Page 1: George Clooney High School School Administrators: Deide Fischer Rosemary Januszyk Lynn Robinson Susan Wycislo 2006 – 2009 Technology Plan Home of the

George Clooney High School

School Administrators:Deide FischerRosemary JanuszykLynn RobinsonSusan Wycislo

2006 – 2009 Technology Plan

Page 2: George Clooney High School School Administrators: Deide Fischer Rosemary Januszyk Lynn Robinson Susan Wycislo 2006 – 2009 Technology Plan Home of the

Vision Statement

Code Blue School District believes that, as technology continues to evolve, we must be committed to providing learners with the ability to utilize technology at an appropriate level and to adjust and adapt to new technologies as they develop.

Page 3: George Clooney High School School Administrators: Deide Fischer Rosemary Januszyk Lynn Robinson Susan Wycislo 2006 – 2009 Technology Plan Home of the

Establish partnerships with the community to improve technological literacy for all and strengthen the school/community relationship.

Develop and implement innovative use of integrated technology to support instruction.

To reach our vision, the following four goals have been identified:

Page 4: George Clooney High School School Administrators: Deide Fischer Rosemary Januszyk Lynn Robinson Susan Wycislo 2006 – 2009 Technology Plan Home of the

Every educator will have the training and support necessary to integrate technology into the teaching process in order to enhance student learning and support instructional strategies.

Procure and maintain appropriate technology so all students and teachers will have access to the most current technology tools in adequate ratios for learning projects to happen anytime/anywhere.

Page 5: George Clooney High School School Administrators: Deide Fischer Rosemary Januszyk Lynn Robinson Susan Wycislo 2006 – 2009 Technology Plan Home of the

Continuous Improvement

Code Blue High School provides students and staff opportunities to engage in self-directed, project-based learning. With labs, resource centers, and classroom access available throughout the day and scheduled into the evening, students will be able to pursue meaningful, engaged learning activities.

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Building Map

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Staff Development

Technology Deployment

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Staff Development

To demonstrate, maintain and utilize effective technology in the individual classroom and across the curriculum.

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ActivitiesSurvey staff to determine current expertise & comfort level with technology.

Use experienced staff to demonstrate effective technology integration.

Set up mentoring groups.

Provide workshops and follow-ups.

Adjust daily class schedule to allow release time for mentoring, sharing & collaboration.

Resurvey staff at each year’s end to assess progress & determine future needs.

Page 10: George Clooney High School School Administrators: Deide Fischer Rosemary Januszyk Lynn Robinson Susan Wycislo 2006 – 2009 Technology Plan Home of the

ActivitiesDetermine current student / computer ratio.

Create replacement schedule for hardware based on recommended student / computer ratio.

Gather & disseminate data to raise community awareness of school technology needs; solicit business leaders’ financial support.

Purchase additional computers to meet new ratio.

Update & expand wireless accessibility.

Relocate & reallocate computers throughout the building to provide equitable access for all.

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Technology Deployment

To completely evaluate current & future product development to determine what products now in use need upgrading to the latest version & what new software to purchase; to decrease logon time delays throughout the network.

Page 12: George Clooney High School School Administrators: Deide Fischer Rosemary Januszyk Lynn Robinson Susan Wycislo 2006 – 2009 Technology Plan Home of the

ActivitiesCreate, compile & distribute data from staff survey concerning which software programs are used, which new programs are desired, and which are outdated and should be removed from the network.

Compile & prioritize a list of new software & updates for school purchase.

Remove obsolete/unwanted programs from the network; ghost all computers.

Purchase & install new & updated software on the network.

Page 13: George Clooney High School School Administrators: Deide Fischer Rosemary Januszyk Lynn Robinson Susan Wycislo 2006 – 2009 Technology Plan Home of the

AssessmentThe purpose of assessment is to reconcile results with the original goals.

New gap analyses will help plan appropriately for the future.

Continuous assessment may indicate that upgrades in technology are needed or that a reordering of priorities will be necessary.

All evaluation and assessment will involve the staff throughout the process.

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Steps in Staff Development and Technology Deployment

Utilize and maintain technology across the curriculum.

Implementation of technology will be continuously monitored through assessment.

This will be measured through the success of student/staff achievement.

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