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Mother Goose on the Loose with New Media !Goose 2.0!

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Children's Programming & Early Literacy Consultant!!

[email protected]!

Dr. Betsy Diamant-Cohen!

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Cen Campbell!

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•  Young  Children,  New  Media  &  Libraries:  

•  Promising  prac?ces  for  the  incorpora?on  of  new  media  into  library  collec?ons,  services  &  programs  for  children  0-­‐5  and  their  families  

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Albert Einstein!Learning is _________.!

Everything else is just ___________!!

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Albert Einstein!Learning is experience.!

Everything else is just information!!

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Confucious!•  I ______ AND I forget.!

•  I ____ and I MIGHT remember.!•  I _____ and I UNDERSTAND.!

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Confucious!•  I HEAR AND I forget.!

•  I SEE and I MIGHT remember.!•  I DO and I UNDERSTAND.!

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John Ciardi!•  An ulcer is an unkissed _________.!

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John Ciardi!•  An ulcer is an unkissed imagination.!

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Early Brain Development: Nurturing the Brain!

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A  few  facts….  

•   At  birth,  a  baby’s  brain  contains  100  billion  neurons  


•  At  birth  the  brain  is  25%  of  it’s  adult  weight;  by  age  2,  it  is  75%  of  it’s  adult  weight.  


•  As  a  child  grows,  the  number  of  neurons  remains  rela?vely  stable,  but  each  cell  grows,  becoming  bigger  and  heavier.  

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Growth of Brain









Conception 5 10 15 20

Conception to BirthBirth to Age 20Birth

Source: A.N. Schore, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, 1994.



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Jane Healy, Your Child’s Growing Mind


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Brain Cells Song!

Sung to the tune of “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” !

Cytoplasm nucleus,!Axon, myelin sheath, dendrites.!

Synapse .. Between neurons!Synapse .. Between neurons.!

By Brooke Harding!

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Brain Chemistry!

•  Cortisol (stress hormone)!!!

•  Serotonin (neurotransmitter with implications for mood, anxiety, aggression, impulse control)!

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The Triune Brain!





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Limbic Level Communication!

•  Touch!•  Tone of voice!•  Facial expression!•  Music!•  Smell!•  Rocking, other rhythmic motion!

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Limbic System!•  Developed and functioning at birth!•  “Emotional” brain – actually the front line

of processing basic survival emotions!•  Interactive structures include:!

– Amygdala!– Hypothalamus!– Hippocampus!

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Brainstem “alarm center”

Cortical “executive center”

Limbic “emotional center”

Abstract thought Logic


Attachment Contextual Memory

Sexual Behavior Emotional Reactivity

Appetite/Satiety Blood Pressure

Body Temperature

Motor Regulation Balance

Heart Rate Breathing

Adapted from the Program for Infant/Toddler Caregivers

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Three Brains in One!

The executive part of the brain manages attention, emotions,

and behavior. It weaves together social, emotional, and intellectual

capacities in order to help us reach our



together feeling and

thinking helps people reflect, plan,

and evaluate.!


Jane Healy, Your Child’s Growing Mind / Ellen Galinsky, Mind in the Making!

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Synaptic Density

From Rethinking the Brain: New Insights into Early Development by Rima Shore (NY: Families and Work Institute, 1997)

Synaptic Density: Synapses are created with astonishing speed in the first three years of life. For the rest of the first decade, children’s brains have twice as many synapses as adults’ brains. (Drawing supplied by H.T. Chugani) !

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Role of Experience!

•  Repeated use strengthens brain connections!

•  If connections are not used, they are “pruned” away!

•  The brain “grows itself” for the environment it experiences!

•  Most of this experience-based growth occurs in the cortex (the “executive


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Experiences that Strengthen Connections!

•  Are frequent, regular, and predictable!•  Occur in the context of a warm,

supportive relationship!•  Are associated with positive emotion (fun,

excitement, humor, comfort)!•  Involve several senses!

•  Are responsive to the child’s interests or initiative!

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Ritual!Invites us !Unites us!

Involves senses!Activates memory!

Embodies meaning!Eases transitions!

