Page 1: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY July 5, 2020 · corresponsables encuentran su descanso en el Señor. Reflexiona esta semana sobre lo que haces para recibir la paz de Cristo en tu
Page 2: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY July 5, 2020 · corresponsables encuentran su descanso en el Señor. Reflexiona esta semana sobre lo que haces para recibir la paz de Cristo en tu


Mass Intentions Monday /Lunes July 06 Julio 8:00 a.m. For: The Brockman birthdays in July – By: The Boeding Family 7:00 p.m. Por: Jared Narváez (Cumpleaños) – De: La Familia Narvaez Tuesday/Martes July 07 Julio 8:00 a.m. For: The intention of the celebrant 7:00 p.m. Por: La intención del celebrante Wednesday/Miércoles July 08 Julio 8:00 a.m. For: The intention of the celebrant 7:00 p.m. Por: Todos los Sacerdotes – De: Ymelda Domorji Por: Maria del Socorro Amaya† – De: Su Familia Thursday/Jueves July 09 Julio 8:00 a.m. For: The intention of the celebrant 7:00 p.m. Por: Dulce Maria Valdez (Cumpleaños) – De: Su Mamá y Hermanos Friday/Viernes July 10 Julio 8:00 a.m. For: The intention of the celebrant 7:00 p.m. En: Acción de gracias por el ministerio Padres y Madres Orantes Saturday/Sábado July 11 Julio 8:00 a.m. For: The intention of Father Jose Luis 5:30 p.m. For: The intention of the celebrant Sunday/Domingo July 12 Julio 8:00 a.m. En: Acción de gracias por los hermanos Garcia-Cervantes Por: El Pueblo 11:00 a.m. For: The intention of the celebrant 2:00 p.m. Por: Gabriela Hernández† – De: Martha Elva Hernández

Readings for the Week of July 5, 2020 Sunday  Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time   Zec 9:9‐10; Ps 145:1‐2, 8‐9, 10‐11, 13‐14;    Rom 8:9, 11‐13; Mt 11:25‐30 Monday  Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr 

Hos 2:16, 17b‐18, 21‐22; Ps 145:2‐3, 4‐5, 6‐7,  8‐9; Mt 9:18‐26 

Tuesday  Hos 8:4‐7, 11‐13; Ps 115:3‐4, 5‐6, 7ab‐8, 9‐10;    Mt 9:32‐38 Wednesday  Hos 10:1‐3, 7‐8, 12; Ps 105:2‐3, 4‐5, 6‐7;    Mt 10:1‐7 Thursday  Saint Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, and    Companions, Martyrs   Hos 11;1‐4, 8e‐9; Ps 80:2ac and 3b, 15‐16;    Mt 10:7‐15 Friday  Hos 14:2‐10; Ps 51:3‐4, 8‐9, 12‐13, 14 and 17;    Mt 10:16‐23 Saturday  Memorial of Saint Benedict, Abbot   Is 6:1‐8; Ps 93:1ab, 1cd‐2, 5; Mt 10:24‐33 Sunday  Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time   Is 55:10‐11; Ps 65:10, 11, 12‐13, 14;    Rom 8:18‐23; Mt 13:1‐23 or Mt 13:1‐9  

Please pray for those who are ill and those who are recovering from illness/Por favor orar por aquellos que están enfermos y aquellos que se están recuperando de una enfermedad: Steve Bassett, Basilia Infante, Uriel Mata, Luis Fabian Ruiz, Barbara Riccelli, Sara González López, Arturo Ruiz, Pedro Sandoval, Antonia Barias, Guillermina Pérez, María Socorro Medina, José Medina, Channell Cannon, Miguel Ángel Zúñiga, Debbie Lendel, Roberta Grant, Eduardo Figueroa, Lyla Chutz, Don Nierman, Nelson Joseph, Jessica Acosta, Dale Hanks, Alexander Rendón, Mirna Garibay, Mercedes Sandoval, Antonio Sandoval, Peggy Brandt, Silvestre Cornejo, Guadalupe Cornejo, Nicolas Cornejo, Rubén Cerda, Armando Cerda, María Cerda, Alexa Villa, Selva Kilgore, and for all names unknown/y por todos cuyos nombres no se nos han hecho a conocer.

