  1. 1. Germany my home country! a little insight let's kick off...
  2. 2. Germany in the center of western Europe
    • 876 km from North to South
    • 640 km from West to East
    • 82 Million inhabitants
    • biggest export nation worldwide
    • together with France and England the economic driving force in the EU
    you may start drinking at the age of 16 with wine and beer
  3. 3.
    • capital Berlin
    • consists of16 states
    • biggest cities:
    • 1. Berlin, 3,4 Mill
    • 2. Hamburg, 1,8 Mill
    • 3. Munich, 1,3 Mill
    • 4. Cologne, 980.000
    • 5. Frankfurt a.M. 650.000
  4. 4. capi the capital the south bavaria southeast wine region western old industrial area the northwest thenortheast
  5. 5. History
    • founded in 1871 from a loose affiliation of states
    • several revolutions, but most of them failed most significant one in 1842
    • f rom there we also have our national colors
    • sufferedfromworldwars I+II
    • (1914-18, 1939-1945)
    • dark episode during the national socialism era (1933 1945) but nazis a little on the rise again today :(
  6. 6.
    • After the world war II (1945), Germany was occupied
    • after the other allied forces freed their part, the UDSSR kept theirs and built a wall
    • from 1962 1989 Germany was split in 2 parts
    Split Germany
  7. 7. Walldancing
    • since 1989 we are united again, the Wall was broken down
    • people danced where before people had been killed fortrying to cross
    • October 3 rdis now our (only one nationwide) national holiday
    • but the east remains poorer than the west since then
  8. 8. Religion
    • Martin Luther translated the bible from Latin to German, so everybody could read it
    • by that, he created the common German language still spoken today
    • people could now understand the bible +many turned away from the catholic church
    • and so he founded the protestant movement in Germany (unwillingly)
    • today the south and middle is mostly still catholic and the north mostly protestant (also has less holidays ;( )
  9. 9. Famous people
    • Goethe Writer (Faust)
    • Nietzsche Philosopher
    • Karl Marx Father ofSocialism
    • Beethoven - Composer
  10. 10. the capital - Berlin
    • is the perfect example of the reunion, since the city had been split into 2 parts
    • has been the capital since the reun i on,b ut half them inis t eries are still in the old capital - Bonn
  11. 11. The South
    • has adiffere nt accen t thanthe standard German (up to even a different grammar!)
    • has the most concentration of higher industry in Germany
    • has the mountains
    • has the O k toberfest
  12. 12. Oktoberfest
    • the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year
    • 16 days up to and including the first Sunday in October
    • they se rvesausage,hendl(chicken), ksesptzle (cheese nood les),and sau erkraut
    • sold 6.1 million mugs of beer in 2006
    • 2007, the price of a Ma (1 litre) will cost between 7.30 and 7.90
    • concludes the picture most peoplehave ofGermany
  13. 13. The North
    • has the most millionaires of the country in one city Hamburg
    • is in general a little poorer than the South
    • has the purest German (in Hanover)
    • has the city with the highest live quality in the world for its size (Mnster)
    • the capital (Berlin)
    • has the sea and therefore the beach :D
  14. 14. The North
    • mostly lives from tourism and has a lot of farmers
    • has Volkswagen (VW)
    • always greets Moin Moin Moin - which comes from good morning - every time of the day!
    • has the Wattenmeer -you can walk on the seafloor to other islands!
  15. 15. ... you can walk for miles ... ... but get back before the water comes!
  16. 16. Hamburg(o)
    • to be discovered next time ... ;)

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