Page 1: Global Campaign Against Epilepsy - WHO · ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy February 2002 Bringing Epilepsy “Out of the Shadows” The ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 1

L a u n c h o f t h e s e c o n d p h a s e o f t h e G l o b a l C a m p a i g n A g a i n s t E p i l e p s y

International Bureau for Epilepsy

World HealthOrganization

International League Against Epilepsy

o u t o f t h e s h a d o w s

Global Campaign Against Epilepsy

Page 2: Global Campaign Against Epilepsy - WHO · ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy February 2002 Bringing Epilepsy “Out of the Shadows” The ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against

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Paswerk BedrijvenCruquius, the NetherlandsA sheltered workshop employing people with epilepsy


ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against EpilepsyFebruary 2002

Bringing Epilepsy “Out of the Shadows”

The ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy is a joint initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International League againstEpilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) to bringepilepsy "Out of the Shadows" by improving the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and social acceptability of the disorder world-wide.

Page 3: Global Campaign Against Epilepsy - WHO · ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy February 2002 Bringing Epilepsy “Out of the Shadows” The ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against

Background 2

The h i s tory 2

The rat iona le 2

The s t rategy 3

Annotation 4

Global activities 5

The Launch 5

Country resources

for ep i lepsy quest ionna i re 6

Sess ions and lectures at

internat iona l conferences 6

Informat ion on the Campaign 7

Publ icat ions 9

National and regional activities 11

Int roduct ion 11

Nat iona l act iv i t ies 11

Regiona l act iv i t ies 11






Demonstrat ion pro jects 16

Activities of the Campaign Secretariat and of the Executive Board 18

Secretar ia t and Execut ive Board 18

Act iv i t ies of the Secretar ia t 18

Informat ion and publ ic re lat ions 19

P.R. Materials 19

Campaign Newsletter 19

Action plan for 2001 – 2002 20

Action plan for 2002 – 2003 22

Photos from the Launch 24

Attachments 26

Paper to Cabinet 26

Programme of the Launch of

the 2nd Phase of the Campaign 27

Launch Presentat ion

Dr. Gro Har lem Brundt land 29

Contact addresses 33

■ 1Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy


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1 Annual Report ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign

against Epilepsy 20002 WHO Press Release 19973 WHO Fact Sheets 165-168, 19974 Press Release WHO/7, 12 February 20015 WHO Fact Sheets 165-168 Revised February 2001

2 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

The h i s tory

It seems appropriate to commence this annual report as in previous years1

with a brief description of the background and the history of the GlobalCampaign Against Epilepsy (GCAE).

The following is a calendar of the main events that took place since thebeginning of the GCAE:

1997 Launch of the 1st Phase of the Campaign in Geneva 2/3, Switzerland(WHO Headquarters) and in Dublin (22nd International EpilepsyCongress)

1998 First Regional Conference on Public Health took place in Heidelberg,Germany and the first Regional Declaration on Epilepsy2 was unani-mously adopted.

1999 Approval of Cabinet Paper on the Campaign by the Director-Generaland the Cabinet of WHO (Attachment I)

2000 Four more Regional Conferences took place: in Senegal, Africa; in Chile, Latin America; in India, South East Asia and in the USA,North America.

More than 1,200 representatives from WHO, ILAE and IBE, othernongovernmental organisations and UN agencies, governments, universities and health care providers from well over 100 countries,representing millions of people with epilepsy, were involved in thedevelopment and adoption of all Regional Declarations

2001 Launch of the 2nd Phase of the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaignagainst Epilepsy in Geneva4/5

The more recent history may be found in the references above and elsewherein this report.

The rat iona le

Epilepsy is the most common seriousbrain disorder and a global problemaffecting all ages, races, social classesand countries. It imposes enormousphysical, psychological, social andeconomic burdens on individuals,families and countries, especially dueto misunderstanding, fear and stigma.These problems are universal but aregreatest in the developing worldwhere 85% of the fifty million people with epilepsy live and up to90% or more receive no diagnosisor treatment.

The Global Campaign againstEpilepsy “Out of the Shadows”, is ajoint initiative of the InternationalLeague against Epilepsy (ILAE), theInternational Bureau for Epilepsy(IBE) and the World HealthOrganization (WHO). Each of theorganisations had tried to make adifference, but none really succeeded.It seemed therefore a rather logicalstep to try and join forces, form apartnership, which is exactly whatthe Campaign is, a partnership!

The mission statement of theCampaign is:

To improve the acceptability, diagnosis, treatment, services andprevention of epilepsy world-wide”.

After all 70-80% of people withepilepsy could live normal lives ifappropriately treated.


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■ 3Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

The objectives of the Campaign are:– to increase the public and profes-

sional awareness of epilepsy as auniversal treatable brain disorder

– to raise epilepsy on to a newplane of acceptability in thepublic domain

– to promote public and profes-sional education about epilepsy

– to identify the needs of peoplewith epilepsy on a national andregional basis

– to encourage governments anddepartments of health

– to address the needs of peoplewith epilepsy, including awareness,education, diagnosis, treatment,care, services and prevention

The Campaign includes international,regional and national components,which are interrelated.

The s t rategy

The strategy of the Campaignincludes two parallel and simulta-neous tracks; it provides a platformfor general awareness and under-standing of epilepsy by organising:

– the Launch of the 2nd phase ofthe Campaign in the year 2001;and

– the Regional Conferences on Public Health Aspects

And within the second track theCampaign will assist Departmentsof Health in identifying the needsand promoting education, training,treatment, services, research andprevention by:

– providing information and support for national initiativesand

– initiating Demonstration Projects

During the initial stage the strategyof the Campaign was essentiallyfocussed on advocacy and awarenessactivities, which is clear from theactivities that took place during thisphase.

Experience of the initial stage of the Campaign, however, created the rational for the suggestion ofthe Launch of a 2nd Phase of theCampaign with new and even moreambitious goals: to improve thehealth care services, treatment, prevention and social acceptance of epilepsy world-wide.

The main activities to achieve thesegoals are the initiation and implemen-tation of Demonstration Projects ina number of selected countries.

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The achievements of the Campaign during this calendar year will be described further down, but in short they are summarised below:

January Publication of the annual report for 2000.

February Launch of the 2nd phase of the Campaign(Geneva, Switzerland), amongst others in the presence of the Director-General of WHO. Various P.R. (public relations)materials, folders, posters and fact sheetswere produced for the occasion.

March Launch of the European White Paper onEpilepsy in the European Parliament,(Brussels, Belgium).

June Technical consultative meeting on theimplementation of Campaign activities inAfrica, organised by the WHO RegionalOffice in Africa jointly with GCAESecretariat and WHO headquarters(Harare, Zimbabwe).

July Publication of the first GCAE Newsletter.

July Technical consultative meeting with theprincipal investigators for the DemonstrationProject in Argentina, in the presence ofthe WHO Regional Adviser on MentalHealth, AMRO, representatives of theMinistry of Health, GCAE Secretariat, etc.(Buenos Aires, Argentina).

August Development and mailing to 196 countriesof a Questionnaire on Country Resourcesin Epilepsy.

November Technical Consultative Meeting on theimplementation of Campaign activities inthe Western Pacific Region, organised bythe WHO Regional Office for the WesternPacific, jointly with the GCAE Secretariatand WHO headquarters (Manila, Philippines).

Workshop on the future activities underthe umbrella of the Campaign in the South-East Asian Region, organised by the WHORegional Office for South-East Asia, jointlywith the Campaign Secretariat (Bangkok,Thailand).

December WHO/NGO (non-governmental organisa-tion) meeting and working meeting of theGCAE Secretariat.