June 28, 2020 28 de junio 2020 Contributions/Contribuciones $ 8,992.42 Contributions online $ 2,471.50 Capital Campaign $ 6,346.00 Capital Campaign online $ 987.00 Sacrament Masses $ 1,875.00 Peter’s Pence $ 555.00 Peter’s Pence online $ 104.00 Total $ 14,629.50 Mass Attendance approx. 900

Daily Mass times this week open to the public but still live streamed

Monday, Wednesday and Friday in English at 8:00am & Tuesday & Thursday in Spanish at 7:00pm Confessions Tuesday & Wednesday outside 6:00pm – 7:00pm.

Thank you Bulletin Sponsors!

¡Gracias a los Anunciantes del Boletín!

Page 3: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY July 5, 2020 · corresponsables encuentran su descanso en el Señor. Reflexiona esta semana sobre lo que haces para recibir la paz de Cristo en tu


for July

Dearest Lord,

As we continue to confront the pains and struggles in our lives and in the life of our country,whose birth we celebrate this month, the tensions, anxieties and fears that pervade uscry out to you for healing, courage, faith and hope.

Be with your people now. Show us a sign of your presence. Do not leave us in fear and despair. Let us know that you are ever faithfuland will not abandon us.

We pray that all who suffer may find comfort in youwho have carried all the sufferings of the world and have died to bring new life. May all those who are in agony and pain see in your cross a sign of hope.

Give us the wisdom to be good stewards of your Gospel.And show us how we may more readily reveal your presence to all those most in need of a sign of your boundless love and mercy.

You who live and reign with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.


A STEWARDSHIP MOMENTFourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend of July 4/5, 2020

One of the most well-known and beloved passages in scripture is the gentle invitation of our Lord in today’s Gospel reading: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” When we need physical rest, we sleep or take a nap. When we need emotional rest, we take a break, go for a walk, or when the opportunity presents itself, take a few days off. But how do we find spiritual rest? How do we discover Christ’s peace as we grapple with this time of uncertainty and its complex issues deep in our hearts? Good stewards find their rest in the Lord. Reflect this week on what you do to welcome the peace of Christ into your heart.

The Holy Trinity Campaign Prayer

O Lord, giver of life and source of freedom,I know that all I have received is from your hand.Gracious and loving God,You call us to be stewards of Your abundance,The caretakers of all You have entrusted to us.Help us to always use Your gifts wisely andteach us to share them generously.Send the Holy Spirit to work through us,Bringing Your message to those we serve.May our faithful stewardship bear witnessto the love of Jesus Christ in our lives.We pray with grateful hearts, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Page 4: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY July 5, 2020 · corresponsables encuentran su descanso en el Señor. Reflexiona esta semana sobre lo que haces para recibir la paz de Cristo en tu

Corresponsabilidad CatólicaJulio 2020 • e-Boletín


Querido Señor,

Mientras continuamos confrontando los dolores y luchasen nuestras vidas y en la vida de nuestro país,cuyo nacimiento celebramos este mes,las tensiones, ansiedades y miedos que nos invadenclamamos por sanidad, coraje, fe y esperanza.

Permanece con tu gente ahora.Muéstranos una señal de tu presencia.No nos dejes con miedo y desesperación.Déjanos saber que siempre eres fiely no nos abandonarás.

Oramos para que todos los que sufren puedan encontrar consuelo en tiquienes han llevado todos los sufrimientos del mundoy han muerto para traer nueva vida. Que todos esosquienes están en agonía y dolorVean en tu cruz un signo de esperanza.

Danos la sabiduría para ser buenos administradores de tu Evangelio.Y muéstranos cómo podemos más fácilmenterevela tu presencia a todos los más necesitadosdanos una señal de tu infinito amor y misericordia. Tú que vives y reinas con el Padre, en la unidaddel Espíritu Santo, un Dios, por los siglos de los siglos.



Décimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Fin de Semana del 4/5 de Julio de 2020

Uno de los pasajes más conocidos y queridos en las Escrituras es la gentil invitación de nuestro Señor en la lectura del Evangelio de hoy: “Vengan a mí, todos ustedes que trabajan y están agobiados, y les daré descanso”. Cuando necesitamos descanso físico, dormimos o tomamos una siesta. Cuando necesitamos descanso emocional, tomamos un descanso, salimos a caminar, o cuando se presenta la oportunidad, nos tomamos unos días libres. Pero, ¿cómo encontramos el descanso espiritual? ¿Cómo descubrimos la paz de Cristo mientras lidiamos con este tiempo de incertidumbre y sus complejos problemas

en lo profundo de nuestros corazones? Los buenos corresponsables encuentran su descanso en el Señor. Reflexiona esta semana sobre lo que haces para recibir la paz de Cristo en tu corazón.

Oración de la Campaña de la Santísima Trinidad

O Señor, dador de vida y fuente de libertad, sé que todo lo que he recibido es de tu mano. Dios misericordioso y amoroso, tú nos llamas a ser buenos administradores de tu abundancia, enséñanos a cuidar de todo lo que nos has confiado. Ayúdanos a usar sabiamente tus dones y enséñanos a compartirlas generosamente. Envía al Espíritu Santo a trabajar a través de nosotros, llevando tu mensaje a los que servimos. Que nuestra fiel administración de los bienes testifique el amor de Jesucristo en nuestras vidas. Oramos con corazones agradecidos, en el nombre de Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.

Page 5: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY July 5, 2020 · corresponsables encuentran su descanso en el Señor. Reflexiona esta semana sobre lo que haces para recibir la paz de Cristo en tu

© 2020 Liguori Publications • Liguori, MO 63057-9999

July 5, 2020

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)Zec 9:9–10Rom 8:9, 11–13Mt 11:25–30










Do You Know Who I Am?

That question usually means: “Do you know how important I am?” Reputation, status, and celebrity

are extraordinarily significant in today’s society. Vulnerable, unsure beings that we are, we need to be reassured that we are important. And we are important, though usually not the way society might perceive it.

Each of us is unique. Yet our personal uniqueness does not diminish the uniqueness of others, and there’s the rub! So often we think that it does. That’s when we might try to put others down or demand: “Do you know who I am?” Often we don’t really know who we are. This is where humility enters the picture.

In today’s first reading, the king rides on a donkey. He doesn’t need a mighty warhorse to show others his importance or to reassure himself of his royal identity. Nor does he need military armaments like a chariot or bow to establish peace. He is secure with himself. He knows who he is—no more, but no less.

The Gospel portrays Jesus as “meek and humble of heart” (Matthew 11:29). He knows who he is. He is the Son of the Father, sent by the Father to do the will of the Father. All things are in his hands, because he received everything from the Father. He does not have to broadcast this or argue with others to convince them. He knows who he is. He is the Son—no more, but no less.

And what about you? Do you know who you are?—Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA

FOR Reflection­¬ Do you sometimes put others down so that you

can stand taller? Does it work?

¬­Be grateful for your uniqueness. Use it to make the world you share with others better.

[Jesus said,] “Come to me,

all you who labor and are burdened,

and I will give you rest.”


Page 6: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY July 5, 2020 · corresponsables encuentran su descanso en el Señor. Reflexiona esta semana sobre lo que haces para recibir la paz de Cristo en tu

© 2020 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In accordance with CIC 827, permission to publish was granted on December 18, 2019, by the Most Reverend Mark S. Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521, or visit














Why doesn’t the Catholic Church practice what it preaches and sell off its considerable assets at the Vatican?

The Catholic Church, the world’s largest charitable organization, has a legacy of ministry to the poor, the sick, and the ostracized. According to

Pope Francis, the Church’s real estate, for example, is used “to maintain the structures of the Church and to maintain the many works the Church does in needy countries: hospitals, schools.” Thus, the old adage applies: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but teach him to fish and he’s fed for a lifetime. Similarly, selling the Church’s assets would add to its immediate efforts to assist the poor, but it would prevent the Church from maintaining greater long-term assistance.

Moreover, selling the Church’s patrimony of artwork (such as Michelangelo’s Pietà) into private or corporate hands would deprive future generations the transcendence that comes from praying before a priceless treasure. In 2015, Pope Francis was asked if he ever felt pressure to sell “the treasures of the Church.” He responded that they weren’t the Church’s treasures, but “the treasures of humanity.”

