Page 1: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

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Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


Opportunity Through Learning

ISSUE 6 TERM 3 5 September 2012

Executive Teachers Leading the Way

At Glenwood High School we are extremely lucky to have a dedicated, passionate and enthusiastic group of Head Teachers and Deputy Principals who lead the way for the rest of the wonderful teachers and support staff. As Head Teachers in a large school they have more teachers to support and more children to monitor than in most other schools in Western Sydney. However, this work load does not seem to faze them as they continue to inspire, mentor and motivate all members of the Glenwood High School community. They are truly passionate about education and Glenwood High School, and the results of their hard work are evident in the quality teaching and learning that takes place in each classroom every day as well as the many innovative programs on the agenda. Today I would like to acknowledge the work of the following Head Teachers and Deputy Principals: Mrs Sargeant (English), Mrs Atkinson(Mathematics), Mrs Hosen(Science), Mrs Healy(HSIE), Mrs O’Connor(PDHPE), Mrs McDonald(CAPA), Mrs Nash (Secondary Studies), Mrs Parbery(IA), Mrs Pidgeon(Home Economics), Mr Napoleoni(Computing Studies), Mrs Laughton(Support), Mr Burgmann(Teaching and Learning), Mrs Achar(Welfare), Mr Leaver(Administration), Ms Harris(Administration), Mr Schiliro(Mentor), Mr Berry(Deputy Principal-9/12), Ms Young(Deputy Principal-8/11) and Mr Sutton(Deputy Principal-7/10).

Year 12’s Final Weeks

This term has been an extremely busy time for Year 12, and their teachers, and no doubt a stressful time for parents. They have completed the HSC Trial examinations and the subjects – English Extension 2; History Extension; Fashion Design; Industrial Technology – Graphics, Metal and Timber; Engineering Studies; Design and Technology; Visual Arts; Dance; Drama; and Music - have been busily finishing major projects and performances for examination by itinerant HSC markers. The quality of these projects and performances has been outstanding and I applaud the students and teachers for their unrelenting focus on excellence.

Once the Trials, projects and performances are complete many students make the mistake of thinking their work at school is done. However, the last few weeks are vital to their ultimate success. Although some courses may have completed delivery of the content it is imperative students are at school every day to use this time to prepare themselves thoroughly for the external exams in October. Now is the time to carefully reflect on what they need to do to improve upon the Trial results by asking teachers and getting detailed feedback on exam performance as well as using class time to practise exam technique until it becomes second nature. To that end, all Year 12 students are expected to be in attendance every day until the graduation ceremony scheduled for Friday 21st September, 2010, at 9.30am.

From the Principal

It is good to rub and polish our brains against those of others.

- Michel de Montaigne

Page 2: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

Student Leadership

We have so many students at Glenwood involved in leadership initiatives and it is a joy to see them dedicating their own time to a variety of events around the school. Students thrive when they accept the challenge of a leadership role and develop their interpersonal, communication and negotiation skills as they grow to be leaders of the future. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all students and teachers involved in the following leadership programs:

Student Representative Council (SRC) Senior Prefect Body Duke of Edinburgh Peer Reading World Vision Primary School Sports Coaching Mates Student Volunteering Program JOLT Individual Mentoring


A special thank you to all the parents and carers who insist their children show pride in their school by wearing the full school uniform every day. Glenwood High School has built a strong reputation in the community through the strict enforcement of the uniform policy. It is disappointing to see some students show a disregard for this hard work by coming to school in non-uniform items. I urge all parents and carers to monitor the uniform worn by their child and make sure they have enough uniform items to get them to week’s end without having to send students to school as items are ‘in the wash’.

Similarly, it is important students wear the correct footwear for OHS, as well as aesthetic, reasons. The shoes must be traditional hard leather lace up shoes. The softer ones with the zippers on the sides or the jogger style are not acceptable.

Celebration Time

The following students deserve the accolades of the whole school community for their outstanding achievements:

The Senior Dance Ensemble who have been chosen to perform at the NSW State Dance Festival on 11th September at the Seymour Centre; (It is not too late to purchase tickets from the Box Office at the Theatre.)

Addison Fowler, Year 8, Elizabeth Dik, Year 9, Rebecca Dik, Year 10, and Brooke Wilson,

Year 10, whose artworks have been chosen for the Operation Art exhibition at the

Armoury. Brooke's work is also being featured in the World's Biggest Classroom.