4 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy


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The Launch

The year 2001 has seen a major eventin the GCAE. On 12 February theLaunch of the 2nd Phase of theGCAE took place at WHO head-quarters, Geneva, with the activeparticipation of the Director-Generalof WHO, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland,Executive Director of the WHO clus-ter of Noncommunicable Diseasesand Mental Health, Dr Derek Yach,and Director of the Department ofMental Health and Substance Depen-dence, Dr Benedetto Saraceno.Furthermore, senior WHO stafffrom a number of clusters and de-partments responsible for or relatedto the GCAE, were participating aswell as the Regional Advisers onMental Health from all six WHORegional Offices, John Bowis, MEP(Member of the European Parliament),representing national governmentsand the European Parliament andboth Executive Committees of IBEand ILAE.

Finally represented were:

– 13 missions of WHO countrymembers

– 24 national member organisationsIBE/ILAE

– 4 NGO’s in neuroscience/neurology

– 17 private sector

The programme of the Launch aswell as the speech presented by Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Director-General of WHO are attached(Attachment 3)

A press conference followed andprovided the Campaign with timeon radio and TV across the world,as well as space in the print media.

In order not to lose the momentumof the day, the official Launch eventwas followed by a symposium onpublic health aspects of epilepsyand the role of the GCAE, wherethe main problems related to epilep-sy were discussed and the maindirections of the Campaign wereclarified.

The next day, a technical consul-tative meeting was convened by the Secretariat, which was attendedby all WHO Regional Advisers onMental Health, the members of the

IBE/ILAE Executive Committees andthe principal investigators of thevarious Demonstration Projects.The meeting was held at WHOheadquarters. The main objectivesof the meeting were to discuss:

– the present state of affairs in the regions (concerning epilepsyrelated activities)

– the needs in the regions

– the way forward in the regions

It was unanimously decided toincrease activities on epilepsy in all regions including: – the initiation of anti-discrimi-

natory legislation

– approaching governments

– the organisation of TechnicalConsultative Meetings in orderto implement the Campaign inthe various regions.

■ 5Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Global activities

From left to right (front) Prof. J. Engel Jr., Hanneke M. de Boer, Dr. Derek Yach, Dr. Gro HarlemBrundtland, Dr. Benedetto Saraceno, Dr. Leonid Prilipko, Dr. Edward H. Reynolds, Philip Lee.

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In the afternoon of the same day,the principal investigators fromArgentina, China, Senegal andZimbabwe met with the project co-ordinators with the objective:

– to clarify and agree on plans of action related to the develop-ment of the DemonstrationProjects on epilepsy in thosecountries.

From the outcomes of those twodays it may be concluded that theGlobal Campaign is now gainingsuch participation and commitmentthat it can be seen as a truly effec-tive vehicle for improving the situa-tion of people with epilepsy world-wide. This then will lead to concertedaction from all those involved andwill cause the shadows of epilepsy,which were dispelled in Geneva, toalso recede across the rest of theworld.

Country resources for ep i lepsy

A questionnaire on country resourcesfor epilepsy was developed by agroup of experts with the aim tomap the resources for epilepsyworld-wide. The questionnaire wassent to IBE and/or ILAE membersand to all WHO country members.All were invited to complete thisquestionnaire. At present the data is being collected at the IBE officein Heemstede.

The Campaign’s Secretariat followsan active policy as far as participa-tion in international conferences/congresses is concerned. It is feltthat creating and enhancing aware-ness never ceases and indeed that itis essential for the Campaign to beknown by as many people, who areinvolved in epilepsy care, as is possi-ble, as well as make as many peopleas possible aware of the problemssurrounding this disorder and of theexisting treatment gap.

Since the initiation of the Campaigna number of sessions on the Campaignwere organised at regional, nationaland international congresses. Thefollowing sessions took place in 2001:

– Buenos Aires, Argentina: 24thInternational Epilepsy Congress

– Athens, Greece: 7th Mediterranean Conference

– London, U.K.: World CongressWFN (session on EuropeanWhite Paper)

A number of presentations on theCampaign, involving the GCAESecretariat were given, at a varietyof national, regional and internationalepilepsy or other neurology-relatedcongresses:

– Flemish League Day, Gent,Belgium

– The Launch of the 2nd Phase of the Campaign, Geneva,Switzerland

– The Launch of the EuropeanWhite Paper, Brussels, Belgium

– European Sanofi-SynthelaboSymposium, Lisbon, Portugal

– 24th International EpilepsyCongress, Buenos Aires,Argentina

– Technical Consultative Meeting,Harare, Zimbabwe

– World Congress WorldFederation of Neurology,London, England

– World Congress of WorldHeadache Alliance, New York,USA

– Congress organised by GlobalForum for Health Research,Geneva, Switzerland

– Annual Epilepsy Congress,Caracas, Venezuela

– Technical Consultative Meeting,Manila, Philippines

– Technical Consultative Meeting,Bangkok, Thailand

– NGO Meeting, Geneva,Switzerland

6 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Sess ions and lectures at internat iona l conferences

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Informat ion on the Campaign

Information on the Campaign may be obtained from various sources.

– Almost every WHO Mental Health Bulletin had information on theCampaign (see

The articles attracted considerable interest. The following figures show for each article:

a. the number of PDF printouts of complete issues of the Bulletin containingthe article

b. the number of separate HTML downloads/printouts of the article

c. the total number of times the article has been downloaded and/or printedout (a+b), as recorded until the end of 2001.

– Both web sites of ILAE ( and of IBE ( give information on the Campaign as well as the WHOsite (

■ 7Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Speakers in session on Campaign in Buenos Aires: from left to right: Carlos Acevedo (Chile),Claudio Miranda (WHO Regional Advisor for Mental Health in the American Region), Janet Liddle (UK), Kathy Pahl (South Africa), Peter Wolf (Germany), Hanneke M. de Boer(Secretariat Campaign, The Netherlands), A. Gallo Diop (Senegal), Carol D’Souza (India).

Issue Article PDF HTML Totalprintouts (a) downloads (b) (c)

2 New PAHO/WHO initiative 469 393 862

4 The IBE/ILAE/WHO Global 843 348 1.191Campaign: consultation

6 The Global Campaign 1.528 3.765 5.293

7 Dakar conference 1.644 172 1.816

9 Launch Phase II 664 86 740

9 Managing epilepsy care 664 33 697

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Publ icat ions

To date the following articles were published on the Campaign itself or concerning the Campaign. As these have never been listed before, on thisoccasion, all publications we know of since the beginning of the Campaign,will be included:

19971. Bringing epilepsy out of the shadows: R. Kale:

British Medical Journal: 315: 2-3, 19972. WHO Fact Sheets 165-168: 1997

19983. World Health Forum, 1998;19(1):107-84. Global Campaign against Epilepsy, agenda for IEA/EAS: K.S. Mani:

Neurology India, 46, 1-4, 1998

19995. New PAHO/WHO Initiative: WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no. 2,

March 19996. The IBE/ILAE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy: consultation

on progress and project strategies: WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no. 4,September 1999

7. Consultative Meeting on Epilepsy Project: MNH/NND/99.3, 19998. Towards a coherent public-health analysis for epilepsy: D.K. Pal, S. Nandy,

J.W.A.S. Sander: The Lancet 353(9): 1-3, 19999. International Epilepsy News issue: 134, p. 8, 1999

200010. The Global Campaign against Epilepsy: bringing epilepsy out of the shadows:

WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no. 6, March 200011. Dakar conference adopts the African Declaration on Epilepsy as Global

Campaign against Epilepsy is launched in Africa: WHO Mental HealthBulletin, no. 7, September 2000

