  • Northern Kentucky Gold Wing Riders


    Friends! Friends! Friends! December – the month of gifts, Santa, and the magic of believing . . .

    When we took our first ride with Chapter G we had no idea of the gift my Longaberger business had

    brought into our lives. We were hooked after that first ride and have been blessed to be a part of this

    group on so many adventures in the past 11 years. Not only has the G provided us with many

    adventures but also with friends who have shared not only in our adventures, but also in our

    celebrations, our heartaches, our life changes, our tears and our laughter. We have learned that no

    matter the season, being members of Chapter G has blessed us with the gift of a lifetime. So as we end

    a year like no other we have ever experienced, we want to thank each and every one of you for the gift

    of your friendship and wish you a new year filled with the magic of believing and the warmth & joy you

    have brought into our lives. Rick & Kim Artmayer




  • 1 December 2020 G Newsletter

    Chapter Team Directors Rick and Leah Cridin

    (859)534-5292 [email protected]

    Assistant Chapter Directors Randy and Kim Pommier

    859-466-1558 [email protected]

    Treasurer Luanne Williams

    (859)331-9475 [email protected]

    Membership Enhancement Jerry and Luanne Williams

    (859)331-9475 [email protected]

    Ride Coordinators Chuck and Judy Norris

    (859)586-7084 [email protected]

    Technical Educator OPEN

    [email protected]

    Pins & Patches John Keiter

    (859)640-2704 [email protected]

    Awards Coordinator Gary Heil

    (859)341-7484 [email protected]

    Historian Carol Redd

    (859)356-1083 [email protected]

    50/50 Coordinators Dean & Kim Hedger

    (859)743-2665 [email protected]

    Webmaster Kim Artmayer

    (859)534-5351 [email protected]

    Motorist Awareness Coordinator Charlie Hobbs

    (859)689-4955 [email protected]

    Newsletter Editor Donita Nardi

    (589)379-5141 [email protected]

    Social Secretary Rena Hobbs

    (859)389-4955 [email protected]

    2020 Couple of the Year Chuck & Judy Norris

    (859)586-7084 [email protected]

    2020 Individual of the Year Pam Haines

    (859)750-8901 [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:///C:/Users/Donita/Downloads/2016%20Coordinators.xlsx%23Sheet1!B36file:///C:/Users/Donita/Desktop/2020%20Coords.xlsx%23RANGE!A1file:///C:/Users/Donita/Downloads/2016%20Coordinators.xlsx%23Sheet1!B40

  • 2 December 2020 G Newsletter

    Here we are in the final month of 2020, which is a very bittersweet time for Leah and I as it is also our final

    month as your chapter directors. The past five years, with the exception of the last few COVID19 months,

    have been filled with so many wonderful memories. We have had a really great time with all the different

    activities and are so thankful to all of you for participating and making such fantastic memories for us.

    A special thank you to all the talented members who made up our staff of officers and coordinators. We

    have had the pleasure of watching you all work your magic for the benefit of the chapter and really feel

    blessed to have been surrounded and supported by all of you. You have given so much to our members

    and nothing the chapter has accomplished would have been possible without you. Each of you has a very

    special place in our hearts.

    To our members, we also owe you all a huge dose of gratitude for the support you have shown us, and for

    sharing your time with us on rides, trips, dinners, special events, and by attending the gatherings and

    rallies. You are the reason behind all that we do as directors and staff, and you are the basis for all the


    We have devoted a lot of time and expense with everything we have enjoyed since joining GWRRA in 2005.

    This year Leah said she was going to track our expenses just to see how much we spend on our GWRRA

    activities. Well as you might imagine, that number has become quite skewed for 2020 because of COVID

    and that might just have worked out in my favor! Just kidding with that, of course, because it has all been

    worth it.

    One of the biggest joys of the Christmas Party is the announcement of the new chapter Couple and

    Individual of the Year. With the unfortunate cancellation of the party, we are going to take this opportunity

    to announce the 2021 Couple and Individual of the Year. Wait for it……. Congratulations to Chuck and

    Judy Norris and Pam Haines, who are remaining as our chapter Couple and Individual of the Year. We put

    a lot of thought into the program and realized that these deserving members were cheated out of

    everything the program stands for due to the cancellation of everything they would have been able to

    attend representing our chapter. We felt it only fitting to continue their reign to give them the opportunity

    to enjoy the honor for which they truly deserve. Please join us in congratulating them and let’s all support

    them as they visit other chapters once this pandemic is over.

    As we previously stated, we aren’t going anywhere. Chapter G is our home chapter and we plan to

    continue to attend as many activities as possible. Please join us in welcoming Randy and Kim Pommier,

    who will become Chapter Directors on January 1, 2021. We know they will do a great job!

