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Glenwood Magnet Implementation Committee

Propos al

May 21, 2019

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Glenwood Magnet Implementation Committee Sheryl Bauer - K DL Maggie Wu - 1st Grade DL Melissa Towne - 1st Grade


Cally Stanford - 2nd Grade DL Shane Chinni - 3rd Grade Traditional

Cherry Zhang - 3rd Grade DL

Judy Bello - 5th Grade DL Kristen Cho - ESL teacher William Rathbun - Counselor

Channing Bennett - Assistant Principal

Katie Caggia - Principal Helen Atkins - Coordinator DL & ESL

Elaine Watson-Grant - Executive Director of Elementary Education & Special Programs

Jessica O’Donovan - Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction

Renee Bosman & Traci Adams - Parent Representatives

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Glenwood Magnet Implementation Timeline of Activities 2018 -19: Revised 3/7/19

● December 17: Glenwood Magnet Implementation Committee Meeting

● January 18: Glenwood Magnet Implementation Committee Meeting

● January 28: Committee Site Visit to Stough Elementary - Mandarin Immersion Program

● January 29: Parent/Community Input and Engagement Session #1

● February 6: GES Staff Roundtables

● February 7: Board update by Implementation committee members

● March 11: Glenwood Magnet Implementation Committee Meeting

● April 4: Board update by Implementation Committee members

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● April 5: Glenwood Magnet Implementation Committee Meeting

● April 9: Parent/Community Input and Engagement Session #2 (Smith MS)

● April 15: Glenwood Magnet Implementation Committee Meeting

● April 26: Committee Site Visit to Weatherstone Elementary-STEM School of Distinction

● May 8: Glenwood Magnet Implementation Committee Meeting

● May 16: Conference call with Stewart Elementary-STEM/MDL School in Utah

● May 21: Draft implementation plan presented to the Board

● June 5: Board vote on plan

Glenwood Magnet Implementation Team Timeline of Activities 2018 -19: Revised 4/18/19

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Engaging Stakeholders

Scroggs PreK Spring & Art Show Festival

● April 29 ● Based on feedback from Community Event, emphasized need for face-to-face


Flyer Distribution ● Distribution of flyers to apartment complexes, daycares, etc.

CHCCS Kindergarten Registration Event--Kidzu Museum

● May 13 ● DL Team will be available to provide information and

answer questions.

Additional activities since last board update on April 4, 2019

Community Engagement Session

April 9 60+ participants attended, including members of the Equity Advisory Council (EAC); applied REIA tool to guide discussion

GES Faculty Meeting

April 24 Staff members saw draft presentation and conducted building self-assessment on NC STEM Attribute Rubric

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Es s ential Ques tions (EQs )

1. How will this plan help close the achievement gap? 2. How do we addres s the overcrowding at Glenwood over the long-term while

maintaining a two track program? 3. How can we promote divers ity acros s the s chool? 4. How can we further s trengthen the Mandarin Dual Language program to

ensure acces s and opportunity for all s tudents ? 5. How can we unite the Glenwood community? 6. How can we develop a program that meets the needs of all s tudents and

remains fis cally respons ible?

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Key Changes to Draft Propos al Pres ented 4/4/19 bas ed on Stakeholder Feedback

● Added an es sential ques tion and information to specifically addres s how plan will help close the achievement gap

● Identified overarching magnet theme for Glenwood: STEAM² ● Revised lottery criteria for MDL Program ● Revised caps for K-1 in MDL Program ● Added s lides for 3-year draft implementation plan ● Revised the budget ● Added recommendation for bilingual s ignage at GES ● Added recommendation to partner with outs ide experts for technical as s is tance

and profes s ional development

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Propos al

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Alignment to CHCCS Strategic Plan

Student Success

● SS Goal 2: Empower and support all student groups to meet growth and achievement goals.

● SS Goal 5: Create a culture and system of support to empower, inspire

and engage students that embraces and values diversity.

Family Engagement

● FCE Goal 1: Engage families in the entire educational process.