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Repetition…Repetition…Repetition !!

Promotes learning!

Increases enjoyment!Creates a sense of safety!

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Alert – senses Focus – attention

Activate – response Impress -- memory

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Music Helps Children Develop!

•  Physically!•  Mentally!

•  Emotionally!•  Socially!

•  Aesthetically!

“The basic elements of the Listen – Like – Learn program are the basic elements of music, which are: singing, movement, rhythm and melody, and these elements can only be introduced successfully if, at the same time, the

children are learning to listen” (Cass-Beggs 1986, 21).!

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Musical experiences!

• Trigger speech development!• Improve concentration!• Stimulate learning !• Enrich vocabulary!

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Movement Movement is responsible for physical!changes in the brain that can lead to!higher intelligence !

! Movement provides an ! outlet for expression of! emotions!

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Play! - Playing helps children cope

with everyday pressures!- Social play strengthens and

builds friendships and attachments!- Imaginative play develops creative

problem solving skills!- Physical play helps children to develop

gross and fine motor skills as well as balance and coordination.!

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•  Nerve  transmission  is  heavily  dependent  upon  water    

•  Many  parts  of  the  brain  draw  much  of  their  energy  from  water  

•  Drinking  water  keeps  the  brain  hydrated  which  boosts  learning  and  performance  

•  Dehydra?on  results  in  difficulty  learning  and  poor  performance  

•  Water  is  vital  to  energy  produc?on  in  cells,  in  overall  metabolism,  and  neurotransmission.    

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Science tells us !•  Gene expression is affected by

environmental influences!!

•  Positive experiences contribute to the formation of well-functioning neural circuits!


•  In cases of excessive childhood stress, chemicals are released in the brain that damage it’s developing architecture.!

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•  Indicate that parents need specialized skills to meet their children’s needs

•  Support early emphasis on academic skills

Early Brain Development Research  Does Not...  

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Early Brain Development Research Does...

•  Support an emphasis on nurturing and early relationships

•  Indicate that early experiences influence which brain connections are kept and

which are pruned away

•  Indicate that optimal brain development requires consistent, responsive, and affectionate caregiving.

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Relationships Matter!

•  Securely attached toddlers show more confident exploration and mastery in

new situations!•  Adults who are more emotionally

responsive and offer verbal and cognitive stimulation enhance

children’s development!

Raver, 2002

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What  is  new  media?  

•  Not  just  tablets  &  apps:  any  emergent  educa?onal  technology    

•  Content  crea?on  via  camera,  video,  microphone  &  wri?ng/drawing  &  book  crea?on  tools,  etc.    

•  Mul?media/Transmedia    •  Wearable  Tech  

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New  Media  is:  

•  Manipulated    •  Networkable    •  Dense  •  Compressible  •  Interac?ve    

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What’s  happening  right  now?  

 •  What  are  the  current  controversies?  

•  What  have  your  heard  or  read  about  lately  

•  What’s  brewing  at  Li#leeLit  ...  

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Concerns  about  new  media  &  children  

•  Commercial  messages  •  Displacement  of  ?me  

doing  other  things  •  Eye/Neck/Body/Brain  

strain  •  Less  crea?ve  and  open-­‐

ended  play  

• Less  ?me  running  around  outside  

• Sleep  disrup?ons  • Age  inappropriate  content  

• Under  2s  (AAP)  

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These  concerns  are  all  valid  

•  How  can  children’s  librarians  provide  guidance  for  the  use  of  new  formats  given  that  we  have  no  long  term  research  on  the  effects  of  mobile  media  with  young  children?  

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Model  for  Young  Children,  New  Media  &  Libraries  is  a  combina?on  

of:  Pediatrics   Pedagogy  

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Technology  with  young  children!?  