12. Epilepsy Management at Primary Health Level: Protocol for a demonstrationproject in the people’s Republic of China: WHO/MSD/MBD/00.11, 2000

13. The ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy: BringingEpilepsy “Out of the Shadows”: Epilepsy and Behaviour 1, S3-S5 (2000)

8 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

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14. International Epilepsy News: 138, p. 4-5, 200015. International Epilepsy News: 139, p. 16-17, 200016. International Epilepsy News: 140, p. 15, 200017. International Epilepsy News: 141, p. 4-7, p. 10-12, 200018. Annual Report ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy 1999

200119. Launch of Phase II of the WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign against

Epilepsy: Out of the Shadows: WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no. 9,March 2001

20. Managing epilepsy at primary care level: a demonstration project in China:WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no. 9, March 2001

21. Progress in the epilepsy demonstration project in China: WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no. 10, June 2001

22. Epilepsy: From prejudice to hope in WHO’s South-East Asian Region:WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no. 10, June 2001

23. European White Paper on Epilepsy and Call to Action: WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no 10, June 2001

24. “Out of the Shadows”: the newsletter of the ILAE/IBE/WHO GlobalCampaign against Epilepsy: WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no. 11,September 2001

25. Implementing the Global Campaign against Epilepsy in the African Region:WHO Mental Health Bulletin, no. 11, September 2001

26. The World Health Report 2001. Mental Health: New Understanding,New Hope

27. Consultation on Priority Setting in the field of Epilepsy Research:MSD/MBD/01.1, 2001

28. Changes in Public Attitudes toward Epilepsy in Hungary: Results ofSurveys conducted in 1994 and 2000: Zsuzsanna Mirnics, GyoörgyiCzikora, Tibor Závecz and Peter Halász: Epilepsia 42(1):86-93, 2001

29. The treatment gap in epilepsy: the current situation and ways forward: H. Meinardi, R.A. Scott, R. Reis, J.W.A.S. Sander: Epilepsia 42(1):136-49, 2001

30. ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign “Out of the Shadows”: Global andRegional Developments: E.H. Reynolds: Epilepsia 42(8):1094-1100, 2001

31. The treatment of epilepsy in developing countries: where do we go from here?R.A. Scott, S.D Lathoo, J.W.A.S. Sander: Bulletin of the World HealthOrganisation, 2001, 79(4)

■ 9Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

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32. Epilepsy: Out of the Shadows: From Prejudice to hope: P. Satishchandra,G. Gururaj, Q.D. Mohammed, N. Senanayake, O. Silpakit: World HealthOrganisation, Regional Office for South East Asia, 2001

33. Annual Report ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy 200034. “Out of the Shadows: ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy:

200135. An Introduction to the Global Campaign and its Demonstration Projects: 200136. Global Campaign Newsletter no.’s 1 – 3: 200137. International Epilepsy News: 142, p.23, 200138. International Epilepsy News: 143, p. 15, 200139. International Epilepsy News: 144, p. 4-5, 200140. WHO Fact Sheets 165 -168: Revised February 200141. Press Release WHO/7: 12 February 200142. A European White Paper on Epilepsy – Call to Action: EUCARE, 200143. Epilepsy – death in the shadows:, Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical

Officer UK and Wales: Annual Report 2001

Of course, this list is far from complete. It would be much appreciated if readerswho are aware of other articles relating to the Campaign forward hard copies ofthese articles (or references) to the office of the Secretariat in the Netherlands.

Numerous articles on the Campaign appeared in the newsletters of the nationalmembers of IBE/ILAE and various articles on the Campaign are still underpreparation.

10 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

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Int roduct ion

The Global Campaign provides aframework for concerted action at a global, regional and national levelto bring “epilepsy out of the shadows”.These activities themselves proveover and over again the importanceof the partnerships. The partnershipbetween the International Leagueagainst Epilepsy and the InternationalBureau for Epilepsy with the WorldHealth Organization. The partner-ship with the Regional Offices ofWHO and with the RegionalCommissions of IBE/ILAE and thepartnership with the nationalIBE/ILAE chapters and local WHOoffices; but also the partnershipwith the other NGOs in neurologyand neurosciences and finally thepartnership with governments,health care providers and with theprivate sector.

■ 11Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

National and regional activities

Countries with activities on GCAE

WHO 02.10

Global Campaign against Epilepsy

The designations employed and the presen-

tation of material on this map do not imply

the expression of any opinion whatsoever on

the part of the World Health Organization

concerning the legal status of any country,

territory, city or area or of its authorities,

or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers

or boundaries. Dashed lines represent

approximate border lines for which there

may not yet be full agreement.

There were media campaigns, arti-cles were published and there waspress, radio and television coverage.

The map shows how many countriesare already involved in the Campaign.

Regiona l act iv i t ies(EURO, AFRO, AMRO,WPRO, SEARO)

In 5 of the 6 WHO Regions regionalactivities were organised concerningepilepsy and the Campaign.Activities in the 6th Region (EasternMediterranean Regional Office) areplanned to commence in 2002.

Nat iona l act iv i t ies

The main players in the GlobalCampaign are the national chapterof IBE and ILAE, and the WHORegional Offices, who know bestthe local problems, needs and solu-tions for people with epilepsy intheir own countries.

Activities in the many countries thatare participating in the Campaign varyfrom the translation of Campaignmaterials, to organising poster cam-paigns, to having discussions withhealth ministers, who, in a numberof occasions, themselves gotinvolved and launched activitieswithin their respective countries.

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EuropeLaunch of the European White

Paper on Epilepsy

Following the recommendation inthe European Declaration on Epilepsy,the European White Paper onEpilepsy has now been developedby EUCARE6 in partnership withboth IBE and ILAE, in support of theGlobal Campaign. It was launched inthe European Parliament in Brussels,Belgium on 22 March, 2001. TheWhite Paper was the culmination ofseveral years’ work by many peopleworking in the field of epilepsy.

A White Paper can be defined as astatement on a particular topic,together with recommendations forpolitical action; it is a tool that maybe used to approach governments,health professionals and health careproviders.

It identifies the most pressing problems for people who have thecondition and outlines the way inwhich governments can best allo-cate resources in order to reduce the burden of epilepsy on society.

The overall aim of the White Paperis to improve awareness, to educate,inform, influence and shape opin-ions about epilepsy within the heartof European political institutions.

Dr Benedetto Saraceno and Dr LeonidPrilipko from WHO headquartersand Dr Wilfried Kreisel, ExecutiveDirector, WHO Office at the

European Union, also participatedin the Launch. In his presentationDr. Saraceno emphasised that:

…the burden of disease concerning epilepsyis vast and much greater than it shouldbe, as epilepsy is a treatable disorder andthe treatment is relatively cheap. TheILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaignagainst Epilepsy also has an importantrole to play in the reduction of the treat-ment gap in Europe. Initiatives such asthe development and the Launch of thisWhite Paper provide important tools toreach this goal…

The White Paper was endorsed byDr. W. Rutz, the WHO RegionalAdviser for Mental Health in Europe.He wrote:

…The Launch of the European WhitePaper on Epilepsy is the culmination ofmuch hard work on the part of dedicatedorganisations and professionals in the fieldof epilepsy. Its preparation strongly reflectsthe policies of the European section of theWHO – multidisciplinary team work,

co-operation between different sectors ofsociety, and a holistic approach to meetthe needs of those suffering from neurolog-ical and brain disorders…

The Launch was furthermore attendedby people involved in epilepsy fromall over Europe, including membersof IBE and ILAE, members of theEuropean Parliament, the EuropeanPublic Health Alliance and theEuropean Commission, journalistsand public relations agencies frommany different European countries.

