Page 1: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Geography of South Asia

Page 2: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus


• Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences.

• Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus.

• Track the lineage of the British Monarchy from the time of William the Conqueror, down to ninth cousins.

• Explain the ending of Stanley Kubrick’s classic film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

• Trace the influence of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle on Western Thought.

Page 3: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Terms and People

• Judaism –dafd

• Moses are north

• Exodus were low.

• Ten Commandments – the.

Page 4: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

To the north, beyond the highest mountains

in the world, lies China.

This region is bordered on the south by the Indian Ocean.

On the west, a desert

separates south Asia from its

nearest Muslim neighbor, Pakistan.

On the east, the Bay of Bengal separates this

region from Indochina.

Part 1: Borders

and Regions

Page 5: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Five areas in this region.

The Himalayas

Page 6: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Kathmandu, Nepal’s biggest city, is a city of temples, shrines, and

living gods. A village in Nepal

Across the north are the Himalaya, the

highest mountains in the world.

Page 7: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

The plain of the Ganges River is one of the most densely populated areas

in the world.

Page 8: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

The Ganges River basin provides most of the fertile soil for feeding this area.

Rice is the major crop of India.Too much of the area is polluted.

Much of the farming here is “subsistence farming”

(growing crops for self and family).

Page 9: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

The river itself is considered holy by the Hindu people.

It is also home to the World’s only freshwater whale – the Ganges

River dolphin.

Page 10: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

The second important river

is the Brahmaputra.

This area is the deltas of two major rivers.

Page 11: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Three words describe Bangladesh well:



and poor.

Page 12: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

In the south, the Deccan Plateau is higher than the Ganges Plain and drier than the rest of south Asia.

Page 13: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Why is the Deccan Plateau dry while the rest of South Asia is


Page 14: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

The Oriental World is divided by the Himalayas,

the highest mountain range in the world.

Wet Tropical









Wet Sub-Tropical

Wet Tropical

In southern Asia, the climate is controlled by

annual rainstorms called “Monsoons”.

Wet Tropical



Page 15: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Wet Tropical

High, Cold Mountains









The mountains block the warm, wet

weather from traveling north. Wet Sub-


Wet Tropical

Wet Tropical

The Himalayas

The Tibetan Plateau


Page 16: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus





The mountains called the Western Ghats also block the monsoon winds from

reaching the Deccan Plateau.

Page 17: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

The south of India and the island nation of Sri Lanka are

extremely fertile.

Page 18: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

India has many languages, but the

most widely spoken is Hindu.

Part 2: Languages

Page 19: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia has been invaded repeatedly.

The Muslims invaded in the 1500s and

stayed until 1707.

The Taj Mahal of India was built by the Muslims.

It is not a mosque, but a tomb.

Part 3: History

Page 20: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

After the Muslims came the British.

The British were more interested in building rail than elaborate


Page 21: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Under the British, most of South Asia was united.

Using only peaceful means, a man named

Gandhi led the Indians in an effort to force the

British to leave.

India, however, did not stay together.

Muslims moved to Pakistan; Hindus moved to India.

Page 22: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Areas of Conflict Today

The Tamils want their

own country.



India and Pakistan have fought over

control of this area.

Page 23: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Part 4: Religion

Temples seem to be everywhere.

Some are even underground.

Page 24: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

The most important religion of this area is Hinduism.

Hindus worship many gods.

Vishnu Ganesh Kali

Page 25: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Hindus worship their gods in the form of


Page 26: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

The belief in karma is one of the basic principles of


What goes around

comes around.

Page 27: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Another important belief in Hinduism is the concept of reincarnation.

Hindus believe that reincarnation (if a person is good) brings one higher and higher in their caste system.

Although now against the law, the caste system is similar to the system of segregation in the United States.

Page 28: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Long ago in India, there was a was a spoiled, rich prince.

As he journeyed away from his palace, he encountered the poor.

When he thought about his life of luxury, he realized how empty it was.

He became “enlightened” and gave away everything.

The other major religion of Southern Asia is Buddhism.

Page 29: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Today, Buddhists seek this same enlighenment.

Page 30: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Prayer flags and prayer wheels

Page 31: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

Although Buddhism began in India, it has

more followers in other countries.

What is the majority religion in India?

In what countries is Buddhism important?

Page 32: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus
Page 33: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

In this section you will:

• Learn about the landforms of South Asia.

• Discover the most important factor that affects climate in South Asia.

• Examine how people use the land and resources of South Asia.


Page 34: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

Key Terms

• subcontinent (SUB kahn tih nunt) n. a large landmass

that is a major part of a continent

• alluvial (uh LOO vee ul) adj. made of soil deposited by


• cash crop (kash krahp) n. a crop that is raised or

gathered to be sold for money on the local or world


Page 35: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

Scientists believe that all of Earth’s continents were once joined, and the Indian subcontinent was attached to the east coast of Africa.

They think that the Indian subcontinent broke from Africa and slid slowly toward Asia about 200 million years ago.

Page 36: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

About 50 million years ago, the Indian subcontinent collided with Asia, crumpling the land where they met and forming the Himalaya Mountains.

The Himalayas form a barrier between South Asia and the rest of Asia.

They stretch 1,550 miles from east to west and include Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world.

Page 37: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

Nations in South Asia include:

• Bangladesh

• Bhutan

• India

• The Maldives (islands)

• Nepal

• Pakistan

• Sri Lanka (island)

Page 38: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

Most of the people live in areas that have abundant rainfall, including coastal areas, northeastern India, and Bangladesh.

South Asia is one of the most densely populated regions in the world.

About 70 percent of the population of South Asia live in rural areas, especially fertile river valleys.

Page 39: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

South Asia: Physical

Page 40: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

The Ganges and the Indus—the two major rivers in South Asia—both begin in the Himalayas.

The Ganges flows across northern India and empties into the Bay of Bengal, and the Indus flows west from the Himalayas into Pakistan.

Page 41: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

The plains have fertile soil, so they are good for farming and are heavily populated.

South of India’s plains lies the Deccan Plateau, which is framed by two mountain ranges, the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats.

Huge alluvial plains stretch from the mouth of the Indus River to the mouth of the Ganges River.

Page 42: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

South Asia: Climate and Region

Page 43: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

During the summer, steady monsoon winds blow from the southwest across the surface of the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Monsoons are the single most important factor affecting the climate of South Asia.

Page 44: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

In this way, the monsoon rains work their way inland until they finally reach the Himalayas.

The rain cools the land, so when the next air mass blows in, it travels further inland before dropping rain on the land.

The winds pick up moisture and drop it as rain over the hot western tip of India.

Page 45: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

During the winter, the monsoons change direction, and the winds blow from the frigid northeast.

The Himalayas block the cold air, so South Asia has dry, mild winter weather.

Page 46: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

Cash crops bring in money, but countries must be careful not to rely on them too much or their economies might suffer if global prices drop.

Some countries in South Asia grow cash crops such as tea, cotton, coffee, and sugar cane.

Page 47: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

India has only a small amount of oil, though, so it relies heavily on hydroelectricity and nuclear power plants.

India has a vast supply of minerals, including iron ore, coal, copper, limestone, and bauxite.

Page 48: Geography of South Asia. Objectives Explain life and our existence in the universe in two simple sentences. Calculate the mass of the Sun using an abacus

South Asia: Physical Geography

Chapter 14 Section 1

Ganges RiverIndus RiverBay of BengalHimalaya Mts.Alluvial PlainDeccan PlateauEastern and Western Ghats

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