Joshua Wong, Year 8, and Areesha Sadiq, Year 10, who have had their artworks

selected to go to the exchange program in Nagoya, Japan

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Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator of the Library Trivia

Competition each week, willing helper and a truly community-minded young man.

Charlie Owen, Year 10, for her selection as the Glenwood High School nominee to

participate in Premier’s ANZAC Memorial Scholarship which includes a trip to Gallipoli.

Ben Strong, Year 12, who represented Sydney West in the State Softball

Championships in Lismore last week. Ben has also, represented Sydney West Region in

Baseball and Hockey during 2012. A fantastic effort, Ben!

Emma Lakeman, Year 11, who participated in the NSW State All Schools Cross Country


Lucy Connell, Year 7, who was selected in the NSW State U13 Girls Baseball Team.

Nicole Adamson, Tayla Chaplin, Ashlie Crofts, Steven Jessep, Emma Lakeman, Lillian

Mau’u, Donatella Navusolo and Anjelica Ojinnaka who all represented the school at CHS


All students who represented Glenwood High School in every age group (both male and

female) at State Futsal. The U16s boys and U14s girls won their pools and made it

through to quarter finals both losing by 1 goal in these games.

All Year 7 who were narrowly defeated by John Edmondson High School in the annual

Gala Day on 17th August, 2012. Plus a big thank you to the Year 10 PASS students who

helped coah Year 7 teams for the day.

The two fantastic ‘Tournament of the Minds’ teams who participated on Saturday 25th

August 2012 at the University of Western Sydney. Members included Adam Smith (10),

Abhi Bhogal (10), Vidhi Somaiya (10), Raveesh Srivastava (7), Haarani Gobishankar (7),

Kayla Jaye (7), Ecem Kurangil (9), Shaina Shankar (9), Awantika Naidu (10), Anna

Young (10), Dilroop Khangura (10), Ethan Prasetya (7) and Navil Nadan (7).

Till next time Erla McMaster Principal



All Year 10 students who missed the last vaccination clinic on Friday 27th July 2012, to have their dTpa Vaccination, please note that you will be call throughout the day on Friday 7th September 2012 to be vaccinated.

Page 4: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by

evading it today.”

(Abraham Lincoln)

Our school is a very busy place at the moment and the year continues to fly by quite quickly. The school provides so many opportunities for students in a range of extra-curricular areas and student-driven initiatives. There is always something new and exciting for our students to participate in and broaden their world view. It is a pleasure to work in a school where students value their education and seek to take advantage of the opportunities the school provides.

As you may be aware, Glenwood High School is a school that focuses on Positive Behaviour for Learning to help provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. Our core values and expectations are encapsulated for the five Rs:

respect yourself

respect others

respect property

ready for learning

responsibility for actions

We would like to thank those students who always wear the correct uniform and take pride in representing the school in this manner. One of our Positive Behaviour for Learning expectations is that students are ‘ready for learning’. By wearing the school uniform, students provide a clear signal to their teachers that they want to be a part of our school community and accept responsibility for themselves. Students are expected to wear the school uniform at all times. As the weather starts to warm up, parents and students are reminded that it is mandatory for girls to wear the school skirt in Term 4. Now is the time for girls to ensure that their skirts will be ready to be worn in Term 4. These can be purchased from the uniform shop. By way of a reminder, non-uniform jackets and jumpers will be confiscated from students. Students who are out of uniform must present a note signed by a parent or caregiver, explaining the reason for being out of uniform. On Wednesdays, students need to take special care to ensure they wear the full school uniform to school in the morning, even if they have sports subjects the entire day. Students should develop good organisational skills by preparing their uniform the night before. When the entire school attends the assembly on Tuesdays, it is a pleasure to see that almost all students are in school uniform each day and accept this responsibility as they mature into young adults.

One of our Positive Behaviour for Learning expectations is ‘responsibility for actions’ and this extends to the completion of assessment tasks, classwork and homework. It also applies to class participation.

