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GlobalSpaceGovernanceandSpaceSecurity– TheroleofCOPUOSand


GlobalSpaceGovernanceandSpaceSecurity– TheroleofCOPUOSand

UNOOSANiklas Hedman


CosmicObjectsHazardPanel,Erice seminarsErice,Italy,20-23August2016

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WG ontheUseofNuclearPowerSourcesinOuterSpaceWG ontheUseofNuclearPowerSourcesinOuterSpace

WG ontheLong-termSustainabilityofOuterSpaceActivitiesWG ontheLong-termSustainabilityofOuterSpaceActivities



WG ontheDefinitionandDelimitationofOuterSpaceWG ontheDefinitionandDelimitationofOuterSpace

WG ontheReviewofInt’lMechanismsforCooperationinthePeacefulExplorationandUseofOuterSpace

WG ontheReviewofInt’lMechanismsforCooperationinthePeacefulExplorationandUseofOuterSpace

WG ontheStatusandApplicationoftheFiveUNTreatiesonOuterSpaceWG ontheStatusandApplicationoftheFiveUNTreatiesonOuterSpace

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• Action Team on Near-Earth Objects, established by COPUOS as aresult of recommendations of the third global UN Conference onExploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III),produced Recommendations for an international response to thenear-EarthObject impact threat (documentA/AC.105/C.1/L.329)

• Two entities, work of which is facilitated by the UN, were created atthe global level as a result of recommendations:

Ø SpaceMission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG)

Ø InternationalAsteroidWarning Network (IAWN)

International responsetoaNEOimpactthreat-UNGeneralAssemblyresolution68/75 (2013)

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Ø SMPAG ( )responsibilities include laying out the framework,timeline and options for initiating and executing space mission response activitiesand promoting opportunities for international collaboration on research andtechniques for NEO deflection. Ad hoc Working Group on Legal Issues (est.2015).SMPAG membership is open to all national space agencies or governmental or inter-governmental entities that coordinate and fund space activities and are capable ofcontribution to or carrying out a space based NEO mitigation campaign

Ø IAWN ( is an international association of institutions involvedin detecting, tracking, and characterizing NEOs. Its work includes: i) search-and-characterization of NEOs, ii) emergency management, and iii) communications withthe media and general public. IAWN aims to serve the global community as theauthoritative source of accurate and up-to-date information on near-Earth objectsand NEO impact risks. Information is freely available to all interested parties

UNOOSA serves as permanent Secretariat to SMPAG. Both entities report to COPUOSannually

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• Corethematicareas:– Sustainablespaceutilizationsupportingsustainabledevelopment on

Earth– Spacedebrismitigation,safetyofspaceoperations, toolstosupport

spacesituationalawareness– Spaceweather– Regulatory regimesandguidance foractorsinthespacearena

• InterlinkwiththereportoftheGroupofGovernmentalExpertsonTransparencyandConfidence-buildingMeasuresinOuterSpaceActivities(A/68/189).Riskreductionnotifications,interalia,onmanoeuvresthatmayresultinrisktoflightsafetyofotherspaceobjects;uncontrolledhigh-riskre-entryevents;emergencysituations;intentionalorbitalbreak-ups

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GGE-recommendations include information on national space policy, militaryexpenditure, notifications on status of space objects, safety of spaceoperations (including collision avoidance, scheduled manoeuvres, re-entryrisks, emergency situations, intentional break-ups), hazards (natural), visits

Resolution decides to refer the recommendations of the GGE report toCOPUOS, Disarmament Commission and Conference on Disarmament (CD) forconsideration, as appropriate (68/50 and follow up through 69/38, 70/53)

UN-system coordination is encouraged by the resolution in operativeparagraph 5; GGE report paragraph 66 recommends coordination betweenUNOOSA, UNODA and other appropriate UN entities

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Transformingourworld: 2030AgendaForSustainableDevelopment

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Long-termsustainability ofouterspaceactivities










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1.Globalpartnership inspaceexplorationandinnovation- ActionTeamwithMS

2.Legalregimeofouterspaceandglobalspacegovernance:currentandfutureperspectives - LSCWGonTreaties incoordinationwithWGonLTS

