Page 1: German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Hans-Peter Müller 1

German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Symposium on Government

Procurement Regulations & PracticeTaipei World Trade Center; 2011/May/5

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Hans-Peter Müller 2

German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

German Ministry of Economics and Technology- National & intern. Economic policies

- Technology

- EU-matters

- Foreign Trade

- Energy policies

- Industrial policies

- SME – policies

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

German Ministry of Economics and Technology- Market & competition regulations

- Public Procurement Regulations

- elaborating implementing/put in force

regulations via constitutional/

parliamentary process

- Transferring EU-regulations (directives)

into german law

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Procurement Market backgroundEstimated annual volume of public procurement including goods, services & works:

EU - level: about 1.500 billions €/annum

National level: about 250 billions €/annum

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Procurement Market background

About 30.000 contracting authorities

perform about 2.4 Million procurement

procedures per annum

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

German public procurement legal system

Above the thresholds (competition law):WTO/GPA

GWB (competition law)

VgV/SektVO (Ordinances)

Below the thresholds (Budget law):

Procedural regulations

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German public procurement legal system

The thresholds:

Construction services/works: 4.845.000 Euros

Goods/services: 193.000 Euros(For Federal Ministries: 125.000 Euros)

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

German public procurement legal system

EU-Directive 2004/18/EG EU-Directive 2004/17/EGEntities operating in the sectors

water, energy, transport & postal services


Act against restraints of

competition, Part IV


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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

German public procurement legal system

GWBAct against restraints of

competition, Part IV

Main contents:

- Principles of public procurement law

- Special regulations/shelter to promote SME

- Definitions of the different procedures

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SektVOAward & procedural

regulations for Entities

GWBAct against restraints of

competition, Part IV

VgVAward Regulations

Procedural regulations:

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

VgVPrinciple Award Regulations

Procedural regulations:

VOL/ARegulation of

public supplies,

goods & services

VOB/ARegulation of

construction services/works

VOFRegulation of

Professional services

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Principles of public procurement law(content of the GPA, the EU-Directives and also of the german procurement law)

• Transparency

• Competition• more than one bidder

• Non discrimination• equal treatment of national and international bidders

• no preference of local bidders

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Principles of public procurement law

Economic operators have to fullfill certain suitability criteria/qualification („knock out“ criteria):

• skill

• efficiency

• reliabilityThese criteria are checked by the contracting authorities in the first step of the selection phase

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Additional german principles of public procurement law:

• Award to the most economical tender Importance of life-cycle-costs

• Special regulations/shelter for SME Obligation to subdivide contracts into lots (by quantity or

by special items of the contract)

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

The different procurement procedures

• open procedure

• restricted procedure

• negotiated procedure

• competitive dialogue

• dynamic purchasing system

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open procedure(one phase procedure)

any economic operator may submit a


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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

restricted procedure (two phases procedure)

• any economic operator may request to participate

• those who are invited by the contracting authority

may submit a tender

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negotiated procedure (either two steps procedure or one step procedure)

• contracting authority consults economic operator(s)

of its choice


• negotiates the terms of contract

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

competitive dialogue (more phases procedure)

• any economic operator may request to participate

• contracting authority conducts a dialogue with the candidates

aimed at

• developing suitable alternatives meeting the requirements


• invites to tender on the basis of the developed alternatives

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

dynamic purchasing system (completely electronic procedure)

• make commonly used purchases of goods that are

genarally available on the market

• any economic operator which satisfies the selection

criteria may request to participate

• economic operator submits an indicative tender

• after „last call“ of the contracting authority the participating

operators are requested to submit a final tender

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Review procedures (only above the thresholds!)

• Principle of transparency

• Shelter of the economic operators

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Review procedures (only above the thresholds!)

• information of the bidders 15 days before the award

• request for review to be adressed to an independant body

• automatic suspension of the award

• decision within 5 weeks

• possibility of apealing the court (decides finally)

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

procurement process

• publishing of contracts / contract notice

• bidding

• checking of formal aspects of requests/tenders

• checking of suitability/qualification of the economic operator

• checking the adequate price

• rating of the tenders

• determination of the most economical tender = award

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Publishing of contracts (electronic)

• Supplement of the Official Journal of the EU:•


• variety of national german publishing organs (examples):•




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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Being a successful economic operator in tendering

• Market survey – permanent search for procurements

• Procurement notices

• Prior information notices

• Marketing – contact with contracting authorities/entities not

only during a procurement process

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Being a successful economic operator in tendering

• cooperation with german economic operators/companies

• contact via

• chambers of Industry and commerce (

• chamber of crafts (

• public procurement counceling agencies (

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Being a successful economic operator in tendering

• be aware of the time limits for tenders: (must be published in the procurement notice !)

• request for participation in a restricted or negotiated procedure

• usualy 37 days after publishing to submit the request

• at least 10 days to submit the request

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Being a successful economic operator in tendering

• be aware of the time limits for tenders: (must be published in the procurement notice !)

• open procedure

• usualy 52 days after publishing to submit the tender

• at least 15 days to submit the tender

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Being a successful economic operator in tendering

• be aware of the time limits for tenders: (must be published in the procurement notice !)

• restricted procedure

• usualy 40 days after invitation to tender to submit the tender

• at least 15 days after invitation to submit the tender

• in case of urgency: at least 10 days

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Being a successful economic operator in tendering

• careful consideration of the tender documents !

• bids/tenders have to be submitted according to the

requirments and in particular to the technical specifications

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Being a successful economic operator in tendering

• no changes of the tender documents and the contracting

conditions are permitted !

• otherwise: knock out!

• exemption: negotiated procedure/competitive dialogue

• changes may be made during negotiation/dialogue

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Being a successful economic operator in tendering

Tenders must contain all

• information

• declarations of qualification

• prices/calculation

as requested by the contracting authority

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German Government Procurement Regulations & Practice

Being a successful economic operator in tendering

Groupings of contractors have to

• name their respective members

• nominate one as authorized representative

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Being a successful economic operator in tendering

Make use of the possibility to submit alternative tenders

if permittedThe contracting authority must publish this in the procurement notice !

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Being a successful economic operator in tendering

Crosscheck all formal aspects of the tender before submitting it ! !• completeness of all requested information and declarations

• calculative correctness

• signature

• closed envelope

• time limit

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Being a successful economic operator in tendering

Finally: Possibility to request for review !• proof of possible damage

• through infringement

• request before the award

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Thank you very much !

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