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John Kewa tells us that the centre, which recently received a generous donation from a long time supporter and local union identity, plans to use the funds to upgrade the centre’s shop area which will prove of great benefit to seafarers anxious to purchase necessities in the short time they have on shore. This is particularly true for the increasing numbers of coal and car ships visiting Port

Port Kembla’s Gift

Kembla. Also, it has just been announced that Port Kembla is to be offered for sale to private interests and the mission will need to keep a close eye on developments here. The excellent relations and support that we enjoy with the current staff of Port Kembla Port is highly valued, and we hope that future developments do not jeopardise this important and happy reality.

In this edition:

• Port Kembla’s gift • New hospitality course

taking shape • Fremantle’s own flying

angel • Townsville latest

• Wallaroo

• Sea Sunday

GLAD TIDINGS 2012 No. 10 Part E

New hospitality course taking shape At the invitation of the Australian Council, representatives from five of our centres met in Port Kembla last month to work on a draft for a new training course on the art of hospitality. The course, although still in its early stages of construction, is designed to help prepare our staffs to better greet and care for the needs of seafarers. It will cover areas such as- the MTS family, why

people volunteer, being a good volunteer and enjoying it to the max, life on a ship, the Maritime Labour Convention (Seafarers Bill of Rights), welcoming ‘the stranger’, a profile of the modern sailor, some recent maritime studies/surveys, cultural & religious differences amongst seafarers, the seafarers family, embracing new technologies and helping seafarers with the simple and practical stuff in the centre.

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All interesting, worthwhile and stimulating topics. It is hoped that the new course can be ‘test run’ at one or two of our centres in both the west and east in the second half of this year. It should provide great benefit and considerable fun and enjoyment to those ready to

give it a go. So all those happy to be test dummies let us know. The more the merrier! We aim to get the course accredited as well so that participants receive due acknowledgement for the effort.

New hospitality course taking shape continued

Townsville latest

The Townsville MTS committee has very kindly offered to host the 2013 national conference, probably in July or August. It is over 10 years since one was held in the Far North and a very memorable one at that so the old timers (long servers) recall. It is expected that the Australian Council will be able to give more detail in a month or so. For the present, Graham Miller is diligently working on his golf swing as Townsville MTS prepare to host their annual fundraising Golf Day this weekend. The big day on the green is supported by the nine Townsville shipping agents with many friends coming from the shipping industry

and the port users sector- some as far away as Brisbane and Mackay. Following the golf, the mission bus takes the golfing contingent to Dairy Farmers Stadium where the local Townsville Cowboys go into battle with the visiting Brisbane Broncos. Rugby league is the game they play in that beautiful part of the world. Let’s hope the golf day is a resounding success (and that the rampaging Cowboys triumph).

Fremantle’s own flying angel

Ann Robinson was one of the working team meeting in Port Kembla to help draft the new hospitality course. Ann, as Fremantle’s very own high flying angel, ‘mothers’ hundreds of lonely, sick, depressed and worried seafarers passing through Fremantle port. The upstairs rooms of the Club often look like a hospital’s recovery ward as Ann and her team of dedicated women care

for and nurture the wounded ones. Ann also coordinates- around the clock- the running of the seven seafarers buses up and down the coast, and to and from the airport so her role is a super busy one. We appreciated very much her attending the Port Kembla workshop and her valuable insights and contribution over the two days.

GLAD TIDINGS 2012 No. 10 Part E

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Wallaroo port is no longer the sleepy little port some believe it to be. Recently, the editor on his way to Thevenard port took this photo from the ferry pulling out of Wallaroo on its way across the Gulf to Lucky Bay. As well as the ship in dock loading, another three (the weather turned too nasty to take a photo of them) were at anchorage waiting to come in to load.

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Wallaroo’s chaplain Martyn Robinson held a very successful ‘open house’ to promote our new centre a few months back, and given the increasing number of ships expected this year, Martyn certainly needs some willing volunteers to share the load.


Sea Sunday

Please do not forget that Sea Sunday is close at hand. Central office always provides Sea Sunday materials and resources and this year is no different. To check out what is available visit Please join in and enjoy the celebrations.

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