

Genigames!Teacher!Guide! This guide contains the following materials:

1. A guide to using the Concord Consortium’s Learn Portal. The Learn Portal allows you to create a class for your students and track their progress. Using the portal is optional. (10 pages)

2. The Genigames Curriculum. The curriculum is applicable to most introductory high school biology curricula and to some middle school curricula. It is most closely aligned to the 2013-2014 New York State standards for an introductory high school biology course, Living Environments. (32 pages)

3. Genigames Worksheets. The worksheets provide structure for students as they move through the game, helping them to solidify an understanding of genetics while also making better progress in the game. (31 pages)

4. Genigames assessment. The assessment is aligned to the content of the game. It provides a wide variety of questions and includes graphics. (27 pages)


Learn Portal Users Guide:

Genigames ! Account Registration and Class Management !

Register!for!a!teacher!account!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2!

Set!up!your!classes! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3!!

Assign!materials!to!your!classes! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4!

Manage!your!class!materials! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5!

Register!and!add!students! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! 7!

Deactivate!a!class!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 8!

Following Student Progress !

Recent!activity!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9!

Student!progress! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10!

Viewing!reports! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10!




Register for a teacher account !


!1. !Go!to!the!Learn!Portal!website:!!


2. Complete!the!Sign!Up!fields!on!the!right!side!of!the!page.!!

! Use!an!email!address!you!can!access!easily.!!! If!you!don’t!find!your!school!listed,!click!on!the!blue!text!“I!can’t!find!my!school!



3. After!registering,[email protected].!Click!the!activation!link!in!the!email!to!complete!the!registration!process.!


! If!you!do!not!receive!the!activation!email!in!your!Inbox,!check!your!Junk!or!Spam!mailbox,!or!any!quarantine!set!up!by!your!email!provider.!

! If!you!cannot!access!your!quarantined!email,[email protected].!


4. After!activating,!log!into!the!portal!with!your!username!and!password.!!




Set up your classes !Once!you!register!and!log!in,!you!will!see!the!portal!Home!page,!which!will!welcome!you!and!ask!you!to!“create!a!class.”!!To!create!a!new!class,!click!the!create!a!class!button.!This!will!bring!up!a!form!asking!for!some!information!about!the!class.!!!

!1. Name!your!class.!!2. Choose!a!term.!If!it!is!a!full!year!class!you!can!choose!Fall!for!the!Term!field.!3. Optionally,!give!the!class!a!short!Description.!4. The!Class!Word!is!a!unique&access&code&that!you!create.!It!allows!students!to!


5. Click!Save.!!!


Assign materials to your classes !Students!in!your!classes!will!only!be!able!to!see!and!access!materials!that!you!assign!to!the!class.!To!assign!materials,!click!the!Browse!Instructional!Materials!link!in!the!orange!bar,!type!“genigames”!into!the!search!box!(without!the!quotes).!Genigames!will!be!displayed!below!the!search!box,!as!shown!below.!Click!the!orange!Assign&to&a&Class!button.!!!



Manage your class materials !To!control!which!assigned!materials!your!students!see,!click!the!class!in!the!leftOhand!column!of!the!page.!This!opens!a!subOmenu,!as!shown!at!right.!!Click!on!the!Materials!link!and!you!will!see!each!assigned!material!in!a!tab!on!the!page!(see!figure!below).!Each!tab!contains!a!list!of!the!students!and!shows!their!progress!through!the!material.!




! !Only!materials!that!are!checked!will!be!seen!by!your!students.!!!!

! !ReOorder!the!materials!by!drag!and!drop!to!change!their!order!as!seen!by!your!students,!and!the!order!of!the!tabs!on!your!Instructional!Materials!page.!





Register and add students Your!students!can!register!themselves,!or!you!can!register!them!yourself.!!!


Student!selfNregistration!1. Students!click!on!the!Registration!link!on!the!portal!home!page.!2. They!click!the!“Register!as!a!student”!button.!3. They!fill!out!the!registration!form!with!their!name,!choose!a!password,!and!enter!

the!class!word.!!!4. They!are!given!a!username!consisting!of!their!first!initial!followed!by!their!last!



5. Have!your!students!write!down!their!username!and!password.!If!they!forget!either!one,!you!can!use!the!class!roster!to!see!their!username!and!reset!their!






























Due!to!the!portal’s!use!of!secure,!encrypted!passwords,!no!one!can!retrieve!a!password!–!not!a!teacher,!nor!an!account!administrator.!However,!you!can!always!enter!a!new!password!for!the!student!using!the!roster.!!!Deactivate a Class !To!make!a!class!inactive,!click!the!Manage!Classes!button.!A!new!window!will!appear.!You!can!uncheck!particular!classes!on!your!list.!All!data!from!the!inactive!class!will!be!preserved.!You!can!drag!and!drop!the!classes!to!reorder!the!class!list.!


Following Student Progress !Recent activity !When!you!first!log!in,!you!will!see!graphs!of!your!students’!recent!activity.!This!provides!you!with!a!quick!snapshot!of!who!has!completed!work,!who!is!still!working!on!some!of!the!activities,!and!who!has!not!yet!started.!!!!You!can!get!an!overview!bar!graph!or!you!can!click!on!the!Show!detail!link!above!each!bar!to!get!information!on!the!individual!students!in!a!class.!!



Student progress !When!a!student!has!started!a!Level,!the!progress!bar!will!be!light!orange,!and!filled!in!proportion!to!the!number!of!Challenges!completed.!When!they!have!completed!the!Level,!the!progress!bar!will!change!to!dark!orange.!!The!Run!Report!button!will!create!a!summary!report!of!all!submitted!student!work!for!the!class.!You!can!also!click!on!a!student!name!to!get!a!report!for!the!student!across!activities,!or!on!a!town!name!to!get!a!report!on!all!students!in!that!activity.!!

Viewing reports !Click!the!Run!Report!button!on!the!Instructional!Materials!page,!or!under!Recent!Activity.!The!report!will!show!a!bar!graph!of!the!number!of!students!who!have!completed!a!task!in!the!game,!and!below!that,!each!student’s!score!for!the!task.!!

Welcome to GeniGames!WHAT IS GENIGAMES?

The New York Hall of Science and Concord Consortium have designed, developed and produced GeniGames, a web-based application that supports the teaching and learning of genetics in high school Living Environment classes. GeniGames aims to increase student engagement, motivation, affect and learning.

sciplay The Sara Lee Schupf Family Center for Play, Science, and Technology Learning (SciPlay) is a community-based, hands-on approach to teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). SciPlay’s mission is to enhance students’ understanding of and engagement in science by harnessing the potential of play for science learning.

� 1

New York State The Living Environment Core Curriculum Learning Standards

Standard 4: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.!!KEY IDEA PERFORMANCE


2: Organisms inherit genetic information in a variety of ways that result in continuity of structure and function between parents and offspring.

2.1: Explain how the structure and replication of genetic material result in offspring that resemble their parents.

2.1b: Every organism requires a set of coded instructions for specifying its traits. For offspring to resemble their parents, there must be a reliable way to transfer information from one generation to the next. Heredity is the passage of these instructions from one generation to another.2.1c: Hereditary information is contained in genes, located in the chromosomes of each cell. An inherited trait of an individual can be determined by one or by many genes, and a single gene can influence more than one trait. A human cell contains many thousands of different genes in its nucleus.2.1e: In sexually reproducing organisms, the new individual receives half of the genetic information from its mother (via the egg) and half from its father (via the sperm). Sexually produced offspring often resemble, but are not identical to, either of their parents.

3: Individual organisms and species change over time.

3.1: Explain the mechanisms and patterns of evolution.

3.1c: Mutations and the sorting and recombining of genes during meiosis and fertilization result in a great variety of possible gene combinations

4: The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.

4.1: Explain how organisms, including humans, reproduce their own kind.

4.1c: The processes of meiosis and fertilization are key to sexual reproduction in a wide variety of organisms. The process of meiosis results in the production of eggs and sperm which each contain half of the genetic information. During fertilization, gametes unite to form a zygote, which contains the complete genetic information for the offspring.


