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Page 1: Glycemic Index

Rice, potato & Banana increase the blood glucose level more than   sugar The glycemic index (GI) is an exciting, new approach to preventing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Sugar makes our blood glucose rise. It’s, but so does a potato and the slice of bread too. Science has proven that all carbohydrates raise the blood glucose levels. Especially, rice and potato increase the blood glucose twice than sugar. The knowledge of glycemic indes will help us sort out that how the foods affect our blood glucose levels. 5 grams of potato increase blood sugar level more than the 5 grams of sugar. Rice, potato and corns have properties to increase the body weight. Glycemic index of 100- Sugar, white bread and white bread products, ripe banana’s Glycemic index is greater than 100.

Rice, corn flakes, ice- cream, fried potato

Glycemic index 90 to 99

Grapes, Carrots, Whole grain, Apricot, corn chips

Glycemic index 80 to 89

Honey, brown rice, baked potato, corn, banana, ripe mango, ripe papaya

Glycemic indes 70 to 79

Kidney beans, Wheat,

Glycemic index 60 to 69

Raisins, Spaghetti, Betts, Apple juice,

Glycemic index 50 to 59

Green banana, peas,

Glycemic index 40 to 49


Glycemic index 30 to 39

Apples, pears, Tomatos, chickpeas, Milk (skim) yogurt,

Glycemic index 20 to 29

Lentils, plums, peaches, grapefruit, cherries

Glycemic index 10 to 19

Soybeans, peanuts

Glycemic Index List

Below you will find a list of common foods with the glycemic index for each. A food with a glycemic index of less than 55 is considered a low glycemic food while 56 to 69 is moderate and over 70 is considered high. As you can see many vegetables, fruits and beans are

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relatively low on the glycemic index of food.  To download or print a FREE handy glycemic index list in PDF format click this link.

Most protein foods (such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and full fat cheese) are not listed because they are generally very low on the glycemic index list. Only processed animal products such as hot dogs, lunchmeats and bacon are higher because they have added sugar and other carbohydrates. 

Non-fat dairy products also are a bit higher because they do have carbohydrates in them.  Most nuts are low on the glycemic list because of the protein and fat found in them (for example, cashews are 27 and peanuts are 22 - but watch out for salt and sugar found in processed nuts!)

Generally, raw vegetables are extremely low on the glycemic index list of foods and in addition, they have a low glycemic load because of the fiber found in them. Cooking changes the quality of the fiber and makes the carbohydrates more readily available, thus raising their glycemic number. 

Many vegetables not on this list have a low glycemic index - here are some examples: Asparagus, artichoke, cucumber, fennel, lettuce, bell peppers, tomatoes, avocados, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards, parsley, cilantro and cauliflower.

Keep in mind as you review these numbers that they are approximate, usually with a plus or minus factor of 2 - 4 points.

Vegetablesglycemic index list


Beets 64

Carrot, raw 31

Carrot, cooked 47

Corn 55

Parsnip 97

Peas 52

Potato, baked 98

Potato, boiled 70

Pumpkin 75

Rutabaga 72

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Sweet potato 61

Taro 55


Raw fruits glycemic index


Apples 39

Apricots 57

Bananas (ripe) 56

Cantaloupe 65

Cherries 22

Grapefruit 25

Grapes 46

Kiwi 54

Mango 55

Oranges 44

Orange juice 46

Papaya 58

Peach 43

Pear 38

Pineapple 64

Plum 39

Prune 33

Raisins 64

Strawberry 40

Watermelon 72

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Legumes glycemic index


Beans 31

Black beans 30

Black-eyed peas 44

Garbanzos 33

Kidney beans 30

Lentils 29

Lima beans 35

Mung beans 38

Navy beans 38

Peas, dried 39

Pinto beans 39

Soy beans 18


Grains glycemic index list


Bagel 72

Barley 25

Bran Cereal 51

Bread, white 69

Bread, whole grain 72

Corn 52

Cornflakes 80

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Croissant 67

Millet 71

Oat bran 50

Oatmeal 58

Pasta, linguine 45

Pasta spaghetti 41

Popcorn 55

Rice, white 70

Rice, brown 55

Rice, puffed 95

Shredded Wheat 69

Waffle 76

Wheat, bulgar 48

Wheat cereal 67


Miscellaneous list  

Cookies, oatmeal 55

Cookies, shortbread 64

Cookies, vanilla 77

Corn chips 73

Ice cream 36

Macaroni & Cheese 64

Milk, whole 40

Milk, skim 32

Nuts (most are quite low) 13

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Sausages 28


Sugar glycemic index  

Fructose 20

Honey 75

Table sugar 65

Food Glycemic Index

Glycemic Index measures how fast a given food raises your blood sugar level

This is important while creating a diet for diabetics and women with PCOS. However, GI also plays an important role for the people seeking to lose weight. We will use Glucose as reference with an value of 100, GI for other Carbs is a relative value to glucose. The numbers given are compiled from many different sources available in public domain. These numbers will be close, but not identical to any one given study. The GI also varies on the ripeness cooking time and cooking methods employed. The meats have no Carbohydrates, so they are not included here. Leafy vegetables have low GI and are not included.

RiceRice is a common part of Indian Cuisine and deserves a better understanding. Rice can have moderate to high GI. There are two types of starch; Amylose and Amylopectin. Long grain rice has 22 percent Amylose and 78 Amylopectin while medium/short grain rice has 18 percent Amylose and 82 percent Amylopectin. Relatively higher the Amylopectin, stickier is the texture. Cooking, makes starch to be gelatinized so that human body can digest it and converts it into simple sugar. The important factor is the ratio of Amylose to Amylopectin. Higher the Amylose, lower the GI. So, the long grain rice have lower GI than short grain rice. The bran in brown rice makes lowers the GI further. This makes the Brown Basmati Rice to have lower GI among most of the other Rice from India.