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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

Hard work is the key to success and students should maximise their learning by managing their revision time at home. Students in Year 7 should complete at least one hour of study or revision each night and Year 12 students should be preparing for their upcoming HSC examinations on a daily basis, for several hours, if they wish to gain the best possible marks. Obviously, all students in all grades need to dedicate themselves to regular study and revision. Students are required to complete their classwork, homework and assessment tasks in order to meet course requirements. If a teacher feels that a student is failing in any of these areas, they may send home an N-award warning letter, which is a formal letter from the school outlining the work that needs to be completed and the consequences of non-completion. If a student receives such a letter, this is to be treated seriously and the work should be completed immediately. In particular, students in Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 need to ensure that their work is complete and up-to-date to ensure that they receive the appropriate credential at the end of the year. Classroom teachers and head teachers are available to assist students who are experiencing difficulties. In addition, the learning centre has specialist staff and resources to help students who require some more support. There is absolutely no shame in asking for help and this is an important skill that some students need to learn.

In recent weeks, there has been a whole school focus on the development of our house groups with house captains leading the way. Students are receiving house points for commendations, which are being added to a running total for their house. Special activities are being planned for students and houses that have accumulated the most points by the end of the year. This is just one way in which Glenwood High School chooses to reward good behaviour and maintain a positive atmosphere in the school through supporting student-led initiatives. We hope to see a number of students attain the medal of excellence by the end of the year in recognition of their outstanding contribution to school life.

Grade Information

Year 7 students recently attended a ‘bully busters’ seminar. This reinforced the school’s anti-bullying message and provided students with practical strategies for combating bullying. Year 7 has quickly gained a reputation for being a cohesive and respectful cohort that has adjusted well to the high school environment. Year 7 students recently participated in a sports gala day and enjoyed the opportunity to represent their school. The aim for Year 7 is to maintain their focus for the rest of the year.

Year 8 students recently selected their subjects for Year 9. This is a complicated process with many variables and students may not receive all of their preferred choices. Due to the size of the school and highly skilled staff, Glenwood High School has one of the widest curriculum choices offered by any school in NSW. As a result, students will benefit from developing their skills in their elective subjects, most of which provide practical and hands-on learning experiences. Almost all Year 8 classes have now experienced the ‘strength and shine’ program through their welfare periods. These sessions provide students with targeted lessons on personal development, identity and resilience and have proved to be popular with students.

Year 9 are to be commended for their use of the school laptop. It is pleasing to see such engagement in class as we walk around the school and to hear positive feedback from teachers. It is getting into the business end of the semester with assignments and class tests due. The Yearly examinations are not too far away, starting early into Term 4. Please remind your child the importance of having a study timetable and the need to consistently revise their work/ prepare for assessments. Year 9 students should be doing about 60 – 90 minutes of work each night.

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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

The Assessment schedule and expectations for assessments can be found on the school website. If you are concerned about your child’s progress or have any other concerns, such as socialisation with other students, please don’t hesitate to contact Ruth Fleurant (Year Adviser) or Lance Berry (Deputy Principal).

Year 10 students recently selected their subjects for Year 11 (2013). Almost all students received their first preferences for most subject lines and other students have been able to choose other subjects to help prepare them for university, the workplace or further training. The next step in the process is to confirm that students have chosen the best combination of subjects for them. To facilitate this, subject selection interviews will be held on Friday, 14 September 2012. Year 10 students will not attend normal classes on this day and will instead attend an interview with a careers adviser, year adviser, head teacher or deputy principal. Students are required to bring their half-yearly report and subject confirmation sheet to the interview. Students should be prepared to discuss their subject choices and consider the advice given by experienced members of staff. Parents should also be willing to listen to the views of their child and ensure their child is comfortable with the subjects they have chosen. Students will be expected to sign the school’s Senior Student Code of Conduct to ensure that they are aware of their role in being leaders of the school as senior students from 2013. Parents and carers are invited to attend their child’s subject selection interview and be part of this important process. Students should ensure that they have chosen subjects they enjoy and will perform well in, as this will lead to the best possible results at the end of Year 12.

Year 11 students will finish their Preliminary courses at the end of Term 3. As a result, HSC courses commence in Term 4 and students now need to focus on the end-game. The purpose of Year 11 Preliminary courses is to give students an idea of the demands of Year 12. As a result, students should take time to reflect on mistakes made in Year 11 and use this to motivate their learning and identify areas for improvement. Students will be expected to be independent and self-directed learners as they enter Year 12 and the hard work starts now!