Next Generation Science Standards

HS. Inheritance and Variation of Traits LS3-a. Ask questions to obtain information about the role of DNA and chromosomes in coding the instructions for forming the characteristic traits of species passed from parents to offspring.&LS3-b. Synthesize, communicate, and evaluate the validity and reliability of the claim that inheritable genetic variations may result from: (1) new genetic combinations through meiosis, (2) viable errors occurring during replication, and/or (3) mutations caused by environmental factors.&LS3-c. Evaluate the merits of competing ethical arguments for the research, development, and growth of industries based on the development of technologies that modify the genetic make-up of an organism. &LS3-d. Apply concepts of statistics and probability to explain the variation and distribution of expressed traits in a population.


Enduring Understandings and Learning Objectives!!Essential Understanding: An organism’s genetic makeup determines the physical expression of traits.&

•Learning Objective: Students will know that a genotype is the combination of genes for one or more specific traits.&

•Learning Objective: Students will know that an allele is one of a pair of genes that exists at the same location on a pair of homologous chromosomes and codes for a particular trait.!

•Learning Objective: Students will know that an organism’s genes (genotype) result in differences in phenotypes.&

•Learning Objective: Students will be able to describe and discuss the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes of organisms. &!

Essential Understanding: Meiosis is essential for sexual reproduction. &•Learning Objective: Students will understand that meiosis is a process in cell division during

which the number of chromosomes decreases to half the original number.&•Learning Objective: Students will know that meiosis results in the production of 4 gametes (sperm for males and egg cells for females) with random allelic combinations.&

•Learning Objective: Students will understand how meiosis and sexual reproduction transfer genetic information from parent to offspring.&

•Learning Objective: Students will be able to explain, and predict the effects of meiosis, including crossing over, on gamete production and chromosomal numbers.&!

Essential Understanding: The genetic outcomes of meiosis can vary greatly, even within an individual.&•Learning Objective: Students will be able to explain how crossing-over and independent

assortment increase genetic variation in offspring.!•Learning Objective: Students will be able to explain why offspring from the same parents will

differ genotypically and phenotypically.!!Essential Understanding: Traits are inherited through probabilistic patterns.&

•Learning Objective: Students will know about the following inheritance patterns: dominant/recessive, x-linked, incomplete dominance, polyallelic and multigenic.&

•Learning Objective: Students will understand that genetic transference is probabilistic.&•Learning Objective: Students will be able to predict breeding outcomes using Punnett squares

and Pedigree charts. &•Learning Objective: Students will be able to use their understanding of inheritance patterns to

identify, interpret, and explain probabilistic data.

Student Aims!Students will use this unit to connect to what they already know about cells, DNA and sexual reproduction. Students will develop their understanding of how genetic information results in the production of phenotypically and genotypically unique individuals. Students will incorporate their knowledge of meiosis and patterns of inheritance to answer the Driving Questions: “How are traits distributed to offspring?” and “How does [selective] breeding produce unique individuals with specific traits?”


!Part 1: Phenotypes & Genotypes Driving Questions: What are traits and can you measure them? • Determining Differences Among Classmates!• Genes, alleles and chromosomes discussion&• Optional Extension Activity: Vocabulary study

guide&!!Part II: GeniGames Towns Driving Questions: How do two parents produce a

unique individual? Why are there similarities and differences between parents and offspring? How do different alleles determine a drake’s phenotype? Are drake traits all inherited in the same way? &!!

Town 1: Lullen • Wings vs No Wings &• Meiosis Discussion&

o Think-pair-share about meiosis&o Meiosis Models Lab&

• aFor Understanding&• Punnett Squares • Metallic vs Nonmetallic &

• Discussion about dominant/recessive traits&• Optional Extension Activity: Meiosis vs

Mitosis comparison&!

Town 2: Angeral • Backward vs Forward Horns&• Fire vs No Fire&• aFor Understanding • Discussion about X-linked traits&• Pedigree Charts&• The Case of the Calico Cat&!!!!Town 3: Tarrin’s Crag • Green vs Purple Color&• aFor Understanding • Wide vs Medium vs Narrow Spikes&• Discussion about incomplete dominant traits&• Homework: Incomplete Dominance&!!Town 4: Narran • Long vs Kinked vs Short Tail &• aFor Understanding • Armor vs No Armor&• Discussion about polyallelic traits&!!Town 5: Luxceros • Red vs Blue Color&• Discussion about multigenic traits&!!Part III: GeniGames Towns Assimilating*concepts*• The%Impacts%of%Breeding%• Concept%Map%!!!!!!

Lessons at a Glance


& & � 5

Lesson Goal/Aim Students will begin this lesson by considering what makes individuals unique. They will be asked the questions: What are traits and can you measure them? By the end of the lesson, students will have an understanding of phenotypes; genotypes; and the role of chromosomes, genes, and alleles. &!Time: 2-3 class periods !Materials&

• Pens/pencils&• Worksheet Packet&

o Determining Differences worksheet&o Computer paper and construction paper for Vocabulary Study Guide (optional)&!!!

Procedure !I. Determining Differences Among Classmates

● Begin by asking students what it means to be unique. Students should brainstorm possible ways that they are different from their classmates. List out their answers.&

● What makes individuals physically diverse? What words can be used to describes these physical similarities and differences? &

● Discuss traits-- what they are and why they are important.&! !!!!•Working in groups of 2-3 individuals, students should complete

the Determining Differences worksheet. Have groups discuss their results. &

•Tally the results of the class data and review Focus Questions.&•Discuss how these traits are also called phenotypes.&!

Part 1: Introduction to Phenotypes & Genotypes

Teacher Talking Points

A character refers to a heritable feature that can vary among individuals. An example of a character is eye color. &!

A trait is a variant of this character, such as blue or green eyes. Traits are usually observable, physical characters. &!

A physical trait or phenotype is a characteristic of an individual’s physical makeup. Examples include height, hair color, eye color etc. &

Focus Questions Are some traits more common than others? !Did any group members have exactly the

same combination of traits?!How are the group data and the class data

similar/different? Is there more or less variation between groups members or the class? Why?!


& & � 6

!II. Genes, alleles and chromosomes#

• Begin by discussing how offspring acquire physical traits, focusing on genes, alleles and chromosomes. If students are struggling with the concept of genes, what they are and where they are located, take this time to review the content areas below in the Teacher Talking Points. &!

!!• Using the Focus Questions, guide students to the conclusion

that there exists great variations in traits because there are actually variations within a particular gene. These variations are called alleles. &!!!!!!!

• Discuss how knowing the allelic combinations of an individual will lead to knowing the genotype. Introduce students to the terms heterozygous and homozygous.&!! !

• Following the Two Minute Paper FACT format (Appendix I), give students the following prompt: Explain what is passed along to offspring--genes or traits? Why? What is the difference?!!!

Teacher Talking Points A cell contains many organelles, each with different functions. The nucleus, a prominent organelle, contains the genetic information of that cell. Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, exists as two long, paired strands spiraled into a double helix. Each strand is made up of millions of chemical building blocks called bases. There are four different bases in DNA (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine). DNA is organized, along with proteins, into material called chromatin. Chromatin is a collection of separate structures called chromosomes that are visible as separate units only when a cell is dividing.&!Genes are segments of DNA that code for specific proteins that will be expressed in a certain way. Some genes enable cells to make proteins needed for basic functions. Some genes play a role in early development of the embryo. Some genes encode proteins that are unique to a

particular kind of cell and that give the cell its character.

Focus Questions How do genes determine an organism’s appearance?

What are some different examples of alleles (eye color, hair color, strait/curly hair)?!!

How many variations of a particular gene exist? Do all genes have the same number of alleles?! Teacher Talking Points

Alleles%are%alternative%forms%of%genes.%!An organism’s g e n o t y p e i s i t s genet ic

makeup, or the combination of alleles that it possesses. The genotype will determine the organism’s phenotype. &!

An individual who is homozygous for a particular trait will have two of the same alleles on their chromosomes. &!

An individual who is heterozygous will have two different alleles for that particular trait.


Check for Understanding


! ! � 7

!!!At this time, introduce students to the genetics project that they will be focusing on over the next

several days. Explain that through the use of drakes (dragons) they will learn about different traits and

approaches to breeding. !!Each day they will be incorporating new ideas, facts and concepts into their understanding of different

breeding mechanisms. The breeding process and concepts learned will lead to an understanding of how

one can selectively choose traits and manipulate the genotype and phenotype of organisms.!!!

!!Optional Extension Activity !Vocabulary Study Guide!As new words are introduced throughout the unit, students can create a study

guide that will allow them to learn and review the variety of genetics vocabulary.