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Recommendation #1: Implement School-Wide Magnet Theme of STEAM² at Glenwood that Includes Mandarin for All and Maintains Traditional and DL Tracks (EQ 1, 3, 5 and 6)

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Selecting an Overarching Magnet Theme ● GES faculty brains tormed potential themes ;

committee s elected top 4 ● Surveys were dis tributed in English, Arabic,

Chinese, Spanish, Karen, and Burmese ○ Digitally via email and webs ite ○ Hard copies via 4 acces s ible community


● Dis trict received 348 electronic and printed responses , including submis s ions in English, Karen/Burmese, and Spanish

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Glenwood Magnet Theme: Survey Res ults

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Rationale for Theme Selection:

● Common theme and language s tudy acros s s chool helps unify GES ● STEAM² was the mos t popular theme among survey respondents , including

among diverse families ● GES already facilitates many STEAM-related learning activities , leveraging the

s chool’s exis ting 1:1 technology initiative, flexible s eating, and participating in the North Carolina Technology in Education Society (NCTIES) showcase.

● STEAM² maximizes exis ting resources at State and local levels ● STEAM² uses principle of learning-by-doing, a highly effective way for

ALL s tudents to learn ● STEAM² prepares s tudents for future careers /global workforce

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5th graders presenting at board meeting April 2018

3rd graders showcas ing “TED Talks” a t NCTIES

Students engaging in an Augmented Reality Sandbox observing landforms

Glenwood English Learner teaching board members robotics April 2019

2nd Grade STEAM leaders teaching Kindergarteners

Glenwood STEAM Activities

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What is STEAM² and how does it impact learning?

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Recommendation #2: Us e a Lottery in MDL and Traditional Tracks to Manage GES Student Enrollment Over Long-Term (EQ 2 and 3)

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The Lottery Lottery for Mandarin Dual Language Track Lottery for Traditional Track (w/Mandarin FLES)

● All currently enrolled MDL students are guaranteed placement

● Rising kindergarteners with siblings currently enrolled in K-4 are guaranteed K placement in either track ○ If a student is withdrawn from Glenwood

at any point, sibling guarantee no longer applies for incoming K

Priority enrollment order:

1. Neighborhood segments districtwide for economically disadvantaged students

2. All students districtwide

● All currently enrolled Traditional students are guaranteed placement

● Rising kindergarteners with siblings currently enrolled in K-4 are guaranteed K placement in either track ○ If a student is withdrawn from Glenwood

at any point, sibling guarantee no longer applies for incoming K

Priority enrollment order:

1. Families in modified GES attendance zone 2. Neighborhood segments districtwide for

economically disadvantaged students 3. All students districtwide

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Projected Enrollment K-5 Using a Lottery System (Phased in starting at Kindergarten in 2020-21)

Grade Traditional Enrollment

(Mandarin FLES) MDL

Enrollment Total Enrollment

K 17, 17 24, 24 Projected Total = ~480

18-19: ~495

(projection for

20-21 was 500+)

1 17, 17 24, 24

2 17, 17 22, 22

3 17, 17 21, 21*

4 22, 22 19, 20*

5 22, 22 18, 18*

24 classrooms total

*Collapse to 1 section if enrollment is 28 or below; provide additional TA support from building allocation

Clas s Size Mandate

Based on his torical attrition


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Recommendation #3: Strengthen and Pers onalize Magnet Marketing (EQ 3 and 4)

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Marketing Strategies to Recruit Divers e Families and Staff ● PreK family outreach (face-to-face) ● Community-based events (face-to-face) that includes current/ former parents ● Dis trict webs ite promotional materials ● Social media ● Pres s releases ● Magnet s chool flyers ● Kindergarten regis tration ● Kindergarten Kickoff - magnet marketing ● Dis trict dual language celebration ● J ob fairs at HBCUs & recruiting vis it to J amaica to attract diverse s taff

○ Prioritize diverse candidates for English s ide of MDL Program, Traditional Core Teachers , and Student Services

● TA to Teach Partnership ● Promotional videos

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Recommendation #4: Continue to Provide Biliteracy and Equity Training for All Staff (EQs 1, 3, 4 and 6)

