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Profilesheet: Haider Abdul

My Name is Haider. I'm a half Hungarian and half Iraqian boy, but I live in Germany. I have

a sister who is 21 years old. She works as a dentist's assistant. My parents have got a


I go to school in Letter where I visit the eleventh class of the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium.

Seelze is the part of town I come from and I really like it here because it's a nice little


More about me...

I was born on fifth november 1993 in Cluj, Romania. My mother is Hungarian and my father

is from Iraq. They met in the college time of my father. A few years later my sister was

born and after her it was my turn.

I spent my first three years in Cluj and came to Germany after that. My kindergarden time

was in Seelze where I met some of my friends who I still know. Three years later me and my

family went back to Romania where I started school. My primary school time was one of the

most exciting part of my life because I grew up in a city neighbourhood with a few very

good friends. At the age of ten years I came back to Germany where I was excited about

my new school and all the other aspects you could worry about as a kid.

Again, six years later here I am as a sixteen year old boy living in peaceful circumstances

and trying to get a good school degree in two years to go to university.


My hobbies are listening and making music on the one hand, because I think it's relaxing and

exciting at the same time and music makes some things seem much easier sometimes. On the

other hand I am very interested in cars and motorbikes because knowing as much as I can

know about driving,drifting, riding and everything that has to do with it is incredibly

fascinating. That„s the reason why I want to get my driver„s licence as soon as I can.

Everything with an engine in it is interesting to me.

My other hobbies are playing basketball, boxing, meeting friends and going on vacation.

Future wishes:

After I leave school I would like to study English and sports or English and religion for

being a teacher at a good school.

I chose this kind of future wish because I think that working with pupils can change their

perspective and opinion about school. School gives us the possibility to achieve something

and even if I can't reach what I want to reach I think that every big trip begins with the

first step.

Name: Czapla

First Name: Tommy

Adress: Hanover,Seelze

E-Mail: [email protected]

Age: I am sixteen years old

I was born on 8th March 1994

I live in a house in a small city near Hanover in

Germany. Regarding my age I am small and stocky.

I have got brown hair and blue-green eyes.


My leisure activities are doing Karate, playing several intruments,

reading books and meeting friends.I think I do not exaggerate by saying

that I am a very cultural person. Furthermore I am interested in

humanity arts subjects such as history and philosophy and especially



I have got two, sometimes annoying, little brothers.Their names are Henry and Mario. Henry

is ten years old and Mario is twelve years old and of course they are pupils. My mother is a

manager of a transport company in

Garbsen, which is near Hanover, as well. My father works as a caretaker.

By saying that I have a strong sense of animals it is almost obvious

that we have got another family member named Paula. She is a dog and

a little bit over two years old now.


I would say I am very open-minded towards new things because I love

making new experiences e.g. meeting new people. My sense of humour is

sometimes a little strange and I like the English black humour.

Unfortunately sometimes my friends do not understand this kind of

humour. I am a pupil at the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium to absolve the Abitur and I have

ambitions to work with language after finishing school.

Profile Sheet


Name: Mathias Feuchtenhofer

Birth date: 10.02.1994

E-Mail address: [email protected]

Hey there, I‟m a sixteen year old boy from Germany.

Born in Hanover, Lower Saxony, but right now I‟m living in Seelze. My height

is approximately 5‟ 6‟‟ or 1,70m. As you can see in the picture, I have brown

hair and eyes.

I have an older brother; he is twelve years older than me.


One of my hobbies is typical: Meeting friends, hanging out, you probably

know about it. I just began some weeks ago with volleyball; it‟s kind of fun

playing it with friends. But I also like to play badminton, which I quit playing

because I didn‟t have time for it anymore. If I am at home I like to play

computer games or read books, mostly fantasy. My favorite movie I can‟t tell

you, I don‟t know it, but the genre I most like in films is action-comedy.

Other information:

I work part-time in a discounter, which is fun, and you earn money.

I can be serious, but I can laugh about almost everything.

Probably I‟m that guy, who goes with the flow, but if I disagree you won‟t

mind if I tell you, do you? ;)

My music taste is kind of awkward; I like rock, metal and trance.

Hopefully this is enough to introduce me!