Using colored and white construction paper, students should fold, cut and weave

together the different papers (Smith, n.d.). See Appendix II. Students should

write down the newly learned vocabulary words and their definitions. This will

help to reinforce learned concepts. Throughout this unit, students will continue to add new vocabulary words to the guide. Ultimately this will serve as a comprehensive tool

to review genetics material.


! ! � 8

Lesson Goal/Aim Students will investigate the different ways that traits are inherited. They will explore aspects of

dominant/recessive, incomplete dominance, X-linked, polyallelic and multigenic--relating this knowledge

back to the physical features of drakes. Students will ask: How do different alleles determine a drake’s phenotype? Are drake traits all inherited in the same way? How do two parents produce a unique individual? and Why are there similarities and differences between parents and offspring?!!!Time: 7-10 class periods!!Materials!Town 1: Lullen!

• Computers with internet!• Pens/pencils!• Worksheet Packet!

o Cheat Sheets!o Meiosis: Understanding the Drake’s Genome !o Punnett Square Worksheet!

• Meiosis Models Lab!o Clay or Pop-beads (4 different colors) for groups of students!

• Meiosis Prompt!!Town 2: Angeral!

• Computers with internet!• Pens/pencils!• Worksheet Packet!

o Double Punnett Square!o Pedigree Chart Worksheet!o The Case of the Calico Cat!!

Town 3: Tarrin’s Crag!• Computers with internet!• Pens/pencils!• Worksheet Pack!

o Incomplete Dominance Homework

Part II: GeniGames Towns



! ! � 9

Materials Continued!!Town 4: Narran!

• Computers with internet!• Pens/pencils!• Project Worksheet Pack!

o Polyallelic Traits and Pets Worksheet!!Town 5: Luxceros!

• Computers with internet!• Pens/pencils!!!

Procedure Students will work through a series of different inheritance patterns. The goal is to have students figure out

the pattern and the associated rules prior to actually being taught the pattern. For this reason, allow

students to struggle through the tasks before stopping them to discuss what they are seeing.!!With each new trait, have students try to identify what rule they are experiencing. Encourage students to

use their own annotations and Punnett squares to work through the tasks. After completing each set of

tasks, come back as a group and discuss. At that time, make sure that students have the correct

understanding of the rule, as well as recognize and know how to use the more traditional genotype

annotations (ex. Ww). Have students record all information on their Track Sheets. For particularly difficult

tasks, have students work together in small groups sharing breeding mechanisms. Remember to take timeouts as needed to assess student understanding throughout.


! ! � 10

!Students should begin by logging into GeniGames and going into the

first town, Lullen. !!!!Wings vs. No Wings!

• Complete Drake 1.1 and 1.2 in Lullen. !!

!! ! !Using the information from these tasks, have students pose a claim for the rules

of how wing alleles interact. Pick a FACT from the list and follow the format to

assess for student understanding (See Appendix I).!!!!!• Continue on to Drake 1.3. Discuss how long it took everyone to breed their target drake.!


Drake Features Outcomes

1.1: Wings A new allele is revealed: W1 for wings Students will learn to use the GeniGames interface.

1.2: Wings A new allele is revealed: W2 for wingless Students will discover that the W1 allele is dominant to the W2 allele.

Drake Features Outcomes

1.3: Wingless Students will be working with heterozygous and homozygous recessive parents to breed a recessive drake.

There is a 50% chance that students will achieve the target drake on any attempt. !!Have students tally the number of times it took them to reach the target. Compare results. Why did it take longer for some students than others?

Town 1: Lullen (Dominant/Recessive Traits)

Genetics Hints!Wing alleles:!

● W1 (wings) is dominant to

W2 (no wings) Wing genotypes and phenotypes!

● W1 W1 or W1 W2 = wings!● W2W2= no wings

STOP Check for



! ! � 11

!Think-Pair-Share: Meiosis

• Since 1.3 is the first time that students can get

different offspring, stop and contemplate why this

might happen. Think about a litter of puppies,

kittens or even siblings. Are they exact copies of

each other? Should they be? Why or why not?!!• Using the Focus Questions as prompts, give

students several minutes to write down their own

thoughts, followed by several minutes to discuss

these ideas with their neighbors. Then come

together as a whole class to discuss. Connect

gamete production to fertilization.!!• It is important that students understand that the game simulates what actually happens during

meiosis. Compare meiosis during the game to real clips of meiosis happening in humans. Use

YouTube or another source to find appropriate videos. Have students answer questions in the

Meiosis: Understanding the Drake’s Genome worksheet.!!!!Meiosis Manipulation Lab

• To help students think about how meiosis increases genetic variation, complete the Meiosis Models Lab or a meiosis lab of your choosing. !!

By the end of this activity students should know:!• why gametes contain the haploid number of chromosomes (as compared to diploid somatic cells)!• that the combination of gametes results in the creation of a unique individual!• offspring get half of the genes from their mother and half from their father!• crossover and random assortment of chromosomes (Law of Independent Assortment) result in

increased variation.!! *For steps and concepts associated with meiosis, see Appendix III.!!


Focus Questions: Meiosis What would you tell someone about the process and/or

purpose of meiosis? !!How are egg cells and sperm cells different from other

body cells? !! Why are their similarities and differences between

parents and offspring? *

At this point... As either an Entrance or Exit Ticket, have students answer the following prompt: !Thinking as a breeder, how would the process of meiosis affect your breeding decisions?


! ! � 12

!Optional Extension: !Meiosis vs. Mitosis!Although mitosis is not specifically discussed in this unit, if you have previously covered this topic, have

students compare and contrast the two different mechanisms of cell division. Be sure to note the

similarities and differences; a Venn diagram might be useful to organize thoughts.!!


MITOSIS MEIOSISStart with diploid number (2n) of

chromosomesStart with diploid number (2n) of

chromosomesChromosomes replicate Chromosomes replicate

Chromosome pairs (two sister chromatids)Tetrads are formed between homologous

chromosome pairsChromosomes align at the center

(metaphase plate)Tetrads align at the center (metaphase plate)

Sister chromatids separate resulting in daughter cells with diploid number (2n)

Homologous chromosome separate, but sister chromatids remain together

Produces 2 somatic (body) cellsSister chromatids separate, resulting in

daughter cells with a haploid number (n)Only one phase of mitosis Produces either 4 sperm cells or 4 egg cells

Two phases of meiosis


! ! � 13

Punnett Squares!• Introduce students to the Punnett square to help them better predict genotype and phenotype

breeding outcomes. Model how to predict the probable outcome of offspring by using such a tool.!• Discuss the P1, F1 and F2 generations as well as the ratios observed while using a Punnett square. !• Work through the first question in the Punnett Square Worksheets. Assign the remaining questions for


! !!!• Use students’ results from Drake 1.4 to discuss probabilities. Help

students uncover, based on their own results, how likely they were

to achieve their target drake from two heterozygous parents. Then

compare this with the combined class probability (taken from all of

the student data). Is it closer to the predicted probability from a

Punnett square. Why or why not?!!!!


Drake Features Outcomes

1.4: Wingless Students can choose between 2 different mothers and 2 different fathers.

The set of parents that will lead to successful results are heterozygous. Using these parents, there will be a 25% chance of breeding the target drake. !!Have students tally the number of breeds it takes them to achieve the target.

Drake Features Outcomes

1.5: Wingless Chromosome selection becomes active for the first time during this task. This allows users to choose which chromosomes, and therefore alleles, they wish to end up with in a parent’s gamete.

This is essentially the same drake as 1.4, except that students are now able to bypass the randomization of gamete formation. Students will want to breed an offspring with two W2 alleles.

Focus Questions For each parent, what were the genotypes

of the resulting gametes? Were they the same for each student? If they were different, explain how this could happen. Why is this important?!


! ! � 14

!!!Metallic vs Nonmetallic and X/Y Chromosomes"

• Review Punnett Square homework. Then continue on with

Drakes 1.6-1.7. !!!!

!!!!This is the first task where students will need to breed for a gender-specific drake. After Drake 1.7 review

the differences between X and Y chromosomes. Understanding how these chromosomes interact to

produce males and females will be important moving forward.!!!


Drake Features Outcomes

1.6: Metallic New alleles are revealed. M1 for metallic and M2 for nonmetallic skin coloring

S tudent s w i l l a cqu i re a deeper understanding of dominant/recessive traits.

1.7: Nonmetallic & Male A new game features is introduced: the ability to control of Meiosis Speed level. !

