
Getting Through Nighttime Teething

With Your Baby

Teething Gel Works Great!

Teething gel such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol can work very well, but always consult with a doctor before trying one of these. Applying the gel right after feeding should give 4-6 hours of relief, and many parents swear by it!

Keep Up The Sleep Routine

It can be tempting to abandon your sleep routine during this painful process, but you may find that if you ease up, your baby could abandon their sleep routine entirely.

Breastfeed More Frequently

Nursing helps to soothe the baby’s gums, so you may find them wanting to breastfeed more frequently.As long as it’s not excessive, nursing a little more should not hurt your baby’s sleep routine.

Purchase Some Teething Toys

Teething toys can be a lifesaver, and we plan on releasing our own in the near future.For now, there are a ton of options available - so stock up on a few different toys, and consider picking up our pacifier clips as well, which will prevent your little one from dropping the teething toys on the ground and getting them dirty!

Keep Them Cool

Your baby’s temperature will rise while they are teething.Many parents recommend keeping the room temperature between 61 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 20 Celsius.)If your baby’s temperature is over 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit (37.5 degrees Celsius) then they should be taken to a doctor.

Soothe Your Baby’s Bottom

Because babies dribble a lot more during teething, they will also go to the bathroom much more frequently. Diaper rash cream can help to make this less uncomfortable for your little one.

Stay Calm Yourself!

You may want to cry along with your baby, but remember that they can pick up on your anxious or worried feelings, and feel that way themselves.Staying calm yourself will help them calm down a bit as well, which is good for you both!

About Starlight Baby:Starlight Baby is the world’s #1 up-and-coming brand for baby and toddler products. It is our goal to provide products that are not only a great value, but are the highest quality and safest products available on the market. Because let’s face it – our children are worth it.On our website, you’ll find free articles that will make your job as a parent easier, providing answers to all of the questions you’ll face going through the wonderful joy of parenthood. We’d love to have you visit us over at

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