sending prayer” cards were signed by council members and the pastors.

11. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Gary Schindler Grace Lutheran Church Council Secretary

FRIENDS Friends will be celebrating the last hur-rah of summer with a pizza party in the Prayer Garden, Sunday September 9, 2018 at 6:00 pm (inside the church if the weather is bad). Beverage and a sweet

treat will be provided. Friends is for individuals who are single, divorced or widowed who would like to spend an enjoyable evening of relaxing socializa-tion, good food and fun games. Join in the fun, can’t you already smell the pizza, pepperoni; sausage, onions, mushrooms; olives and of course CHEESE.

Church Council Minutes Continued

GRACE SENIORS Here we go back to September and we have anoth-er meeting. On September 12, 2018 at 2:00 PM in the fireside room Pastor Ost will be our speaker. His talk is on archeology in Caeseria in Israel. Hope you will all join us and bring a friend. We will have coffee and goodies. Now once again there is no meeting in October and hope to be back in No-vember for the rest of the year.

Grace Activities

MARY CIRCLE The Mary Circle is resuming in September. We are meeting on Monday, September 10, at 5:15 in the Fireside Room. We are starting a new Bible Study series this year using videos and discussion questions. Becky Tennis Hanson is hosting; please join us!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND SAVE THE DATE! The Grace Lutheran Salad Luncheon will be held on Thursday, October 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be a wide assortment of salads, de-licious mints, deviled eggs and sloppy joes. The cost is $8.00 per person. Plan on attending and on bringing your friends. Watch for sign-up lists in Sep-tember for salads and for the opportunity to help with the set up and the serving. We look forward to another great event this year!

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QUARTERS FOR WORLD HUNGER What if your children were hungry

every day because all they had to eat

was a few handfuls of rice? This is the situation

for many farming families in a drought-prone

region of West Africa which has poor soil. It is

crucial for these farmers to have farming meth-

ods that work in this extreme environment –

methods that can mean the difference between

constant hunger and hardship --- and a stable

life. ELCA World Hunger is working in this area

to teach farmers how to grow crops like sesa-

me. Sesame is drought resistant, thrives in

poor soil, is valued for its seeds and oil and

brings a good price in the market. Your gifts to

ELCA World hunger is such a blessing. Your

gifts create lasting change for these farmers.

Thank you for helping them create a brighter

future for their children.

Quarters to date -- $528.50


Date Actual Offering Budgeted Offering Percent Above/Below Budget

July 29 $9,613.25 $14,377.00 67% -($4,763.75)

August 5 $12,247.00 $14,377.00 85% -($2,130.00)

August 12 $12,110.00 $14,377.00 84% -($2,267.00)

August 19 $12,427.37 $14,377.00 86% -($1,949.63)

August 19 $8,658.00 $14,377.00 60% -($5,719.00)

Year to Date $426,339.40 $488,818.00 87% -($62,478.60)

The Finance Ministry Team and Church Council appreciate your generous support. Your faithful stewardship is essential for us to continue to support our ministries at Grace Lutheran.

Remember your Coins

for Sunday’s

Noisy Offering


We will be selling coffee before our worship service on Sunday, Sept. 9th

Why buy Equal Exchange Fair Trade coffee?

When you do, you are helping to support small scale coffee and cocoa farmers in Nicaragua, Uganda, and the Dominican Republic, among other countries. The Equal Exchange Coop offers pre-harvest credit to support farmers in the off-season and pays them a fair price for their product. This improves their lifestyle and their communities. Consider buying your cof-fee here rather than at the grocery store. This is a project of the Mission Committee and it is sold at cost to you. Thank you.

COFFEE FELLOWSHIP before church will return to the gathering space/narthex area on Sep-tember 9th. Please join your church family in sharing a cup of Fair Trade coffee and conversation before the service begins. Consider add-ing this to your calendars on the first Sun-

day of each month.