This is also the first time that students will need to breed for a particular gender.

Guide students to recognize that the male offspring inherit a Y chromosome from the father while female offspring inherit the X chromosome.

Drake Features Outcomes

1.8: Female, Nonmetallic & Wings

Students will be breeding for two separate traits, one dominant and one recessive, and gender.

Students will want to make sure to select a chromosome with M2 and W1 to pair with a chromosome with M2 and W2/W1 to be successful. They shouldn’t forget about needing two X chromosomes.

Genetics Hints!Metallic alleles:

● M1 (metallic) is dominant to M2

(nonmetallic) !Metallic genotypes and phenotypes

● M1M1 or M1M2 = metallic!● M2M2 = nonmetallic!


! ! � 15

!Dominant and recessive traits discussion

• After students have completed all of the tasks in the first

town, have a class discussion about what they encountered,

how difficult the tasks were, and any new information they

have learned. !!• Take this time to officially decide upon the rule for this pattern

of inheritance. Students might be using words like ‘stronger’ or

‘weaker’. Guide them to use the words dominant and recessive,

understanding that in the presence of a dominant allele, a recessive allele has no noticeable affect

on an organism’s phenotype. !!• Make sure students are recording this

information on their Cheat Sheets for future use. Have students update their TAC charts based on

what they discovered and share new thoughts

with the class. !!!Test Crosses and Dogs!• Following a Think-Pair-Share format, prompt

students with: In dogs, shorthaired alleles are dominant to longhaired alleles.With this in mind, is there a way to determine the genotype of a shorthaired dog without knowing the dog’s alleles? !!

• Allow students several minutes to suggest a

possible way to determine a dog’s genotype that is

displaying the dominant phenotype for hair length.

If needed, guide students to focus their thinking

Focus Questions How do you determine if a certain trait is masked by another trait? "For each trait, how many genes are there, and how many copies of

each gene does each drake have? Are the copies always the same? Is this similar or different to alleles for all of the traits?"

Are there some traits for which you need two copies of that allele in order for your drake to show that type of trait? Which ones?"

Are there some traits for which you only need one copy of that allele in order for your drake to show that type of trait? Which ones?"

Were there any combinations that you knew for sure would not give you offspring with certain traits? Any combinations that you knew would give you offspring with certain traits? Give some examples."

What strategies did you use to create your target drakes?"If you didn't know the parents' genes and could only look at the ratios

of offspring traits, could you say with certainty what the parents' genes were? Could you say what they probably were? Give an example.

Teacher Talking Points!Dominant and Recessive traits: when the alleles for a specific trait are different (heterozygous) and one allele is fully expres sed whi le the other ha s no noticeable effect on the phenotype of that organism, then the allele that is expressed is known as the dominant allele while the allele that is not expressed is known

as the recessive allele.

Teacher Talking Points

A test cross is a cross between an organism with an unknown dominant genoty pe and an organism that is homozygous reces s i ve for the t ra i t in question.


! ! � 16

!Town 2, Angeral, introduces students to traits that

follow an X-linked (sex-linked) pattern of inheritance,

in addition to dominant/recessive traits. !!Forward vs Backward Horns and Backcrossing!

• Students should begin by completing the first

task (2.1) in Angeral. !

!! !Using the information from these tasks, have students pose a claim for the rules

of how horn alleles interact. Pick a FACT from the list and follow the format to

assess for student understanding (See Appendix I). !!!!

!!• After students complete this task, discuss how they did this. Did

they save an offspring to use as a parent (backcross) or did they pick

two parents and wait for the odds of getting the correct allelic

combination? Which decision is better and why? !• Have students defend their position citing the differences in

probability. Help them get from their reasoning in the game to formal


Drake Features Outcomes

2.1: Forward Horns Two new alleles are revealed: H1 (backward horns) and H2 (forward horns)

This dominant/recessive trait does not display the typical presence/absence phenotype.

Drake Features Outcomes

2.2: Forward Horns The backcrossing feature is unlocked for the first time. Students will need to save an offspring and use as a parent to complete this task.

Students will need to create a heterozygous female to use in a backcross with a heterozygous male.

Town 2: Angeral (X-linked traits)

! New York Hall of Science

Genetics Hints!Horn alleles:

● H1 (backward pointing horns) is dominant

to H2 (forward pointing horns)!Horn genotypes and phenotypes

● H1H1 or H1H2 = backward pointing horns!

● H2H2 = forward pointing horns


Check for Understanding

Teacher Talking Points

With a b a c k c ro s s , an o f f spr ing f rom the F1 generation is crossed with a parent f rom the P1



! ! � 17


!Fire-Breathing vs. Non Fire-Breathing!

• Continue on to Drakes 2.5-2.8 to learn

about the X-linked trait, fire-breathing.!• If students struggle with these drakes, help

them come to the understanding that the

gene for f i re i s found on the X

chromosome only. !!!

! !Using the information from this task, have students pose a claim for the rules of how

fire alleles interact. Pick a FACT from the list and follow the format to assess for

student understanding (See Appendix I). !

Drake Features Outcomes

2.3: Male & Reverse Horns

Breeding for the dominant trait and gender. Students will learn to make strategic choices.

2.4: Forward Horns & Wings

Breeding for two separate traits: one recessive and one dominant. The easiest way to breed for the target is to use meiosis control to create a male W1W2/H1H2 drake to use for backcrossing.

Students acquire a deeper understanding of backcrossing and will be able to complete a double Punnett square.

Drake Features Outcomes

2.5: Fire-Breathing Two new alleles are revealed: F1 (no fire-breathing) and F2 (fire-breathing).

Students will discover how X-linked traits are passed on.

Drake Features Outcomes

2.6: Male & No Fire-Breathing

The heterozygosity of the female drake is the key to accomplishing the target.

Without meiosis control, student will have a 25% chance of achieving the target. Ask students if there is the same probability of getting a target male as there is for a female.

2.7: Female & Fire-Breathing

Students will need to save and backcross a male (F2Y) drake.

Students will further their understanding of X-linked traits and backcrossing.

2.8 Fire-Breathing & Forward Horns

Breeding for two recessive traits. Will need to use meiosis control and backcross multiple times.

Students will work on breeding for multiple traits.

Genetics Hints!Fire alleles:

●F1 = no fire!●F2 = fire!

Fire genotypes and phenotypes: ●F1F1 or F1F2 = female drake that does not breath fire!●F1 Y = male drake that does not breath fire!●F2F2 = female drake that breathes fire!

●F2Y = male drake that breathes fire


Check for Understanding


! ! � 18

!X-linked Traits Discussion!

• After completing these tasks, have students work in

groups to determine the rule to this inheritance

pattern. Remind students that they must choose

evidence that addresses their claims and that

their reasoning must use scientific principals.!!!!!•Use the following Focus Questions to guide student

thinking. !!The Case of the Calico Cat Worksheet!•Ask students if they can think of any traits that might be

inherited this way in cats or dogs? Would sex-linked traits

be difficult to breed for? Why or why not?!!•The calico coat pattern

found in cats is caused by a sex-linked and codominant allele.

This means that the gene for this specific coat pattern is only

found on the X chromosome. Because of this, generally only

female cats will display the calico patterns. Have students work in

pairs to answer questions and explain the calico phenomenon in

their worksheets. !!!!Pedigree Chart!

• Now that students have a better understanding of alleles and genotypes, introduce them to a

pedigree chart. Model and work through some examples. !!•Assign Pedigree Charts Worksheet for homework.!!!!!!!!!!

Focus Questions Did you notice any particular combination of alleles that

gave surprising results? How would you describe what you learned with someone else? "

How does fire-breathing work like other traits we have seen in drakes? How does it work differently?"

If you are breeding two parents that can breathe fire, do you predict that any offspring will also breathe fire? How about if you breed two parents that do not breath fire? "

Teacher Talking Points!X-linked (or sex-linked): X-linked genes tend to follow

the typical dominant/recessive pattern, except with a twist. This type of gene is only located on the X chromosome. In cats/dogs/drakes, as well as humans, females have two X chromosomes, but males have an X and a Y chromosome. As a result, males have only one copy of any gene on the X. This means that an X-linked trait behaves differently in males; there is no typical dominant/recessive interaction between two alleles because there is only one allele.

Teacher Talking Points

A pedigree chart is a diagram that shows the occurrence and appearance the phenotypes of a particular organism and its ancestors from one generation to the next.