• NAEYC/Fred  Rogers  Joint  Posi?on  Statement  

• American  Academy  of  Pediatrics  • Brazelton  Touchpoints  Guiding  Principles  • Goose  2.0  Use  of  Technology  Statement  

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American  Academy  of  Pediatrics  

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Parent  Recommenda?ons  from  the  AAP  Guidelines  

•  Limit  “entertainment”  screen  ?me  to  <1-­‐2  hours  a  day  

•  Discourage  screen  media  for  children  <2  •  Keep  screen  media  out  of  child’s  bedroom    •  Monitor  media  usage  •  Coview  •  Establish  family  media  plan  

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NAEYC/Fred  Rogers  

• When  used  inten?onally  and  appropriately,  technology  and  interac?ve  media  are  effec?ve  tools  to  support  learning  and  development  

•  Inten?onal  use  requires  early  childhood  teachers  and  administrators  to  have  informa?on  and  resources  regarding  the  nature  of  these  tools  and  the  implica?ons  of  their  use  with  children        

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Na?onal  Associa?on  for  the  Educa?on  of  Young  Children  &  

Fred  Rogers  Center  

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Guidelines  for  Educators  

•  Select,  use,  integrate  &  evaluate  media  in  inten?onal  &  age-­‐appropriate  ways  

•  Balance  of  tech  &  non-­‐tech  •  Prohibit  use  of  passive  media  •  Limit  use  for  <2  year  olds  •  Consider  recommenda?ons  from  health  orgs  •  Equitable  access  to  technology  

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Brazelton  Touchpoints    

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Guiding  Principles  

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Guiding  Principles  to  Focus  on  

•  Focus  on  the  parent-­‐child  rela?onship  •  Recognize  what  you  bring  to  the  interac?on  •  Be  willing  to  discuss  ma#ers  that  go  beyond  

your  tradi?onal  role  

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Social and Emotional Growth go hand in hand with cognitive

development •  Early  years  lay  the  founda?on  for          many  social  and  emo?onal  skills  that  are          linked  to  success  in  learning  and  rela?onships  

•  These  skills  are  reflected  in  what  we  know  about  brain  development  and  are  shaped  by  experiences.  

•  All  our  programs  need  to  support  both  social/emo?onal  and  cogni?ve  development  

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Unique  Features:    

•  Structure with 10 sections!•  80% repetition !•  Librarian as facilitator!•  Includes:!•  2 developmental tips!•  Material by Barbara Cass-Beggs!•  Positive reinforcement activities!

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The Ten Sections

1. Welcome 2.  Rhymes, reads, & book illustration 3.  Body: Head, arms, belly, legs 4.  Rum pum pum 5.  Stand-up activities 6.  Animals (books and puppets) 7. Musical instruments or scarves 8.  Lullaby 9.  Interactive rhymes (candlestick, Humpty) 10. Closing songs

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MGOL  Technology  Use  Statement  

• Technology  handled  with  careful  considera?on,  in  modera?on,  in  ways  that  fit  in  with  the  program's  intent  and  don't  overwhelm,  that  enhance  but  don't  replace,  and  that  encourage  parent/child  interac?on  are  appropriate  for  use  in  Mother  Goose  on  the  Loose  programs.  

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Children’s  Librarians  Must  Engage  with  New  Media  for  Young  

Children  •  Ubiquity  of  tablet  technology  •  Whether  it’s  good  for  kids  or  not,  parents  are  

handing  the  devices  over  •  Access  to  content  (mul?lingual,  diverse,  high  

quality)  •  Societal  need  for  Media  Mentorship    •  Poten?al  to  increase  the  overall  quality  of  


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Joint  Media  Engagement  

• The  New  Co-­‐viewing  (Joan  Ganz  Cooney  Center)  

• Bringing  families  together  around  new  forms  of  media  

• New  media  can  serve  as  a  focal  point  for  interac?on,  not  the  end  goal  

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Parent  Learning  

• Support  parents  to  be  their  child's  first  and  best  teacher  

• To  do  that  they  have  to  learn  some  skills  and  gain  some  tools  

• The  use  of  digital  media  can  support  THEIR  learning  process  

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Avoiding  App  Mania  

• Just  because  you're  going  to  model  intelligent  use  of  new  media  does  NOT  mean  everything  you  do  has  to  be  app-­‐based  

• Present  stories,  songs  &  rhymes  in  lots  of  different  ways;  use  new  media  in  a  way  that  supports  engagement  and  does  not  distract  

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Read this book for more information  

• New America Foundation

• Lisa Guernsey, Director of the New America Foundation's Early Learning Initiative

• First edition was Into the Minds of Babes  

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And read this one too!  

