Page 1: GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME ~~ Christmas · GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME ~~ Christmas blessings I hope you can say in your


Zion Lutheran Church

1906 - 2013 __________________________________________________________________________________________________

GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME ~~ Christmas blessings

I hope you can say in your life that, “God is good, all the time.” Life is very hard

and there are multiple incidents that we have to go through that hurt us, send us into despair and bring us to deep grief. But, “God is good, all the time.” God does not cause

bad things to happen to us. God does not sit at a data base and, scrolling down, say, “Joe or Mary is going to die this week, or be diagnosed with cancer, or lose someone

they love,” or whatever bad things we can think of. When a child dies, God does not, “Need another angel.” When bad things happen, God does not cause them so

“something better can happen.”

The problem is “when bad things happen to good people” we want answers. There has to be a reason a teen-ager is killed in a car accident or a father loses his job with a

family to feed or a typhoon kills thousands of people. We find it very difficult when bad things happen. We all want to know “why?”

I do not pretend to know the answers to these questions, but I have a sense that life, with all its twists and turns and speed bumps, just happens. Sometimes things that

happen are our fault, sometimes someone else is to blame, but we could still ask, “Why was I driving down the road at that particular moment when a drunk driver swerved into

my lane and wiped out my family? Why am I the only one to survive?” “Why was I the only member of my family to survive the Hitler death camps in 1944 and all the rest of

my family die?” Why, why why? God is good, all the time.

In the middle of these horrific events in our lives, God is with us always. Many people asked the question, “Why did God allow the twin towers to be destroyed and so

many people killed on 9/11?” God was in the middle of all the grief and the pain and the

dying walking with us, comforting, giving firemen and policemen and other rescuers the strength they needed to save people. Medical first responders were able to do miracles

because God was their guiding their hands and helping them to be alert to many needs. God is always with us. Psalm 139 reminds us there is no where we can go to flee

from God’s presence and why would we want to flee anyway? When we hear the news that someone has died, it is God’s comforting arms that surround us through family and

friends who are there and praying for us and letting us borrow from their strength in this time of need.

Teresa of Avila reminds believers that God has no hands or voice or heart or feet or prayers but ours to do God’s work on this earth.

God is good, all the time, no matter what. We are never alone and when we die God is right there as “we open our eyes to the biggest and greatest surprise of all.”

In these holy days may “Immanuel -- God with us” be the name of Jesus that is on our lips and in our hearts.

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Page 2: GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME ~~ Christmas · GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME ~~ Christmas blessings I hope you can say in your

ZIONEWS December 2013 In this issue: 1. Zion is a HAPPENING Place 2. Table of Contents Stewardship Corner Church Staff Listing 3. Across the Pastor’s Desk Financial Report

Pastoral Acts & Attendance Statistics

4. Church Council Minutes 5. Memorials

6. Youth News Sunday School 7. ZLCW Opportunities Announcements & Thank you notes 8. Congratulations-Please help by submitting INSERTS: Zion’s Church Calendar

& Worship Leaders Schedule

Zion’s Mission Statement: As a body of believers, created by God,

redeemed by Christ, empowered by the Spirit, we are called to bear witness

to God s love.

ZIONEWS is published monthly by Zion Lutheran Church

401 Riverview Avenue, Glendive MT 59330

Submit your news to: Cami White, 377-2151

[email protected]

phone: 406-377-3369

fax: 406-377-3360

e-mail: [email protected]

web site:

Avis Anderson, Pastor

377-2617 [email protected]

Cami White, Sunday School Supt ~ 377-2151

Prayer Chain Contacts

Pastor Avis or the Church Office ~ 377-3369

Esther Shearer ~ 377-2117

Carmen Miller ~ 377-2841

Cammy Sue Oakland, Secretary

Georgina Hansen, Assistant

2013 Zion Council Members:

Bill Miller, President

Bill Bunting, Vice President

Sheryl Stansbury, Secretary

Janna McCormick, Treasurer

Terri Clausen

Don Idso

Sheila Kennedy

Gary Kirkpatrick

Megan Kubesh

Janna McCormick

Gary Lundman

Betty Mawbey

Myrna Quale

Michelle Sickler

Jerry Trangmoe

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All Zionews items can be emailed to [email protected], left in the yellow folder in the church office or in Cami’s new loyalty box for Zionews items located higher up so little fingers are not tempted to relocate items.