Yours Mathias

Christina Freise (19.03.1994)

[email protected]


My name is Christina Freise and I‟m 16 years old. I live in a small village near

Hanover in Germany and go to the

Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium. There I am in grade 11 and will

finish school after grade 12. Among other things I learned

English and French there. We also had to choose some

subjects as our examination subjects this year and I chose

my favourite ones, History, English and Politics.


I live together with my parents Birgitt and Ernst-Friedrich

who are working in a job centre and as a forester.

I have a younger brother as well. His name is Lennart and

he is 13 years old. He goes to the same school as I. I really

like him … most of the time.

We also have a dog whose name is Tell. It‟s a German breed, very tall and brown

with some white blotches.


I started to play the flute when I was eight and began to play tennis a few years

later. But the most important thing for me are my friends.

I love to meet them, do some shopping, go out or just relax with them. I spend as

much time as possible with them.

And my friends are not only in Germany but for example in Great Britain, where I

spent a month, too. That is why I always annoy my parents to go on holidays again

and visit some of them.

I also want to live in another country for about one year after I finish school.

Why I chose Comenius:

I love travelling, living and working with other counties. Especially the European

Union is interesting for me, so this project includes everything I like.

When we meet each other we will talk about those things, but mainly I think it will

be a great experience and we will have an awesome time.

So I am looking forward to see you, wether at my place or somewhere else in


Bis bald (see you soon)


First Name: Till

Name: Jankowski

Date of Birth: 24.01.1994

Email: [email protected]

Hello, my name is Till Jankowski. I am from Germany. I am 16 and in the 11th

grade of a Gymnasium near Hannover. My favorite subject is maths.

About me: My hobbies are football, billard, and other sports to keep me fit.

When I have free time I„m sitting at the computer playing games or chatting

with friends. Two weeks ago I began with my driver's licence. My friends

would discribe me as nice, helpful, athletic and I am everytime ready to do

funny things or go away in the evening, like to a disco.

My Family: I have an older sister Dana who is 19, she has finished with

school and she wants to study German language and literature in Jena. My

younger brother Julius is 14; he is very good at billard and has some

important titles in Germany. Also I have a dog and two rabbits. We live in

house in a small city called Letter.

Reasons for the participation in the Comenius Project: I am very interested in the project, because I haven't done something like

this before and I find it really important in our era to exchange our political

experiences with other countries, because today there are many problems in

Europe and we can find some solutions together.

First name : Julia

Name : Kirchhoff

Date of birth : 18.2.1994


Am Silberberg 30

30926 Seelze

E-Mail : [email protected]

General :

Hey, my name is Julia and I am 16 years old. I am one of the German

students of the Georg–Büchner Gymnasium in Letter. After school I would

like to study biology.

I have one sister called Katharina.

Hobbies/interests :

I really like to try out new kinds of sport. E.g. doing athletics, swimming,

dancing and now I play tennis. I also started to play an instrument: the

guitar. Music is very important to me. I listen to different music genres,

especially indie/rock and electro/house/minimal. One of my interests is art.

If I have the time I always try to do something creative.

Likes/Dislikes :

I don‟t like stress and boredom, intolerance and disrespect.

I like the summer, especially the warm evenings which I often spend with my

friends. One of my softness is chocolate, I ♥ chocolate.

Favorite quote :

One sees clearly only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Name: Klassen

First Name: Alex

E-mail: [email protected]

Age: I„m sixteen years old and I was born on 22th February 1994

My identity:

I live with my parents and my little brother in Germany, in a

little city in the west of Hannover. It is called Seelze, where I go to school, too.

When I was seven years old I came to Germany, with my parents, from Russia. So

it's nine or ten years ago that I came to Germany. If you want more information

about my physical appearence you can look at my photograph but I can add only that

I'm 1,88 metres tall.

What I like:

In my free time I meet friends or do many sports. For example

I play ice hockey in my club “SC Langenhagen Jets“ also known as “Hannover

Scorpions“. Very often, I play basketball in the park and I like to play handball, too.

In the holidays I love to skimboard :). I also like parties and good music. At school

my favorite subject is of course sports education but I dislike maths and French.

My family:

I have a little brother, his name is Nik, he is five years old and

goes to preschool. I love him :). He plays ice hockey in the same club as I play and

he is very good for his age. My mother and my father are both from Russia, too.

We came to Germany, because we have a better life here as we would have it there.

My mother is now working in a laundry and my father in the industry.

