Page 1: Gloucester, VA York Herald 2014-9 BoS

August  7,  2014                                                  “A  publication  for  the  good  citizens  of  the  York  District”                                                                              Issue  No.  2014-­‐9  

The  York  District  Herald  After  all  …  It’s  Your  Tax  Money!  


What  went  on  during  our  8/5/14  Meeting  …    

Development Requirements

Along Highway 17 Will Be More

Business Friendly

The Board unanimously agreed to a streamlined, yet effective version of what is now called the “Highway Corridor Development District” ordinance, or HCDD. It will replace the old Highway Corridor Development Overlay. The new and more business friendly version (reduced from 18 pages to 9 pages) eliminates or lessens requirements for some of the more onerous and expensive mandates of the former Highway Overlay. I believe the new HCDD will help to stimulate new business growth along Rt. 17 and facilitate growth for existing business – something the old version did not do. Hopefully, this will generate more tax revenues, help Gloucester County and lessen the tax burden for each citizen.

A Status on the Reassessment

Last night the County Administrator provided us with a status of where the County is with regard to the Reassessment. Last May, we asked the Assessor when we could “get a sense” of whether assessments were generally up or down. He responded at the time that he would have some “good figures by mid-July.” Well, it wasn’t entirely clear if we got that “sense” we were looking for, but we were at least told that the reassessment is ongoing and would be completed by December 31 of this year. I will keep you posted on any new developments on the reassessment as I learn more.

Director of Finance to

Retire Effective September 30

Ms. Nickie Champion, our Director of Finance has announced her retirement effective September 30, 2014. Nickie has worked tirelessly for our County and her services and contributions will be sorely missed. Let us give her our best wishes in this new and exciting chapter of her life!

Next Scheduled


The next scheduled meeting for the Board will be on September 2. Please come out and participate, speak out, hold us accountable; be a part of the decision making process!



Ladies and Gentlemen: My goal with this newsletter is to keep you informed. Therefore, please send me your email address at [email protected] so you too can get a copy of this Newsletter. And please forward this Newsletter to your friends and family!

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