• Those who can manipulate media

• Those who are manipulated BY media  

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Mother Goose on the Loose with New Media Demo!

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Two little monkeys MGOL APP!

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Dear Zoo!

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Five fat sausages MGOL APP!

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Take Video!Open them shut them!

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La araña pequeñita /! La araña grandotota!

La araña pequeñita subió subió subió.!Vino la lluvia y se la llevó.!Salió el sol y todo lo secó.!Y la araña pequeñita subió subió subió.!!La araña grandotota subió subió subió.!Vino la lluvia y se la llevó.!Salió el sol y todo lo secó.!La araña grandotota subió subió subió.!!!

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Let's go to Dover!!

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Leg over leg!The dog went to Dover!

He came to a stile!And WHOOPS!!He went over!!


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Animal Sounds!Free Animal Sounds App!

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MGOL APP: jack in the box!

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MGOL APP: dancing sheep!

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Grandfather clock!

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Fly buzzing app!

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Fais do do !Colas mon petit frere!

Fais do do!T'auras du lolo!

Maman est en haut!Qui fait du gateau!Papa est en bas !

Qui fait du chocolat!

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Twinkle twinkle the experience App!

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What is school readiness?!

Put on your thinking cap; let’s take a quiz!!

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Uses pencils and paint brushes ___ Enthusiastic and curious ____ Pays attention ____ Knows letters of the alphabet ____ Can follow directions ____ Is sensitive to other’s feelings _____ Takes turns and shares ____ Can count to 20 or more ____ Identifies primary colors and basic shapes ____ Verbally communicates thoughts ____ Is not disruptive in class ____

The National Center for Educational Statistics KTSSR 1993

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Verbally communicates thoughts (84%) Enthusiastic and curious (76%) Can follow directions (60%) Is not disruptive in class (60%) Is sensitive to other’s feelings (58%) Takes turns and shares (56%) Pays attention (42%) Identifies primary colors and basic shapes (24%) Uses pencils and paint brushes (21%) Knows letters of the alphabet (10%) Can count to 20 or more (7%)

The National Center for Educational Statistics KTSSR 1993

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School readiness is NOT just based on academic skills like knowing letters,

numbers or shapes, or even how to hold a pencil.!

Scientific knowledge is crystal clear: cognitive, emotional, and social!

competence evolve hand in hand.!

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Success in school begins before a child ever enters a classroom. !

Growth of Brain









Conception 5 10 15 20

Conception to BirthBirth to Age 20Birth

Source: A.N. Schore, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, 1994.



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Domains of School Readiness

Readiness for school encompasses a range of physical, social, emotional, language, and cognitive skills that children need to thrive

1.  Physical Well-Being and Motor Development!2.  Social and Emotional Development !3. Cognition and General Knowledge!4. Approaches to Learning!5. Language Development!

In other words, The WHOLE CHILD!

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Physical well-being and motor development!

Fine motor sills!

Gross motor skills!

Expressing self through movement!


Physical problems Identified and treated !

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Social & emotional development!


Able to express feelings and needs!

Sensitive to others!

Seeks adult help if needed!

Can work as part of a group!


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Social and Emotional Development



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The Marshmallow Experiment!

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Social & emotional development:!

Influenced largely by positive relationships between children &


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Cognition & general knowledge!

Recognizing shapes !

Knowing colors and sizes!

Familiarity with everyday things!

Names of objects!

People’s roles!




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Approach to learning!Enthusiastic!

Good sense of the “teacher”!

Wants to find out about things!

Can work independently or as part of a group!

Can follow directions!


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The number of words a child knows when entering kindergarten affects rates of

graduation from high school, earning potential, quality of life, and employment opportunities.!

The average number of words heard by a child in one year: •  In a higher income home: 11 million

•  In an average income home: 6 million

•  In a lower income home: 3 million

Language and Literacy!