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Continue to Provide Equity and Biliteracy Training for All Staff

● Ensure all staff are trained to work with a diverse student population to achieve program goals for all students ○ Incorporate equity training into new teacher orientation

● Build capacity of MDL staff to implement biliteracy framework to promote

language development and high yield strategies to promote content mastery in English and Chinese

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Recommendation #5: Maintain 50-50 Language Dis tribution Model K-5 for MDL Program and Enhance Content Allocation (EQs 1, 4 and 6)

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Current Ins tructional Model in MDL Program Grade K-2

● Chines e teachers : Math and Social Studies ● Englis h teachers : Englis h Language Arts and


Grade 3-5

● Chines e teachers : Math ● Englis h teachers : Englis h Language Arts ● Social Studies and Science content/ s tandards

have been divided bas ed on relevancy in Chines e or Englis h.

Child starting their day in English

Child starting their day in


1st two hour

instructional block

ELA Integrated with Science


Social Studies


2nd two hour

instructional block

Math ELA Integrated with Science

Social Studies

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Child starting their day in English Class Child starting their day in Chinese Class

1st block of instructional day

English Language Arts Mandarin Language Arts

Math Sci or SS.

Math Sci or SS.

2nd block of instructional day

Mandarin Language Arts English Language Arts

Math Sci or SS.

Math Sci or SS.

Propos ed Model

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Benefits: Students will...

● receive one hour of daily language arts instruction in both languages, which promotes biliteracy and biculturalism.

● receive content instruction in both languages, which

promotes bilingualism.

Proposed Model: Maintain 50-50 Language Dis tribution Model K-5 for MDL Program and Enhance Content Allocation

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Recommendation #6: Provide Chines e Language Development & Bilingual Support (EQs 1, 4 and 6)

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Provide Chinese Language Development & Bilingual Support

Mandarin as a Foreign Language Teacher

(Traditional Program)

Mandarin Language Arts Teacher

(Dual Language Program)

Mandarin Interventionist (Dual Language Program)

Bilingual Coach (Whole School)

Provide Mandarin as a foreign language for 90 minutes each week to K-5 Traditional s tudents beginning in 2020-21 (replacing FLES French pos ition)

Provide Mandarin as a s econd language for 90 minutes each week to K-5 Mandarin Dual Language s tudents beginning in 2020-21 (replacing FLES French pos ition)

Provide bilingual intervention in language arts and math to K-5 Mandarin Dual Language s tudents beginning in 2020-21 (currently .5 FTE)

Provide support to all teachers in curriculum development and high yield, culturally relevant ins tructional s trategies (when vacancy becomes available)

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Recommendation #7: Increas e Ins tructional Time in Mandarin for All Students (EQ 1, 4 and 6)

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Increase Instructional Time in Mandarin for All Students

● Strive to fill future special area vacancies with bilingual staff (e.g., art, music, PE)

● Schedule students together in special area classes (across programs)

to promote peer collaboration and integration

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Recommendation #8: Enhance Middle School MDL Offerings by Adding One Period of Bilingual Content Ins truction (EQs 1, 4 and 6)

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Enhance Middle School MDL Offerings by Adding One Period of Bilingual Content Instruction

● Increase instructional time in Mandarin to achieve higher language proficiency levels and challenge students academically at MS level ○ Enhanced model is contingent on identifying a viable vacancy, finding a

balanced bilingual content teacher in science or social studies and meeting district guidelines for class sizes

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Recommendation #9: Implement Strategies to Promote Unity and Coherence Acros s Glenwood Community (EQ 5)

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Implement Strategies to Promote Unity and Coherence


● Promote STEAM² theme across entire school ● Reorganize Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Committees to expand participation and

clarify goals (e.g., STEAM Committee, Family Engagement Committee, Mandarin Language and Culture Committee)

● Distribute donated resources equitably (across programs) ● Implement cross-program events and projects (e.g., multicultural gala, school

beautification) ● Maintain child-centered mindset - making decisions based on what is best for kids ● Maximize community resources to enrich curriculum across programs ● Plan student/family engagement sessions to ensure that students have common school

experiences (e.g.schoolwide first grade night)