    Merry Christmas!

  • 3 December 2020 G Newsletter

    December brings with it the Holidays and this sparks a mischievous string of antics by Randy. He loves to

    celebrate Christmas by dressing up like The Elf on a Shelf and putting himself in precarious positions.

    Many times when I come home I will find him sitting on the counter in the kitchen or on top the mantle in

    the living room. Sometimes he will actually leave the house and take his show on the road, going to the

    Mall to harass shoppers, but he especially likes going to the grocery store and sitting in the cookie aisle

    with a bunch of open cookie packages. It’s funny how store managers aren’t so jovial this time of year.

    We wish you all a delightfully wonderful Holiday season and hope you make time to have some FUN!

    Hello Chapter G Members,

    Please spread the news about how much fun Chapter G and GWRRA members have and all of the benefits

    that come with our GWRRA membership. We are always looking forward to meeting new members.

    We know how important our families are so please stay safe and healthy during the Christmas holidays.

    This year will look different, but hopefully next year we can get back to some type of “normal.”

    Also, please check your membership cards for expiration dates to ensure that your membership is current.

    Please contact us if any of your contact information has changed. If you have any questions or need

    assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Our Chapter G Membership Enhancement E-Mail Address is: [email protected].

    Please check out all of the GWRRA benefits by visiting: GWRRA.ORG



  • 4 December 2020 G Newsletter

    Due to not having any chapter gatherings, there is no Chapter G treasury business to report. We hope to

    see more smiling G faces at the monthly Zoom chapter calls that help us talk to our members and check in

    on how everyone is doing during these difficult times. Hopefully soon we will be able to get back to our

    50/50, door prizes and hugs. Enjoy the Christmas holidays!

    Merry Christmas to all! The end of this unusual year is closing in on us and it also marks the end of the

    mileage contest for 2020. Whenever you stop riding for the year, please record your odometer reading and

    send it to me. If you participated in the contest last year, I have your beginning reading. If I do not have

    your beginning odometer reading you can furnish it along with the ending reading. If you ride multiple

    motorcycles furnish the ending reading and beginning reading if necessary, for each and advise for which

    bike it belongs. The deadline to submit data is 11:59 P.M., Sunday, January 17, 2021. Since we are

    meeting virtually, you will have to email the information to me at [email protected].

    Names: ______________________________________________________________________________

    Ending Mileage: _______________________________________________________________________

    Total Mileage guess for Chapter (Rider): ____________________________________________________

    Total Mileage guess for Chapter (Co-Rider): _________________________________________________

    Please be safe during this Holiday month.


  • 5 December 2020 G Newsletter

    I hope everyone is safe and well after the Thanksgiving Holiday. For most of the year I have been writing

    about the Levels program and the advantages of participating. Many members are part of the program,

    but with the absence of monthly gatherings, it can be easy to forget one’s current Level status, or all of the

    classes one has completed in the past. Fortunately, every participating member can check their status

    and history via the GWRRA website, any time, night or day. I will explain how you do this.

    1. Go to the GWRRA home page (

    2. Under the logo at the top of the page is a blue bar of 10 tabs. Move your mouse over the Programs tab.

    This tab should turn gray and expand across the page with eight tabs.

    3. Move your mouse to the Rider Education tab and click on it. You should be taken to the Rider Education

    home page.

    4. On left hand side of the page will be 15 light blue tabs. Click on the My R.E. Information tab. This

    should take you to the Levels Database login page.

    5. Enter your username and password and click submit.

    6. If you do not know your username and/or password, click on “I need help logging in” at the bottom of

    the login box. You will be taken to the Member Login Help page, which explains what information is

    required and where to find it. There is also an option to have your password emailed to you.

    7. Click on Return to Login to go back to the login page.

    8. Enter your username and password and click submit. You should now have access to the Levels

    Database and see your name and city, state, and country of residence. If you are part of a Family

    Membership, then every member of your family will also be listed.

    9. Click on View to be taken to your personal information. The top section shows your Member Information

    like name, address, phone, and email. If any of this information needs to be corrected, call the home

    office and they will correct it. The bottom section of the page shows your personal Levels information. Only

    the most current data is shown here. To see all your completed training classes, move your mouse over

    the word History, or click on All History. If you think any of your information in the bottom section is

    incorrect then contact me, your District Educator, and I will be happy to help you get the information


    With the 2020 riding season all but finished, now is a great time to reflect on what you have done in the

    past, and plan for what you want to do next year. The Rider Education Database is a great tool to see your

    past accomplishments, and to assist you to know what you need to plan to meet your goals for next year.