3.Enhanced informationexchangeonspaceobjectsandevents–WGTBDatSTSC2017

4.International frameworkforspaceweatherservices - STSCEGonSpaceWeather

5.Strengthened spacecooperationforglobalhealth - STSCEGonSpaceandGlobalHealth

6.International cooperationtowardslow-emission andresilient societies - UNOOSA

7.Capacity-building forthe21st Century- UNOOSA


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FiveUN TreatiesandPrinciplesonOuterSpaceOuterSpaceTreaty,1967(104Statesparties/25signatories)RescueAgreement,1968(95/24)LiabilityConvention,1972(93/21)RegistrationConvention,1975(62/4)MoonAgreement,1979(16/4)

• DeclarationofLegalPrinciplesGoverning theActivitiesofStatesintheExplorationandUsesofOuterSpace(1963)

• PrinciplesGoverning theUsebyStatesofArtificialEarthSatellitesforInternational DirectTelevision Broadcasting (1982)

• PrinciplesRelatingtoRemoteSensingoftheEarthfromOuterSpace(1986)

• PrinciplesRelevant totheUseofNuclearPowerSourcesinOuterSpace(1992)

• DeclarationonInternational Cooperation intheExplorationandUseofOuterSpacefortheBenefit andintheInterests ofAllStates,TakingintoParticularAccounttheNeedsofDevelopingCountries (1996)

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OuterSpaceTreatyExplorationanduseofouterspace- provinceofallmankind (ArticleI)Principleofnon-appropriation(Article II)International lawandUNCharter(ArticleIII)Weapons ofmassdestruction (Article IV)International responsibility fornational activities inouterspace (ArticleVI)International liability fordamage (ArticleVII)Jurisdiction andcontrol(ArticleVIII)Cooperationandmutualassistance (ArticleIX)Informationandnotification (ArticleXI)

RescueAgreementProvisionsonnotification, assistance andreturnofpersonnel ofaspacecraft,aswellasspaceobjectsandtheircomponent parts

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LiabilityConventionAbsolute liability (ArticleII)Fault liability (ArticleIII)Claims Commission (ArticlesXIV-XX)

RegistrationConventionRegistration requirements forspaceobjects launched intoEarthorbitorbeyond- national registryandUnitedNations Register (Articles II-IV)

MoonAgreementUseexclusivelyforpeaceful purposes(Article3)Freedomofscientific investigation (Article6)Environmentalconsideration (Article7)Commonheritageofmankind(Article11)

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Register on Space Objects

Public Outreach Youth

Office of the Director(Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo)

Committee, Policy and Legal Affairs Section

(Mr. Niklas Hedman)

Space ApplicationsSection

(Mr. Luc St-Pierre)

Programme on Space




Vienna Bonn


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§ PromoteInternationalCooperation inthepeacefuluseandexplorationofspace

§ Promoteutilisationofspacescienceandtechnologyforsustainableeconomicandsocialdevelopment

§ AssistUnitedNationsMemberStatestoestablish legalandregulatoryframeworks thatgovernspaceactivities

§ Strengthencapacityofdevelopingcountriestousespacetechnologyfordevelopmentbyhelpingtointegratespacecapabilitiesintonationaldevelopmentprogrammes


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OfficeMandates• Servesassubstantive andadministrative Secretariat totheCommittee onthe

PeacefulUses ofOuterSpaceanditsScientific andTechnical Subcommittee andLegalSubcommittee, including6currentWorkingGroupsonLTS,NPS,WGW,DEF/DEL,TRE, IMC.Servesassubstantive Secretariat totheGAFourthCommitteeonouterspaceagenda item

• Discharges theresponsibilities oftheSecretary-General underthefiveUNtreatiesandfivesetsofprinciples onouterspace.Maintains, onbehalfoftheSecretary-GeneraltheRegister ofObjectsLaunched intoOuterSpace

• Leadsthe Inter-Agencymechanisms forcoordination ofspace-related activitieswithintheUNsystem (UN-Space)

• Implements theUnitedNations ProgrammeonSpaceApplications, includingBSSI,BSTI,HSTI,GNSSandservesasExecutive Secretariattothe InternationalCommittee onGlobalNavigationSatellite Systems(ICG),andpermanentSecretariat toSMPAG

• Isresponsible fortheimplementation oftheUnitedNations PlatformforSpace-basedInformationforDisasterManagement andEmergency Response (UN-SPIDER)programme

• Operatesadedicated capacity-building programmeonspace law(space lawcurriculum,seriesofworkshops,databases, education opportunities list)

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• WithJAXAon“Kibo Cube”projectprovidingopportunities forsmall satellitedeployment fromISS,targeting academic institutions indeveloping countries

