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The Story Of

The Story Of

A BRIEF HISTORY1995 - Larry PageandSergey Brinmeet at Stanford. Larry, 22, a U Michigan grad, is considering the school; Sergey, 21, is assigned to show him around.1996 - Larry and Sergey begin collaborating on a search engine calledBackRub. BackRub operates on Stanford servers for more than a yeareventually taking up too much bandwidth.1997 - is registered as a domain on September 15. The namea play on the word "googol," a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zerosreflects Larry and Sergey's mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.

A BRIEF HISTORYAugust1998 - Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim writes a check for $100,000 to an entity that doesn't exist yeta company called Google Inc. Before heading to the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert, Larry and Sergey incorporate the iconic Man into thelogo to keep people informed about where the Google crew would be for a few daysour firstdoodle.September 4 1998 - Google files for incorporation in California. Larry and Sergey open a bank account in the newly-established company's name and deposit Andy Bechtolsheim's check. Google sets up workspace in Susan Wojcicki's garage on Santa Margarita Ave., Menlo Park, Calif.Larry and Sergey hire their first employee.Craig Silversteinis a fellow CS grad student at Stanford who works at Google for 10+ years before joining education startup Khan Academy.

A BRIEF HISTORYFebruary 2001 - In our first public acquisition, we acquire's Usenet Discussion Service, an archive of 500 million Usenet discussions dating back to 1995. We add search and browse features and launch it asGoogle Groups.February 2002 - The first Google product for enterprises is released: theGoogle Search Applianceis a yellow box that businesses can plug into their computer network to enable search capabilities for their own documents. We release a major overhaul forAdWords, including new cost-per-click pricing.

A BRIEF HISTORY2003February-We acquire Pyra Labs, the creators ofBlogger. Nearly as old as Google itself (Blogger started in 1999), today more than 300 million people visit Blogger every month.March-We announceGoogle AdSense, a new content-targeted advertising service that enables publishers large and small to access Google's vast network of advertisers. (The following month, we acquire Applied Semantics, whose technology bolsters the service named AdSense.)April -We launchGoogle Grantsthe nonprofit edition of AdWords, which provides nonprofit organizations with $10,000 per month in in-kind AdWords advertising to promote their initiatives.October - Registration opens for programmers to compete for cash prizes and recognition at the first ever Code Jam. Today,Google Code Jamattracts tens of thousands of contestants each year, and the finals have traveled to Tokyo, Dublin, London and New York City.

A BRIEF HISTORYFebruary 2005-Google Mapsgoes live. Just two months later, we add satellite views and directions to the product.November 2005- We releaseGoogle Analyticsfor measuring the impact of websites and marketing campaigns. Analytics is based on Urchin, a company we acquired in March 2005. We announce the opening of our offices inSo PauloandMexico Cityour first in Latin America. The firstDoodle 4 Googlecontest takes place in the United Kingdom. Since then, we've run Doodle 4 Google contests in countries across six continents, more than 1 million doodles submitted by students eager for the chance to see their artwork on the Google homepage.

A BRIEF HISTORY2005-We launch Google Talk, a downloadable application that lets Gmail users to talk or instant message with friends quickly and easily; Chat comes to Gmail the following year. In 2013, we announce that Talk will be rolled intoHangouts, Google's new single communications system.March 2006-Google Financelaunchescomplete with interactive charts and related headlines from Google Newsto help people to find financial information more easily.April 2006-We launchGoogle Calendarto help you keep track of events, special occasions and appointments, and to share schedules with others.

A BRIEF HISTORYAugust 2006-Google Apps for Your Domain is released. This suite of applications, including Gmail and Calendar, is the precursor to Google Apps Premier Edition, which launched later in the year and brings cloud computing to businesses. Today, more than 5 million businesses are using Google Apps.November 2007-We announceAndroidthe first open platform for mobile devicesand a collaboration with other companies in the Open Handset Alliance.

