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JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING: Theory and Applications 20, 1–13, 2004c© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Generation and Verification of Tests for Analog Circuits Subject to ProcessParameter Deviations

S.J. SPINKSZarlink Semiconductor, Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 2QW, UK

Stephen [email protected]

C.D. CHALKPhilips Semiconductors, 2nd Avenue, Millbrook Ind. Est, Southampton, Hampshire, SO15 0DJ, UK

[email protected]

I.M. BELLDepartment of Engineering, University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK

[email protected]

M. ZWOLINSKISchool of Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK

[email protected]

Received July 7, 2001; Revised May 15, 2003

Editor: B. Kaminska

Abstract. The paper presents a test stimulus generation and fault simulation methodology for the detection ofcatastrophic faults in analog circuits. The test methodology chosen for evaluation is RMS AC supply currentmonitoring. Tests are generated and evaluated taking account of the potential fault masking effects of processspread on the faulty circuit responses. A new test effectiveness metric of probability of detection is defined and theapplication of the technique to an analog multiplier circuit is presented. The fault coverage figures are thereforemore meaningful than those obtained with a fixed threshold.

Keywords: analog test generation, catastrophic faults, fault modeling, fault simulation, supply current monitoring

1. Introduction

The slow and expensive nature of specification test-ing has motivated research into fault-based or struc-tural testing for analog circuits [3]. The coverage forcatastrophic faults of these tests has approached 100%,but the validity of the results is open to question be-cause the setting of the threshold between the faultyand fault free responses has in general been arbitrary,

and has not fully taken into consideration the effect ofmanufacturing process parameter variation [5, 9, 11,15, 17]. In many publications the tolerance bounds arenot stated which makes the comparison of structuralbased fault detection techniques impossible.

Whilst process variations can be studied in isolationas a failure mechanism, any study of spot defects can-not ignore process spread and the possible fault mask-ing effect it may have. More recent work on structural

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testing has used Monte Carlo simulations to producea tolerance band around the fault-free circuit response[1]. The effect of process variations on circuits undercatastrophic fault conditions has also been investigatedelsewhere [12]. The effects of parametric variation onsystem-level behavior have also been studied [16].

Although the success of a test is largely based on thecorrect choice of stimulus, little effort has been given togenerating optimum test stimuli for catastrophic faults[19, 22, 23].

In order to increase confidence in the use of effi-cient structural tests we present an algorithm that firstchooses the best test stimuli using sensitivity analy-sis, and after fault simulation produces figures of de-tectability using manufacturing process information toform a realistic tolerance on the fault-free and faulty cir-cuits. The test chosen to demonstrate this algorithm isAC RMS Supply Current Monitoring. Measurement ofthe RMS value of the AC component of the supply cur-rent [25] has many advantages over typical DC [5] andtransient based tests [2, 4]. For example it is not neces-sary to employ complicated post processing techniquesto analyze the fault response and an AC stimulus may bepropagated though capacitively-coupled analog stages.

The format of this paper is as follows: Section 2presents our approach to test stimulus generation basedon sensitivity analysis but taking account of processvariation. In Section 3 we discuss the analog faultmodels and simulation techniques and in Sections 4and 5 we consider the prediction of test quality usingMonte Carlo simulation and a probabilistic approach.In Section 6 we describe the simulation algorithm thatreduces test evaluation time. Section 7 presents an ap-plication of the technique and results for an analog mul-tiplier. In the final section we present our conclusions.

2. Test Stimulus Generation

In this work, we have chosen to limit the test stimulusgeneration problem to that of finding the best set ofparameters of a single sinusoid defined by Eq. (1)

f (Voff, A, f, t, ϕ) = Voff + A sin(2π f t + ϕ) (1)

where Voff is the DC offset voltage, A is the amplitude,f is the frequency, t is the current time and φ is thephase.

Small signal sensitivity analysis is used to select eachtest stimulus parameter, avoiding the need for repeatedtransient simulation of every combination of the stimu-

lus parameters. Sensitivity analysis has previously beenused as a means of selecting the optimum frequency todetect parametric component faults at the output of thecircuit [21]. Here, we are evaluating RMS supply cur-rent test as a test for catastrophic faults. Therefore weuse sensitivity analysis to predict how the addition of anextra component, modeling the catastrophic fault, willchange the transfer admittance from the input terminalVIN to the supply current IDD.