Stewardship Corner

Just the other day the author of

this article was caught in a tangle

of Christmas lights, trying to

figure out which strings worked

and which ones didn’t. Amid the

frustrating tangle, a question

occurred to me: “Why am I doing

this?!?!?” To help us all focus on the real meaning of

Christmas, our Stewardship Committee is handing out Advent

devotionals entitled The Story of God With Us”. Daily

readings and scripture passages for each day in December will

direct our attention to what is important and will give us hope.

If you have not already received a copy of this great little

devotional, they’re available in the church Narthex.

Contemplate the greatest gift one could ever receive – a Savior

who is Christ the Lord. 1 Peter 4:10 “Like good stewards

of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with what-

ever gift each of you has received.”

Page 3: GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME ~~ Christmas · GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME ~~ Christmas blessings I hope you can say in your

~ Across the ~ Across the ~ Across the ~ Across the pastor’s desk ~pastor’s desk ~pastor’s desk ~pastor’s desk ~

Dear friends in Christ, I received a phone call this afternoon from Alan Durand telling me of the death of his wife (November 8th, 2012) of some 60+ years, Edna Durand. Alan and Edna were from Saskatchewan and had moved to Glendive a number of years ago. Alan and Edna and son Robert joined Zion Lutheran Church as they had been raised Lu-theran. Alan was very faithful in church attendance, a tall, slender man with a quiet voice. The couple and their son moved back home within the past few months. The church Alan was raised in is gone so he will maintain his membership here at Zion. Alan often went to the Senior Center and some of you may know him from there. Robert is a cerebral palsy adult and is having more trouble getting around. It is good to know Allen has family in the community he returned to. Please remember the Durand family in your prayers. Alan was a caregiver for Edna after a severe stroke some years ago. Their address is: Alan Durand Box 465 Glaslyn SK CA SOM-OYO May God bless Edna’s memory among us. Our journey touches many lives as we pass through. Pastor Avis

ZIONEWS December 2013

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FOR THE RECORD: FOR THE RECORD: FOR THE RECORD: FOR THE RECORD: October 2013 Treasurer ’ s ReportOctober 2013 Treasurer ’ s ReportOctober 2013 Treasurer ’ s ReportOctober 2013 Treasurer ’ s Report IncomeIncomeIncomeIncome Misc Income/donation 115.00 Rent Income 225.00 Tithes/Offerings 22,944.00 VBS 199.96 Window debt offerings 25.00 Youth Group -1,905.75 Total IncomeTotal IncomeTotal IncomeTotal Income $21,603.21$21,603.21$21,603.21$21,603.21

ExpenseExpenseExpenseExpense Advertising and Promotion 70.00 Dues and Subscriptions 2,270.49 Evangelism and Special Events 472.58 Insurance Expense General Liability Insurance 678.33 Health Insurance 397.06 Total Insurance Expense 1,075.39

Janitorial Expense 21.99 MDU 580.93 Mileage Reimbursement 50.00 Miscellaneous Expense 40.00 Mortgage (window debt) 414.09 Office Supplies 62.02 Pastors Housing 500.00 Payroll Expenses 5,107.77 Pension 488.39 Postage and Delivery 47.67 Pulpit Supply 400.00 Repairs and Maintenance 1,099.56 Sunday School 69.95 Telephone/Internet Expense 116.96 Wage Tax 1,683.35 Water 452.64 Total ExpenseTotal ExpenseTotal ExpenseTotal Expense $14,953.83$14,953.83$14,953.83$14,953.83

