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A report submitted for assessment of GOTA Report


Roll No. Name Section Signature

01 Mr. Abbas

SH –2

04 Mr. Adhitya

24 Ms. Komal

26 Mr. Manish

44 Mr. Rohan

48 Mr. Shipra

Mr. Vishal

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GOTA Details

Country Visited: Belgium & Paris

The following Companies were visited:-

European Commission on December 10, 2007European Parliament on December 10, 2007Port of Antwerp on December 11, 2007Palm Breweries on December 12, 2007Val-Saint Lambert on December 13, 2007

Coca Cola (Bottling Plant) on December 19, 2007IMI Brussels on December 20, 2007

Starting Date of our tour: December 7, 2007


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Ending Date of our tour was December 24, 2007

(Arrival at Delhi, Indira Gandhi International Airport)



Belgium is a Northwest European Country. Its neighbor countries are Luxembourg, Netherlands, France & Germany.

Belgium is one of the founding members of European Union & it even hosts it’s headquarter in Brussels, capital of Belgium. In Belgium two languages are spoken, French & Dutch. And

Brussels is the only place where both of these languages are spoken. Belgium’s economy& its transportation infrastructure

is integrated with the rest of Europe. Its economy is characterized by high productive work force, high Gross National Product & high exports per capita. Belgium is famous

for diamond & Chocolates. Belgian chocolates are very famous

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in the world. Main exports of Belgium are finished diamond,

iron & steel, petroleum products, textiles, plastics & etc. Belgium is very organized country. Its main source of

transportation is through tram.

European Parliament

European Parliament constitutes 785 members, from different countries. All these countries follow same trade policies. They all follow rule, policies, Acts( Consumer Protection Act),etc which are set by European Union. So whenever any meeting is held or

wherever it is held, it is been attended by different people belonging from different countries, who speak in their mother Language, side- by –side, there is 25 chambers which translate the speech of any person in the language, which is understand by other people at

the very same time. So if 1 person speaks in French, at the very same time it is translated in other 24 languages.


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We thank Mr. Amit Sood & Mr. Sanket Choudhary in particular for guiding us during our

trip. They encouraged us to write in the first place. We owe much to Mr. Amit Sood &

Mr.Sanket Choudhary for the same.

We are indebted to all those who have been helpful throughout the process of writing

this Report– Mr. Abbas, Ms. Komal, Mr Manish, Mr.Rohan & Ms. Shipra. but as the

cliché goes, we are solely responsible for any remaining errors of fact or judgment.

Signature of group members


(Ms.Shipra) (Mr.Vishal)

Table of Content

S.No Topic Page No.

I Introduction

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II Control & Powers of European Parliament

III Women MEP’s

IV 20 Committees of European Parliament

V Co- decision

VI Budget of European


VII Source

VIIIs Sakharov Prize

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The European Parliament (EP) is directly elected

parliament body of the European Union. Together with the council of European Union, it forms the bicameral

legislatures in the world. The Parliament & Council forms

the highest legislative body within Union. European Parliament is composed of 785 members. Three places of

EP are Brussels, Luxembourg & France. No Parliamentary in Luxembourg.The vision of the European Parliament on the Single European Information Space.

PEST Analysis

Political Analysis

Control & Powers EP

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I) Legislative procedure

With each new treaty, the powers of the Parliament

have expanded. Its powers have been primarily defined through the Union's legislative procedures. The method

which has slowly become the dominant procedure (about three-quarters of policy areas) is the Co-Decision

Procedures, where powers are essentially equal between

Parliament and Council. Co-Decision provides an equal footing between the two bodies. Under the procedure,

the Commission presents a proposal to Parliament and the Council. They then send amendments to the Council which can either adopt the text with those amendments or send back a "common position". That proposal may either be approved or further amendments may be

tabled by the Parliament. If the Council does not approve these, then a "Conciliation Committee" is formed. The Committee is composed of the Council

members plus an equal number of MEP’s who seek to agree a common position. Once a position is agreed, it

has to be approved by Parliament. Other procedures include: Co-operation, meaning the Council can overrule

the Parliament if it is unanimous; Consultation, which

require just consultation of the Parliament; and Assent procedure, where the Parliament has a veto. The

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Commission and Council, or just Commission, can also

act completely independently of the Parliament.