Year 12 students have completed their formal assessment tasks now and are busily preparing for their HSC examinations. It is imperative year 12 are at school and in class making the most of their best resource – their teacher. Students are advised to make use of the short time before their examinations by accessing the Board of Studies website to complete past HSC papers. There is no substitute for completing sample HSC answers to improve response writing skills. Students should utilise the skills and experience of their HSC teachers by asking for feedback to improve their marks. By obtaining a few extra marks in a few different questions across a three hour examination, students can easily move up one entire achievement band, or even more. Students should go back to their Trial HSC examinations and review feedback from their teachers to discover ways to improve. We would like to congratulate our Year 12 students on six years of hard work and we wish them all the best for the future.


Glenwood High School is currently in the process of upgrading technology around the school, including the installation of interactive whiteboards and computer laboratories. Such equipment is extremely expensive and all students have a shared responsibility to care for this new equipment. For example, brand new computers have just been installed in our A11 computer room. Glenwood High School is fortunate to be one of the newest schools in NSW and has new technology to ensure access to state

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Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

of the art facilities. Students are expected to be vigilant when using technology and report any damage to equipment to their classroom teacher so we can ensure all students can use this equipment in the future. Parents and students are reminded of the ‘stranger danger’ message. There have been a number of incidents in the local area this year and students need to be vigilant when travelling to and from school. Students are advised to travel in groups, keep an eye out for anything unusual and report all incidents to the NSW Police. Glenwood is a caring community and students need to show this care towards each other when travelling to and from school by looking out for one another.

Glenwood High School has a ‘hands-off’ policy and signage reminding students of this expectation is displayed around the school. It is important that students develop skills in communicating with each other as young adults. There is never any reason for a student to make physical contact with another student. In terms of bullying, our school is being proactive through the work of the student wellbeing team, string movement and anti-bullying forum. Students are encouraged to report instances of bullying to a staff member so it can be dealt with. The school’s Positive Behaviour for Learning expectations also apply to online interactions between students. If students have a Facebook account, they are strongly advised to think carefully before uploading information. Anything posted on the Internet instantly becomes publicly available, even if it is in a ‘private’ chat. As a result, students should ensure their online communication is positive in nature and does not constitute cyber-bullying. Facebook has many positive aspects, however, students need to use it responsibly.

Assessment tasks are a very important aspect of the high school experience. Students in Year 9, Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 are issued with an assessment booklet at the start of the year, outlining all of the requirements for students with regard to assessment tasks. It is assumed that students are familiar with this document, as they are expected to follow the procedures outlined. It is important to note that students who are absent for an assessment task must obtain a medical certificate explaining the reason for the absence and submit this to the relevant deputy principal on the first day the student returns to school. Students should make every attempt to complete any outstanding tasks as soon as possible and demonstrate they are being responsible for their own learning.

We would like to take this opportunity to publicise the school’s Facebook page once again. We now have more than 550 followers and parents are reporting that this is an excellent way to receive important announcements from the school. The Facebook page can be accessed at this address: or by searching for “Glenwood High School Facebook”.

Term 4 will come and go very quickly and students should make the most of this time to continue to improve and reach their full potential.

Until next time,

Mark Sutton Deputy Principal Years 7 and 10 Belinda Young Deputy Principal Years 8 and 11 Lance Berry Deputy Principal Years 9 and 12

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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

On Saturday, 25th August, Glenwood High School entered two teams in this year’s Tournament of Minds regional finals held at UWS, Kingswood. The tournament gives students who have been identified as being gifted and talented an opportunity to compete against students from around the country. Both teams participated in the Maths/Engineering Challenge which required students to build an object that could be interpreted three different ways, based on the audience’s perspective. The teams were given 6 weeks to design and build their object as well as come up with a 10 minute drama presentation that would clearly show the different interpretations related to their object. Both groups presented objects that were highly praised by the judges for their design and construction with one of the groups being awarded the ‘Spirit of Tournament’ award for their presentation. Both teams would like to thank Mr Lewis and Mr Moylan for giving up their mornings to assist with the construction of the project, as well as Mr Leaver who attended the day.

Tournament of Minds 2012

From left to right: Anna Young, Awantika Naidu, Dilroop Khangura, Shaina Shankar, Kayla Jaye, Haarani Gobishankar. Absent: Ecem Kurangil

From left to right: Raveesh Srivastava, Adam Smith, Abhi Bhogal, Vidhi Somaiya

Page 9: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


Book Week 2012

Book Week at GHS expanded the national slogan ”CHAMPIONS READ” to fit in with the school’s PBL focus and became” Champions of ALL kind read” . Staff and student enjoyed not only celebrating great Australian Books but also celebrating the individual talents of each person at GHS.