We obtain this sensitivity information by injectinga high resistance short circuit at each fault site in turnwithin the circuit. The resistance value is high enoughto avoid degradation of functional performance. Forthe entire input stimuli space, the resultant change intransfer admittance between the faulty and fault freecircuit is then calculated using a SPICE-based circuitsimulator as

SIddACRfault = Idd( f, Voff)faulty − Idd( f, Voff)faultfree

Idd( f, Voff)faultfree


where, S is the sensitivity of the Idd AC transfer func-tion to the catastrophic fault, and Idd( f ,Voff) is the IddAC response as a function of offset voltage and fre-quency.

For a fault in a particular component to have the high-est chance of detection, the AC supply current thoughthe rest of the circuit must be at a minimum. Since ad-justment of the DC offset can change the relative sizeof the AC supply current that flows though each circuitbranch, our input stimuli search space includes DC off-sets. However the search must be limited to DC offsetsthat ensure the AC supply current is as linear as possi-ble so that results from the essentially linear sensitivityanalysis are valid. For example we would avoid stim-ulating an operational amplifier outside the CommonMode input range specification. Therefore we proposea measurement of the extent of the linearity by deter-mining the change in the AC supply current transferfunction as the DC offset is incremented between thesupply rails. If at a particular offset voltage the gradientof this function exceeds a heuristic limit then this offsetvoltage is excluded from further analysis.

The best amplitude for fault detection is a compro-mise between a high signal to noise ratio at the sup-ply terminal and the linearity and predictability of theoutput response. Here we use one input to excite thefault; two or more inputs could be used in the analy-sis, in which case the phase relationship between thetwo would have to be considered. However this would

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Generation and Verification of Tests for Analog Circuits 3

increase the complexity of the test generation task toand is not implemented here.

Due to variations in process parameters, the spreadin values of RMS supply current will not be constant forall frequencies and DC offsets, so the stimulus chosenwith sensitivity analysis might also be that at which thecircuit is most susceptible to process spread. Thereforefor the range of valid DC offsets a Monte Carlo AC fre-quency sweep is performed on the fault free circuit andthe mean and standard deviation of the supply currentare calculated for each stimulus. The size of the meanrelative to the standard deviation then gives an indica-tion of the effect of process parameter change and actsas a weighting factor on the sensitivity information.The maximum of this weighted sensitivity function isfound for each fault, defined by Eq. (3):

F( f, Voff)


∥∥∥∥ Idd( f, Voff)faulty − Idd( f, Voff)faultfree

Idd( f, Voff)faultfree

× Idd( f, Voff)µIdd( f, Voff)σ

∥∥∥∥ (3)

where Idd( f ,Voff)µ and Idd( f ,Voff)σ are the mean andstandard deviation as a function of DC offset and fre-quency of the AC Idd supply current. From this teststimulus generation technique an input stimuli set offrequencies and offsets is obtained. This set of stimuliis then used in the test evaluation techniques describedin the following sections.

Fig. 1. The ANTICS fault simulation software.

3. Fault Modeling and Analog Fault Simulation

It is clear that any research into structural based test-ing requires a fault simulation methodology in orderto evaluate test quality. Several Analog Fault Simula-tion (AFS) approaches have been developed and aredescribed in the literature [7]. The AFS approach usedhere, similar to that used in other fault simulators, isto utilize an existing circuit simulator (in this caseHSPICE) and modify circuit netlists with a simula-tion fault model to allow simulation of faulty devices.The ANTICS analog fault simulator that has been de-veloped by the authors is shown in Fig. 1. As analogcircuits are subject to process parameter deviations,this must be considered during the analog fault sim-ulation process so Monte Carlo simulations are usedfor the fault injected and fault-free circuits. The AFSprocedure thus contains the steps of random numbergeneration, fault injection, repeated simulation (over anetwork cluster of workstations) and post-processinganalysis. It is the analysis in the final stage of AFS thatforms the bulk of the discussion in this paper.