II) Budget

The legislative branch officially holds the Union's

budgetary authority, powers gained through the

Budgetary Treaties, of the 1970s. The EU’s Budget is divided into compulsory and non-compulsory spending.

Compulsory spending is that resulting from EU treaties (including agriculture) and international agreements; the rest is non-compulsory.

The institutions draw up budget estimates and the

Commission consolidates them into a draft budget. Both the Council and the Parliament can amend the budget with the Parliament adopting or rejecting the budget at

its second reading. The signatures of the Parliament’s President are required before the budget becomes law.

The Parliament is also responsible for discharging the

implementation of previous budgets, on the basis of the

annual report of the European Court of Auditors.

III) Supervisory powers

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The Parliament also has other powers of general supervision, mainly granted by the Maastricht Treaty.

The Parliament has the power to set up a Committee of

Inquiry.The Parliament can call other institutions to answer

questions and if necessary to take them to court if they break EU law or treaties. Further more it has powers

over the appointment of the members of the Court of Auditors, and the president and executive board of the European Central Bank. The president of European

Central Bank is also responsible to present the annual report to the Parliament. EP also has a unit which also handles complaints against all institutions. Petitions are also brought in front of Parliament by any European Citizen.

Economy Analysis

I) 22 Committees of EP

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In European Parliament, there are 22 Committees

working in their own areas, & these are as follows:-i) Budgets Committee

ii) Budgetary Control

iii) Economic & Monetary Affairsiv) Employment in Social Affairs

v) Employment, Public Health & Foodvi) Safety

vii) Industry Research & Energyviii) Internal Market & Consumer protectionix) Transport & Tourism

x) Regional Developmentxi) Agriculture & Rural Developmentxii) Fisheriesxiii) Culture & Educationxiv) Legal Affairs

xv) Civil Liberties, Justice & Home Affairsxvi) Constitutional Affairsxvii) Women’s Right & Gender Equality

xviii) Petitionsxix)Foreign Affairs

xx) Human Rightsxxi)Security & Defense

xxii) Development & International Trade.

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Social Analysis

Women MEP’s

Women Members in European Parliament constitute 34% overall. But otherwise Women Members in EP are as follows:-

i) In EPP-DE(European People’s Party- European Democrats, Christian Democrats) women

members are 278 .ii) In PE’s (Socialist Democrats) women members are

218iii) In Alliance of Liberals, women members are 104.iv) In Union for Europe National Group women

member constitute 44%.v) In Greens / European Free Alliance, women

members constitute 42%.

vi) In GUE/NGL (Gauche Unitaire European / Nordic Green Left) women members constitute 15%.

vii) And Non attached members are 34%.

II) Co-Decisions

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European Union makes the law & there are three

processes for the same: - Co-Decision, Consultation & Assent. The legal process under which most directives

are decided is the Co-Decision Procedure. Co-decision

procedure means that the European Parliament decides together with the Council of the European

Union. These decisions are regarding following:-i) Internal Market

ii) Environmentiii) Transportiv) Public Health

v) Rights of European Citizenvi) Freedom of movement of workervii) Employmentviii) Social Policyix) Social Fund

x) Educationxi) Consumer Protectionxii) Research & Technology Development

xiii) Development Co-operationxiv) Transparency & Measure to Counter Fraud.

III)Budget Of 2007

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Last Budget was presented by European Union was

estimated as follows:- (brief idea of the same)i) 43% expenditure on sustainable Growth.

ii) 5% expenditure on Global

iii) 34% expenditure on Agriculture Expensesiv) 11% expenditure on Rural Development

v) 6% expenditure on Administrationvi) 1% expenditure on Citizenship, Freedom, Security

& Justice.vii) 0.4% expenditure on Compensation.