Teacher Talking Points

Codominance is very similar to incomplete dominance. With incomplete dominance , a heterozygous genotype results in combined phenotype. With codominance,the heterozygous genoty pe resu l t s in a phenotype where both alleles are equally shown.


! ! � 19

!Green vs. Purple Coloring!

• In Tarrin’s Crag, green and purple coloring are simple

dominant/recessive traits, although later in the game

they become part of a more complicated multigenic

trait. !!!!!

!!!Take a moment to discuss the importance of crossing over. Using the Two-Minute

Paper format (FACT, Appendix I), give students the following prompt: What is the

importance of crossing over? If crossing over never occurred, what effects would

that have on a population? Relate this back to humans."!!!


Drake Features Outcomes

3.1 Purple Two new alleles are revealed: G1 (green) and G2 (purple). Need to backcross in order to breed target.

Students will learn that the purple trait is recessive to the green trait

3.2 Green & Forward Horns

Breeding for one dominant and one recessive trait. There will be no need to backcross if students use the chromosome selection feature.

Students will work on breeding for multiple traits. There will be different breeding options to arrive at the target drake.

3.3 Green & Forward Horns

The cross-over feature is unveiled. Students will be able to better understand how crossover results in the shuffling and recombination of alleles.

Drake Features Outcomes

3.4 Nonmetallic & Purple

Breeding for two recessive phenotypes. Students will need to strategically breed and backcross several times in order to get the target drake.

Town 3: Tarrin’s Crag (Incomplete Dominance Traits)

Genetics Hints!Color alleles:

● G1 (green) is dominant to G2

(purple)!Color genotypes and phenotypes

● G1G1 or G1G2 = green coloring!● G2G2 = purple coloring


Check for Understanding


! ! � 20

!Wide vs. Medium vs. Narrow Spikes !Drakes 3.5-3.8 introduce students

to a new inheritance pattern--incomplete dominance. A

heterozygous individual will

d i sp lay an intermedia te

phenotype. In this case, medium

spikes. !!!

!!Incomplete Dominance Discussion !!

Working with their neighbor, have students draft a rule

for how this trait behaves, giving evidence and

reasoning for how spikes are inherited. Some

s tudents may sug ges t that ha v ing a

combination of spike al leles results in an

intermediate phenotype. If you would like, pick a

FACT from the list and follow the format to assess for

student understanding (See Appendix I).!!!• During this time, also discuss the green/purple trait. Have

students define which pattern of inheritance it falls under.!• Have students complete the Incomplete Dominance Worksheet

for homework.!!!

Drake Features Outcomes

3.5 Wide Spikes Two new alleles are revealed: S1 (wide spikes) and S2 (narrow spikes).

Students will discover that spikes follow an incomplete dominance inheritance pattern

3.6 Narrow Spikes Students will need to breed a drake with

two S2 alleles

A review of probability when working with a trait that follows an incomplete dominance inheritance pattern.

3.7 Male, Medium Spikes & Fire-Breathing

Breeding for one incompletely dominant

trait and one recessive trait.

Students will work on breeding for multiple traits.

3.8 Metallic , Purple & Narrow Spikes

Breeding for three recessive traits. Students will work on breeding for multiple traits and backcrossing.

Teacher Talking Points!

Incomplete Dominance: some alleles are ne i ther complete l y dominant nor completely recessive. For certain traits, these incompletely dominant alleles combine to form an intermediate trait.

Genetics Hints!Spikes alleles:

● S1 allele = wide spikes!● S2 allele = narrow spikes!

Spikes genotypes and phenotypes: ● S1S1 = wide spikes!● S1S2 = medium spikes"● S2S2 = narrow spikes!


Check for Understanding

Focus Questions When you cross a drake with wide spikes with a

drake with narrow spikes, were you surprised at the resulting offspring? Were you surprised by the results from the other crosses? Do these results make sense? "

What is the ratio of spike phenotypes for your offspring? Are there any differences in the class?"

How would you describe this patter n of inheritance? "


! ! � 21

!Long Tail vs. Kinked Tail vs. Short Tail!

• The following drakes will allow students to explore

their first polyallelic trait: the trait for different tail

shapes. This is a very different type of inheritance

pattern, so group work

may be necessary.!!!!!!!!!

!!Stop students after this second drake and have them hypothesize, either alone or in

groups, how they think the three alleles interact. At this point students will not

have seen T1 and T3 alleles together so they may be unsure of their relationship.

Record student responses on the board and return to them after Drake 4.4!!!

Drake Features Outcomes

4.1 Kinked Tail Two new alleles are revealed: T1 (long tail), T2 (kinked tail). Will need to backcross a heterozygous male to reach the target.

Students will discover that T1 is dominant to T2

4.2 Short Tail A third allele for tail is revealed: T3 (short tail). A backcross is needed.

Students will discover that T2 is dominant to T3

Drake Features Outcomes

4.3 Fire-Breathing & Short Tail Breeding for two recessive traits. Students will need to use the chromosome selection and backcross features.

Students will learn the last tail relationship: T1 is dominant to T3

4.4 Green, Kinked Tail & Wide Spikes

Breeding for two dominant traits and one intermediate trait.

Students will work on their understanding of the crossing over feature.

Town 4: Narran (Polyallelic Traits)

! New York Hall of Science

Genetics Hints!Tail alleles:

●T1 = long tail!●T2 = kinked tail!●T3 = short tail!

Tail genotypes and phenotypes ●T1T1, T1T2 and T1T3 = a drake with a long tail!●T2 T2 and T2 T3 = a drake with a kinked tail!●T3 T3 = a drake with a short tail


Check for Understanding

Teacher Talking Points!

Polyallelic: these types of genes have more than two alleles, which form an allelic series, affecting a gene. In an example of a gene with three different alleles (A, B and C), A is dominant to B and B is dominant to C (and therefore A

is dominant to C as well).


! ! � 22

• As this is the last challenge in the polyallelic level, return to students’ previous hypotheses about

how the three T alleles interact. Were they correct? Why or why not? Have students amend their

rule and officially define the tail trait as polyallelic.!• Using the Agreement Circles FACT (Appendix I), pose the following question to students: Which

of the following patterns of inheritance that you have learned about is most common in humans? Why? What support do you have?!

• Students should move to the area of the room that corresponds to the inheritance patterns

(dominant/recessive, incomplete dominance, polyallelic and sex-linked) that they believe is

the correct answer to the prompt. Have them defend their position.!!Polyallelic Traits and Yours Pets Worksheet!

• Extend students’ understanding of polyallelic traits by having them work through an example of the

tabby gene in cats with the Polyallelic Traits and Your Pets worksheet. This can also be done as

homework. !Armor vs. No Armor !

• Armor is a unique trait in that it the presence of the

characteristic is actually a recessive quality. !• Have students predict which trait is dominant and

which is recessive. Record their responses and ask

students to defend their position.!!!

!• As an optional extension, have students complete the trihybrid cross with a Punnett square. They

should use the parents that ultimately produced the target drake. From that cross, have them

determine the the ratios of potential phenotypes. Determine probability of obtaining the target

without using meiosis control. !

Drake Features Outcomes

4.5 Armor Two new alleles are revealed: A1 (no armor) and A2 (armor).

Students will discover the presence of armor is the recessive phenotype.

4.6 Fema le & Armor

Students will need to breed a homozygous recessive female (XX) drake.

Students will review dominant/recessive traits and probabilities associated with two heterozygous parents.

4.7 Female, Purple & Medium Spikes

Breeding for an intermediate trait and a recessive trait. Will need to get the correct alleles on one chromosome by using the cross over function of meiosis control.

Students will work on their understanding of dominant/recessive and incomplete dominance traits, crossover and backcrossing.

4.8 Purple, Short Tail & Armor

Breeding for three recessive traits. ! Students will continue to work on cross over, chromosome selection and backcrossing.

Genetics Hints!Armor alleles: !

● A1 (no armor) is dominant to A2 (armor)!Armor genotypes and phenotypes

● A1 A1 or A1 A2 = no armor!● A2 A2 = armor


! ! � 23

!Blue vs. Red Coloring!

• This section introduces students to multigenic

traits. In the following tasks, an additional gene

for color is revealed, producing four colors: green,

purple, blue and red. Students must uncover how

co lor i s determined a s we l l a s inher i ted .

Additionally, students will need to couple their

understanding of multigenic traits with all of the

previous inheritance patterns."!!!!!!!!!!!