Net Ordinary Income 6,649.38 Net IncomeNet IncomeNet IncomeNet Income $6,649.38$6,649.38$6,649.38$6,649.38

10/31/13 Statement Balance10/31/13 Statement Balance10/31/13 Statement Balance10/31/13 Statement Balance $18,314.01$18,314.01$18,314.01$18,314.01 10/31/13 Savings Balance10/31/13 Savings Balance10/31/13 Savings Balance10/31/13 Savings Balance $48,380.93$48,380.93$48,380.93$48,380.93 10/31/13 Mortgage (windows) Balance10/31/13 Mortgage (windows) Balance10/31/13 Mortgage (windows) Balance10/31/13 Mortgage (windows) Balance $33,557.56$33,557.56$33,557.56$33,557.56

November Statistics Att’d Com Offering Nov 2 Eve 13 13 520.00**

Nov 3 Zion 124 112 5,720.64

Nov 9 Eve 16 16 120.00**

Nov 10 Zion 112 106 2,721.00

Nov 16 Eve 21 21 259.00**

Nov 17 Zion 141 122 12,489.00

Nov 23 Eve 17 17 278.00**

Nov 24 Zion 112 101 2,182.00

(**Mid wk offering is included in Sunday Total


Pastoral Acts for November

Baptisms - 0

Funerals - 2 Richard “Dick” Kolstad 11/13/2013

Martha Holzworth 11/20/2013

Weddings - 0

Private Communions - 6

Other Communions - 33

(includes - Grandview, Heritage, EMVH and GMC

Nursing Hm)

~ Across the ~ Across the ~ Across the ~ Across the pastor’s desk ~pastor’s desk ~pastor’s desk ~pastor’s desk ~

PLEASE NOTE: THE LUTHERAN magazine If you have been receiving THE LUTHERAN magazine by mail at your home, that will stop after January 1st, 2014. Instead we will be receiving 50 copies bulk delivery to the church and having the magazine available here. Should you want a copy, let us know and we will put a copy in your loyalty box at church or we can mail a copy to you if you are home bound. THE LUTHERAN is an award-winning magazine and in the area of denominational magazines is highly respected and recognized for its excellence in publication. If you are not acquainted with this magazine, you should read it. There are thoughtful articles on world religions, opinion columns, how the Christian deals with our modern society, as well as church news both at the Montana Synod level and the Lutheran Church nationally and world-wide. When the bulk delivery arrives we will have the magazines available to you in the narthex unless you have requested to have one set aside. Zion pays for these subscriptions for you at $8.95 a subscription for the year. That is a real deal! THE LUTHERAN is also available as an online subscription. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call Pastor Avis at 377-3369.

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Watch for copies of the church constitution

available this month in the narthex, for you

to pick up, take home and read through.

A committee composed of Pastor Avis,

Sheryl Stansburg, Betty Mawbey and Norm

Unterseher worked through our constitution

this summer and updated it so it is in keep-

ing with the ELCA Constitution. The rewrit-

ing that was done was to update material

that was no longer valid.

The congregation will be asked to approve

the document at the annual meeting in

January. It has already received approval

from the Montana Synod Council and

Zion’s church council.

ZIONEWS December 2013

Page 4

Zion Lutheran Church Council Minutes

November 12, 2013

Members present: Bill Miller, Bill Bunting, Janna

McCormick, Sheryl Stansbury, Pastor Avis, Jerry

Trangmoe, Gary Lundman, Terri Clausen, Megan Kubesh,

Sheila Kennedy

Meeting was called to order by Bill Miller.

Minutes were approved (Bill Bunting/Megan Kubesh).

Treasurer’s report: ZLCW donated $1135 to the window

debt. Treasurer’s report was approved (Sheryl Stansbury/

Sheila Kennedy)

Bill Bunting/Jerry Trangmoe to hire Jim Wosepka to

review books and accounting procedures as planned.