IV) Source of Funds

Income of EU or EP comes from:-i) Gross National Income (69%);

ii) VAT (15%)iii) Custom Duties, Agriculture Duties, etc(15%)

iv) Miscellaneous (1%)

SWOT Analysis

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Strength Analysis

Very strong and full support of environment protection

the leaders, that means if any of European Country is attacked by any other country outside ( other than

European countries), other European Countries support

that European Country (which is attacked)- Financially, provide defence products, if necessary they may also

provide European Union Army, etc.

Weakness Analysis

Costly system to implement environmental protection systems. European Union spend more for their defence, out of the funds collected from European Citizens as taxes.

Oppurtunity Analysis

Their no broder or boundary between any European

Country. More over they follow common trade policy. This makes dealing with any European Union

environment friendly trade, services & products.

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Threat Analysis

Each Employer of European Union have to pay taxes to employ even one person. So Employers of European

Union avoid hiring people, instead install machines or

plants which work most of the things on their own on a switch of a button. So if this thing is not taken into

consideration, European Union may face problems regarding unemployment.


Since 1988, in the spirit of Andrei Sakharov, the European Parliament has awarded the annual Sakharov

Prize for Freedom of Thought in order to honor individuals or organizations for their efforts on behalf of

human rights and fundamental freedoms and against oppression and injustice.

From Gorky, where he was living in exile, Andrei

Sakharov (1921-1989), the renowned physicist, member of the Academy of Sciences, dissident and 1975 Nobel

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Peace Prize winner, sent a message to the European

Parliament saying how moved he was that it intended to create a prize for freedom of thought which would bear

his name. He rightly saw this as an encouragement to all

those who, like him, had committed themselves to championing human rights.

Coming from a background in nuclear physics and ending as a dissident, he not only sought the release of

dissenters in his country but also drew attention to the relationship between science and society and to the issues of peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom,

which he analyzed in his writings. In the eyes of the world, Sakharov came to embody the crusade against the denial of fundamental rights. Neither intimidation nor exile could break his resistance.In awarding the Sakharov Prize, the European Parliament

honors, in particular, outstanding achievements in the fight to protect freedom of thought and expression against intolerance, fanaticism and hatred. This reflects

its conviction that fundamental freedoms include not only the right to life and physical integrity, but also

freedom of expression and of the press, two of the most effective means of fighting oppression and key

yardsticks by which to judge whether a society is

democratic and open.

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The right to untrammeled freedom of opinion and

expression, which is enshrined in Article 19 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and

Political Rights of 16 December 1966 and which includes

‘the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in

writing or in print, in the form of art, or though any medium of [a person's] choice', reflects the spirit in

which the European Parliament created the Sakharov Prize.The European Parliament awards the human rights prize,

endowed with EUR 50,000, at a formal sitting in Strasbourg which falls on or around 10 December, the day on which the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948.

Key Findings

If any company which is in a country that forms a part of

European Union, is found breaking the law, it will be shut down.

If any country or any organization is about to deal or is dealing with any European County’s Organization, they

have to follow certain policies & procedures, rule &

regulations, & etc. If anyone is found breaking these

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laws, is charged the terms or contract on which they

were working on will become void. Not only this, if any company or any outside company

cheats any customer, that company will be punished

according to the Consumer Protection Act of European Parliament.


We have learnt that if in future if someone makes a deal

with any of the companies of European Union, it will have to abide by the rules and policies of the

Parliament. It would serve as a great example to a

country where rules are not much thought of. Strictness is vital to India’s smooth administrative functioning.

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European Parliament constitutes 785 members, from

different countries. All these countries follow the same

trade policies. They all follow rules, policies, Acts (Consumer Protection Act), etc which are set by

European Union. So whenever any meeting is held or wherever it is held, it is been attended by different people belonging from different countries, who speak in their mother Language, side- by –side, there are 25 chambers which translate the speech of any person in

the language, which is understood by other people at the very same time. So if one person speaks in French, at the very same time it is translated in the other 24 languages.

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