A range of activities and displays were created to link in with Book Week.

-Jo Henwood, a highly talented professional storyteller held mini workshops for the drama and public speaking groups, shared some of the mysteries behind classic mystery stories, and involved year 7 in learning about techniques to create and share presentations of stories.

Our multi-talented staff became part of an animation style mural to share some of their extra talents and interests. There were many smiles and surprises here.

- A huge collection of stars was created on which staff and students were asked to write 3 accomplishments or positive qualities about themselves and then to write 2 things they would like to accomplish in the future. The message behind this activity was the notion that everyone has talents and good qualities. We each start with what we are and build on our strong points to become even better. Individually and as a group, we all contribute towards making a better world. A large majority of people felt that they were kind and caring, with a range of accomplishments, academic and otherwise.

Many of these ideas were summarized on the formal school assemblies with the help of Emily, Angelie, Rachel, Kirsten, Issy, Poojaa, Jessica and Sarah from Year 7.

1. C is for Cheerful. Book week was held throughout Australia this week. It celebrates and recognises excellence in books written by Australians for readers between the ages of 2 and 20.

2. H is for Happy. This year over 500 Australian books were nominated to become winners in different categories for: OLDER READERS, YOUNGER READERS, PICTURE BOOKS, EARLY CHILDHOOD, and the EVE POWNELL AWARD FOR INFORMATION BOOKS

3. A is for Adventurous. The theme for Book Week was CHAMPIONS READ JUST LIKE THE Olympics. At Glenwood, we changed this to link in with PBL and say “CHAMPIONS OF ALL KINDS READ” because everyone has different talents and interests and everyone reads in some way.

Page 10: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

4. M is for Multi-talented. Staff were asked to think of some extra talents they have. These were pasted up on animated characters to create a mural inside the library. Be sure to stop by to see our talented staff readers.

5 P is for Pride. Each person in the school was also asked to write 3 positive accomplishments or characteristics on a STAR. Then we wrote 2 things we would like to be able to do. If you missed doing a star, please check in the library.

6. I is for Intelligent. This shows that everyone has positive talents and interests that help lay the groundwork for following and developing further accomplishments. Everyone at Glenwood High School has talents.

7. O is for Opportunities. Everyone can become even better through reading and sharing ideas because at Glenwood High School, Champions of all kinds … Read and help create a great school and a better world.

8. N is for NO Bullying at Glenwood. Happy Book Week from the library.

9. S is for Super Reading and all the great things that characterise Glenwood High.

Thanks to all for enjoying reading and sharing stories everywhere.

We really are the CHAMPIONS of all kinds that make GHS the great school it is.

Happy Reading – from the GHS Library team

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Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

Justin Herald is a man with Attitude! In 1995, all Justin had to start his business was $50 and an attitude. With clever marketing campaigns and a strong desire to make something of his life, Justin set out to turn his $50 into a multi-million dollar empire in just 6 years. Justin's business success has allowed him to retire from Attitude Gear® and turn his passion to helping others achieve their business and personal goals. For 5 weeks he presented workshops to selected students from the schools in the Hills district on topics of success, passion and opportunity. Zenab Sepak who participated gave the workshop a big thumbs-up. For Zenab, starting up a business will be option B since she has her heart set on a career in the Navy but she has stored away the information, just in case she needs a Justin Herald strategy.

From Mrs Achar HT Welfare


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Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW



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Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

MEDIA ARTICLES (continued)

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Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


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Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

Information for Parents/Guardians of Year 7 students

Each year NSW Health offers the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for adolescents as part of the school-based program.

Vaccines are free ONLY in the year they are offered under this program. If students do not commence their scheduled vaccine courses this year then they can only be obtained through private purchase on a prescription from the GP. Protection against hepatitis B, varicella and pertussis is a requirement for all students in NSW courses that have patient contact and for most jobs with NSW Health.

The last vaccination clinic for 2012 will be held on Friday 7th September 2012 for Year 7. The Vaccinations which will be given: 3rd dose HPV – Girls only, 2nd dose of HepB – Girls and Boys and Single dose of Varicella (Chickenpox) – Girls and Boys.

Vaccination cards have already been collected.

Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so by writing to the school Principal. The Procedure for Withdrawal of Consent is available on the NSW Health website at

A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student vaccinated at the clinic.