Page 14: Grace Notes - · my last vacation this summer than I had in several years now. And that is something I should probably change. Because swimming not only


Vacation Bible School 2018

Page 15: Grace Notes - · my last vacation this summer than I had in several years now. And that is something I should probably change. Because swimming not only


Sunday Worship Service at 9:00 am Wednesday Evening Worship at 5:30 pm Join your Grace family each week in worship, study and fellowship!

Grace Lutheran Church 918 Garfield Avenue Albert Lea, MN 56007 Telephone: 507-373-6496 Email: [email protected]

Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE

PAID Albert Lea, MN Permit No. 208

Worship Service Schedule

Page 16: Grace Notes - · my last vacation this summer than I had in several years now. And that is something I should probably change. Because swimming not only


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 9:00a Worship Service 10:00a Coffee Fellowship

3 Labor Day

Building and Office Closed

4 10:00a Staff Meeting 10:00a Ladies Bible St.

5 9:00a Sewing Day 10:30a Good Samaritan Communion 5:30p Worship Service 6:00p Chew-n-Chat 7:00p Confirmation

6 6:00a Early Bible Study 1:30p SAIL (Building Healthy Bones) 6:00p WELCA Mtg.


8 Whelan/Toft Wedding

9 8:30a Fair Trade Coffee 9:00a Worship Service 10:10a Coffee Fellowship 10:15a Sunday School 10:15a Adult Forum 10:15a Youth Devotions 1:00p 9 Gr Retreat 5:00p 9 Gr Parent Meeting 6:00p Friends Group

10 1:30p SAIL (Building Healthy Bones) 4:00p Visitation Mtg 5:15p Mary Circle 6:00p Hardanger Group 7:00p MS Society Meeting

11 10:00a Staff Meeting 10:00a Ladies Bible St. 6:00p Ministry Teams 6:30p Council Meeting

12 2:00p Grace Seniors 4:30p Cherub & Chancel 5:30p Worship Service 6:00p Chew-n-Chat 6:30p Bells of Praise 7:00p Youth Group 7:00p Confirmation 7:30p Adult Choir

13 6:00a Early Bible Study 1:30p SAIL (Building Healthy Bones)



16 8:00a New Bible Study 9:00a Worship Service 10:10a Coffee Fellowship 10:15a Sunday School 10:15a Adult Forum 10:15a Youth Devotions


10:00p 500 Card Club 1:30p SAIL (Building Healthy Bones) 6:00p Hardanger Group

18 10:00a Staff Meeting 10:00a Ladies Bible Study

19 9:00a Sewing Day 4:30p Cherub & Chancel 5:30p Worship Service 6:00p Chew-n-Chat 7:00p Youth Group 7:00p Confirmation 7:30p Adult Choir


6:00a Early Bible Study 1:30p SAIL (Building Healthy Bones)

21 AndersonWeigel Wedding 6:30p CAP Movie Night—The Great Debaters



8:00a New Bible Study 9:00a Worship Service 10:10a Coffee Fellowship 10:15a Sunday School 10:15a Adult Forum 10:15a Youth Devotions

24 8:30a Knutson Place 10:00p 500 Card Club 10:00p Men’s Support Group 1:30p SAIL (Building Healthy Bones) 4:00p Food For Backpack 5:15p Area Parish Nurses 6:00p Hardanger Group

25 9:30a Lois Circle 10:00a Staff Meeting 10:00a Ladies Bible Study. 6:30p Personnel Mtg.

26 9:15a Martha Circle 4:30p Cherub & Chancel 5:30p Worship Service 6:00p Chew-n-Chat 6:30p Bells of Praise 7:00p Youth Group 7:00p Confirmation 7:30p Adult Choir

27 6:00a Early Bible Study 1:30p SAIL (Building Healthy Bones)



30 8:00a New Bible Study 9:00a Worship Service 10:10a Coffee Fellowship 10:15a Sunday School 10:15a Adult Forum

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