!! !Stop students after this second challenge and discuss what they think is going on

with these new D alleles. How are they related to color? If you would like, pick a

FACT from the list (See Appendix I).!!!

Drake Features Outcomes

5.1 Blue Two new alleles are revealed: D1 and D2. Students will find D2 to be recessive to D1 and that these alleles follow an multigenic inheritance pattern.

5.2 Nonmetallic & Blue Breeding for one recessive trait and one recessive set of D alleles coupled with a homozygous dominant or heterozygous set of G alleles.

Students will review sex chromosomes and previous inheritance patterns.

Town 5: Luxceros (Multigenic Traits)

! New York Hall of Science

Genetics Hints!Color alleles

• D1 (full color) is dominant to D2 (dilute) and

is X-linked!• G1 (green) is dominant to G2 (purple)

Color genotype and phenotype • G1G1/D1D1 or G1G2/D1D2 = green!• G2G2/D1D1 or G2G2/D1D2 = purple!• G1G1/D2D2 or G1G2/D2D2 = blue!• G2G2/D2D2 = red

Teacher Talking Points!

Multigenic traits: when two or more genes interact with each other to affect a specific trait. A common example is skin color; many genes factor into determining

a person’s natural skin color."

STOP Check for



! ! � 24


!!!!Multigenic Trait Discussion

• After having finished the last challenge, students should hypothesize about the mode of

inheritance of color. As a class decide on the top three best possible solutions and then test

them out. Which explanation of how color is inherited is correct and why? Why are the

others incorrect? !!• S tudents shou ld l i s t the poss ib le

genotypes for each phenotype. Note,

that although purple drakes were not

used in the last few challenges, they too

fo l low th i s par t i cu la r pat te r n o f

inheritance. !!!

Drake Features Outcomes

5.3 Blue, Long Tailed & Metallic

Breeding for a combination of recessive and dominant traits.

Students will review sex chromosomes and previous inheritance patterns.

5.4 Male, Blue, Nonmetallic & Fire-Breathing

Breeding for a combination of four different traits.

Students will review sex chromosomes and previous inheritance patterns.

5.5 Female, Metallic & Red

Breeding for gender, one dominant trait and one recessive trait.

Students will understand the complete relationship between G1/G2 and D1/D2.

5.6 Female, Metallic, Red, Forward Horns, Kinked Tail & Armor

Breeding for gender, one dominant trait, three recessive traits, and one intermediate trait.

Students must understand the various traits previously uncovered and the probability of inheritance to succeed in this final challenge.

Focus Questions How many different drake colors are there? What are the

colors?"How many genes are involved in the production of drake

color? "How do these genes interact to create all of the various drake

colors?"Are there any differences in common colors of male and

female drakes? Describe these. "


! ! � 25

! New York Hall of Science

Final Thoughts

Lesson Goal/Aim Students will further explore the processes and decisions made when breeding animals, especially outside

of a controlled game. They will conclude this unit by assimilating all of the concepts addressed in the

previous lessons, demonstrating their understanding of meiosis, alleles and inheritance patterns. !!There is a choice of culminating activities; choose one or both.!

!The Impacts of Breeding Materials !

• Computers for research!• Breeding articles!!

Procedure!Taking into account what they learned in the game, students should begin to consider the effects that

repeated breeding could have on a species. Students should either research articles on their own or be

provided articles from the list in Appendix IV . A recommended article is “Bowwow Ouch” by Benoit

Denizet-Lewis. Tie this into genetic engineering if you wish. Students should construct and then present

their arguments either in the form of a paper, debate or group presentation. !!!Question: Using your new knowledge of heritability, as well as the following articles, construct an

argument either supporting or opposing one of the following statements:!! “Inbreeding and other breeding practices are a !

safe and effective means to obtain the ideal cat ! or dog” !!

“Breed the best and hope for the best”!! “Phenotypes of pets are completely random; there is no way to predict what a litter or puppies or

kittens will look like”!!


! ! � 26

!!Concept Map!!Materials

• Pens/pencils/colored markers and white paper!!Procedure In order to assess connections to key concepts and ideas, students will construct a concept map.

Encourage students to organize the map in whatever way makes sense to them. Stress that there are

many ways to make and show these connections, but that they will need to be able to validate their

concept map.!!Terms: dominant, recessive, model, allele, homozygous, heterozygous, back cross, test cross, gene, data,

trait, phenotype, genotype, segregation, incomplete dominance, polyallelic, multigenic, X-linked, meiosis,

haploid, diploid, crossing over, gamete, chromosome, parent, offspring and DNA.


! ! � 27

APPENDIX I: FACTs (Keeley, P. (2008). Science: Formative assessment. Corwin Press)!!Agreement Circles Students stand in a circle as a teacher reads a statement. If students agree with the statement, they move to

the center of the circle. While facing each other, have students defend their positions--either supporting

or refuting the original statement. !!Commit and Toss Give students a question or a prompt. Have them write their answers on a small sheet of paper, being sure

not to write their names down. When finished, students should crumple up their papers. Toss the paper

balls around the room several times. Students should read and then share the paper they end up with--describing/agreeing/disagreeing with someone else’s anonymous ideas.!!Explanation Analysis!Present students with a scientific explanation (can be real or student/teacher created). Have students assess

and critique the statement, providing claim and appropriate scientific evidence to to support their views.!!Fishbowl!Group 4-5 students together in the center of the room. Present a prompt to the group. Have the group

‘think out loud’ and discuss the prompt, while the other students listen from outside. Students should then

reconcile their own thinking with their peers.!!Fist to Five!Have students indicate their level of understanding of a concept by holding up a range of fingers with a

closed fist being no understanding and 5 fingers being full understanding.!!I Think-We Think !Folding a sheet into columns, label on side “I Think” and the other “We Think”. Write individual ides about

a concept in the “I Think” column. After a group/class discussion add to the “We Think” column.!!Muddiest Point!Have students take a moment or two to write down the most difficult or confusing point of the class.

Discuss as a group.!!Tw0-Minute Paper!Give students two minutes to respond to a predetermined prompt.!!What Are You Doing and Why?!Imagine that a visitor walks into the classroom and asks “What are you doing and why?” Have students

describe and explain their actions.


! ! � 28

APPENDIX II: Vocabulary Study Guide!


! ! � 29

APPENDIX III: Stages of Meiosis ●Interphase I: Chromosomes replicate resulting in two genetically identical sister chromatids.!●Prophase I: The chromosomes condense. Synapsis occurs, where homologous chromosomes (each

made up of two sister chromatids) come together as pairs. Each chromosome pair is now part of a

tetrad, or four chromatids. At many places along their length, sections of chromatids crossing over,

exchanging segments of DNA. Crossing over of chromosomes leads to increased genetic variability

of resulting gametes. !●Metaphase I: Chromosomes are now lined up at the metaphase plate at the center of the cell.

Microtubules at the poles of the nucleus are attached to a chromosome from each homologous pair. !●Anaphase I: The spindle apparatus moves the homologous chromosomes toward opposite poles.

Sister chromatids remain attached to each other and therefore move as a single unit. !●Telophase I and Cytokinesis: The spindle apparatus continues to separate the homologous

chromosome pairs until the chromosomes reach the poles of the cell. Each pole now has a haploid

chromosome set, but each chromosome still has two sister chromatids. Cytokinesis, or the division

of the cytoplasm, occurs resulting in two daughter cells. There is no further replication of genetic

material prior to the second division of meiosis.!●Prophase II: A spindle apparatus forms and chromosomes move towards the second metaphase plate

at the center of the cell.!●Metaphase II: The chromosomes are lined up at the metaphase plate, similar to the arrangement in

mitosis.!●Anaphase II: Sister chromatids separate. Individual chromosomes move towards opposite poles of

the cell.!●Telophase II and Cytokinesis: Cell division occurs, resulting in four daughter cells, each with the

haploid number of chromosomes.!!Take Home Points

●Egg & sperm cells resulting from meiosis have only ½ set of chromosomes.!●Assortment of chromosomes into the different egg or sperm cells during meiosis is random and

therefore different each time.!●Fertilization is random, resulting in similarities & differences between offspring from the same set of

parents.!●In most sexually reproducing organisms, special chromosomes determine sex. "


! ! � 30

APPENDIX IV: List of Articles!!!Denizet-Lewis, B. (2011). Bowwow ouch. New York Times.

res=9906E2DC1131F934A15752C1A9679D8B63!!Drape, J. (2008). Breeding for speed, ignoring durability. New York Times.

othersports/11breeding.html?pagewanted=all!!Drape, J. (2009). Celebrity pedigrees don’t guarantee successful breeding. New York Times.