While popes aren’t at liberty to sell what belongs to “humanity,” they generally donate personal gifts to support the needy. Motorcycles, cars, and other gifts to Pope Francis have been given away or auctioned

to benefit the poor. On his deathbed, St. John XXIII offered his doctor his fountain pen, saying it was the only thing of value he possessed.

—Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR [email protected]

To do good...that is what God wants. He, who became small for our sake, asks us to offer something for the least of his brothers and sisters. Who are they? They are those who have nothing to give in return, the needy, the hungry, the stranger, the prisoner, the poor.



JULY 6Weekday

Hos 2:16, 17b–18, 21–22

Mt 9:18–26

Tuesday JULY 7

WeekdayHos 8:4–7, 11–13

Mt 9:32–38

Wednesday JULY 8

WeekdayHos 10:1–3, 7–8, 12

Mt 10:1–7

ThursdayJULY 9

WeekdayHos 11:1–4, 8e–9

Mt 10:7–15

FridayJULY 10

WeekdayHos 14:2–10Mt 10:16–23

SaturdayJULY 11

St. Benedict, Abbot

Is 6:1–8Mt 10:24–33

Sunday JULY 12

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is 55:10–11Rom 8:18–23Mt 13:1–23 or 13:1–9

A WORD FROM Pope Francis

Page 7: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC COMMUNITY July 5, 2020 · corresponsables encuentran su descanso en el Señor. Reflexiona esta semana sobre lo que haces para recibir la paz de Cristo en tu

GOOD SHEPHERD Catholic Community

A PARISH COMMUNITY SINCE 19441304 Main St., TX 75040

(972) 276-8587 ofc. (972) 494-3653 fax

PARISH OFFICE 1224 Main St., Garland, TX 75040 [email protected] Pastor: Rev. José Luís Esparza, F.N. Ext. 1007 [email protected]

PARISH SCHOOL 214 S. Garland Ave., Garland, TX 75040 (972) 272 –6533 ofc. (972) 272-0512 faxPrincipal: Gail Richardson-Bassett [email protected]

Ext. 1007 [email protected] Ext. 1008 [email protected] Ext. 1009 [email protected]

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Rev. José Luís Esparza, F.N. Rev. Américo Lozano, F.N. Rev. Israel Gonzalez, F.N. Deacon Jim Harris Deacon José Enrique López Alexander Sandoval Patricia Rodriguez Olivia Cruz Vilma Castaneda Mari Olivo Joanne Salzman Erika Hernandez Maribel Cruz Elva Gutierrez Rosemary OlveraGail Richardson-Bassett St. Vincent de Paul Society Charity Hotline: (972) 648-2500

For emergencies that require a priest outside of normal office hours, please call the parish office and select “option 9” to reach our after hours answering service.

Para situaciones de emergencia que requieren un sacerdote fuera del horario normal de oficina, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial y seleccione “la opción 9” para conectarse con nuestro servicio contestador.

Bulletin Ads: Rumaldo Serna at (512) 657-1457 or [email protected]

MASS SCHEDULE DAILY: Monday—Saturday 8am English

Lunes—Viernes 7pm Español SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:30pm English (MISA NEOCATECUMENAL) 7:00pm Español

SUNDAY MASS 7:15am 10:30am 5:30pm English

MISA DOMINICAL 8:30am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm, 3:15pm, 7:15pm Español

HOLY DAYS/DIAS DE PRECEPTO 8:00am & 6:00pm English 6:30am & 7:30pm Español 12:10pm Bilingual

CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Monday-Thursday/Lunes a Jueves 6:00pm-7:00pm

Saturday/Sábado 4pm-5pm There are no confessions on Fridays & Holy Days No hay confesiones los viernes ni los días de precepto EUCHARISTIC ADORATION/ADORACION EUCARISTICA

Every Day Outside of Mass in our Adoration Chapel 7:00AM—9:00PM

Cada día fuera de MisaEn la Capilla de Adoración. 7:00AM—9:00PM

MAXX SAVE GARLAND 3265 Broadway Blvd. Suite 100, Garland

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MAXX SAVE DALLAS 11722 Marsh Ln. Suite 220, Dallas

214-315-4312 • [email protected]

MAXX SAVE DUNCANVILLE 111 S. Cedar Ridge Rd. Suite 120, Duncanville469-268-8849 • [email protected]


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