  • 6 December 2020 G Newsletter

    Did you know a herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest animal, and when the herd is hunted,

    it is the slowest and weakest that are killed first? This natural selection is good for the herd, because the

    general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest

    members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cell.

    Excessive intake of alcohol, as we all know, kills brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slowest and

    weakest brain cells first. In this way, the regular consumption of beer eliminates

    the weaker brains cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.

    That is why you always feel smarter after a few beers.

    Greetings all! I just wanted to make this my last official/unofficial act as the Kentucky District Director lol.

    While Liz and I where the District Directors we had the honor of nominating some very deserving and hardworking

    members for Senior Awards. The first was Jeannie McKenzie to Senior District Trainer. Next was Jerry and Luanne

    Williams to Senior District MEPC and Rick and Leah Credlin to Senior Chapter Directors. Big congratulations to these


    We wanted to give these awards out at a special event or a chapter gathering, but due to the pandemic all events and

    gatherings stopped. These folks worked very hard for many years volunteering their time and energy to the Chapters,

    District and GWRRA. Their dedication and selflessness helping Liz and I at the District level and the Chapters was

    outstanding. We could not have done all the things required of us without them. Please let them know what a great job

    they did and congratulate them on becoming Senior Award recipients. You Guys ROCK!!!!! Thank you for all you have

    accomplished and continued success in all your future endeavors.

  • 7 December 2020 G Newsletter

  • 8 December 2020 G Newsletter


    12/07 Kim Hedger

    12/12 Chuck Norris

    12/21 Paul Hartke

    12/18 Rick Cridlin

    12/21 Jesse Baker

    12/30 Randy Pommier


    12/12/09 John & Robbie Feldkamp

    12/23/93 Tommy & Goldi Lakes

    12/27/69 Rick & Arlene Otto

    12/27/71 Pete Heiss

    12/29/60 Windy & Joyce Quire

    I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    If you have any information that needs to be passed on to your Chapter G family, please contact me at:

    [email protected] or phone me at (859) 689-4955. Ride Safe!

    We can almost put 2020 in the rear view mirror. Now we can look forward to Spring Fling, Wing Ding and

    LOTS of good riding :)

    Do you need to get a gift for someone on your riding list? I might be able to help. I have lots of things

    that might want to show up under a Christmas tree...

    It has been a trying year, but that'll soon be behind us; 2021 will be a good year to ride and explore.

    As your bike spends the winter resting (for most of us), we can all think of the good times to come next


    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  • 9 December 2020 G Newsletter

    Hello to all the members of Chapter G. The month of November 2020 has passed us by and I hope that

    you all were able to do have a Happy Thanksgiving with or without having the normal family gatherings. I

    know it was different for the Norris family which usually has 25-30 family members at our home for dinner

    and, thanks of course for football. This year was nothing even close to that. We had a Dinner Ride that

    went to the Oriental Wok in Ft. Mitchell. Ice cream rides have ended, but we have managed to still have

    some decent days for riding during November. Keep checking the website for updates. Make sure if you

    have suggestions for 2021, that you submit them to Randy and Kim or Chuck and Judy. Not sure what next

    year is going to be like but we still need to plan and hope for the best with events. If you submit something,

    either a ride or dinner location, please include some information like address, city and state.

    This Holiday season will be different, but hopefully everyone can stay safe and enjoy small family events

    and hope we all spend more time understanding the reason for the season. We hope that we are able to

    have some Holiday get together as planned on the calendar. Please be sure to check the calendar for

    events. We will update with any changes ASAP.

    Judy and I want to wish everyone a Very Happy Holiday. We also want to thank everyone for allowing us to

    schedule events and for your support and participation. This year as your COY we have not been able to

    visit other Chapters as have the past COY’s. We want to thank the membership for selecting us and

    allowing us to represent the Chapter during 2020.


    December 2020 5th Chapter G Christmas Party. HOWEVER, we are still collecting new toys for the Steinford Toy

    Foundation on this date (December 5th) at 2:00 p.m. in the Hebron Kroger parking lot. Just look for Rick’s truck! Please note that gifts for the foundation are not to be wrapped. This year our help is needed even more because most of their fund raising events have had to be cancelled.

    8th Chapter Get-together - ZOOM call

    12th Dinner ride - Festival of Lights –Cincinnati Zoo

    January 2021 1st Happy New Year Breakfast - Cracker Barrel, Dry Ridge, KY. Eat at 9 am

    12th Chapter Get-together- TBD

    16th Dinner Ride - TBD

    17th Today is the deadline to have 2020 mileage submitted.

    February 2021 9th Chapter Get-together - TBD

    20th Dinner ride - TBD

  • 10 December 2020 G Newsletter

    Congratulations to those who are celebrating their December

    Chapter G anniversaries

    ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when throughout the Norris house,

    Not a creepy creature was stirring … not even a mouse.

