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Page 1: Global Health Flyer


public health without bordersGlobal Health gives researchers and students unparalleled access to all the world’s relevant public health research and practice – providing knowledge without borders

Global Health


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Page 2: Global Health Flyer

Global Health is the only specialist bibliographic, abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health, completing the picture of international medical and health research by capturing key literature that is not covered by other databases. Global Health was created to ensure that key literature from all sources can be brought quickly and easily to the attention of those working in the field.

key features• Global reach: captures international literature not

covered by other databases, providing users with a truly global perspective.

• Unique: 58% of the journals contained in Global Health are unique to the database.

• Specially selected: literature is selected by subject specialists. Only relevant papers are included, and content is directed by an international editorial advisory board.

• Comprehensive: the database covers all aspects of public health at both international and community level, as well as a wealth of material from other biomedical and life science fields.

• Fulltext: Global Health provides selected full-text content of journals, reports and conferences from hard-to-find sources.


12 458


314 2,2513,031

Figure 1 showing unique journal coverage compared to EMBASE and MEDLINE

Global Health



key facts• Fully searchable bibliographic database,

available on multiple platforms.

• Contains over 1.8 million scientific records from 1973 to the present day.

• Over 160,000 records added each year.

• Information is sourced from more than 6,000 serials, books, book chapters, reports, conference proceedings, patents, theses, electronic publications and other hard-to-find resources. Over 3,600 of the journals are unique to Global Health.

• Covers journals from major lists, including:

– BMA (British Medical Association)

– Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health (Lamar Soutter Library, Massachusetts)

– Core Public Health Journals Project (US Medical Library Association)

– World Public Health Association

• Supports evidence-based practice and core competency development.

• Publications from over 100 countries in 50 languages are abstracted; 97% of records have an English abstract and 14% are from non-English language sources.

• Controlled vocabulary indexing to improve retrieval.

All data correct January 2012

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Page 3: Global Health Flyer

Public healthCommunity health

Social medicine and behaviour

Rural health

Refugee, migrant and indigenous health

Geriatric health

Maternal and child health

Women’s health

Sexual and reproductive health

Implementation and practice

Evidence-based medicine

Health promotionDisseminating health messages

Community health programmes

Disease prevention

Tropical and international healthTropical medicine

Traditional medicine

Travel medicine

Tropical public health

International health

Public health emergenciesBioterrorism


Epidemiology and biostatisticsEpidemiology


Environmental and occupational healthEnvironmental health

Food safety and hygiene

Sanitation and water supply

Occupational health

NutritionPublic health nutrition

Clinical nutrition

Nutritional physiology and biochemistry

Infectious diseases and parasitologyBacterial and viral diseases

Medical entomology

Fungal and parasitic diseases

Zoonotic disease and veterinary public health

Nosocomial diseases

Diagnosis and therapy of diseaseInfectious, parasitic and chronic diseases

Nutritional therapy and phytotherapy

Health systemsHealth economics

Health policy and planning

Health services

Chronic diseasesEpidemiology of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases.

Risk factors for chronic diseases.

Diet influences on chronic diseases.

Prevention of chronic disease

Management of chronic disease in resource poor settings

Screening programmes

Biomedical life sciencesMedical microbiologyPharmacology and toxicologyFood science


“Global Health is a great resource that complements MEDLINE and brings a needed international perspective.”

Matt Wilcox, Whitney Medical Library, Yale University, USA

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accessing Global HealthGlobal Health is available on a variety of platforms and through a variety of hosts, to ensure our content is delivered in a format that meets your needs.

CAB Direct (CABI’s own platform) Ovid EBSCO Dialog DIMDI Web of Knowledge STN

to find out moreSign up for a free institutional trial today, contact us at: [email protected]


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CABI Nosworthy Way, Wallingford Oxfordshire, OX10 8DE, UK T: +44 (0) 1491 829313 F: +44 (0) 1491 829198 E: [email protected]

In North America

CABI 875 Massachusetts Avenue, 7th Floor Cambridge, MA 02139, USA T: +1 617 3954051 E: [email protected] P




CABI, Nosworthy Way, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8DE, UK. T: +44 (0)1491 829313, F: +44 (0)1491 829198

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