The simulation fault models used (4 catastrophicfaults per transistor) are shown in Fig. 2. Only transis-tor device faults were simulated for this investigationalthough the technique is not restricted to this faultmodel. Other approaches have used Inductive FaultAnalysis (IFA) in order to generate realistic fault listbased on layout and defect information [10, 18]. How-ever, in this case such information was unavailable andthe fault list was generated purely from the schematic.

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Fig. 2. Catastrophic fault models: Rs = (1 �, 500 �), Ro = 100 M�, Co = 1 fF.

The size of the resistance used to model a bridg-ing defect in previous work [5, 25] was assumed to be1 �. Bruls [20] has investigated the resistance of bridg-ing fault by examining 400 defects on bridging struc-tures specially constructed for the investigation using astandard manufacturing process. Unfortunately a highdegree of uncertainty precludes the estimation of anexact distribution of resistance value, and hence the in-clusion of the short resistance as one of the parametersvaried during the Monte Carlo simulation. The resultsdo however show that the vast majority of bridging de-fects have a resistance less than 500 � although a few“non-catastrophic,” soft faults were identified with re-sistances greater than this and up to 20 K�. Since mostdefects were shown to have a resistance below 500 �,some authors have chosen to use this as an upper limitvalue for modeling spot defects [6, 13]. In this workthe effect of bridging resistance value is investigatedby comparing the fault simulation results using a 1 �

and a 500 � bridging fault model.In general, certain faults will be clearly detected, for

example those that exhibit changes of several orders ofmagnitude in the supply current. However, there maybe other faults which produce a more subtle effect andthese require Monte Carlo simulations in order to cor-rectly classify them. The inclusion of the Monte Carlosimulation post-processing stage within the ANTICSsoftware is considered in the next section.

4. Fault Detection under ProcessParameter Deviations

During the HSPICE Monte Carlo simulation, processparameter deviations are simulated by altering theglobal component models according to manufactur-ing information. The measurements of the RMS supplycurrent will thus produce a set of output responses that

will represent the distributions of the RMS supply cur-rent under the simulated process parameter deviations.

An approach for the optimal setting of test limitsfor DC testing is presented in [24] based on obtainingfaulty and fault-free probability distributions. In [18],a statistical test technique is presented based on ana-lyzing the harmonic content of the supply current. Inboth cases, the quality of tests is presented as Type Iand II errors (see below). However, these are obtainedusing simulation of a number of circuits and record-ing the percentage number of good and faulty devicesmisclassified. The approach presented in this paper dif-fers from the other approaches in that the test qual-ity is obtained by considering faulty circuit probabilitydistributions.

Example distribution histograms obtained from aMonte Carlo simulation of the RMS of the AC supplycurrent of the multiplier circuit described in Section 7under normal and catastrophic short fault conditionsare shown in Fig. 3. Two points can be noted from thisplot: firstly that the faulty and fault-free circuit spreaddue to process variations differ and secondly that thehistograms overlap each other partially. In general, themeasured output distributions obtained should approxi-mately follow the Normal distribution as a consequenceof the central limits theorem. The set of distributionsobtained can be thought of as conditional probabilitydistributions p(φ | G) and p(φ | FN ) for the fault-freecircuit and faulty circuit N , respectively, over the con-tinuous measurement space, φ (see Fig. 4). In this case,the measured variable φ is the RMS supply current.

We can describe a discrimination function g(φ)which represents the decision function programmedinto the ATE which decides whether a given IC shouldbe passed as good or failed as faulty for a given RMSmeasurement. Since the final stage of AFS is used tomodel the ATE, g(φ) is used in the decision process todecide whether a fault is detectable or undetectable.

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Generation and Verification of Tests for Analog Circuits 5

Fig. 3. Histogram of RMS supply currents under process parameter deviations.

Fig. 4. Probability distributions.