Hart & Risley. (1995). Meaningful diifferences in the everyday experience of young American children. Baltimore: Brookes.!


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Print Motivation Vocabulary Narrative Skills Phonological Awareness Print Awareness Letter Knowledge

Language and Literacy: !The Six Skills To Get Ready To Read !


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•  Are repetitive and include words that begin and end with the

same sounds!!

•  Help the child’s brain recognize syllables and hear similarities in


•  Promote “sound play” which leads to phonological awareness


•  Are often simple to sing, within the voice range of the child.!

Nursery rhymes:!

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Talk!Sing!Read!Write !Play!


The Five Practices That Help Children Be Ready to Learn

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What else is valuable, and why? !

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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)!

Use senses to observe and explore!

Familiarity with numbers!

Cause and effect!




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The Arts – sometimes left out!!Music!

Learning to listen!Imitating patterns!Hearing sounds in words!

Creative Expression & Movement!Expressing ideas, thoughts, and feelings !Using the imagination!

Fine Arts!Exposure to colors, lines, and shapes!Aesthetic appreciation!!


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Why is school readiness important?!!

• Relationship with literacy & life experience!ü Likelihood of holding a job!ü Average weekly earnings!ü More successful long-term relationships!ü Lower incarceration rates!ü Direct economic benefit to society!

HighScope Perry Preschool Project!

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Testing and Assessments!

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English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Foundational Skills » Kindergarten!!

Print Concepts!

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.!

 Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.!

Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters.!

Common Core Sample

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Ways of thinking. Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learning!

Ways of working. Communication and collaboration!

Tools for working. Information and communications technology (ICT) and information literacy, STEM!

Skills for living in the world. Citizenship, life and career, and personal and social responsibility!


21st Century Skills!

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Ellen Galinksy, 2010, Mind in the Making !

Seven Essential Life Skills !Every Child Needs!

1. Focus and self control.!

2. Perspective taking!

3. Communicating!

4. Making connections!

5. Critical thinking!

6. Taking on challenges!

7. Self-directed, engaged learning!

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There is a gap between what society knows and what society does

relating to early care and education

•  Mistaken impressions!•  Misunderstandings!•  Misplaced priorities!

Science, Policy, and the Young Developing Child, Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D.!


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Public libraries can help by offering Early Literacy Programming!


• No preschool for many kids!

• Many childcare providers and caregivers are!• unaware of the need for school readiness skills

& unfamiliar with developmental activities!

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Present these programs "on a weekly basis"

Experiences that strengthen positive connections:!

Are frequent, regular and predictable!

Occur in the context of a warm, supportive relationship!

Are associated with positive emotion!

Are responsive to the child’s interests! or initiative!

Involve several senses!

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•  Ritual!•  Social skills!•  Play!•  Bonding!•  School readiness!•  Fun!•  Movement!

Ø  Repetition/surprise Ø  Music/art/literature

Ø  Language development Ø  Encourages joy, enthusiasm, curiosity Ø  Stress/relaxation

Ø  Builds self-confidence

Mother Goose On The Loose ®!is an early literacy program that incorporates

brain research

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How does Mother Goose on the Loose help children develop

early literacy skills?

Connect the Dots!!

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The program!

1.  Welcome!2.  Rhymes, reads, & book illustration!3.  Body: Head, arms, belly, legs!4.  Rum pum pum !5.  Stand-up activities!6.  Animals (books and puppets)!7.  Musical instruments or scarves!8.  Lullaby!9.  Interactive rhymes (Humpty)!10. Closing songs!

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assists healthy development!of the WHOLE CHILD!

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MGOL sessions foster a positive approach to learning.!

Attendees develop familiarity and comfort:!•  With libraries!•  With books !•  With words!•  With music!•  With other children!•  With rules!•  With routine and structure!•  With new media as well!

• Joy through learning; learning through play!

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Opportunities for Social and Emotional Growth in an Optimal Learning Environment

for Children!

Caregivers relax when young children are not expected to

behave like adults!Positive physical interaction

between adult & child is encouraged!