More about me:

First of all, I like travelling. I have already been on the

Canary Islands Gran Canaria and Lanzarote, in the Czech Republic, in Bulgaria,

Austria and of course in Russia. Now I'm at secondary school but later I think I will

go to the army to become a pilot because I'm very interested in this.

That´s me

Hello, my name is Joshua Klein. I come from Hannover, Germany. I live with

my family in a house in a village called Harenberg.

My school is the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium in Letter-Seelze. At school I´m

interested in politics and history. I spend most of my free time with my

friends - we play soccer or hang around and chill.

I like to go into the gym to keep my body healthy and meet some friends.

Playing some computer games is also a hobbie of me. My favorite music

artists are Böhse Onkelz, some unknown rap artists, and sometimes techno

or house music. I do not like it when people are not on time or behave


All in all I´m a friendly person who stands to his opinion.


my name is Kristin Köhne. I‟m 16

years old and my birthday is 2nd December. I live in a little city

near Hannover in Germany.

I‟m at the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium

in the 11th class.


My parents are Sabine and Bernd and I‟ve a

brother named Marcel who is 22 years old and a sister

named Melanie, she is 25 and has a husband and a daughter. Johanna is 4

years old. I‟ve also got a dog, Filou, a cat Kimba and two budgies, Snoopy and

Peppa. I‟ve got fish, too.


At school I prefer the subjects German, biology, politics and sports. The

subjects that I do not really like are French, chemistry and physics.


In my free time I play handball and I dance. Also, I like to meet friends and

we laugh a lot, because my friends and I are a little bit crazy. I sing a lot

even though I„m not sure if I‟m good but it makes me happy. I look after for

a little boy, he is 2 years old.

The project

I applied for the Comenius project because I‟m interested in other

countries. I‟m interested in politics, too, and the project combines these two

things. Also I was curious which themes are connected with Comenius.

My e-mail address is: [email protected]

Profile Sheet

Name: Kevin Kreja

Birthdate: 19.07.1993

Adress: Königsbergerstr.18 30926 Seelze

Tel: 05137/124888

E-Mail: [email protected]


My name is Kevin; I‟m 17 years old and live in Seelze, a city in Germany with a

population of 10,000 people. When I heard the first time about the Comenius

project I decided to join in because I like it to speak English with other people,

especially people from different countries. So I hope it will be a great time when

the meetings start.


My family isn`t very big. There are my parents and my brother. My father is 53

years old and works as a courier. My mother is 45 years old. Both are from Poland

but they met in Germany. My brother is 15 and is in year nine.


I‟m now in year 11. I want to get the "Abitur", the graduation from high school.

About me...

I was born in Hannover, a big city near Seelze. The first 3 years I lived mostly in

Poland with my grandma and grandpa. Then when I got 4 years old, I went to

Kindergarten in Germany. When I got six years old I went to prime school. With 10

I went to high school. And there began the best years of my life. There I`ve met

the best friends in the world. We were like one and we are best friends until today.

More About me...

I am interested in sports like basketball, football, swimming and riding bikes. But

the most time I spend with my friends and we do things like going to the city and

just hanging around. But the most things I`m interested in are cars and motorbikes.

Both fascinate me like nothing else. I want to know everything about cars and bikes.

I like tuned cars, especially the import tuners and the most I like the Toyota Supra.

In motorbikes, I`m also interested but not in tuning them. My dream bike is the

Yamaha R 6. I like just riding motorcycles. Here is the point. I don‟t have a driver‟s

license and this is a very hard torture for me. But I will start doing it in February.

So I`m looking forward to it.

Hopes for the future...

I just want to get my "Abitur". I hope I can go study then and work as a manager in

a big company. My dream is to buy a Toyota Supra in the future.

Profile Sheet

About me:

Name: Adrian Rosenfeld

Birth date/place: 30.09.1993 in Wolfsburg

Where I live: Hanover, Germany

E-mail: [email protected]

Hello, my name is Adrian Rosenfeld. I live in Hanover and visit the

Georg-Büchner- Gymnasium. Currently I am 16 years old and visit the 11th

class, moreover I am interested in politics and history. I have a strong sense

of humor and I laugh often. Besides that, I am very curious so I want

discover more and more things, which I'm interested in.


I like to meet my friends, to play football and to laugh with them. Mostly

we have fun watching a film in the cinema or just relaxing. However, I also

like to go to places with my family, such as journeys and excursions to

several places. In addition to that, I spend my time with my dog and my cat,

too. But basically with my family and my friends.