With the launch of the EuropeanWhite Paper, experts in epilepsycalled upon members of the EuropeanParliament, the public and the med-ical community to share their know-ledge and unite in action to improvethe lives of the six million peoplewith active epilepsy in Europe.

12 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

6 European Concerted Action and Research

in Epilepsy

Drs. Prilipko and Saraceno represented WHO at the Launch of the European White Paper in the European Parliament.

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Afr icaConsultative meeting on the

Implementation of the Global

Campaign against Epilepsy in

the African Region

The meeting was convened by theWHO Regional Office for Africa(AFRO) in collaboration with theCampaign Secretariat, in Harare,Zimbabwe on 4-5 June 2001.

The meeting brought together dif-ferent professionals from 12 selectedcountries7. Two participants camefrom each of the countries, one localWHO representative and one repre-sentative of IBE/ILAE.

The main objective was:To facilitate the implementation of the WHO/ILAE/IBE GlobalCampaign Against Epilepsy (GCAE)in the countries of the African Region

Furthermore specific objectives were:– To create a consensus on the

need to consider Epilepsy as oneof the priorities of the MentalHealth area of work in the par-ticipating countries

– To identify priority interventionsfor the development of countryaction plans in line with theAfrican Declaration on Epilepsy.

– To provide appropriate commentsfor the improvement of the DraftProtocols of the Demonstrationprojects of the GCAE in selectedcountries of the African Region.

– To define and strengthen part-nership among the key playersof the GCAE, namely WorldHealth Organization, Interna-tional League Against Epilepsy,International Bureau for Epilepsyand other relevant organisationsor individuals.

The participants discussed priorityinterventions, recommendations andactions to be taken as a follow up ofthe meeting.The following findings and recom-mendations were adopted by allparticipants:– Development of strategic


– Epilepsy education for varioustarget groups

– Research and training

– Prevention, both of causes and consequences of epilepsy

– Development of guidelines for epilepsy management

– Collaboration with the tradi-tional healers

– Setting up of Drug Banks following the Chilean Model,the Uganda experience and to explore linkages with theBamako Initiative

– Under the GCAE umbrella, to investigate possibilities toacquire affordable antiepilepticdrugs (AEDs)

– Empowerment of people livingwith epilepsy and their familiesthrough the encouragement ofincome-generating projects

– Increase participation of Africandelegates at international confer-ences on epilepsy

A follow-up of the recommendationsis crucial for the sustainability ofthese initiatives, therefore an actionplan was developed. Communicationamong the different partners will bestrengthened and the description ofgood practices encouraged.

■ 13Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

7 Cameroon, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Kenya,

Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland,

Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and Zimbabwe

From left to right L.L. Prilipko (WHO Headquarters), F. N’tone (Cameroon), C. Mandlhate (RegionalAdviser WHO), H. Meinardi (ILAE), M. Belhocine (Director Division of Non Communicable DiseasesWHO/AFRO) relaxing after a full day of discussions.

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Amer icasMeeting of Principal Investigators

concerning the initiation and

implementation of a Demonstration

Project in Argentina.

The meeting was convened by the WHO Regional Office for the Americas (AMRO/PAHO) incollaboration with the CampaignSecretariat, in Buenos Aires,Argentina on 6-7 July, 2001.

The aim of the meeting was:– to discuss the prospect and

progress of a DemonstrationProject in Argentina

A pilot study is being performed inthe region, impelled by AMRO, usingtraining modules initiated previouslyin Washington. All documents beingused during the project may also beused in the Demonstration Projectthat is being initiated under the aus-pices of the Global Campaign.

It was decided that the aforementionedstudy must be completed before aDemonstration Project can start.

Following this discussion, the draftprotocol for the Project in Argentinawas explained and potential problemswere discussed.

Finally, a plan of action for the initi-ation and implementation of theProject was made, together with atimetable.

Western Pac i f i c RegionConsultation on Epilepsy

This meeting was convened by the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) in collaboration with the CampaignSecretariat, in Manila, Philippineson 14-15 November 2001

The main objectives were:– to review the present state

of epilepsy in the Region

– to discuss a draft RegionalReport on Epilepsy

– to review the implementation of the GCAE in the Region,including the progress of theDemonstration Project in China

– to develop a framework of actionfor countries in the Region

The meeting brought togetherclinicians with expertise in the fieldof epilepsy, leaders of the GlobalCampaign Against Epilepsy, and sen-ior staff from WHO. Representativesfrom 11 countries attended the meet-ing8 .In addition, representatives fromChina attended in order to present areport on the Demonstration Projectin that country.

The meeting ended with an extensivediscussion on potential actions in 7 areas:1. Setting up (or further develop-

ment) of lay and professionalepilepsy organisations.

2. The design and implementationof community based treatmentand prevention service.

3. Public education regardingepilepsy using a wide range of methods

4. The design and implementationof relevant epidemiologicalresearch on prevalence, the treat-ment gap and on lay epilepsyknowledge, attitudes and practices.

5. Potential areas of inter-countryco-operation and informationexchange

6. The need for legislative reformregarding discrimination againstpeople with epilepsy

7. Methods and avenues for fundrais-ing (resource mobilisation)

14 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

8 Australia, Cambodia, China, Fiji, Japan,

Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea,

Philippines, and Singapore

Dr. Helen Herrman (WHO Regional Adviser Western PacificRegion), Dr. Richard Nesbit (Director of Programme Management,WHO Western Pacific Region), and Dr/ Li Shi Chuo.

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At the end of the meeting the follow-ing interim actions and resolutionswere agreed upon by the participants:– to support the ILAE/IBE/WHO

Global Campaign against Epilepsy

– to support the continuation andfurther development of theDemonstration Project in thePeople’s Republic of China

– to endorse the plan to produce a Regional Report on epilepsy. It was agreed that this Reportshould take into account theresults of the survey on countryneeds and resources and the dis-cussions that occurred duringthe meeting. Furthermore theconcept of a regional “epilepsymap” was endorsed

– to inform the Regional Adviseron Mental Health about epilepsyrelated activities linked to theGCAE in their respective coun-tries

– to endorse the concept of inter-country exchange and supportwithin the Region

South East As ian RegionIntercountry Consultation on

the Development of a Strategy

for Community-based Neuro-

psychiatric Services.

This meeting was organised by theWHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO) in Bangkok,Thailand on 19-21 November 2001.

The objectives of this meeting were:– to review the experiences of

member countries in community-based neurological and psychiatricservices for priority conditions

– to develop a broad strategy forimplementation of community-based neurological and psychi-atric services

– to develop guidelines for pilottesting of the strategies in select-ed countries

Representatives from 9 out of the 10SEARO countries9 met in Bangkok,Thailand. Furthermore, some expertsfrom Europe and the USA participat-ed, as well as representatives fromthe Campaign Secretariat.

The following recommendationswere made and unanimously agreedupon by all participants.

– a series of pilot DemonstrationProjects on epilepsy are to bedeveloped in the SEARO withinthe broad framework of theGlobal Campaign againstEpilepsy (Indonesia – Bali,Myanmar and India)

– a project to validate diagnosticcriteria to be initiated inDecember 2001

– validation to be done at a clini-cal and at the community level

– validation will aim at the provi-sion of a questionnaire to be usedby identifiers and care providers

– validation will be performed in100 confirmed cases of epilepsy,50 cases with non-epilepticseizures and 50 cases of otherneurological disorders

– validation will be performed in apopulation of 5 to 10 thousandinvolving health care workersand specialists

– validation of the projects inIndia and Sri Lanka (hospital-based) and all member countries(community-based)

■ 15Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

9 Bangladesh, Bhutan, DPR Korea, India, Indonesia,

Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand

Participants of the Intercountry Consultation

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– validation of the projects to starton 15 December 2001 and to becompleted within 3 months

– ethical clearances etc. to be co-ordinated by WHO/SEARO(Dr. Vijay Chandra)

– to have the projects co-ordinatedby: Dr. Vijay Chandra (SEARO),Dr. Satish Jain, Dr. S. Kapoorand Dr. K. Anand.