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Strengthens the bond between children and their caregivers !Developmental tips explain the importance of activities; caregivers learn how and why to play with their child!Gives caregivers the tools to help children develop early literacy skills!

It’s an Optimal Learning Environment for Adults, Too!"


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1.  Welcoming remarks!!2. Opening rhymes and reads!Fingerplay: "Old Mother Goose !Flannel board: "!Flannel board or Puppets" #!Book: " !Song: #!!3. Body Rhymes!Head: # !Fingers: #!Knee bouncing: "!!4. Rum Pum Pum Sequence !Rum pum pum (Tap out names with syllables)!!5. Standing-up Activities!Circle Activity: "!Circle Dance: " !Sit down: "Handy Spandy!

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Create  a  safe  environment  for  everyone    (with  risk-­‐taking  in  a  safe  way  that  builds  self-­‐confidence)  

Offer  fun,  age-­‐appropriate  ac?vi?es    Design  ac?vi?es  to  bring  children  and  adults  together  in  posi?ve,  loving  ways  

Offer  stress-­‐free  experiences  (no  “right”  or  ”wrong”  way  to  do  things)  

Provide  experiences  that  ignite  imagina?on,  inspire  learning,  nurture  growth  through  play  

Translation: Create an Optimal Learning


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But what about technology?!!

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Make your own!!!!!!!•  Choose a rhyme or song!•  Make a flannel piece that is bigger than

your fist but not as big as 8 ½ x 11!•  Keep to a limit of 2 pieces maximum!•  Think of an physical activity to go along

with your piece.!•  Think of a way to support your activity with

new media!

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Welcome everyone!


Enjoy yourself!

Share your enjoyment!

Connect with children and adults!

Don’t be afraid to try new things!

The key is YOU !!!!!!

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Enthusiasm Breeds Enthusiasm!

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How you feel affects how you learn!

Research suggests that children who had been read to on a regular basis in an

unfriendly, pressured or threatening home environment actually developed strong

negative reactions to books. These findings indicate that it is better not to

read to a child at all at home rather than read to him or her in a resentful or

coercive and harsh manner. (Bus, Belsky, van Ijzendoorn, & Crnic 1997)!


Create a Joyful Environment!

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!Take  place  in  an  environment  with  the  child  in  mind  

Take  mul?ple  intelligences  into  account  

Plug  into  children's  social  and  emo?onal  development  

Give  children  opportuni?es  to  work  &  play  together  

Promote  bonding  between  parents  &  children  

Hold  joyful  programs  and  make  everyone  laugh  

Enrich  children’s  lives  through  the  arts  


Plan Programs that develop skills:!

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Adhere to a Structure!

Mother  Goose  on  the  Loose  10  sec?ons  80%  Repe??on  2  developmental  ?ps    Posi?ve  reinforcement  



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Look at Your Audience!

What  are  the  ages  of  the  children?  

Are  there  any  children  with  special  needs?  

Are  children  with  parents  or  childcare  groups?  

Do  children  have  difficulty  keeping  s?ll?  

Do  adults  need  encouragement  to  partcipate  enthusias?cally?  

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Use Age-Appropriate Materials!

Mother  Goose  on  the  Loose  Mostly  nursery  rhymes  

Read  only  one  book  cover  to  cover  

Use  book  illustra?ons  without  reading  the  book  

Use  new  media  in  a  way  that  supports  engagements    with  a  caregiver.  

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• Create  music  with  voice  and  instruments  

• Introduce  diverse  musical  sounds  &  their  characteris?cs  

• Give  simple  direc?ons  &  verbal  cues  in  singing  games  

• Explore  a  steady  beat  through  singing  and  playing  

• Experiment  with  sound  pa#erns  

• Play  music  from  a  variety  of  cultures  

• Imitate  rhythmic  and  melodic  pa#erns  

Include  The  Arts  –  Music  

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Respond  to  steady  beats  through  body  movements  

Develop  the  concept  of  personal  space  

Explore  a  variety  of  movements  

Express  &  imitate  using  body  parts  &  posi?ons  

Reproduce  demonstrated  movements  

Respond  to  prompts  related  to  ?ming    

Move,  Move,  Move!  