• WithCMSAonprovidingopportunities fordeveloping countriestocarryoutresearchonboardtheforthcomingChinese spacestation

• WiththeCentreofAppliedSpaceTechnologyandMicrogravity,ZARM,toprovidedeveloping countrieswithopportunities toconductmicrogravityexperiments attheDropTowerBremeninGermany

• WithDigitalGlobeonprovidingremotesensing images forsharingwithotherUNsystementities

• WithSierraNevadaCorporationonprovidingopportunities fordevelopingcountries toparticipate inandbenefit frommissions onboardtheDreamChaserorbitalspacecraft

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Recentandon-goingactionsandpartnershipswithintheUN-Spaceframework:• UN-SpaceSpecialreportonSpaceforGlobal

Health(issued2015asA/AC.105/1091)• Secretary-Generalreport2016-2017– meeting the

2030Agenda forSustainableDevelopment (issued2016asA/AC.105/1115)

• UN-SpacespecialreportonTCBMs(issued2016asA/AC.105/1116)

• UN-Spacesessionon3March2016held inNYincooperationwithUNODA

• UNOOSA/ITUGuidanceonsmallsatelliteregistrationandfrequencymanagement, publishedin2015

• JointICAO/UNOOSAAerospaceSymposium: 1stheldinMontreal,March2015;2nd inAbuDhabi,March2016;and3rd tobeheldinVienna2017

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2018marksthe50th anniversaryofthefirstUNConferenceontheExplorationandPeacefulUsesofOuterSpace(UNISPACE),heldinViennain1968

CommitteeonthePeacefulUsesofOuterSpace(COPOUS) decidedinJune2015tousethismilestoneanniversarytorenewandstrengthenitsmandateasauniqueplatformforinterrelationshipbetweenmajorspacefaringnationsandemergingspacenations,supportedbytheUNOfficeforOuterSpaceAffairs(UNOOSA)



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2018UNISPACE+50will:§ Consider thedevelopment ofstrongerspacegovernance, takingintoaccount

the2030AgendaforSustainable Development andthenewsustainabledevelopmentgoals

§ Consider international mechanisms &frameworks,whicharereflective ofanevolvingandmorecomplexspaceagendathatincludes:

§ -thebroaderconceptofspacesecurity§ -theexpandingcommercialspacesector§ -the long-termsustainabilityofouter spaceactivities

§ Considermechanisms andprocesses forresiliencyandinteroperability

§ Considermechanisms andplatforms forspacecooperation andcoordinationtowardsstronger spacegovernance andglobalpartnerships

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ThesepillarswillguideourpreparationstowardsUNISPACE+50andbeyond– “Space2030”



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UNISPACE+50andstrongernotificationprocedures• UN treaty-based mechanism for information exchange and notification procedures under

the treaty obligations of the Secretary-General, including the Registration Convention andresolution 62/101 on registration practice, provide the legal basis under international lawfor enhanced information exchange and notification procedures of objects launched intoouter space

• GGE-report (A/68/189) recommendations on risk reduction notifications and relevantproposed requirements under the draft set of guidelines on the long-term sustainability ofouter space activities to be assessed under the UNISPACE+50 process with the aim ofimproving overall information exchange and notification procedures on space objects

• UNISPACE+50 thematic priority on enhanced information exchange on space objects andevents to take stock of current notification and registration regime and analyserequirements to meet recommendations on risk reduction notifications, taking intoaccount the need for safety, security and sustainability of outer space activities

• Agreement in 2018 on concrete time-bound measures to be taken on establishingnecessary requirements for enhanced information exchange/notification/registrationplatform under the established long-standing UNOOSA authority in discharging theresponsibilities of the Secretary-General under the legal regime on outer space

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With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, globalsustainable development not only implies the use of space tools, but also requiresthat space-related activities, as well as outer space environment itself, continue tobe sustainable in the long-term for the benefit of all countries

Near-earth environment is fragile and the broadening of application and spaceoperations and the increased strategic value of space have resulted in a growingneed to enhance the safety of space operations, security of space assets andsystems, and the long-term sustainability of outer space activities

Complexity of broader space security encompass safety/security/sustainabilitymeasures as well as mechanisms for handling risks and hazards either by naturalcauses or man-made

Consideration of strengthened transparency and confidence-building underinternational space law; enhanced information exchange and risk reductionnotification procedures on space objects and events; future space-trafficmanagement

UNISPACE+50: Role of COPUOS and UNOOSA in global space governance –strengthened institutional framework


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