Parents/guardians should ensure that this record is kept for future reference and a copy is provided to your GP. Parents should not assume that their child has been vaccinated if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination.

Parents, as a reminder, please mark this important date on your calendar to ensure everyone is well prepared. Also it is important for the children who are being vaccinated eat a normal breakfast and have plenty of water and food for recess and lunchtime on their vaccination day.

Should you have any further questions or comments regarding this program please call the Immunisation Team on 9840 3603. Further information regarding immunisation is also available at . Alternatively you can call myself on 9629-9577 at Glenwood High School.

Kind Regards,

Radha Achar

HT Welfare & Librarian

NSW Adolescent Vaccination Program 2012

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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

NSW Adolescent Vaccination Program 2012

Information for Parents/Guardians of Year 7 and Year 10 students

Each year NSW Health offers the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for adolescents as part of the school-based program.

In 2012 the following vaccines will be offered:

Hepatitis B and varicella (chickenpox) vaccines will be offered in a catch-up program for all Year 7 students who have not previously received 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine when they were a baby, or, had chickenpox the disease.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will be offered to Year 7 girls only as a 3-dose course over a six-month period.

Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) will be offered to all Year 7 and Year 10 students. Please note that this is the last year this vaccine will be offered to Year 10 students.

Vaccines are free ONLY in the year they are offered under this program. If students do not commence their scheduled vaccine courses this year then they can only be obtained through private purchase on a prescription from the GP. Protection against hepatitis B, varicella and pertussis is a requirement for all students in NSW courses that have patient contact and for most jobs with NSW Health.

Parent Information Kits will be sent home to parents/guardians. To consent to the vaccination of their child, parents/guardians are advised to read all the information provided, complete the consent form and return it to their child’s school.

Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so by writing to the school Principal. The Procedure for Withdrawal of Consent is available on the NSW Health website at

Please note that for HPV vaccine only, parents/guardians are requested to record their Medicare Number (all 10 digits and the 11th number beside the child’s name) on the consent form, as this is required to record the student’s health information on the National HPV Vaccination Register and link to the National or State Cervical Screening Program.

A Record of Vaccination will be provided to each student vaccinated at the clinic.

Parents/guardians should ensure that this record is kept for future reference and a copy is provided to your GP. Parents should not assume that their child has been vaccinated if they do not receive this Record of Vaccination.

Should you have any further questions or comments regarding this program please call the Immunisation Team on 9840 3603. Further information regarding immunisation is also available at

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Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8B 3 Sept 4 5 6 7

Yr 7 3rd dose HPV girls

2nd dose HepB girls &

boys single dose chicken

pox boys & girls

9A 10

Year 11



Year 11 Exams


Year 11 Exams


Year 11 Exams


Year 11 Exams



Year 11



Year 11 Exams


Year 11 Exams


Year 11 Exams



9.30am—Year 12


1A 8 October


Staff &



9 10 11 12

TERM 4, 2012

2B 15



16 17 18 19

3A 22

Year 7 & 9



Year 7 & 9

Assessment Week

Year 7 & 9

Assessment Week

Year 7 & 9

Assessment Week

Year 7 & 9 Assessment Week

4B 29 October

Year 7 & 9




Year 7 & 9

Assessment Week


Year 7 & 9

Assessment Week

1 November

Year 7 & 9

Assessment Week


Year 7 & 9

Assessment Week

5A 5 November 6 7

7pm—P & C



8 9


Please check Facebook for current events

Page 19: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW










MONDAY 8.00AM - 11.00AM


FRIDAY 1.00PM - 4.30PM




Payment of fees: 8.30AM - 2.30PM

Correct money would be appreciated when making payments by cash

as the school is unable to change large dominations, especially prior to 9.00am.

Page 20: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


Notes are required from Parent / Guardian to explain reasons for lateness, absence or leaving

early. Please ensure your child’s full name and year is clearly written on the note.

If a student does not produce a note for lateness a detention will be issued for that day.

ALL notes are required to be handed in at Student Reception at the beginning of the day to enable a pass to be issued to the student and for the details to be noted in the system to avoid a truancy note being issued.

OUR NEXT P & C MEETING will be held on 7 November in the Conference Room. Please come along and join us 7.00pm start.

NEWSLETTER is on our website just prior to the P & C Meeting (see below for dates)


7 November 2012

5 December 2012


As information and communication is forwarded to you by email or SMS mobile phone, it is essential that the school has your correct details.

