Page 1: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Get a Better Rice HarvestSimple Ways to Prevent Diseases

Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU)

Page 2: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Good Morning,Karim!

Hi, Roy. Hi, Anita. You look happy. Didyou get a good harvestthis season?

Yeah, but you lookgloomy. How wasyours?

Terrible. Much smallerthan last season. I did it thesame way as before though . . . I wonder what went wrong.


Page 3: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Mr. Karim, maybethere's some reasonfor it.

Anita might be right.Can you think of any reason?

Not really. I didn't seemany insectsin the field.

Wait a minute! I saw someyellow leaves. I thoughtthat was strange.

Yellow leaves? Oh, that couldbe rice disease. We had suchunusual weather this season.

Rice disease? Do you knowanything about it?

Anita does. Let's talk about itover a cup of tea.

We're home.

Oh, hello,Mr. Karim.

Page 4: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to


Anita's working atagricultural centre. Please have some tea.

To get a good harvest,it's important to preventthe rice getting diseases.

Roy's such alucky man tomarry you. Tell me howto preventrice diseases.

Firstly, let'scompare healthy ricepaddy and unhealthyrice paddy.

Here is apicture of healthyrice in a healthyrice paddy.

leavesstand upfirmly, notdropping. spacing is



roots are thick,long and strong.

soil is soft, nutritiousand with lots of air.

Healthy Rice Paddy

Page 5: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Did your paddylook like this?

No, my rice wasyellow with spotsand drooping.

Wasn't thesoil hard?

spots on leaves

leaves are yellow,brown and white andsome are drooping

roots cannot growdeep in the soil

soil is hard withno space for air

Gee, it looks justlike my paddy. Myrice was sick.

"Health is wealth!" appliesnot only to us humansbut to rice as well.

Unhealthy Rice PaddyThis rice paddy isno good. It easilygets disease. Thecrop from such apaddy is small.

Page 6: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Healthy Soil for Strong Rice

The best way to prevent disease isto grow strong rice which can resist.

But how can we growsuch strong rice?

To grow strong rice, the soil must be healthy. Healthy soil helps the roots to grow big and deep. But if diseased stubble and straw are left in the soil, they can cause rice diseases.

Healthy Soil*soft soil - easy to plough*no weed seeds*earthworms are active

Unhealthy Soil*hard soil - lack of air or water*weed seeds*crop residues with disease stubble and straw

Page 7: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

How to Prepare Healthy Soil Diseased stubble andstraw are burned.

Right after the harvest,turn over the field andapply compost.

Compost can enrichyour paddy.

Healthy soil helps rice growwell and strong. Here's howto prepare healthy soil.

Page 8: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Good Seeds & Bad Seeds

Firstly, healthy soil . . . . thenthe seeds, I suppose!

Right! If you plant bad seeds, the ricewon't grow well - or worse, it can spreaddisease to other plants.

Good Seed Bad Seed

Seedlings from Good Seed Seedlings from Bad Seed

Planting good seeds brings better harvest. And there are simple ways to select good    seeds like these.

Let's see what aregood seeds!

Page 9: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Choose Good Variety Strong against Disease

There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specificdiseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to changethe variety next season.

Plants from two different varieties grown under the same condition

plants from resistant variety plants from another variety

Find out whichkind of seed is thebest for your field.

Always use good seeds as planting material. If you do not use good seed,even a resistant or strong variety cannot do well.

You may ask anagricultural extensionworker what varietiesresistant to the diseaseare available.

Page 10: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Selecting Good Seeds

Good Seeds Bad Seeds

nutrients nutrients

Heavy, containing more nutrientsto produce healthy seedings.

Empty or half-filled, or theircolour has changed.

Let's use good seeds which willyield a better harvest. And beforestoring seeds, make sure thatweed seeds, crop residues, soilparticles and insect pests areremoved.

(1) Separating good and bad seeds

Page 11: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

(2) Separating seeds by wind power

(3) Separating in mud water

Empty or half-filledseeds are blown away.

Healthy seeds falldown closer.

Remove lightseeds that float.

Mix somemud wellwith water.

Seeds which sink tothe bottom aregood seeds.


Sprinkle seeds from ahigher place in the breeze.

Page 12: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Using Fertilizer Effectively

Three best times for fertilizer

*Be careful not to apply fertilizer before rain.

(1) Mix compost or organic fertilizer well with soil to reduce risk of disease.

(2) Apply fertilizer during tillering.

(3) Apply fertilizerbefore flowering.

Right amount of fertilizer

lack of fertilizer enough fertilizer too muchfertilizer

Lack of fertilizer andtoo much fertilizer cancause damage to yourplants. If you applytoo much nitrogen, itcan cause spots onleaves and plants maybecome lodging, too.

Page 13: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Remove Weeds and Sick Rice Plants

Weeds may carry disease or take away thenutrients from the soil that the rice needsto grow well. Some rice diseases arecontagious and they can spread very fast inthe field. So remove weeds, irregular stalksor sick rice plants immediately.