Comenius project:

I decided to participate the Comenius project because I want to improve my

politics and language knowledge; in addition, I„m very interested in other

countries and I want to see, which role politics plays in other countries.

Apart from that, I get the chance to see new places and maybe new positive


Profile Sheet

Name: Alexander Rößeling

Date of birth: 02.09.1991

E-Mail: [email protected]

School: Georg-Büchner Gymnasium

(since 2009)

Where I live/family:

I live in Hanover the capital city of

Niedersachsen, it‟s in the north

of Germany. I love Germany and I‟m

very proud to be German. I have one

brother at the age of 27 and our pet is

a 2-year-old Spanish dog from a

Spanish animal shelter.


When I‟m home after school I do my homework and sit at my PC/desk, after

this I play computer games like “World of Warcraft” (MMORPG) or go

skateboarding, hear music or watch TV. Sometime I drive with one of the

cars of my parents through the country road and enjoy the good weather.

On Fridays I go to Hanover city and meet my friends and go to clubs.


Music is one of the important things in my life, I‟m like a reptile who needs

the sunto live, eat and hunt – I need my music to do something. My favorite

bands are Asking Alexandria, Bring me the Horizon, Eyes Set to Kill and A

Day to Remember these are some DeathCore, MetalCore and Post-HardCore

bands. I Love the fast and hard guitar riffs and the screams and growls

from the Vocals.

First Name: Marcel

Name: Sarstedt

Date of birth: 19. August 1993


Osnabrücker Landstraße 17c

30926 Seelze-Gümmer

E-Mail: [email protected]


My name is Marcel and I am 17 years old. Currently I am visiting the

Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium in Letter. After school I would like study

jurisprudence or business mathematics .

I live with my parents and my sister in a beautiful place called Gümmer.


Since I'm 7, I have played table tennis, even relatively successfully.

At summer, I like to go swimming with friends or have great summer nights.

I love my friends, because they are only the best. I have experienced with

them the best moments of my life.

If I have time, I like to read good novels, like 'Der Schwarm' by Frank

Schätzing. When I'm alone, I mostly listen to music, mostly electro.

I don't like intolerance, disrespect and meanness.

Profile sheet

Name: Amrei

Surname: Sender

Date of birth: 29.09.1994

School: Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium

E-mail: [email protected]

About me:

I was born in 1994 in Letter, a small village near Hanover. I‟m still living here

and I went to primary school and afterwards to grammar school. Both schools are

only about 5 minutes far from my home. My parents have been married for almost

26 years. And I have 1 sister and 3 brothers. They are all older than me apart

from my little brother. My family means a lot to me, because I can trust them. A

very important part of my life is my cat, called ”Scotty“. I got him when I was 7, so

I grew up with him. I am just fond of animals and the race is of no importance. My

best friend‟s name is Lina, at this moment she is in Canada as an exchange student.

She will stay there for 1 year.

My Hobbies and interests:

I love playing my drum set and make some music and people say, that it‟s untypical

of a girl. I am interested in cooking an baking and almost everybody likes eating my

cakes. I am good at playing basketball even though I am not so tall. I like this game,

because you play it in a team. And I would describe myself as really team-minded.

Additionally, I have those typical ”girls-hobbies“, like going shopping, dancing and

much more. Moreover I enjoy listening to music, if you turn the music on, all the

thoughts spin around my head, “turn off“. Furthermore I love little children,

because I spend a lot of time with them while baby sitting. I am just impressed by

their cuteness and their affection they give. To sum up, you can say that I am really

enterprising, helpful and appreciative.

My future:

Since I was about 8 years old, I knew that I will work in judicial ambit. Formerly I

wanted to study law at Leibniz University in Hanover to become a lawyer. But in

2009 I made an internship in a chancellery and so I changed my idea just a little

bit. Still I want to study law, but now to become a successful judge. Later, I would

like to have a house in a small town or village just like my parents. If I have

finished with school, I will found a family, but I am not really sure how many

children I would like to have. I think about 1 to 3. Surely I will have some pets, I

can imagine having one big dog and one cute little cat.


Hello my name is Annika Steinbeck and

I´m 16 years old my birthday is 2nd March.

I come from Germany, from the federal

state of Lower Saxony.