Concerning the development of aRegional Report on Epilepsy, thefollowing was recommended andagain unanimously agreed:– there is a need to develop a

SEARO report on country needsand resources for epilepsy con-trol in collaboration with theGlobal Campaign againstEpilepsy – an editorial boardshould be formed to co-ordinatethis. The Board will consist of:Dr. Vijay Chandra (SEARO), Dr. Satish Jain (India), Dr. NyanTun (Myanmar) and Dr. RanjaniGamage (Sri Lanka)

In addition it was recommended andagreed to:– generate video’s on epilepsy and

other educational materials usingmaterials which are availablethrough IBE and the ILAE/IBEResource Centre

Demonstrat ion projects


The main activities to achieve theCampaign’s goals are the initiationand implementation of DemonstrationProjects in a number of selected coun-tries, which are: Argentina, China,Senegal and Zimbabwe.

According to the plans of action for the Campaign, and followingthe recommendations of the WHOCabinet, these demonstration projectsserve as models for the reduction ofthe treatment gap and stigma, theimprovement in education, trainingand health care delivery and thepromotion of prevention. They provide assistance to Departmentsof Health in the development ofnational programmes on epilepsy.

The objectives of the DemonstrationProjects are:– to reduce the treatment gap and

the physical and social morbidityof people suffering from epilepsyby intervention at a communitylevel

– to train and educate health professionals

– to dispel stigma and to promotepositive attitudes towards peoplewith epilepsy in the community

– to identify and assess the poten-tial for prevention

– to develop a model for promo-tion of epilepsy control world-wide and for its integration inthe health systems of participat-ing countries

Criteria for country selection are:– the willingness to participate

– the availability of political contacts

– the availability of WHO collab-orative centres or country repre-sentative

– the availability of IBE/ILAEmembers

– the existence of basic primaryhealth care infra-structure

– a regular and basic AED supply

– the facility of communication

Assessment Indicators will be:– the reduction of the treatment gap

– the training and education ofhealth professionals

– the dispelling of stigma

– the identification and assessmentof the potential for prevention

– the development of models forpromotion of epilepsy controlworld-wide

– the reduction of the economicburden

– the reduction of the individualburden

16 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

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Progress report

Argentina – the first meeting of investigators took place in Buenos Aires, July 2001

– protocol being finalised

China – protocol completed and published– first phase completed (epidemiological

study)– second phase launched in 2001 and

being carried out (training professionalsabout epilepsy)

– report on the first phase will be pub-lished in a peer-reviewed journal shortly

Senegal – first meeting of investigators took placein Harare, Zimbabwe, June 2001

– protocol completed– first phase initiated.

Zimbabwe – first meeting of investigators took placein Harare, Zimbabwe in June 2001

– protocol completed– first phase initiated

During the 1st phase of these Projects, amongst others,the prevalence of epilepsy and the size of the treatmentgap are being measured.

The first results of the assessments are now coming infrom the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and show thetrue figures instead of earlier assumptions. In the past theprevalence of epilepsy had been estimated to be approxi-mately 4.4/1,000 and it was from such figures that it wasalso estimated that there would be around 5 million peo-ple with epilepsy in the country.

However, the estimates about the total number of peoplewith epilepsy in PRC rise to nearly 9.000.000 as the life-time prevalence was found to be 7/1,000.

Of great concern are the figures for the treatment gap. It was previously estimated that in the PRC 50% of peoplewith active epilepsy would not be receiving treatment.The project’s survey has found, however, that the treat-ment gap for active epilepsy stands at 62.6%.

In view of this study’s experience, the world-wide prevalenceof epilepsy and its treatment gap may also be massive under-estimates.

■ 17Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

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Secretar ia t andExecut ive Board

The Secretariat of the Campaignunderwent a change this year, as Dr. E.H. Reynolds retired from mostof his international epilepsy work.He was succeeded by Prof. J. EngelJr., the past-president of ILAE.

The Secretariat of the Campaign meton a number of occasions, mostly inGeneva at WHO headquarters, butfrom time to time in other parts ofthe world in connection with variousother meetings/congresses that weretaking place.

The Executive Board only met infull on the occasion of the annualmeeting of the Executive Committeesof IBE and ILAE in Basle, Switzerland,in March. However, meetings withindividual members of this Boardtook place whenever appropriate,whilst communications by phoneand e-mail were ample.

Again this year finances wereextremely tight but the targets setfor this year could be reached.

A considerable number of IBE and ILAE chapters informed theSecretariat on a regular basis con-cerning the Campaign activities intheir countries, which then, throughthe Newsletter can be shared withothers all over the world, after allthe Campaign is a joint effort, apartnership, between WHO, ILAEand IBE but also between theseorganisations, their national chapters,the regional and local WHO offices.

Act iv i t ies of the Secretar ia t

Below follows a brief summary of the activities of the Secretariat during 2001:

January Geneva, Switzerland: Preparations for the Launch of the 2ndPhase of the Campaign

February Geneva: Launch 2nd Phase ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign

March Geneva: Working meetingBrussels, Belgium: Launch of the European White Paper

April Geneva: Working meeting and a meeting with Dr. D. Yach,Executive Director, Noncommunicable Diseases and MentalHealth cluster

May Paris, France: meeting with potential donor

June Harare, Zimbabwe: Technical Consultative Meeting on the implementation of the Campaign in AfricaLondon: meeting with NGOs and working meeting

July Buenos Aires, Argentina: Technical consultative meeting on theprospects and progress of a Demonstration Project in Argentina

October Paris, France: Meeting with potential donorGeneva: Working meeting

November Beijing, China: Meeting at Ministry of Health on Progress of Demonstration ProjectManila, Philippines: Technical Consultative MeetingBangkok, Thailand: Inter-country consultation

December Geneva: WHO meeting with NGOs and working meeting of the Secretariat.

18 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Activities of the Campaign Secretariat and of the Executive Board

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P.R. (public relations) materials

The mailing list of the Campaign is growing rapidly and all newCampaign materials were sent toeveryone showing an interest,including a large mailing followingthe International Epilepsy Congressin Buenos Aires, Argentina, wheremany participants visited theCampaign booth and requestedCampaign materials.

The Campaign brochure and theprevious annual report are almostout of stock and according to theaction plan for the coming period,the existing Campaign materials willbe reviewed, updated and upgraded.In view of the Launch of the 2nd

Phase of the Campaign a meetingfolder and a poster were designed.The existing WHO fact sheets wereupdated.

With all activities progressing andexpanding the workload of theSecretariat also grows.

The success of the Campaign hasbecome very visible and its model isbeing copied by many, within WHObut also by other non-governmentalorganisations. Still much needs tobe done to bring epilepsy out of theshadows!

Campaign news let ter

During the course of 2001, the needwas expressed for a regular stream ofinformation update to those workingwith the Global Campaign againstEpilepsy, and other interested par-ties. This culminated in the produc-tion of the GCAE Newsletter “Outof the Shadows”, of which 3 issueswere circulated in 2001.