Please complete the form at the end of the newsletter, if any of your personal details (email or mobile phone number) have changed.

Completed forms can be returned to the school by:

1. Email [email protected]

2. FAX: 9629 2796

3. POST: Attention Cheryl Sheahan

Glenwood High School – Cnr Forman Ave & Glenwood Park Drive, Glenwood NSW 2768

Page 21: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW



Page 22: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


Homework help at your local Library

The Max Webber Library, Blacktown, Our Library @ The Mount Druitt Hub and Dennis Johnson Branch Library in Stanhope Gardens are offering free homework support for high school students each school term.

The free homework support is presented by S4S Coaching and will see a quali-fied tutor available offer support, exam tips, essay writing skills, time manage-ment tips as well as career and University advice. Students will be able to book the tutor at Stanhope Gardens for individual 20 minute sessions.

Tutoring is available:

Tuesday 4pm and 6pm

Max Webber Library, Blacktown, corner Flushcombe Road and Alpha Street, Blacktown.

Wednesday 4pm and 6pm

Our Library @ The Mount Druitt Hub, Ayres Grove Mount Druitt

Dennis Johnson Branch Library, Stanhope Gardens, co-located with Black-town Leisure Centre, Stanhope Gardens on the corner of Sentry Drive and Stanhope Parkway. (Bookings can be made at the Dennis Johnson Li-brary at any time; either with the tutor on Wednesday or with the Library staff during open hours.)

For more information please ring the following libraries at:

Max Webber Library, Blacktown Ph: 9839 6620

Our Library @ The Mount Druitt Hub Ph: 8886 2000

Dennis Johnson Brach Library, Stanhope Gardens Ph: 9421 2670

Page 23: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


FINES AS OF JULY 1 2012 School zones Parking Parking Penalties School parking rules and fines No Stopping No Stopping rule and fine Bus Zone Stop in Bus Zone rule and fine Footpath Park on footpath rule and fine Double Park Double parking rule and fine Pedestrian Crossing Stop on pedestrian crossing rule and fine No Parking No Parking rule and fine Kiss and Ride Kiss and Ride rule and fine Driveway Park in driveway rule and fine Speed Speed restrictions Speed restrictions in school zones Speeding penalties School Zone speeding penalties Other Issues Supervision Supervision in school zones Flexible bollards Bollards at pedestrian crossings General Parking General Penalties General parking rules and fines Disabled parking Parking for disabled rule and fine Loading Zone Loading Zone rule and fines Centre lines Park too close to centre lines Mobile Phones Texting and talking on mobile phones Mobile Phones (162 kb)


BY BLACKTOWN COUNCIL Please follow link:-

CTRL + click to follow link


Page 24: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

Seat Belts Driver and passenger seat belts Seat belts (102 kb) Speeding Speeding Penalties General speeding penalties Residential areas Residential speed restrictions Pedestrians Pedestrian crossings Use pedestrian crossings Pedestrian crossing rules and fines Pedestrian Crossing Rules and Fine U-Turns

Illegal U-Turns Illegal U-turns rules and fines Red Lights Red Light Rule and Fine Red Light rule and fine Young Driver Learner Driver Learner Driver unnacompanied rule and fine Young driver drink & drug drive information Young Driver Information



Castle Hill Softball Club is still taking registrations for summer Blast Ball, Tee-Ball and Softball.

Come and play with a friendly locally-based club this summer. We have a few spots available in tee-ball for both boys and girls and in softball for boys. Friends are guaranteed in the same team.

All games are played at the same time, same location every week commencing 6th October.

For more information contact Natalie Blanning on 0411 286 308, [email protected]

Page 25: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW















Page 26: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW

Page 27: GLENWOOD HIGH SCHOOL€¦ · Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website: Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW Brett Ingram, Year 9, for his dedication as a Library Monitor, creator

Telephone: 9629 9577 Fax: 9629 2796 Website:

Facebook: Glenwood High School NSW


Dear Parent/Guardian

The need for our school to keep records up to date and accurate is extremely important, particularly in the case of emergencies. Please fill in the following change of record details and return to the school at your earliest convenience.


If you have moved out of the Glenwood High School local enrolment area you need to attach a letter to the Principal outlining the reason for your move. The letter must also explain why you wish your child to remain at the school as a non local enrolment, instead of moving your child/children to their local High School.



(include Siblings ATTENDING

Glenwood High School)















(other than parent / guardian)





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