I live in Seelze, that is near Hanover and I go to the

Georg – Büchner - Gymnasium in Letter.

In school I´m in the 11th grade.

A short time ago we had to choose our major subjects

and I have chosen English, German and Politics.


I play handball since I was about seven years old in the same club.

And I also like to meet my friends and laugh a lot with them, we sing or

make photos or something like that, just hang around together in

our free time. I meet them as often as possible.


I live with my mother, my father and my brother in a flat.

My brother is 20 years old and works.

We have no animals, but I like them.


I like to meet new people and learn something about different cultures.

I‟m also interested in knowing more about other countries. That is the


why I´m in the Comenius project.

My e-mail adress is: [email protected]

Name Witte

First name Lukas

Address Am Wehrberg 22a

E – mail [email protected]

Age seventeen years old

General stuff about me: As I already mentioned I'm seventeen years old; I was born in 1993 on the 26th of

June. I've got one brother, his name is Patrick and he's 12. I've been living in

Hanover since I was born. When I was 15 years old I went to New Zealand for 6

months and lived there in a host family. To spend half a year in a different culture

was an awesome experience and I would like to visit New Zealand again.

My hobbies: In my spare time I love to meet my friends or burn off some excess energy while

fighting in my judo club in Lohnde. Besides judo I also love to play basketball and

badminton. Furthermore I like to play computer games. If the weather is fine and

there is enough wind me and my family sometimes drive to the Steinhuder Meer for


My tastes: In my opinion reading isn't as boring as some might say. I prefer books like “The

Lord of the Rings” (I'm reading it right now in English) or “The dwarfs”. Maybe you

already reckoned that I like fantasy books and it's the same with the movies. I like

action and vampire movies save twilight.

Presenting Myself

My Name is Cem Halil Yada, I am 17 years old and living in Letter, a small village

near the great town of Hannover in the Northwest of Germany. There are still two

years left until the Abitur, which you need to study in the German education

system. Unfourtanetly I am not really sure what I want to do after school, that‟s

the reason why I am trying at the moment to learn as much as possible about

different professions. In general one could say, that my marks in school are good

and the only great problem is mathematics, but I have never been a friend of this


I have a great family living in 5 nations on three continents. Here in Letter, I am

living with my mother, who is working as a teacher and my littler sister who visits

the same school as me. My father is only living at our house at the weekend,

because as an architect he works for an important company and has to go on many

business trips. For me as well as my family integration and migration is more than

just a word- it is a natural part of our existence. Origanally my family comes from a

city in the centre of Anatolia, called Nidge. Since the end of the fifties, al lot of

family members migrated to different nations, for example my grandfather came

to work in Germany.

But as well as to Germany other members went to Maine in the United States or to

the United Kingdom in search of building up a new existence. Just three years ago

one of my uncles migrated from Hamburg to Toulouse in Southern France. You see,

I have a very international kind of family. I would say that this is a great

advantage, because you get to know different cultures and nations, but the biggest

problem is that I can not see my family members very often. For example my

relatives living in the United States, I have not seen them for all my life. I only

know them by writing e-mails or by chatting on Facebook.

My godfather and his family are Spanish, a lot of my father‟s friends are Italian or

Russian. That is also the reason for me to say that I am an international character,

because my character was forged by different influences and nations, which is

definitely a great advantage from my point of view in the 21st century.

Patrick Zalda

About me: I'm Patrick Zalda, 17 years old and born in Germany. I live in

Hannover and go to the Georg-Büchener-Gymnasium in Letter,

Seelze, since 2009. My favourite subjects are history and


My family: Both my parents are from Poland, including my sister. They were

all born there and speak perfect Polish. I can't speak, but

understand most of it. My mother (45) came with my father

(47) to Germany because of the bad situation in Poland. My

sister is 25 years old and named Justine.

Hobbies: I like to go out with my friends having fun with them. Friends

are the most important for me, besides my family. I also like to

listen to music, watch movies or do sports. For example playing

football or jogging. I'm interested in German history a lot.

Especially the time of the Second World War and the time

after the war. It's quite emotional to see documentaries,

pictures or stories from witnesses.

Reason for my participation: I want to broaden my horizon in many

areas. It may be useful in my carreer and my general

experiences. I could become a part of the concerted work with

the European Union. It shows the ambition to become one

unit, one Europe. To anticipate racism, discrimination and

advance young people to work together.

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