
Good AfternoonDale McCarthy Nower Hill High SchoolGracie Miller Hornsey School for Girls

• CSCP and us• Reading & Writing• SEN• Key Stage 3• Oracy • Pupil Premium


The Land of The Dead


LO: To analyse the language and how it is used to create atmosphere


• What is it?• Can we come up with a definition?• Definition:• What techniques can storytellers use to create

atmosphere?• Techniques:

Techniques to Create








Let’s listen to the track again and I want you to write down good examples of these techniques.

What about these?

• “Hanging from the masts and the rigging we could see shards of ice like a dragon’s teeth.”

• “Day and night had no meaning and there was only an endless clammy gloom.”

• “Everything was infected with with the greyness of the mist.”

Analytical ParagraphsMake a point which answers the question directly.Give a quotation which supports your point.Explain the deeper meaning of the quotation.Say what the storyteller is showing the listener in your

quotation.Zoom in on particular words or phrases in your

quotation.Explore other possible interpretations.Comment on contextSupport it with other evidenceLink it back to the question.




The storyteller uses simile to create a threatening atmosphere in Episode 6. When he says, “shards of ice like a dragon’s teeth”, it reveals the danger that Odysseus and his crew are going into and it makes the listener feel their fear. The word “dragon” suggests that there is a menacing presence which could cause them pain or harm. Even the word “shard” illustrates how sharp and perilous the ice is. This phrase could also suggest that the threat in this case might be supernatural which is confirmed later when Odysseus speaks with the dead. Thus the storyteller uses rich imagery to create a frightening atmosphere.

Your Turn

Peer AssessMake a point which answers the question directly.Give a quotation which supports your point.Explain the deeper meaning of the quotation.Say what the storyteller is showing the listener in your

quotation.Zoom in on particular words or phrases in your

quotation.Explore other possible interpretations.Comment on contextSupport it with other evidenceLink it back to the question.



Now Improve

your PEEL, in


The storyteller uses metaphores [sic] to create a tense atmosphere in Episode 6. When he says “All colour bled from our clothes,” suggests [sic] that Odysseus is going into a dull, cold place and it makes the listener anxious about what’s going to happen. The phrase “colour bled” reflects on where they were going, it’s as if it’s saying the people who went there, the colour drains away. It could also show that the land of the dead sucks out the life of the people who are there, leaving them confused and lifeless like the ghosts Odysseus talks to. Thus the storyteller uses strong imagery to create a hair-prickling atmosphere.

The Land of the Dead

LO:All must: develop skills of sensory description

Most will: Use simple, complex and compound sentencesSome might: Present the effects of some literary techniques

Register Question: Who is your favourite character from RFT so far? Think about your reasons why, I might ask you to explain.

“A chill to my very soul”

On your table, think about what this phrase suggests. Annotate it with your ideas

“A chill to my very soul”

On your table, think about what this phrase suggests. What does it tell us about the place that Odysseus and his crew might be going to? What do you think Odysseus might find there? What genre of story does it remind you of? Does it tell us anything about Odysseus?

“A chill to my very soul”

On your table, think about what this phrase suggests. What does it tell us about the place that Odysseus and his crew might be going to? What do you think Odysseus might find there? What genre of story does it remind you of? Does it tell us anything about Odysseus?

What sense is this word making you use?

What does this word make you think of?

Sense MapAround the pictures representing each sense write an imaginative sentence

which describes the underworld using that sense.CHALLENGE: Vary your sentences. Remember the types of sentences we

spotted in the last lesson.

The Land of the Dead

Your Task

• Pretend you are one of Odysseus’ men and that you have followed him into The Land of the Dead.

• Tell the crew what you saw when you “walked with the ghosts of the dead” in “the realm of many guests”

Speaking and Listening

Land of The Dead

Let’s listen to Track 11

While we’re listening, make a note of the two tasks given to Odysseus.

CHALLENGE: Can you spot any particularly effective vocabulary or literary techniques like similes etc.? What is their effect? Be ready to present your ideas to the class.

The next line…

Here was one who had a dignity, who had a Here was one who had a dignity, who had a purpose that all others lacked. Surely this was… purpose that all others lacked. Surely this was…

Continue the story using one of these images…

The next line…

Here was one who had a dignity, who had a Here was one who had a dignity, who had a purpose that all others lacked. Surely this was… purpose that all others lacked. Surely this was…

Continue the story and include the features discussed at the start of the lesson. Can you include any particularly effective vocabulary or literary techniques like similes etc.?

The next line…

Here was one who had a dignity, who had a Here was one who had a dignity, who had a purpose that all others lacked. Surely this was… purpose that all others lacked. Surely this was…

•Who could it be? •How could you express the emotions of surprise, disgust or fear in your voice when saying this?

The next line…

Here was one who had a dignity, who had a purpose Here was one who had a dignity, who had a purpose that all others lacked. Surely this was… that all others lacked. Surely this was…

Continue the story without any notes. Your partner will choose a stipulation from this list:What would be the best thing to happen to Odysseus?What would be the worst thing to happen to him?What would be the most unexpected thing that could happen?

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