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PotatoesPotatoes are another important part of Indian Cuisine. All root vegetables have moderate to high GI. White potatoes have lower nutritional value than the root vegetables that are rich in color. In United States, most common varieties are Russet and Idaho. Both these potatoes have high GI. The new red potatoes have lower GI than Russet and Idaho potatoes.

Common Dairy products

Glycemic Index

Milk, skim 32Milk, low-fat 30Milk, whole 27Yogurt whole milk 45

Fruits Glycemic Index

Apple 38Apricot 57Banana 55Cantaloupe 46Cherries 22Grapefruit 25Grapes 46Kiwifruit 53Mango 56Orange 44Papaya 58Peach 42Pear 38Pineapple 66Plum (Aloo Bukara) 39Watermelon 72

Dried Fruits Glycemic Index

Apricots 31

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Prunes 15Raisins 64Sultanas 56Dates 103

Fruit Juices Glycemic Index

Apple Juice 40Grapefruit juice 48Orange Juice 52Pineapple Juice 46


Glycemic Index

Chana Dal Garbanzo beans 11Cream Of wheat 66Urad (Black beans) 43Black eyed beans 41Garbanzo Beans Boiled 33Mung beans (Green gram) 38Horse gram 51Red Kidney beans boiled 30Pinto beans 39Rajma 19Soy Boiled 18Whole Mung 57Bajra 58Buckwheat 55Barley 25Jowar 77Ragi 86Rye 34Brown Rice 55White Rice 64Basmati Rice 58Peanuts 14

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Non-leafy vegetables

Glycemic Index

Beets 64Carrots 71Peas boiled 48Boiled Carrots 49White Baked Potato 85Boiled Potatoes 63Parsnips 97Sweet Potato 54Pumpkin 75

Common Foods Glycemic Index

Glucose (Reference) 100Honey 58Table sugar 65Fructose 23Coca-Cola (regular) 63Soy milk 31

Low Glycemic Index Food PyramidRefined Grains, Potatoes, Sweets, Candy

Unrefined Grains and Pasta

Low Fat Dairy Lean Protein Nuts, Legumes

Fruits Vegetables (Cooked or w/Healthy Oil Dressing)

In contrast, the USDA food pyramid focuses on food types rather than their effect on blood-glucose.

USDA Food Guide PyramidFats and Oils

Milk, Yogurt, Cheese Meat, Poultry, Fish, BeansEggs, Nuts

Vegetables FruitsBread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta

Low GI Diet and Calories

Choosing lower GI carbs, as part of a calorie-controlled eating plan, in combination with regular physical exercise, offers a range of documented health benefits along with

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relatively rapid weight loss. Even so, there's no magic to a low GI diet program. Calories and nutrition are still paramount.

Effect of GI Ranking of Foods on Health

High-glycemic-index foods trigger strong insulin responses, thereby exposing the body to all the negative effects of insulin. By comparison, low-glycemic value foods do not provoke this insulin response.

Diets containing high-glycemic-index meals, which cause rapid and strong increases in blood-sugar levels, have been linked to an increased risk for diabetes.

High-glycemic-index diets have also been linked to an increased risk for heart disease.

Lower glycemic index diets have been shown to help control type 2 diabetes and reduce symptoms of insulin resistance.

Over-consumption of high-glycemic-index foods has been linked to food cravings and disordered eating patterns, as a result of repeated surges and falls in blood-glucose ("sugar spikes").

Over-consumption of high-glycemic-index carbohydrates may aggravate insulin resistance in patients predisposed to the condition. Insulin resistance (called Metabolic Syndrome X, or more properly, Insulin Resistance Syndrome) is believed to be a precursor of type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance is believed to be a genetic condition, aggravated by obesity. However, some experts consider that it may be the result of a separate inherited sensitivity to high-glycemic-index

How do sugar alcohols compare to other carbohydrates?

Though sugar alcohols have fewer calories than sugar, most of them aren't as sweet, so more must be used to get the same sweetening effect. A good example is maltitol, which has 75% of the blood sugar impact of sugar, but also only 75% of the sweetness. So they end up being equal in that regard. Still, there is a range of sweetness and impact on blood sugar among the sugar alcohols.

This chart compares the different polyols.

GI=glycemic index

Cal/g=Calories per gram

Bear in mind that the glycemic index is a range, rather than a fixed number. Different studies yield different results. This chart is mainly sourced by the Livesey research reported in Nutrition Research Reviews, December 2003.

Comparison of Sugar and Sugar Alcohols

Ingredient Sweetness GI Cal/g

Sucrose(sugar) 100% 60 4

Maltitol Syrup 75% 52 3

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Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate 33% 39 2.8

Maltitol 75% 36 2.7

Xylitol 100% 13 2.5

Isomalt 55% 9 2.1

Sorbitol 60% 9 2.5

Lactitol 35% 6 2

Mannitol 60% 0 1.5

Erythritol 70% 0 0.2

Glycemic Index List


Fructose 12-25, average 19, but please read this before using fructose

Glucose 85-111, average 100

Glucose consumed with 15-20 grams of fiber 57-85

Glucose consumed with protein and fat 56

Honey 32-87, average 55

Lactose 46

Sucrose (granulated table sugar) most 58-65, 2 studies much higher, bringing the average to 68 (sucrose is half glucose and half fructose)

For glycemic index of sugar alcohols such as maltitol, see chart on this page.

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