Fountain, H. (2008). A tortoise may be bred back into being. New York Times.!!

Wade, N. (2006). DNA offers new insight concerning cat evolution. New York Times.


! ! � 31

Vocabulary Guide

• Allele: one or more versions of a gene that exists at the same location on a pair of homologous chromosomes. and codes for a particular trait. They are variations within a particular gene. !

• Backcross: when an offspring from the F1 generation is crossed with a parent from the P1 generation !• Behavioral trait: a characteristic of the way an individual acts i.e. a sheepdog’s herding instinct. !• Cell: the smallest unity that can perform all life processes; cells contain DNA. • Character: refers to a heritable feature that can vary among individuals i.e. eye color. !• Chromosome: is made up of DNA and protein and found in the nucleus of organisms. !• Crossing over: the exchange of genetic material (DNA) between homologous chromosomes. Crossing over

results in genetic recombination. • DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid; a molecule that contains the information that determines the traits of a living thing

inherits. • Dominant: the expressed allele when the alleles for a specific trait are different (heterozygous) and one allele is

fully expressed while the other has no noticeable effect on phenotype. !• Gametes: a haploid egg or sperm cell that is formed during meiosis. • Gene: are segments of DNA that code for specific proteins. !• Generation: the act of producing offspring; a parent-child relationship. • Genetics: is the science of genes, heredity and variation in living organisms. • Genotype: is the genetic makeup as it is the combination of alleles for one or more specific traits. !• Heterozygous: having two different alleles for a particular trait. !• Homozygous: having two of the same alleles on their chromosomes. !• Incomplete dominance: when alleles are neither completely dominant nor completely recessive and

combine to form an intermediate trait. !• Meiosis: a process in cell division during which the number of chromosomes decreases to half the

original number.!• Multigenic: when two or more genes interact with one another to affect specific trait i.e. the way

many genes factor in to determining a person’s natural skin color. !• Nucleus: an organelle found in a cell that contains the cell’s DNA. • Pedigree chart: a diagram that shows the occurrence and appearance the phenotypes of a particular

organism and its ancestors from one generation to the next. !• Physical trait/Phenotype: an organism’s appearance that results from that organism’s genotype and

environment i.e. height, hair color, eye color, etc. !• Polyallelic: a type of gene that has more than two alleles (which form an allelic series) affecting a

gene i.e. in the case of a gene with three different alleles (A, B, and C), A is dominant to B and B is dominant to C. !

• Probability: the likelihood that a possible future event will occur in any given instance of the event. • Punnett square: a diagram that is used to predict an outcome of a breeding experiment. • Recessive: the allele that is not expressed when the alleles for a specific trait are different

(heterozygous) and one allele is fully expressed while the other has no noticeable effect on the phenotype of that organism. !

• X-linked/Sex-linked: when a gene is only located on the X chromosome. Because males have only one X chromosome, they have only one copy of any gene on the X meaning that there would be no typical dominant/recessive interaction. X-linked genes only follow the dominant/recessive pattern in females as they have two X chromosomes. !

• Test cross: a cross between an organism with an unknown dominant genotype and an organism that is homozygous recessive for the trait in question !

• Trait: is a variant of character, such as blue or green eyes. Traits are usually observable, physical characters. They can be the result of genetics, environmentally influenced, or a combination of both. !!


! ! � 32

Name______________________________________________ Period___________


Worksheet Packet


Determining DifferencesDifferent variations of traits exist. Some of them are more common than others. Working in groups tally the number of students that have each trait. Then determine which traits are common and which are not.

Trait My Group Total in the Class

Hitchhiker’s Thumb

Normal Thumb

Can Roll Tongue

Can’t Roll Tongue

Attached Ear Lobe

Not Attached Ear Lobe

Widow’s Peak

No Widow’s Peak

Brown Eyes

Grey Eyes

Green/Hazel Eyes

Blue Eyes

Curly Hair

Straight Hair


No Dimples

1. What traits were the most common in the class? What does this mean?

2. Were there any traits that no one in the class had? What does this mean?


T.A.C. ChartWhat do you know about breeding? What breeding approaches could you take to breed for or against specific traits?

What I Think I Know… Approaches to Finding Out…



Chromosome Track Sheet: Use this cell to keep track of the location of the different genes.


!!!! !!!!



Gene: Wings (W1) & No Wings (W2)

Gene: Metallic (M___)










Cheat Sheet: Record important information about each trait as you uncover new clues behind how it works.

Trait: Wings and No Wings

To Consider: What do you have? What do you know? What do you need?

W1 = Wings

W2 =

Important things to remember:

The inheritance pattern is:


Meiosis: Understanding the Drake’s Genome

Only sperm and egg cells are produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. Watch the animation of a cell going through a meiotic division.

1. Watch the animation, pausing it at major changes. Sketch the key steps below.

2. Looking at one parent cell, how many chromosomes does it have before it goes through meiosis?

3. How many cells are there at the end of meiosis?

4. How many chromosomes are in each of these cells?

5. Why is this important?

6. How can you tell if the parent cell comes from a male or a female?



A Punnett square is a tool that helps you calculate the mathematical probability of inheriting a specific trait. With a Punnett square you can see all of the potential combinations of genotypes of offspring, and therefore phenotypes, than can occur when you know the genotypes of the parents.

Example: What is the probability of an offspring having a Gg genotype if one parent’s genotype was GG and the other was gg? Parent 1 gg

g g

G Gg Gg

G Gg Gg

Answer: There is a 100% probability that the offspring will have a genotype Gg.

1. A couple wants to have a child. One parent is heterozygous for a trait (Tt) while the other parent is homozygous (tt). What is the probability that their child will have at least one “t” allele in their genotype?

2. Two parents, who are both heterozygous for a particular trait (Tt), want to have children. What are the possible genotypes of the offspring? What is the probability of getting each genotype?


Parent 2GG

3. In dogs, deafness (d) is recessive to being able to hear (D). A breeder wants to know the odds of having a deaf puppy if the mother’s genotype is heterozygous and the father’s is homozygous recessive.

4. If the male dog was homozygous dominant, how does this change the probability of having a deaf puppy?

5. In Labrador Retrievers, one gene controls black and brown pigment; black (B) is dominant to brown (b). If you cross two black Labs (both Bb), what phenotypic ratio would you expect in the puppies? Why is the genotype ratio?


Cheat Sheet: Record important information about each trait as you uncover new clues behind how it works.

Trait: Metallic vs NonMetallic

To Consider: What do you have? What do you know? What do you need?

M1 =

Important things to remember:

The inheritance pattern is:



In dogs, shorthaired alleles are dominant to longhaired alleles. Determine the genotype of a shorthaired dog if…

1) You want to determine the genotype for a shorthaired male dog. You decide to breed it with a longhaired female dog. All of the offspring are shorthaired. What is the genotype of shorthaired male? Explain your answer.

2) If when you breed the shorthaired male dog with a longhaired female you received offspring that were both longhaired and shorthaired, what is the genotype of the shorthaired male? What would the expected ratio of longhaired to shorthaired offspring be and why? Explain your answer. Use a Punnett square if needed.

3) Why is using a test cross useful in determining the genotype of an individual?


Cheat Sheet: Record important information about each trait as you uncover new clues behind how it works.


To Consider: What do you have? What do you know? What do you need?

Important things to remember:

The inheritance pattern is:


Cheat Sheet: Record important information about each trait as you uncover new clues behind how it works.


To Consider: What do you have? What do you know? What do you need?

Important things to remember:

The inheritance pattern is:


The Case of the Calico Cat

In cats, one of several genes controlling fur color is located only on the X chromosome—the Y chromosome does not carry this gene at all. The specific gene has two alleles. One form of the gene codes for orange fur (XO), and the other form codes for black fur (XB). A female cat that is heterozygous for this gene (XBXO) has patchwork orange and black fur, a condition known as tortoiseshell or calico.