The very first newsletter was tenta-tively “launched” in June 2001 with a distribution list of more than 400addresses world-wide. The formatchosen was a contemporary, full-colour, 4-page newsletter, A4 size,and where possible with photos toaccompany the articles. The newslet-ter is produced in-house at the officeof the Secretariat in the Netherlands.

The response received has beentremendously enthousiastic andencouraging, on both format andcontent.

The newsletter aims to focus specifi-cally on activities related to theGlobal Campaign and keeps readersregularly informed about its global,regional and national activities, aswell as by providing updates on newinitiatives and developments.

A special section on “future congresses”,which is a recurring feature in everyissue of the newsletter, highlightsthose epilepsy congresses that willhave a programme session dedicatedto the Global Campaign againstEpilepsy.

■ 19Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Campaign stand at the 24th International Epilepsy Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Informat ion and publ ic re lat ions

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Launch 2nd phase Campaign– Organise Launch event: 12 February 2001 done

Fundraising– Finalise fundraising document done– Organise meetings with potential donors in progress– Make contact with World Bank, UNICEF

and other interested agencies in progress

Regional conferences– Development of regional reports

• Europe done• Africa in progress• Latin America to be done• USA to be done• South East Asia in progress• Western Pacific in progress

– Organisation of regional conferences• Eastern Mediterranean Region in progress

Campaign sessions/presentations– International Epilepsy Congress done

– World Congress of World Headache Alliance done• New York, USA• Presentation done

– World Congress WFN, London, England• Session on European White Paper done• Presentation on Campaign done• Congress organised by Global Forum • for Health Research done• Presentation done

– Annual Epilepsy Congress Venezuela• Presentation done

– ILAE Mediterranean Epilepsy Congress, Athens, Greece• Campaign session done

20 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Action plan for 2001

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Demonstration projects– Local training workshops for principal

investigators in Demonstration Projects in Latin America, Africa and China done

Development of evidence-basedMaterials (in collaboration with Evidence and Information Policy Cluster

– Organise technical consultation meetings of experts in order to collect epidemiological data on country and regional levels including the economic burden of DALY’s10 in progress

Development of normative documentsIn collaboration with Child and Adolescent Health and Development Department, Pharmaceutical Department, UNICEF, NGO’ and others

– Guidelines on the treatment of epilepsy in childhood and adolescence and guidelines on the treatment of epilepsy in adults and the ageing, organise technical consultative meetings on epilepsy, treatment, quality of life, etc. for professionals, the general public and special target groups in progress

Public relations– Production of materials for fundraising kits

(including success stories and illustrations) in progress

■ 21Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

10 DALY: Disability Adjusted Life Years

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– Update fundraising document in progressMeetings with donors

– Contacts with World Bank

Regional conferences

– Preparations for Regional Conferences and Declarations• EMRO — conference to be held April/May 2002• EURO/Azerbaijan — conference to be held 2002

Regional reports/White Papers

– AFRO December 2002

– WPRO March 2002

– SEARO 2002

– EMRO 2003

Campaign sessions

– Japan: AOEO September 2002

– China: ICNA September 2001

– Brazil: Latin American Conference May/June 2002

– South Africa September 2002

– Tunisia October 2003

Demonstration projects

– The development and implementation of demonstration projects in all regions: In Senegal and Zimbabwe (AFRO)projects will be commencing shortly. In Argentina (PAHO) the protocol is near completion, pilot projects beingplanned to be set up in Myanmar, India and Indonesia (SEARO)

Development of evidence-basedmaterials (in collaboration with Evidence and Information Policy Cluster

– Organise technical consultation meetings of experts in order to collect epidemiological data on country and regional levels including the economic burden of DALY’s 2003

22 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Action plan for 2002-2003

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Develop Guidelines on the treatment of epilepsy with essential drugs in collaboration with the Department on Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals Cluster

– Organise a number of technical Consultative Meetings to develop guidelines on the treatment of epilepsy with essential drugs 2002

Develop Normative documents in Collaboration with CAH and the Health Technology and PharmaceuticalCluster and UNICEF, NGO’s and others

– Guidelines on the treatment of epilepsy in childhood and adolescence, organise technical consultative meetings 2002

Development of Global Report on Country resources for epilepsy

– Surveys to be sent out globally 2001/2002

– Outcomes to be entered in data base 2002

– Report to be prepared, printed and distributed 2003

Organisation of Regional Consultative meetings for the implementation of activities in epilepsy care

– Meetings to initiate exchange of ideas to enhance national and transnational collaboration between NGO’s and WHO regional and national offices AFRO March/April 2002

Education and training

– Prepare and produce video’s 2002/2003

– Prepare and produce written materials on epilepsy, treatment, quality of life, etc., for professionals, people with epilepsy, the general public and special target groups

Public relations

– PR materials to be reviewed, upgraded, printed and disseminated

■ 23Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

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Photos from the Launch

From left to right: Hanneke M. de Boer, Dr Derek Yach, Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, Dr Benedetto Saraceno, Dr Leonid Prilipko, Dr Edward H.Reynolds, Philip Lee.

Participants of the Launch continue discussions during the coffee break.

From left to right: Dr Edward H. Reynolds (UK), Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, Hanneke M. de Boer (The Netherlands) and Dr Jerome Engel Jr (USA).

From left to right: Dr A. Gallo Diop (Senegal) and Dr Custodia Mandlhate (Zimbabwe – AFRO).

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From left to right: Dr Helen Herrman (Regional Advisor for Mental Health –WPRO), Dr Claudio Miranda (Regional Advisor for Mental Health –AMRO/PAHO), Dr Natalio Fejerman (Argentina).

From left to right: Dr Harry Meinardi (The Netherlands), Dr Vijay Chandra (Regional Advisor for Mental Health – SEARO).

From left to right: Dr Custodia Mandlhate (Regional Advisor for Mental Health – AFRO), Prof. Josemir W.A.S. Sander (UK), Dr Ahmed Mohit (Regional Advisor for Mental Health – EMRO), Sir John Bowis MEP (UK), Dr Jerome Engel Jr (USA).

From left to right: Dr Wolfgang Rutz (Regional Advisor forMental Health – EURO), Dr Peter Wolf (Germany).

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Paper to cab inet

To: CabinetFrom: Executive Director, Social Change and Mental HealthDate: 03 December 1999Topic: GLOBAL CAMPAIGN: BRINGING EPILEPSY OUT OF THE SHADOWS

Backgrounda) Impact on health

– Epilepsy is one of the most common serious brain disorders worldwideand it imposes a large economic burden on health care systems. Epilepsyis universal, with no age, racial, social class, national nor geographicboundaries.

– There are 40-50 million sufferers in the world today, 85% of whom live in developing countries. An estimated two million new cases occur eachyear globally. At least 50% of cases begin at childhood or adolescence.

– Epilepsy has serious physical, psychological and social consequences.Epilepsy has a significant mortality (four times the expected rate in youngadults). There is a hidden burden associated with stigma and discrimina-tion in the community, work place, school and home.

– 70 to 80% of people with epilepsy could lead normal lives if properly treated.However, in developing countries 60 to 90% of people with epilepsy receiveno treatment due to inadequacies in health care resources and delivery,and due to social stigma.

b) Existing activities

In 1997 three international organisations, the World Health Organization (WHO),the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and the International Bureaufor Epilepsy (IBE) joined forces to initiate a Global Campaign Against Epilepsy(GCAE).

On initial stage the strategy of the campaign was essentially focused on advocacyand awareness activities:– In 1998 at a meeting in Heidelberg sponsored by the German

Government, the European Declaration on Epilepsy was unanimouslyadopted;

– In 1998 and the first half of 1999, twenty-seven countries have joined orare planning to join the Global Campaign Against Epilepsy.

