Page 1: Global Environmental Facilities Ministry of Natural Resources and … · 2013. 9. 26. · Options 1, 2, 3 : SOC ‘owned’ emissions = 218,000 tCO 2 e ... landfill), as well as recommendations

Global Environmental Facilities Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia

United Nations Development Programme

S. Tambiev

GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

Page 2: Global Environmental Facilities Ministry of Natural Resources and … · 2013. 9. 26. · Options 1, 2, 3 : SOC ‘owned’ emissions = 218,000 tCO 2 e ... landfill), as well as recommendations

GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

The project used the Sochi Olympic Games as an opportunity to showcase the GEF's contribution to addressing global

environmental challenges and the Russian efforts to leave a green legacy after the Sochi Olympics.

The medium sized project developed and implemented strategies

and action plans for integrating a climate change agenda through six key sectors:

• green building standards; • power planning and energy efficiency; • renewable energy; • low-emitting transport; • carbon offset programme; • and public awareness and advocacy

Page 3: Global Environmental Facilities Ministry of Natural Resources and … · 2013. 9. 26. · Options 1, 2, 3 : SOC ‘owned’ emissions = 218,000 tCO 2 e ... landfill), as well as recommendations

Screening Assessment Carbon Footprint

GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

Options 1, 2, 3 : SOC ‘owned’ emissions = 218,000 tCO2e

Option 4: SOC + all SC Olympstroy ‘owned’ construction = 628,000 tCO2e

Option 7: All except Spectators = 3,681,000 tCO2e

Option 8: The entire footprint = 5,103,000 tCO2e

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GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

Green building standards

Development of proposals for the introduction of carbon components in Russian construction standards based on international experience

Analysis of international experience in the formation and functioning of voluntary and mandatory carbon reporting systems, related to the possibilities of its application in the Russian Federation

Proposals for the organization of accounting and reporting emissions and absorption of GHG in companies with state participation

Study of the carbon intensity of Russian exports by sectors and major products, and of the risks of export-oriented Russian companies in connection with the requirements of carbon reporting introduced in the EU

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GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

Power planning and energy efficiency Inventory of planned infrastructure heat, energy supply and consumption

• Review of existing and planned infrastructure heat and energy supply • Preliminary assessment of the baseline energy consumption and energy demand of buildings,

connected with the Games • Energy Efficiency and Planning Energy Saving. Evaluation of energy efficiency of several

representative venues of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi • Project’s requirements to improve energy efficiency of different types of buildings • Demo project: Recommendations on control of biogas collection (on the example of the Adler

landfill), as well as recommendations on design

Carbon Handbook for World Class Events The purpose of the Handbook is to provide the reader with practical, step-by-step guidance on

how to properly measure and management the carbon impacts of a world class event. Case studies will form an important part of the Handbook with individual case studies placed throughout the document. Total estimated pages with Appendices: around 110 pages. The Handbook will be presented in Sochi on 10th IOC World Conference: Sport and the


There is no such kind of guidance in the world practice, so far!

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GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

Russian level (vehicles per 1.000 inhabitants)

Proposals for improving the traffic situation in the city of Sochi

Saint-Petersburg 288 vehicles

Мoscow 299 vehicles

Sochi 420 vehicles

Concept of intermodal public transport system in Sochi for the Olympic Games


Sochi Adler

Existing long-distance trains Existing, non-integrated municipal and private bus networks Krasnaya Polyana

Matsesta khosta Kudepsta Olympic Park




Long distance trains Suburban trains, fully integrated with the network of feeder buses Municipal and private feeder bus network integrated with mountain and coastal bus line


Krasnaya Polyana

Matsesta Khosta Kudepsta Olympic Park

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GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

Reducing CO2 equivalent emissions from transport through the implementation of proposed measures

Private transport

Average fuel consumption in the transport congestion is 1 to 1.5 liters of gasoline, which leads to additional emission of 3 500 tons of С02 per day or 1 277 500 tons of СО2 per year (baseline 2010).

Construction of transport infrastructure without introducing measures of restriction and promotion (currently underway in Sochi 2011-2012) will reduce congestion for a maximum of15-20%: 2800 – 3000 tons of С02/day or 1 022 000 – 1 095 000 tons of С02/year

The proposed measures of restriction and promotion will reduce congestion by another 15-20%. Emissions would be reduced up to 2250 – 2500 tons of С02/day or 821 250 – 912 500 tons of С02/year

Decrease of CO2 emission of 30-36% from the baseline in 2010!

Fuel consumption in 2010 (baseline) Daily average total fuel consumption ≈ 85.500 l. = 226,6 tons of СО2 or 82 709 tons of СО2/year

Fuel consumption in 2011-2012 (changes implemented by the Administration of Sochi) Daily average total fuel consumption ≈ 26.460 l. = 70,1 tons of СО2 or 25 587 tons of СО2/year Reduction of CO2 emission of 69% from the 2010 baseline!

Fuel consumption in 2013-2014 (proposed concept) Daily average total fuel consumption ≈ 14.790 l. = 39,2 tons of СО2 or 14 308 tons of СО2/year

Reduction of CO2 emission of 83% from the 2010 baseline!

Public transport

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Main carbon offsetting strategies of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics

GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

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GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

The climate change public awareness program within the framework of a “Green

Heritage Campaign”


To develop a climate change awareness campaign and to attract population to the energy effective behaviour, events and movements directed to reduce the anthropogenic impact

on the environment

Objectives To inform the public about the topic of climate change and existing preventive methods in order to create a "green heritage" of the Games and increase personal responsibility of Russian citizens and tourists coming to the Games

To involve official partners of the Olympic Games in active participation in the communication campaign and organization of a series of activities

Communication support of the Russian Federation carbon neutral Olympic Games results presentation, including work on the modernization of the energy infrastructure and increase of energy efficiency

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GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

Ideology of the «СО2krashay (CO2 reduce)” idea

The main idea of the communication campaign is combining in one word the idea of reducing the amount of CO2 emissions and the public call to action.

It is based on the chemical formula of carbon dioxide CO2 and paired with the imperative verb that motivates to take an active part in the process of reducing the carbon footprint.

Key message: CO2krashay (CO2 reduce)

Possible replacement or additional key messages: CO2hranyay, CO2uchastvuy.

Possible key messages in English: CO2mbat, CO2nserve, CO2nstrict, CO2ntest.

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GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

Educational interactive toolkit "Climate Box" for schoolchildren

«Climate Box» is a set of educational and entertaining materials for primary and middle school pupils and their teachers on the issues of global climate change and its impact on nature and on human economic activities. The materials are presented in an interesting, entertaining way and give teachers recommendations for using this relevant topics within the school program. At the moment, there is no such toolkit in Russia. "Climate Box" continues a series of toolkits for schoolchildren, previously developed by the UNDP together with its partners, for the Black Sea (“Black Sea Box”) and for the lake of Baikal (“Baikal Box”).

The “Climate Box” will consist of:

• An illustrated textbook for pupils and teachers with informative materials, amusing pictures, interactive and individual tasks, issues and games on the subject

• A disk, enclosing in an electronic form all texts and maps in a game form

• A set of question cards with amusing pictures and answer options

• A map of global climate, which will show in an interesting way the possible scenarios of climate change in different parts of the world with the possible threats to people and to the environment

• A poster "Energy-saving tips" or " How can I save the climate ? "

• A poster with tips on how to prevent from dangerous climate change, including energy-saving tips

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GEF/Minprirody/UNDP Project: Greening 2014 Sochi Olympics: A Strategy and Action Plan for the Greening Legacy

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