    Judy hung her stocking by the chimney … and she did it with care,

    Even though her husband, Chuck, was not expected to be there.

    For it was 1972 and Judy knew … in both her heart and her head,

    Chuck was deployed on the USS Enterprise; she was living in dread.

    For she had not heard a word from Chuck … in quite a long span,

    So, for their 1st “married couple” Christmas, she’d be minus her man!

    There was utter confusion … and so much was the matter,

    Judy was close to a meltdown … and nerves that would shatter!

    Since so much time had passed without contact … she considered divorce,

    But I’m totally happy to report … that didn’t happen … of course!

    They lived in California then, but thanks to her parents, she was lucky,

    Because for Christmas that year, they flew Judy back to Kentucky!

    Unfortunately, that’s when Chuck called Judy … from San Francisco,

    He was on a 10-day leave and was truly ready … to party and disco!

    But then Chuck needed money … since she was in the Bluegrass State,

    And with only ten days to see his Judy … Chuck simply couldn’t wait!

    Once again … their parents rescued them … and quickly sent money galore,

    For, as per Judy, she and Chuck … were known as being “military poor”!

    The next time Chuck called her … he was in Denver … (for goodness sake!)

    Next day he called from Texas needing money …. he couldn’t catch a break!

    At 2:00 a.m. Judy, a neighbor who was a pilot, her 2 brothers and her mom,

    Beat it to the airport in Louisville, Kentucky … while trying to remain calm.

    But soon they gave up … accepted the circumstances … and all agreed,

    That Judy’s first Christmas as a newlywed … would be Chuck-less indeed!

    So that Christmas Eve found Judy miserable … as she pondered this endeavor,

    But then … Chuck burst through the door and it became the BEST Christmas ever!

  • 11 December 2020 G Newsletter

    Now Chuck and Judy had each other … that’s all they ever wanted or needed,

    And each knew that the pure joy of December 1972 could never be exceeded!

    At least that’s what they first thought, but changed their minds, and now agree,

    That joy was surpassed in December of 2016 … when they joined the “G”!

    Well, it’s Christmas time again. That’s what I hear each year when December rolls around, but in my line

    of work, it’s not a true statement at all. You see, my name is Norbert and I’m an elf. For our population of

    little people, Christmas is not isolated to one month out of the year; it goes on FOREVER!! As soon as the

    big night is over, we start work on the next one. I tell you, it’s exhausting…holly jolly - bah humbug. But

    that’s a whole other story. I’m here to tell you about my view from the back seat.

    The North Pole is way too cold and precarious for motorcycle riding. I’ve been reading your newsletter and

    it sounds so nice to be able to relax on the back of a bike and just enjoy the ride, but my view is a bit more

    chill, in a colder sense. The sleigh only launches once a year so there are no joy rides, no dinner rides, and

    the closest I get to an ice cream ride is when my glass of milk freezes over. I’ve had the “honor” of

    occupying the back seat of Santa’s sleigh for a couple hundred years now. I’m good, what can I say…

    Christmas night finds three of us stuffed into the back seat with the giant bag of toys, an emergency bag of

    magical reindeer dust (don’t want to be caught without that), and an abundance of fresh cut Christmas

    trees for those impoverished children on the “nice” list who couldn’t afford one. It’s no secret that the Big

    Guy does discriminate, but only on the basis of naughty and nice.

    The bag of toys and the trees dwindle as the night goes on, but the sap…oh the sticky, smelly, sap is the

    worst! It latches onto your skin and no amount of licking or wet wipes will make it release its grip. Once

    you get it, you’re stuck with it…literally! I remember one

    particularly sappy year when all three of us were stuck together

    and glued to the seat under that giant bag of toys most of the

    night. We were just stuck there and all Tilly could do was rant on

    and on about not being able to post to Facebook. It was not a

    good night. My point is, even if your main view is of a big fat

    helmet, you are so lucky to be riding on the back of a Goldwing.

    My view from the back is always of something else big and fat!

  • 12 December 2020 G Newsletter

  • 13 December 2020 G Newsletter

  • 14 December 2020 G Newsletter

  • 15 December 2020 G Newsletter

  • 16 December 2020 G Newsletter

  • 17 December 2020 G Newsletter

  • 18 December 2020 G Newsletter

    Northern Kentucky Chapter G

    Gold Wing Riders

    Gold Wing Road Riders Association

    December 2020

    Newsletter Editor Donita Nardi 31 Needmore Street. Walton, KY 41094

    Chapter Team Director – Rick and Leah Cridlin

    NEXT GET-TOGETHER: Tuesday, 12/8/2019 - To be determined based on state guidelines. Please

    watch for information to follow.

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