Budget Planning for 2014: additional expenses related

to the call committee, interim pastor, housing for interim

pastor will need to be included in the budget planning

with a planning meeting scheduled in December.

Pastor Avis is asking that her housing allowance for the

first six months of 2014 be more in keeping with the

current housing market. Discussion about line item for

Badlands Ministries.

Devotions: led by Pastor Avis

Pastoral Report: Pastor Avis introduced the students

receiving First Communion and asked they be kept in our

prayers. Extra offerings donated $600 to prison ministry

and $420 to World Missions.


Property/Management: Committee is working on rental

agreements for long-term use of church property which

will need to be approved by the council when finished.

Plan is to have forms available in the church office which

will be passed to designated committee once completed.

Church doors will be rekeyed after January 1. If you need

a key to the church, you will need to get a new one once

they are made. No keys are to be duplicated.

Gary Lundman will send a thank-you to the Mr. Myers and

the School-to-work class for the work they did on

the Prayer Garden area.

Social Ministry: Mitten tree is up and ready for dona-

tions. Quilts made were sent to Dickinson.

With winter coming the needs are greater at the Food

Bank, Furniture Room, and Loaves and Fishes.

Donations for the Philippines will be collected and sent to

Lutheran Disaster Response for distribution.

Thank you for your generous donations to all these


Youth/Education: Chili cook-off is Sunday, November 17.

T-shirts are being sold for $15 each to cover the cost of

the shirt. Additional donations will be given to the youth


We need a Youth Director. If interested contact any

council member, church office or Pastor Avis. A job

description is available.

Cami White and Pastor Avis have been working with the

fifth and sixth graders but will need additional help

after January 1 until Youth Director is hired.

Evangelism/Stewardship: Advent booklets are ready to

be handed out November 24 and December 1 following

church services. If you don’t receive one, call the church

and one will be mailed.

Worship: Plans for Christmas program and Choir concert

are underway.

Old Business:

Work continues on window insurance adjustment for the

windows broken in July storm. On-line giving remains

available; a temple talk will explain process.

New Business:

Makoshika Park has a new director. Pastor Avis will meet

with him concerning our use of the amphitheater for

worship services and the agreement we have had in the

past. A council member will need to follow-up with the

director before summer.

Council terms for Bill Bunting and Jerry Trangmoe are

ending. Both have served two consecutive terms. We

thank them for their faithful service.

Anyone interested in joining council can contact any

council member. Meeting closed with prayer.

Submitted by,

Sheryl Stansbury

Council Secretary

Upcoming Events:

December 1: Advent begins

December 4 & 5: Lutefisk and Meatball dinner

December 8: Choir Christmas concert

December 15: Sunday School Christmas Program

December 24: 7 P.M. Christmas Eve service

December 25: 10 A.M. Christmas Day service

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ZIONEWS December 2013

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November Memorials (10/28 to 11/22 )

Radio broadcast on November 10 in Memory of Ann &

Wilmer Dohrmann parents

from Terry & Diane Dohrmann. (Ann’s birthday

was Nov 7th)