26 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Attachment I

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Experience of initial stage of the campaign created rational for suggestion of asecond stage of the GCAE with a new and more ambitious goal: to improve health careservices, treatment, prevention, and social acceptance of epilepsy worldwide. A ConsultativeMeeting on Epilepsy held in WHO/HQ in April 1999 with participation ofrepresentatives from IBE, ILAE, WHO Regional Advisers and experts recom-mended to boost the Campaign and to proceed with demonstration projecton epilepsy within the GCAE frame. This project would have to work as partof a country’s current health system in order to ensure that epilepsy interven-tions would be sustainable and able to provide appropriate care over longterm including availability of essential antiepileptic drugs.

Strategy and Proposal

The strategy of the GCAE includes two parallel and simultaneous tracks: 1) raising of general awareness and understanding of epilepsy, and 2) support-ing Departments of Health in identifying needs and promoting education,training, treatment, services, research and prevention nationally.

1. To provide a platform for general awareness on epilepsy, the following is proposed:

– to intensify and boost the Campaign in the year 2000 with the participa-tion of the Director-General of WHO, WHO Regional Directors andPresidents of relevant NGO’s;

– to announce a Global Awareness Day for Epilepsy; and

– to organise regional conferences on public health aspects of epilepsy in the six WHO Regions, including a Declaration on Epilepsy, based on the European model.

2. To assist Departments of Health in the development of national programmeson epilepsy, the following was proposed:

– to provide information and support for national initiatives under theGCAE; and

– to initiate demonstration project in China (WPRO), Honduras (AMRO),Jamaica (AMRO), Panama (AMRO), Senegal (AFRO), and Zimbabwe(AFRO)2.

■ 27Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

2 Criteria for country selection in project are: willingness to participate, political contacts, availability of key

WHO Collaborating Centre or country representative, IBE/ILAE /other epilepsy organisations, existence of

basic primary health care infrastructure, regular and basic AED supply, facility of communication.

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1. In the year 2000 to intensify andboost the GCAE and announce a Global Awareness Day forepilepsy in the presence of theDirector-General, ExecutiveDirector as well as the Presidentsof the participating NGO’s.Regional offices will replicatesimilar high visibility events inall Regions, in the presence ofRegional Directors, NGO’s andmedia-attracting personalities.

2. In 2000 initiate the developmentof demonstration project asmodel for the reduction of treat-ment gap and stigma, improve-ment in education, training andhealth care delivery, and promo-tion of prevention.

3. During the period 2000-2004hold regional conferences onpublic health aspects of epilepsy,including a Declaration onEpilepsy as a basis for regionalpolitical action.

4. Within the next six monthsorganise a meeting with appro-priate United Nations agenciesand representatives of the phar-maceutical industry to explorethe possibility of furthering collaboration and mobilizingresources for the campaign inaccordance with the WHOGuidelines on Interaction withCommercial Enterprises and theaforesaid decision of the CPSC.

The objectives of the demonstration projects are:– to reduce the treatment gap and the physical and social morbidity of people

suffering from epilepsy by intervention at a community level;

– to train and educate health professionals;

– to dispel stigma and promote a positive attitude to people with epilepsy inthe community;

– to identify and assess the potential for prevention of epilepsy;

– to develop a model for promotion of epilepsy control worldwide and forits integration in the health systems of participating countries.

Evaluation criteria: Reduction in treatment gap, change in public attitudes,potential for prevention.Duration: 4 to 5 years.


Within the framework of the GCAE,WHO has already established agood working relationship with theprofessional (ILAE) and lay (IBE)NGO’’s for epilepsy. The RegionalOffices of AFRO, EURO and AMROare actively involved.

Partnerships are being developedamong organisations of the UnitedNations system, non-governmentalorganisations, WHO collaboratingcentres, the private sector, academicand research groups, Foundationsand donors.

The following WHO departmentshave already expressed support:Department of Child and AdolescentHealth Development, Departmentof Resource Mobilization and Officeof Press and Public Relations. Contactsare being established with the clus-ters of Communicable Diseases,

Non-Communicable Diseases andDepartment of Essential Drugs andOther Medicines in the cluster ofHealth Technology and Pharma-ceuticals. A proposal to approachthe pharmaceutical industry forfinancial support was considered bythe Committee on Private SectorCollaboration (CPSC).

All the neuroscience NGO’s includ-ing the World Federation ofNeurology and the InternationalChild Neurology Association sup-port the Global Campaign AgainstEpilepsy.

28 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

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Chairperson: Dr. B. Saraceno, Director Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence

09.00-09.15– Introduction

• Dr. D. Yach, Executive Director• Noncommunicable Diseases and• Mental Health

09.15-09.30– Opening remarks

• Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland• Director-General• World Health Organization

09.30-09-45– The Global Campaign against Epilepsy

• Mrs. H.M. de Boer• Past-President• International Bureau for Epilepsy

09.45-09-55– The Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Plans and actions• Dr. E.H. Reynolds• Past-President• International League against Epilepsy

09.55-10-05– Epilepsy in the world today:

A medical point of view• Dr. J. Engel Jr.• President• International League against Epilepsy

10.05-10.15– Epilepsy in the world today:

A social point of view• Mr. Ph. Lee• President• International Bureau for Epilepsy

10.15-10.25– The role of Governments

• Mr. J. Bowis, OBE, MEP• Representative of the European Parliament

10.25-10.35– Living with epilepsy in the world today

• Mrs. C. D’Souza

10.35-10.40– Closing remarks

• Br. B. Saraceno, Director• Dept. Mental Health and Substance Dependence

11.00-12.00– Press Conference

■ 29Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Attachment II

Programme of the Launch of the 2nd Phase of the ILAE/IBE Global Campaign againstEpi lepsy “Out of the Shadows”

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World Health OrganizationI would like to welcome you all tothis launch of the second phase ofthe Global Campaign againstEpilepsy. I am especially pleasedthat this event today marks thebeginning of a year where mentalhealth and brain disorders will bethe global focus of attention.

As you all know, the theme for thisyear’s World Health Day is mentalhealth and brain disorders, and so isthe subject of this year’s WorldHealth Report.

Our advocacy effort will concen-trate on reducing stigma associatedwith mental ill health and neurolog-ical disorders on raising awarenessabout the many effective, affordabletreatments that are available butunderused, both in developing andindustrialised countries.

I will mark the World Health Daytwice this year; first in Nairobi onthe fourth of April where the Kenyanhealth authorities for the first timewill arrange an “Open Day” at thecountry’s main mental hospital. Then,we will celebrate again here in thisroom on 6 April in what we hope willbe a warm and forceful celebration ofthe benefits of inclusion and care.

The World Health Report will givea comprehensive review of what weknow: about the current and futureglobal burden of mental ill healthand neurological disorders; aboutthe effectiveness of prevention andthe availability and restraints totreatment; and about the policiesneeded to ensure that stigma anddiscrimination is broken down andeffective prevention and treatmentare put in place and funded.

I am confident that our efforts thisyear will take mental health a largestep forward towards equal priorityand respect with physical aspects ofhealth.

This past century has seen spectacularchanges in the way we live and think.Human brilliance and technology havecome together to propose solutions wedared not imagine forty years ago. Wehave conquered diseases that once seemedinsurmountable. We have saved millionsof people from premature death and dis-ability. And our search for better solutionsto health is, as it should be, ceaseless.

Mental health is a central part ofoverall health. When I took office,two-and-a-half years ago, I was con-vinced that WHO should devoteconsiderable energies to addressingthe challenges posed by mental dis-orders. Since then, my resolve hasonly been strengthened.