A BRIEF HISTORYFebruary 2009-We launchVoice Search on Android. Android users can start searching by voice with the touch of a button, making mobile web surfing easy and fast.October 2009-Google Maps Navigationis a turn-by-turn GPS navigation system with 3D views, voice guidance and live traffic dataDecember 2009-Just in time for the holidays we roll out Mac and Linux versions ofGoogle Chrome, as well as extensions for Chrome in Windows and Linux (all in beta).

A BRIEF HISTORYMay 2010-As part of our efforts to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy, we make ourfirst direct investmentin a utility-scale renewable energy project. Google TVis built on Android and Chrome and gives you an easy and fast way to navigate to television channels, websites, apps, shows and movies. We acquireAdMob, a mobile display advertising company.October 2010-Weannouncewe've developed technology for cars that can drive themselves; we think self-driving cars can help prevent traffic accidents, free up peoples time and reduce carbon emissions. Our automated cars have since logged more than 500,000 miles on the road.

A BRIEF HISTORYDecember 2011-Android Market exceeds 10 billion app downloadswith a growth rate of one billion app downloads per month.We open a new office inParis, a symbol of our commitment to one of Europes fastest-growing Internet economies. The new office is also home to the Google Cultural Institute.March 2012-Android Market becomesGoogle Play, a digital content store offering apps, games, books, movies, music and more

A BRIEF HISTORYNovember 2012-We begin installingGoogle Fiberultra-high speed Internet access that is up to 100 times faster than todays average broadbandfor our first customers in Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City Missouri. The next year, we announce Fiber in Austin, Texas and Provo, UtahApril 2012-Get just the information you need right when you need it with the release ofGoogle Now for iPhone and iPad.

A BRIEF HISTORYMay 2013-We introduce a newGoogle+ Photos experience that helps your photos look their best, as well asHangouts, which will be Googles single communications system, replacing Google Talk, Google+ Hangouts and Messenger.Gmail gets a brand new inbox that helps you see whats new at a glance and decide which emails you want to read when.

A BRIEF HISTORYSeptember 2013-Androidpasses 1 billion device activationsreflecting the work of the entire Android ecosystem and thanks to the enthusiasm of users all around the world.January 2014- We acquireNesta company that reinvents unloved products for the home, like thermostats and smoke alarms.We announcea new Google[x] project focused on using miniaturized electronics in a contact lens to measure glucose levels and help people with diabetes.

Vision and missionVision - to provide access to the worlds information in one click.

Mission - to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Google Vs. bingRelevance is everythingSearch engines are usually judged by the relevance of their results. When it comes to relevance between Bing and Google, the former doesn't compare. With simple searches, Microsoft's search engine might perform just as well as Google. But tough queries set Google apart. A long, difficult query is more likely to yield relevant results in Google Search than Bing. That's not to say that Microsoft's search engine can't handle difficult queries-it can-but it will take more time finding the right result in Bing than Google.

Google Vs. bingMarket share counts for somethingAlthough the debate over features can go on for hours, it's hard to bet against market share. The vast majority of Web users are still using Google to find their desired search results. And until more folks start seeing value in Bing, it's hard to say why Microsoft's search engine should be considered the better of the two. Yes, Bing might have some added extras that some folks like, but until the world starts moving over, Google can still wear the crown of the top search engine.

Google Vs. bingThe focus is all wrongThe focus of Google and Bing couldn't be any different. Google attempts to find the best solutions to improve its search for users. It realizes that if users are happy, its profits will soar. And its recent financial statements have reflected that success. Microsoft's Bing search engine is much different. For one, Microsoft is focusing too much of its time and energy on what Google is doing. It also believes that the more content available in search results, the more people will like it. Microsoft must eventually realize that search is about users first and foremost if it wants to compete in that market.

Google Vs. bingMobile integrationGoogle's willingness to bring search to several mobile devices has significantly helped the company stay atop the search market. Google Search is the default service on the company's mobile operating system, Android OS. Even better, it's also the default search engine on the iPhone. In fact,only recently did Apple announce that Bing would also be offeredas an option in the company's mobile operating system. Google's mobile integration has been extremely important to the company. Not only does it potentially expose more users to its service, it also keeps current users from trying out Bing. Until Microsoft makes a significant play for search in the mobile market, it will be hard-pressed to catch up to Google.



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