1. What are the potential genotypes and phenotypes for a female cat?

2. Can a male cat have a calico phenotype? Why or why not?

3. Show each of the crosses below and include the phenotypic ratios of the offspring.

a. A black male crossed with an orange female 


b. An orange male crossed with a calico female

4. If you are a cat breeder, what type of parents should you choose to have the MOST number of calico kittens?


Pedigree Charts

1. In fruit flies, normal wings are the wild-type/dominant allele. Short, miniature wings are the affected/recessive allele.

i. What is the genotype of individual A? How do you know?

ii. Do you know the genotype of individual B? Why or why not?

iii. If individual C reproduced with a heterozygous male, what is the probability that their offspring would show the affected/recessive phenotype?




2. In humans, having a widow’s peak hairline is dominant (W) to not having a widow’s peak (w).

i. What is the genotype of individual B4? How do you know?

ii. What is the genotype of individual B8?

iii. What is the likelihood that individuals D3 and D4 will have offspring with a widow’s peak hair?


Cheat Sheet: Record important information about each trait as you uncover new clues behind how it works.


To Consider: What do you have? What do you know? What do you need?

Important things to remember:

The inheritance pattern is:


Cheat Sheet: Record important information about each trait as you uncover new clues behind how it works.


To Consider: What do you have? What do you know? What do you need?

Important things to remember:

The inheritance pattern is:


Homework: Incomplete Dominance

1. A cross between a blue bird and a white bird produces offspring that are all silver. There are only two alleles that control color.

a. What are the genotypes of the parent birds in the original cross?  

b. What is/are the genotype(s) of the silver offspring?  

c. What would be the phenotypic ratios of offspring produced by two silver birds?  (Remember to use a Punnett square if you need to).

2. In northern Maine there is a flower that comes in three colors: red, blue and purple. This trait is controlled by a single gene and has two different alleles. A homozygous (BB) flower is blue, a homozygous (bb) individual is red and a heterozygous individual (Bb) is purple.

a. What would be the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring if a blue flower was crossed with a red one?

b. If you cross two of the offspring from part a, what are the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of this second generation of offspring?


3. A bird watcher visiting an island in the middle of a large lake observes a species of small bird with three distinct types of beaks. Those with short, crushing beaks (BB) consume hard-shelled nuts, those with long and delicate beaks (bb) pick the seeds from pinecones, and those with intermediate beaks (Bb), consume both types of seeds though they are not as great as the other birds.

a. Assume that the difference in beak shape is the result of incomplete dominance of a single gene. Which of the mated pairs below will have the best adapted offspring for a year in which most of the food available is in the form of hard-shelled nuts? Why?

Short x Short Intermediate x Intermediate

Short x Intermediate Intermediate x LongShort x Long Long x Long

b. What would be the phenotypic ratio of offspring resulting from a cross of Bb x bb? Set the ratio up as Long: Intermediate: Short.

c. How many offspring of an Intermediate x Short beak cross will have long beaks? Assume that there are four offspring.


4. You decide you like the red flowers and would like to make more. Circle

the cross you would perform to produce the most red flowered plants? Explain your answer.

1. Pink x PInk2. Red x White

3. Red x Pink4. Pink x White5. White x White


Cheat Sheet: Record important information about each trait as you uncover new clues behind how it works.


To Consider: What do you have? What do you know? What do you need?

Important things to remember:

The inheritance pattern is:


Polyallelic Traits and the Tabby Gene

The Tabby GeneThe tabby gene in cats causes hairs to alternate with stripes, blotches or spots of solid colored hairs, creating a stripe pattern. This gene has three alleles that follow a polyallelic dominance hierarchy. One striping pattern is known as mackerel. This dominant allele (T), most likely a result of an ancestral striping pattern from the African wildcat, produces parallel stripes. The classic (tb) pattern of stripes is characterized by thick stripes or whirls that create blotched or bulls-eye patterns. This blotched allele is most likely the result of a mutation. The third allele, known as Abyssinian (Ta) results in a cat that has slight striping on its face or tail and a dark stripe down the center of its back only.

The hierarchy of dominance is as follows Ta > T > tb.

1. A&breeder&crossed&an&Abyssinian&cat&with&a&mackerel&cat.&The&resulting&kittens&had&the&following&phenotypes:&classic&and&Abyssinian.&&

a. What&were&the&genotypes&of&the&parents?&&

b. Are&classic&and&Abyssinian&the&only&possible&phenotypes&for&the&offspring?&&Explain&your&answer.


Cheat Sheet: Record important information about each trait as you uncover new clues behind how it works.


To Consider: What do you have? What do you know? What do you need?

Important things to remember:

The inheritance pattern is:


Cheat Sheet: Record important information about each trait as you uncover new clues behind how it works.


To Consider: What do you have? What do you know? What do you need?

Important things to remember:

The inheritance pattern is:


Name__________________________________________________& Period__________________&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Date_________________________&



• Colored&pencils&and&colored&clay/pop&beads&&Meiosis&&

1. You&have&an&individual&whose&diploid&number&is&4&(2n=4).&&Assign&one&color&to&represent&chromatids&from&the&mother&&(ex.&Blue)&and&another&color&to&represent&chromatids&from&the&father&(ex.&Red).&Roll&out&two&6Ninch&chromatids,&each&a&different&color&(ex.&1&red&and&1&blue).&&Next&roll&out&two&3Ninch&chromatids&in&the&same&way&(ex.&one&red&and&one&blue).&&Using&your&pencil,&mark&the&following&genes&onto&each&chromatid.&&6Ninch&chromatid&from&mother&









&2. Group&these&four&chromatids&together&in&a&cell.&This&is&Interphase&I.&&


3. Move&the&chromatids&into&Prophase&I&by&replicating&the&chromatids&(using&more&clay).&Attach&the&pairs&with&twist&ties.&&Make&sure&to&mark&the&replicated&chromatids&with&the&appropriate&genes.&You&now&have&chromosome&pairs&with&sister&chromatids.&&


4. Next& move& the& chromosomes& into& Metaphase& I,& lining& up& the& homologous& chromosomes.& Remember,& homologous&chromosomes&are&the&same&length&and&have&the&same&genes,&although&not&always&the&same&alleles.&Using&your&colored&pencils,&recorded&what&your&cell&looks&like&below.&



5. Move&your&chromosomes&through&Anaphase&I&into&Telophase&I.&&What&do&your&two&cells&look&like&now?&Record&below.&&&&&&&&&&&&


6. Move&the&chromosomes&in&each&of&the&daughter&cells&through&the&different&stages&of&Meiosis&II.&&The&four&resulting&cells&







& &&What&are&the&genotypes&of&the&four&gametes?&&&&Independent&Assortment&&

7. Look&at&the&four&cells&in&step&6,&as&well&as&the&one&cell&in&step&4.&&Is&there&a&way&to&rearrange&the&chromosomes&in&step&4&to&produce&different&gamete&cells?&&Use&your&clay&models&and&record&below.&&&&








8. You& have& gone& through& the& different& stages& of&meiosis& twice,& with& each& time& resulting& in& different& combinations& of&gametes.& & Repeat& these& steps& once& more,& this& time& focusing& on& the& effects& of& crossing&over.&&Start&back&at&Metaphase&I& with& your& clay& chromosomes.& & Assume& that& crossing&over& occurs& between& genes& A&and&B.&&Track&the&movement&of&the&chromosomes&through&Meiosis&I&and&II&into& the&four&new&gametes.&&Record&below.&


9. List&the&different&gamete&combinations&you&got&from&the&three&different&takes&at&meiosis.&&&&&&&

10. &&Are&there&any&combinations&of&alleles&that&you&can&get&more&than&once?&&Why&or&why&not?&&&&&Conclusions&&

1. What'is'the'difference'between'a'haploid'cell'and'a'diploid'cell?''''

2. What'does'independent'assortment'mean?'How'does'it'affect'variation?'''''

3. Define'crossing'over.''''''

4. Are'there'any'advantages'to'crossing'over?''If'so,'what?''''

5. Is'crossing'over'random,'or'does'it'happen'more'often'at'specific'points?''

6. Explain'why'you'have'two'of'each'type'of'chromosome.''''

7. Explain'the'reasons'why'different'gametes'produced'by'the'same'person'can'have'different'allelic'combinations.''''

8. Describe'one'similarity'and'one'difference'between'meiosis'I'and'meiosis'II.''''''

9. If'a'diploid'cell'that'contains'34'chromosomes'undergoes'meiosis,'how'many'chromosomes'will'each'daughter'cell'have?''''

10. 'Explain'why'meiosis'is'necessary'for'sexual'reproduction.''


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