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Dr. Rocky Danilo Willis, M.D., AMT

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•J.D.•28 years old•Male•Roman Catholic

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Chief complaint


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History of present illness

1 week ptc ------ ( + ) chest pain, 3/10 in pain scale ,non radiating w/ feeling of burning like sensation especially when lying down,and relieved by sitting down position ( + ) dysphagia ( - ) nausea/vomiting ( - ) dizziness ( - ) dob

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• Few hours ptc – still w/ s/s now with feeling of

nausea hence consult to opd

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Past Medical history


Family History- unremarkable

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Personal and Social History

•( + )10 pack/year smoker ( + ) occasional alcoholic beverage drinker ( + ) heavy coffee drinker consuming 3-4 cups ( - ) allergy to food and drugs

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Review of Systems

• General: no fever, no chills, (-) body weakness, no body malaise

• Neuro: no headache, no dizziness• Cardivascular: ( + )chest pain, no palpitations,

no orthopnea• Respiratory: no cough, no colds, no dob, no

shortness of breath

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Review of systems

• Digestive: ( + )nausea, no vomiting, no retching, no epigastric pain

• Genitourinary: no polyuria, no dysuria, no increase in frequency

• Hematology: no bleeding manifestations

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Physical examination

• General Survey• conscious, coherent, ambulatory

• Vital Signs:• BP: 120/80mmHg HR: 76 bpm • RR: 20 cpm T: 36.6°C• Wt: 110 kgs

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• Head/EENT:• pink palpebral conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, no

nasoaural discharge, non hyperemic posterior pharyngeal wall

• Neck• supple neck, no cervical lymph adenopathies

• no neck vein engorgement

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• Chest/Lungs:• symmetrical chest expansion, no retractions,

clear breath sounds

• Heart:• adynamic precordium, normal rate, regular

rhythm, apex beat at 5th LICS MCL, no murmur

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• Abdomen:• Globular abdomen, hypoactive bowel sounds,

distended, non tender, no hepatosplenomegaly

• Extremities:no cyanosis, full and equal pulse

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- Most prevalent GI disorders- 15 % individuals have heartburn 1x/week- 7 % symptoms daily- Caused by backflow of gastric acid and

other gastric contents into esophagus due to incompetent barriers at the GE junction

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•LES•Crural diaphragm•Anatomic location of GE junction below

diaphragmatic hiatus

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- occurs when gradient pressure between LES and stomach is lost- Due to sustained or transient decrease in

LES stone Secondary causes of LES incompetence- Scleroderma-like

disease,myopathy,pregnacy,smoking,anticholinergic drugs,smooth muscle relaxants,esophagitis surgical damage to LES

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Apart of incompetent barriers, reflux are most likely due to1. Gastric volume is increased – after

meals,in pyloric obstruction, gastric stasis, during hyperacid secretion states

2. Gastic contents are near to GE junction – recumbency, lying down, hiatal hernia

3. Inc. Gastric pressure - obesity, pregnacy,ascites, tight clothes

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•Reflux esophagitis- complication of reflux

•Peptic stricture – results from fibrosis causing luminal obstruction

- occur in 10 % patient untreated gerd

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•Heartburn and regurgitation of sour material

-characterized symptoms of GERD -induced by contact of refluxed material with sensitized or ulcereated esophageal mucosa

- Angina like symptoms or atypical chest pain occurs in some patient

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•due to reflux of gastric contents to pharynx,larynx,nose and mouth

•Can cause – chronic cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis and mouth, moarning hoarseness

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•Can be made by history alone•Therapeutic trial of PPI x 1 week –support

for diagnosis DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH1. Documentation of mucosal injury2. Documentation and quanification of

reflux3. Definition of pathophysiology

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Documentation of mucosal injury• barium swallow- reveal ulcer

• esophagoscopy- reveals erosions,ulcers, peptic strictures,barrets metaplasia w/ or w/o ulcer, adenoCA

- not diagnostic of gerd- Mucosal biopsy- 5 cm above LES

- Bernsteins test- infusions of solutions of 0.1 N hcl or NSS into esophagus

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Documentation and Quantification of Reflux•24-48 hr esophageal pH monitoring - achored to esopahgeal mucosa via endoscope - evaluation of acid refluxImpedance test – documenation of non acid test

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Documentation of Pathophysiology•Indicated for management decisions of

antireflux surgery•Esophageal motilility – useful for

quantitative information of competence of LES or esophageal motor function

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GOALS 1. Symptomatic relief2. Heal erosive esophagitis3. Prevent complications

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MILD CASES - weight reduction - sleeping w/ head elevated 4-6 cms - eliminate factors causes of increase abdominal pressure - no smoke - avoid fatty foods,coffee,chocolate, alcohol- AVOID DRINK LOTS OF FLUIDS W/ MEALS

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•DRUGS ( h2 receptor blocker ) - cimetidine 300 mg qid - ranitidine 150 mg bid - famotidine 20 mg bid - nizatidine 150 mg bid

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Proton Pump Inhibitors

•More effective•Prevent recurrence - omeprazole 20 mg od - lansoprazole 30 mg od - esomeprazole 40 mg od - rabeprazole 20 md > x 8 weeks can heal erosive esophagitis in 99 % patients

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•ANTI REFLUX SURGERY – gastric fundus wrapped around esophagus ( fundoplication)

so it can create anti reflux barrier

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