There is also an increasingly strongevidence confirming the close rela-tionship between health and devel-opment. Ill health taxes the econo-my of whole nations as well asbringing terrible burdens on fami-lies. By reducing the burden of dis-ease, we also improve the condi-tions for reducing poverty.

When we talk about reducing thetoll from the diseases that cause andperpetuate poverty, we often focuson malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis,early childhood diseases and prob-lems linked to pregnancy and birth.But we could also include mentaland neurological disorders.

An estimated 400 million peoplealive today suffer from mental orneurological disorders or from psy-chosocial problems such as thoserelated to alcohol and drug abuse.Around fifty million of them sufferfrom epilepsy. Many of them suffersilently. Many of them suffer alone.Beyond the suffering and beyondthe absence of care lie the frontiersof stigma, shame, exclusion and,more often than we care to know,death.

30 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

Attachment III

Presentat ions dur ing the Launch of the 2nd Phase of the ILAE/IBE/WHO Globa lCampaign aga inst Ep i lepsy “Out of the Shadows” Geneva, 12 February 2001

Dr Gro Har lem Brundt land, Di rector-Genera l

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Of those who suffer from epilepsy,around 85% live in developingcountries. There are two millionnew cases occurring in the worldevery year.

What neurological disorders have in common with mental ill health is that these conditions are victimsof stigma, ignorance and fear. As a result, these diseases receive lowpriority by authorities and healthpersonnel in many countries.

Stigma and discrimination have several consequences: they limit the degree to which patients attendtreatment; they limit the degree towhich health workers are beingtrained adequately to identify, assessand treat disorders; they may evenlimit the willingness of mentalhealth care providers to intervene.They also reduce the abilities of thepatients to live normal lives in theircommunities and workplaces and insome circumstances prevent themfrom earning a living altogether.

Up to 80% of persons with epilepsycould lead normal lives if properlytreated, but the overwhelming major-ity of patients does not get any treat-ment at all. The WHO RegionalOffice for the Americas estimatesthat out of five million people withepilepsy in the Region, 3.5 millionare believed to be untreated.

A recent survey of 30 Latin Americancountries revealed that none of themhad national policies for epilepsy. In sub-Saharan Africa, there is oneneurologist for four million people.

So we are facing the two challenges ofreducing stigma and of building up capa-city to correctly diagnose and treat epilepsypatients world-wide.

It can be done. Epilepsy is not diffi-cult to diagnose if health personnelhave received minimum level of train-ing. And it can be effectively treatedwith safe and inexpensive medication.The main anti-epileptic drug, pheno-barbitone, can be produced and soldfor as little as $5 per person per year.

The difference can be between totaldisability and a fully normal life.Research from the United Kingdomshows that around 70% or the esti-mated cost of epilepsy are caused by premature mortality and disabili-ty, leading to need for care and lostproductivity.

As health workers, we know that fewopportunities are as gratifying asthat of being able to restore some-one back from despair to a normallife. The Global Campaign AgainstEpilepsy, which was so aptly named“Out of the Shadows” is based onthat inspiration.

The collaboration between theInternational Bureau for Epilepsy,the International League Against

Epilepsy and WHO has shown thatwhen people with different back-grounds and roles come togetherwith a shared purpose, creativity is released and expertise is used ininnovative and constructive ways.

The original objectives of this cam-paign were:– to increase awareness, both

among health professionals andthe general public, of epilepsy asa universal and treatable disorder;

– to raise epilepsy to a new planeof acceptability in the publicdomain;

– to improve education aboutepilepsy;

– to identify the needs of peoplewith epilepsy; and

– to encourage governments to address the needs of peoplewith epilepsy.

The first three years have focused onthe first three objectives: increasingawareness, creating acceptance andimproving education. Much work hasgone into the campaign and specialcare has been taken to involve a broadspectrum of experts and professionals.

■ 31Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

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Activities to improve awarenesshave been held in over 50 countriesworld-wide. More than 1200 healthprofessionals from more than 100 coun-tries have participated in consultationsto shape the work in countries andto formulate regional declarationsagainst epilepsy.

In doing so, the campaign has builtthe foundations for achieving thelast two objectives. How well wehave succeeded in creating aware-ness and reducing stigma – at leastamong decision makers in countriesaround the world, will determine towhat extent we will succeed in con-vincing governments to address theneeds of those living with epilepsy.

We are here to launch the secondphase of the global campaign. And I am pleased to say that judgingfrom the momentum the campaignhas created, the considerable effortsfrom all who are involved have beena success.

We can today announce four demonstrationprojects against epilepsy in four countries:Argentina, China, Senegal and Zimbabwe.

These four demonstration projectswill assess the number of people suf-fering from epilepsy in the projectarea and train primary health careworkers within the existing primaryhealth service how best to diagnoseand treat epilepsy patients. In China,the project will cover a population ofnearly three million people.

The projects will run for four to fiveyears. The experiences they willyield will form the basis for devel-oping national programmes in thefour countries and to assist othercountries in designing their ownprogrammes.

We have come a long way since thecampaign started three years ago.We can now enter the second stagereassured that we are making realimprovements to the lives of hun-dreds of thousands of people, andwe are laying the foundations forlasting improvements for millionsmore.

With that inspiration in mind, let us all to do our best to make thissecond phase of the global cam-paign a success, and that we canbring epilepsy out of the shadows.

32 ■ Annual Report 2001 for the ILAE/IBE/WHO Global Campaign against Epilepsy

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Informat ionFurther information on the Global

Campaign against Epilepsy can

be obtained from:

The International Bureau for EpilepsyKey Contact : Hanneke M. de BoerStichting Epilepsie InstellingenNederland Achterweg 5 2103 SW Heemstede The Netherlands Tel: + 31 23 5 237 418 Fax: + 31 23 5 470 119 Email: [email protected]

The International League againstEpilepsy Key contact: Jerome Engel jr.Reed Neurological Research CenterUCLA School of Medicine, 710 Westwood PlazaLos Angeles, CA90095-1769 USATel.: + 1 310 825 5745Fax: + 1 310 206 8461Email: [email protected]

World Health Organization Key Contact: Dr. Leonid L. PrilipkoDepartment of Mental Health andSubstance Dependence Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 – Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 791 3621 Fax: +41 22 791 4160E-mail: [email protected]

Regional Offices of WHO WHO Regional Office for Africa(AFRO) Parirenyatwa Hospital P.O. Box BE 773, Harare, Zimbabwe Tel: + 263 407 733 9244 Fax: + 263 407 726 5062 E-mail: [email protected] B.P. 6 Brazzaville – Republic of Congo

WHO Regional Office for theAmericasPan American Sanitary Bureau(AMRO/PAHO)525, 23rd Street, NW Washington, DC 20037, USA Tel: + 1 202 974 3000 Fax: + 1 202 974 3663 e-mail: [email protected]

WHO Regional Office for theEastern Mediterranean (EMRO) WHO Post OfficeAbdul Razzak Al Sanhouri StreetNaser CityCairo 11371 – Egypt Tel: + 202 670 2535Fax: + 202 670 2492 or 94E-mail: [email protected]

WHO Regional Office for Europe(EURO) 8, Scherfigswej DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark Tel: + 45 39 17 17 17 Fax: + 45 39 17 18 18 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO) World Health House, Indraprastha Estate Mahatma Gandhi Road New Delhi 110002, India Tel: + 91 11 33 70804/70823 Fax: + 91 11 332 7972 E-mail: [email protected]

WHO Regional Office for theWestern Pacific (WPRO) P.O.Box 2932 1099 Manila, Philippines Tel: + 632 528 80 01 Fax: + 632 52 11 036 or 53 60 279 E-mail: [email protected]

Contact addresses

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