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Include Activities that Help with Social and Emotional Development, by Allowing

Children to Experience…!Taking  turns  

Wai?ng  pa?ently  

Pupng  toys  away  when  asked  

Learning  the  rules  and  s?cking  to  them  

Interac?ng  with  others  in  a  posi?ve  way  

Receiving  posi?ve  reinforcement  for  a  job  well-­‐done  

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Give positive reinforcement!

Set  achievable  tasks  and  show  verbal  apprecia?on  

Model  it  for  parents  

Give  parents  the  vocabulary  

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SING!!!!!Whether or not you sing on key,!

music helps children!

Develop  self-­‐awareness  Improve  concentra?on  Expose  their  natural  abili?es  Strengthen  muscle  coordina?on  Experience  coopera?on  with  others  By  providing  another  way  to  communicate  By  providing  an  emo?onal  outlet  By  providing  a  source  of  enjoyment  and/or  relaxa?on  

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Use  MGOL  ac0vi0es  with  older  kids!    

Mesmerized faces!

Tickling rhymes!

Tapping names with syllables on the drum!Marching to the drum!

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Make  it    Comfortable  for  Yourself  

Like  the  books  and  ac?vi?es  you  are  using  

Be  familiar  with  material  before  you  start  

Use  nametags,  if  want  to  know  names  

State  limita?ons  at  the  beginning  

Keep  back-­‐up  materials  available  

Don’t  re-­‐file  materials  you  will  use  again  

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Keep  Goals  in  Mind  

Create  &    strengthen  connec?ons  With  you,  the  library,  books,  other  children,  their  adults  

Encourage  explora?on  

Ignite  imagina?on  

Promote    joy  through  learning;  learning  through  play  

Give  opportuni?es  for  building  self-­‐confidence  and  giving  posi?ve  reinforcement  

Build  early  literacy  and  school  readiness  skills  

-­‐-­‐  For  Children:  

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For  Caregivers:  

Create  Connec?ons  With  you,  the  library,  books,  other  adults  

Strengthen  bonds  between  caregivers  &  their  children  

Explain  the  importance  of  ac?vi?es  &  give  tools  to  help  develop  skills  via  developmental  ?ps  

Help  caregivers  relax  by  knowing  what  to  expect  (and  what  NOT  to  expect)  

Promote    joy  through  learning;  learning  through  play  

Keep  Goals  in  Mind  

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Your  Goals  Serve  as  a  voice  to  relay  the  message:  Reading  aloud  to  young  children  is  important  

Model  for  families  how  to  read  aloud  joyfully    

Provide  children  with  posi?ve  early  learning  experiences  

Give  opportuni?es  to  prac?ce  social  skills  

Encourage  problem-­‐solving  and  cri?cal  thinking  

Help  foster  a  life-­‐long  love  of  reading  or  learning  

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Make  it  an  Op0mal  Learning  Environment  for  You,  Too!  

Plan  ac?vi?es  you  consider  fun  

Use  your  talents  

Choose  high-­‐quality  books  that  you  like  

Be  enthusias?c  

Don’t  be  afraid  to  try  new  things  

Share  yourself  

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Hopes  for  This  Workshop  






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Bellybutton Song !Heather Bishop!

Chorus: Bellybutton, bellybutton, oh my bellybutton,!Oh my bellybutton, I love you.!


Oh how sad, how lonely I would be,!When I lifted up my shirt if I didn’t see… (chorus)!


You’re the only friend I have, the one who really cares.!Every time I need you, you’re always there…. (chorus)!


When things get down, looking kinda grim, !I simply lift up my shirt and stick my finger in! (chorus)!


There’s one thing, I would like to say, !I think that there should be, a Bellybutton day – a holiday! (chorus)!

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On the Kindergarten Wall!Of all the things you learn here, remember these the best.!

Don’t hurt each other!Clean up your mess.!Take a nap every day!Wash before you eat!

Hold hands!Stick together!

Look before you cross the street.!Remember the seed in the little paper cup?!

First the roots go down!And then the plant grows up.!

By John McCutcheon

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