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Implement Strategies to Promote Unity and Coherence Unity and Coherence


● Promote STEAM² theme across the entire school ● Planning -- all teachers should have scheduled opportunities to collaborate

○ Grade level planning ○ Program Planning ○ Vertical planning ○ Rotating planning schedule within and across programs

● Teacher showcasing to glean ideas across grade levels and programs ○ Promotes collaboration and positive mindset

● Theme-specific committees (to include entire staff) ● Distribute donated resources equitably (across programs) ● Plan strategically for physical space (e.g., cluster grade levels together) ● Collaborate with UNC for research, professional learning, interns, etc. ● Maintain student-focused norms

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Implement Strategies to Promote Unity and Coherence


● Students from both programs participate together in: ○ Special area classes (PE, art, music) ○ Lunch and recess ○ Cross-program events (e.g., field trips, festivals, projects) ○ Friday Clubs. (e.g. cooking, coding, dance)

● Plan strategically for physical space (e.g., cluster grade levels together)

● Biggles and Littles

○ Provide peer-to-peer support, across grade levels and programs

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Recommendation #10: Pos t Bilingual Signage at GES to Mark Common Areas in Englis h and Mandarin (EQ 4 and 5)

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Post Bilingual Signage at GES to Mark Common Areas in English and Mandarin

● Signify s chool as a bilingual learning environment ● Acknowledge Mandarin as an important language in

the s chool ● Provide additional opportunities for all s tudents to

practice contextualized reading in Mandarin ● Help Englis h Learners feel welcome and acclimate

to their new environment

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Recommendation #11: Partner with outs ide experts for technical as s is tance and profes s ional development (EQ 1, 3, 4 5, and 6)

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Res earching Profes s ional Development Organizations

Building Magnet Infras tructure: Strategic Planning to Build Effective

Sys tems and Structures

Building STEAM Expertis e: Curriculum Development and

Clas s room Practice

● Magnet Schools of America ● Wake UtD ● NC State: PBI Global ● NC Science, Math & Technology

Education (SMT) Center ● NC State: The Science House TregoED

Making data-driven decis ions

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Three Year Overview: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation

Timeline Activity Description

Summer 2019

● Strategic Planning with GES Magnet Committee

● Develop a strategic design implementation plan based on the Five Pillars for Magnet Schools:

1. Diversity 2. Innovative curriculum and PD 3. Academic excellence for all 4. High quality instructional systems 5. Family/community partnerships

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Three Year Overview: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation

Timeline Activity Description

School Year 2019-2020

Faculty Workshops: ● Setting a Foundation for High

Functioning Magnet Schools with Fidelity (August)

● Ensuring Diverse Student

Populations; Successful Recruitment and Retention Practices for Magnet Pathways (Fall)

● Professional development on

STEAM practices: problem-based learning (ongoing)

● Unpack the 5 Pillars for Magnet Schools by exploring research briefs, Ted Talks, exemplar programs, and group think tanks to ensure GES magnet program reflects a truly rigorous, diverse, and engaging environment in which all students demonstrate achievement gains.

● Develop a student recruitment/retention

framework using a whole system approach of support for students and families.

● Participate in workshops and receive follow-Up job-embedded coaching on implementation

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Three Year Overview: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation Timeline Activity Description

Summer 2020

Faculty Workshop: ● “Steamify” GES with professional

learning and curriculum development

Teacher Teams:

● Develop curricular units aligned

with Science Standards and Engineering Practices.

● Develop Mandarin Language Arts and FLES curriculum

● Develop new Mandarin and English

units based on revised content allocation

● Engage in best practices of Science,

Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics to create student-centered learning experiences that include community partnerships

● Curriculum Development Summer


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Three Year Overview: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation

Timeline Activity Description

School Year 2020-2021 (Year 1 of Implementation)

Faculty Workshops: ● Cultural Competency

Training ● Explore opportunities for

Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) federal grant funding

● Use research-based practices to support administrators and teachers in developing and taking action on creating structures that promote equity and excellence in school culture, instructional strategies, and resources.