Radio broadcast on December 1 in Memory of Nora

Hilliard, mother from Lorie Connor and Carol Hilliard

Radio broadcast on December 8 in Memory of Martha

Holzworth from Phillip and Evelyn Siegle

Radio broadcast on December 15th in Memory of

Earl Frank’s passing on Dec 17th

from Linda, Amy, Aaron and Families

Radio broadcast on December 22nd in Memory of Justin

and Lois Lye, her parents from Susan and Jerry Kelly

Radio broadcast on Christmas Day for Loved Ones

from Martha Hilger

In Memory of Desseree Ann Stortz

from Family and Friends for Designated by Family

from Bob & Jackie Schlicht for Lutheran World


from Jack & Maurene Wardell for Family

Designated Memorial

from Vance & Linda Vickers for Loaves & Fishes

from Ross and Tara Oakland for the Family

Designated Memorial

from Jerry and Susan Kelly for Family Designated


from Family and Friends for Designated by Family

In Memory of Desseree Ann Stortz and Leo Balcer

from Karl & Madeline Overlie for the Dining

Room Redecoration Fund

In Memory of Richard “Dick” Kolstad

from Pat Kalloch and Mickey Sampson for

Window Debt

from Evelyn Gehnert for Undesignated

from Esther Shearer for Window Debt

from Neil and Cammy for Window Debt

from Gladys Weigum for Window Debt

from Adam and Barb Gartner for Window Debt

from Karen Schock for Window Debt

from Ross and Tara Oakland for Windows

from Martha Hilger for Zion Lutheran Endowment

In Memory of Willie Weigum

from Gladys his wife to Loaves & Fishes

In Memory of Des Stortz, Dick Kolstad, and Arlene

Wanner’s brother from Jim and Marilynn Knapp for Window Debt

In Memory of Lonnie (Stortz) Evans, Laurie Gibbs

sister from Freda Haidle for Window Debt

In honor of Hannah/Dorcas birthdays

from Hannah/Dorcas Circle to Loaves & Fishes

In Memory of Martha Holzworth

from Esther Shearer for Loaves and Fishes

from Evelyn Gehnert for Loaves & Fishes

In Memory of Leo Balcer and Dick Kolstad for


from Jerry and Susan Kelly

In Memory of Leo Balcer for Undesignated

from Correen Major

In Memory of Les Aardahl

from Wes Aardahl, Family and Friends for


from Arlene Crisafulli for Undesignated

In Memory of Dick Kolstad and Martha Holzworth

from Freda Haidle

In Memory of Dave Wing’s, mother, and Sandy

Lancaster, Lonnie (Stortz) Evans, Laurie Gibbs sister,

Pam Unterseher, Norm’s sister-in-law, and Dick


from Karl & Madeline Overlie for the Dining

Room Redecoration Fund

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ZIONEWS December 2013

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Dec 1: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Dec 8: 9 am Christmas program practice Dec 15: 9 am Christmas program practice 10 am Sunday School Christmas Program Dec 22: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Dec 29: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Jan 5: Sunday School Resumes It’s not too late to bring in Lutheran World Relief coin boxes. Please turn in at the Sunday School office.


1st place Liz and Alex Casini

2nd place 5th and 6th grade youth group 3rd place Shelbi Kaul

Peoples Choice 5th and 6th grade youth group

$158 earned towards purchasing gifts for the

adopt-a-family project.

Thank you to everyone for your generous donations for The Thanks for Giving bake sale and a big thanks to those that brought wonderful goodies for the sale. $237 raised towards VBS 2014.

Part-time position available:

Youth Director for Jr High

and High School, job

description available in the

church office. To apply, submit resume

and 2 references to the church office.

ZIONZIONZIONZION MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH Church tChurch tChurch tChurch t----shirts on sale in Decembershirts on sale in Decembershirts on sale in Decembershirts on sale in December 100 adult sizes and 30 youth sizes100 adult sizes and 30 youth sizes100 adult sizes and 30 youth sizes100 adult sizes and 30 youth sizes

See a youth to get yours.See a youth to get yours.See a youth to get yours.See a youth to get yours. They will also be available before church.They will also be available before church.They will also be available before church.They will also be available before church.

Youth Christmas Parties 7th and 8th grade

December 15th 3 pm

5th and 6th grade December 15th 2 to 3:30 pm

Global Missions with Pastor Westphal

Page 7: GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME ~~ Christmas · GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME ~~ Christmas blessings I hope you can say in your

December Youth Events include: Dec 2 – Youth Group 2:00-3:30 – we will also

be voting on what gift to purchase for a family

in need overseas for Christmas, such as a goat,

cow, pig etc.