Weeding during thefirst few weeksafter plantingincreases healthygrowth of rice. Later, ducks canhelp reduce weeds.

Paddy with weeds and sick plants

Paddy without weeds and sick plants

Page 14: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Strong rice comes from healthysoil, good seeds, right fertilizerand weeding-Is that right?

That's the way to growstrong, healthy rice.

But what if the rice getsa disease? Is there anyway to save it?

Yeah, Key isfind it at a veryearly stage.

How can I know which ofmy rice plants got disease?

Rice sends out various signsthat it is sick. We must noticethose signs.

For example, you can look atthe colours, size, spots, shapes....

Page 15: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

We must see if there is anyplant that looks different fromthe others.

Is there any colour changein the leaves, are theyyellowish, brownish orwhitish?


Size Spots


Are same plants shorteror taller than others?

Are there spotson the leaves?

Is there strangestructure ofgrains?

My towel, thecolour has faded,it's got holes andthe shape is unusual!

Ha, ha! Justlike sick rice!

Page 16: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

There are many kinds of ricediseases. And effectivepreventions differs from onedisease to another.

That means we have toidentify which diseaseour rice has got.

Here's a book on rice diseases. The agricultural centre hasmany useful books on agriculture for you.

Wow,I should have readthe book earlier.

Let's go and talk with theagricultural extension workerssome time soon. They can giveus advice.

Thanks a lot,Anita. That wasreally useful!

My pleasure. Please comeagain.

Page 17: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Examples of Rice Diseases

(1) Bacterial Blight

(2) Sheath Blight

This is a serious rice diseaseduring the rainy season. Tops or edges of the leaveschange color from green to whiteand edges become wavy.

Damage-Leaf and plant dying-Empty grains

Preventive Action-Burning of diseased stubble-Good land preparation-Planting resistant variety-Selecting good seed

This is often seen in crowded ricefields where nitrogen fertilizer isapplied excessively.

Damage-Spots on leaf blade and sheath-Dying leaves-Empty grains

Preventive Action-Burning of diseased stubble-Good land preparation-Chemical control with right chemical at proper dose and proper time

Page 18: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

(3) Blast

This is a leaf spot disease oftencaused by large amount ofnitrogen, cloudy skies, and rain. Almond-shaped (wide in the centerand pointed towards the ends) anddark brown spots can be found onleaf and leaf sheath, neck ofpanicles.

Damage-In severe cases, rice plants in field may all die-Panicle breaks at the neck.

Preventive Action-Planting resistant variety-Good fertilizer management-Chemicals -right chemical at proper dose and proper time.

(4) Brown Spot

This is another leaf spot diseasefrequently occurring due to poorsoil condition. Spots are brownand circular. Size of spots variesfrom that of pin-head to rice grain.

Damage-Leaf dying

Preventive Action-Good land preparation-Planting resistant variety-Good seed-Fertilizer at proper dose and proper time.

Page 19: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

(5) Tungro

Rice plants change colour fromgreen to yellow to orange.Green leaf hoppers spread thisdisease.

(6) Grain Discoloration

Grain itself can get disease. Whenthis happens, colour of panicles arebrown to dark brown. Affectedgrains easily break.

Damage-Grains empty or half empty

Preventive Action-Good seed-Chemical seed treatment with appropriate chemical

Damage-Whole plant affected-No panicle produced

Management-Planting resistant varieties.-Removal of tungro virus infested plants from the field

You can seethe differencesTop part is graindiscoloration.

Page 20: Get a Better Rice Harvest - ACCU · There are many varieties of rice and some are resistant against specific diseases. So, if the rice crop gets a disease easily, it is better to

Three Reminders for a Good Harvest

Farmers' Careand Attention

Good LandPreparation

Selection ofGood Seeds

Guide for UtilizationTarget audience: neo-literates at self-learning level engaged in rice cultivation

Objectives:To enable learners to(1) understand what makes a healthy rice paddy,(2) grow healthy rice that is resistant against diseases,(3) know simple ways to identify diseases.And to motivate learners' interest in more reading materials on agriculture and other subjects.

Application:1. Before distributing this booklet, learners share their experiences concerning problems of small harvest

and rice diseases etc. through discussion.2. After distributing the booklet, instructor should ask learners to read it and discuss with them the

possibility of diseases control and whether they think the simple measures introduced in the booklet are useful and applicable.

3. Instructor may give some further explanation on pages 17-19 on the information on major rice diseases for better comprehension.

4. Instructor can show, if possible, reading materials on different topics concerning agriculture to the learners for further reading.

Illustrated by Shinichi Suzuki (Japan)

 Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) 19956 Fukuromachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8484 Japane-mail: [email protected] URL:

Planned and produced under the Asian/Pacific Joint Production Programme of Materials for Neo-Literates in Rural Areas (AJP) in co-operation with UNESCO Bangkok


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