● Next funding cycle is scheduled to open in Spring 2021.

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Three Year Overview: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation

Timeline Activity Description

Summer 2021

GES Magnet Committee: ● Sustainability Planning

● Becoming a STEM School of


● Analyze attrition data and conduct parent

focus groups to gather initial feedback; review successful models identified for their sustainability over time.

● Examine exemplar practices in model

magnet schools and STEAM schools of distinction throughout the country; begin planning next steps to strategically implement the NC STEM Attribute Implementation Rubric to guide GES toward earning recognition for STEAM leadership.

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Three Year Overview: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation

Timeline Activity Description

School Year 2021-2022 (Year 2 of Implementation)

Full Faculty: ● Advanced Theme-Based


● STEM School of Distinction


● Reflect on instructional practices to fully implement project-based STEAM education in an authentic and innovative learning environment.

● Simulate a quasi-certification activity and evaluate program strengths and challenges that can be used in strategic planning for school improvement efforts.

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Three Year Overview: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation

Timeline Activity Description

Summer 2022

GES Magnet Committee: ● Prepare and submit

application to NC DPI to earn recognition as STEM School of Distinction

● Based on the NC DPI’s STEM Attribute Implementation Rubric, the STEM Schools of Distinction process defines and ensures consistent, essential elements and characteristics of the highest-quality STEM programs across the State.

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Three Year Overview: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation

Timeline Activity Description

School Year 2022-2023 (Year 3 of Implementation)

Full Faculty: ● Participate in the process of

becoming a STEM School of Distinction

● This year-long process involves a rigorous

360° evaluation conducted by a panel of reviewers from across the State; includes quantitative and qualitative data review (e.g., student performance data, survey data, focus group data) and a site visit.

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How will this plan help clos e the achievement gap? Research Finding Glenwood Magnet Proposal

Schools should focus on reading and writing achievement early in students’ education to to reduce the risk of underperformance in academics and behaviors

Recommends more time in language arts instruction in English and Mandarin, to develop reading and writing skills

Research emphasizes a focus on appropriate intervention in areas of need, including language, literacy, and content

Recommends the addition of an interventionist to address areas of need

Integration of STEM subjects has the most positive effects on elementary students, academically and otherwise

Proposal includes STEAM as the overarching theme for the magnet school.

Inquiry-based and problem-based instruction are shown to improve the performance of at risk student groups.

Inquiry-based and Problem-based instruction are key pillars of the STEAM approach

Enrichment through language learning has multiple benefits, academically, cognitively, and culturally

All students study Mandarin--World Language or Dual Language, starting in Kindergarten.

For more detailed research notes and sources , click here.

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Projected Budget Increas es

Cos t Allocations in Year 1-3

Confucius Grant - $70,000 + materials over five years , from 2019-2023

DL Research Federal Grant - $256,470.00 over three years , from 2017-2020

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Summary of Propos al ● Implement s chool-wide magnet theme of STEAM² at Glenwood that includes

Mandarin for all and maintains traditional and DL tracks

● Use lottery for both tracks to manage s chool enrollment over long-term

● Strengthen and personalize magnet marketing to attract/ retain diverse families

● Continue to provide biliteracy and equity training for all s taff

● Maintain 50-50 language dis tribution K-5 in MDL program and enhance content allocation with daily literacy/ language arts ins truction in both languages

● Provide Chinese language development and support for all s tudents and teachers

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Summary of Propos al (Continued) ● Increase ins tructional time in Mandarin for all s tudents by filling future special

area vacancies with bilingual s taff

● Enhance middle s chool MDL program by adding a bilingual content clas s

● Implement s trategies to unify s taff, s tudents and families /community

● Pos t bilingual s ignage at GES to mark common areas in English and Mandarin

● Partner with outs ide experts for technical as s is tance and profes s ional development to build capacity in magnet infras tructure and STEAM content/practices

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Ques tions ?

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