Dec 16 – Christmas Party 2:00 – 3:30 - Event


Dec 30 – Youth Group 2:00 – 3:30

Blood Pressure dates:

November 21st

November 18th

9:00 ~ 10:00 am and 11:00 ~ 11:30 am

Thank you,

Kourtney Stortz, RN, BSN

Please remember to check the kitchen for your pans, bowls and Tupperware. Thank you

Circle Schedule

Hannah Circle

November 13 ~ 1:30 pm

Dianna Waddell

Dorcas Circle

November 8 ~ 1:30 pm

Deborah Circle

November 19 ~ 7:00 pm

Lilla Flesjer, 741 Windham Square

Sarah Circle

November 15 ~ 7:00 pm

Cammy Oakland, Fellowship Room

All gatherings are scheduled to be held in

VBS Committee serving at

Deer Creek Winter Bazaar

November 30th Noon to 7 pm

December 1st 10 am to 4 pm

Come join us for great food and all food

proceeds benefit VBS 2013. A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated their time, money or

food for this new fundraising effort. Anyone willing to lend a hand during this event are welcome and appreciated Thank for your

continued support.

ZIONEWS December 2013

Page 7

Today, I am grateful for the technology that allowed me to join my family from 1000 miles away, as we said goodbye to a very special man. Thank you Zion Lutheran Church for streaming the

service and thank you Avis Anderson for your kind and comforting words as well. Dick was loved by so many and he will truly be missed. Gina Schwartz

Zion Lutheran

Church Women

Blood pressures will be Dec 22 9:30-10:00

and after church until 11:30

ZLCW meeting December 1st at 11 am

Chancel Guild December 18th at 2 pm

The Dawson County Food Bank is in need of assistance for the Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for families in our community. We would appreciate anything food related that you might need for your holiday dinner. Turkeys will

be provided. Boxed mashed potatoes, boxed dressing, pumpkin, puddings, pie crust mixes, sweet potatoes (canned), and anything else you might think we need. We appreciate Zion’s assistance, and so do the people who will receive the dinner makings! Thank you so much!

The Mitten Tree is in need of mittens, hats, scarves and socks

Bible Study Circles:Bible Study Circles:Bible Study Circles:Bible Study Circles:

Hannah/Dorcas: Hannah/Dorcas: Hannah/Dorcas: Hannah/Dorcas: Tuesday, December10th,1:30 pm Fellowship Room, cookies for shut ins

Deborah: Deborah: Deborah: Deborah: No Circle for December

Sarah: Sarah: Sarah: Sarah: No Circle for December

Remember to attend the annual Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner

December 4th and 5th

4:30 to 7:30 pm

From Pastor Avis: I have copies of my two books available. The first one: “Until We Meet Again” is $16; the second one: “The Breaks” is $20. Both are paperback. Let me know if you are interested in obtaining copies. The books are mysteries set in Eastern Montana. Thank you.

Thank you for the beautiful cards, the comforting

words, the wonderful hugs, the memorials and for the

constant prayers for my sister and my family. We will

adjust to life without her, with God’s help. We know

that she is at peace and without pain. We have a

wonderful church family at Zion and for that we are so

thankful. Thanks again.

Love and God Bless,

Tim and Laurie Gibbs and family

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Angie and Ryan McNamee are the proud parents of a son, Kavanaugh Robert McNamee, born November 2,

weighing 6 lbs and 19 inches long. Kavanaugh is the grandson of Christie (Ames) and Robert McLain and

great-grandson of LeRoy and Alida Ames. Also great uncle Arnie and great aunts Lyla, LaNette and Andey.

We want to celebrate with you. Please share your joys with us. Let us know if your children or grandchildren are graduating, new

babies, weddings, and other accomplishments and we will celebrate together. Please call the office by the 20th of each month (377-

3369) or email to [email protected].

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