In this paper we have chosen to define the g(φ) func-tion using the 3 σ points of the fault-free distribution.From Fig. 4, we have

g(φ) ={

1 (pass) if GL < φ < GU

0 (fail) otherwise

The AFS post-processing procedure is thus to classifythe distribution for a fault (N ) using g(φ). Since weare considering the probability density function of thefaulty circuit, we can define the probability of detectionof a given fault N as:

PN =∫ ∞

−∞p(φ | FN )g(φ) dφ

=∫ ∞

Bp(φ | FN ) dφ +

∫ A

−∞p(φ | FN ) dφ


We can also calculate the probabilities of misclassifi-cation which are Type I and II errors from standard


hypothesis testing. This is shown in Table 1.Defining α and β as the probabilities of Type I and

II errors respectively gives

α =∫ ∞

−∞p(φ | G)g(φ) dφ

=∫ ∞

Bp(φ | G) dφ +

∫ A

−∞p(φ | G) dφ (5)

Table 1. Fault classification.

Passed Failed

Good circuit � Type I error

Faulty circuit Type II error �

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βN =∫ ∞

−∞p(φ | FN )(1 − g(φ)) dφ

=∫ B

Ap(φ | FN ) dφ = 1 − PN (6)

The Type I error only depends on the fault-free (good)distribution and is therefore the same for every fault.The Type II error, however, is dependent on the faultycircuit distribution and is thus different for every fault,however it is not a confidence measure in the resultssince it is simply the probability that the fault in ques-tion will be undetected.

5. Goodness of Fit Test

The theory presented in Section 4 is true regardless ofthe PDF of the distribution obtained. However, in or-der to calculate the probability of detection for a givenfault, we need an estimate of the PDFs of both thefaulty and fault free circuits using the Monte Carlosimulation responses. It is expected in general that thedistribution PDF will follow the Gaussian normal dis-tribution, as a consequence of the central limit theorem.In order to test the hypothesis that the distribution ob-tained is Normal, it is possible to use a “goodness of fittest.” Several such tests have been developed includingthe chi-squared test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS)test [8]. The KS test, which we use here, is generallyaccepted for continuous data.

The two-sided KS test procedure is as follows (from[8]):

Let S(φ) be the cumulative distribution function basedon a set of random samples taken from distributionp(φ). (i.e. the values obtained from the Monte Carlosimulation).

Let p∗(φ) be the hypothesized distribution function (i.e.a Normal distribution with mean and variance ob-tained from the random samples).

The two sided KS test statistic T1 is defined as thegreatest distance between S(φ) and p∗(φ). That is:

T1 = maxφ

∣∣p∗(φ) − S(φ)∣∣ (7)

This is shown graphically in Fig. 5. The hypothesisthat the samples are sampled from a function p(φ) =p∗(φ) is rejected if T1 is greater than the tabulatedKS Test Statistic value at the appropriate significancelevel. Moreover, the test statistic T1 can be used as aconfidence level in the distribution function.

Fig. 5. The KS test statistic.

The significance level of the test governs the level of“Normality” that must be achieved for the distributionto be classed as Normal. The threshold to which thislevel is set is a compromise between accepting distribu-tions which are not Normal and rejecting distributionswhich are in fact Normal. A value commonly used instatistical analysis is to test to the 95% significancelevel, which is used throughout this thesis. Whilst theacceptance of the hypothesis does not prove that thedata follows the hypothesized distribution, it indicatesthat it is not an unsuitable approximation to use.

6. Test Selection and Test QualityEvaluation Algorithm

This section presents the novel algorithm used fortest selection and test quality evaluation. Initially thebest set of frequencies and DC offsets are chosen withthe weighted sensitivity search technique describedin Section 2. One approach would then be to useMonte Carlo simulation for each fault and for eachstimulus to evaluate the tests. However, this couldrequire a prohibitively large simulation overhead andtherefore the fault simulation algorithm describedbelow which reduces Monte Carlo fault simulationtime was developed.

Using a single fault simulation run for each stimulusfrom the set, the best stimulus for detection of eachfault is obtained. The DIST metric used to determinethis is based on the separation of the nominal circuitresponses with respect to the fault-free standard devi-ation in Eq. (8)

DISTi, j =∣∣φFj − φG


∣∣∣∣∣stimulus i


where φGand φFj are the nominal response values ofthe fault-free and each faulty circuit j respectively andσG is the standard deviation of the fault-free circuitobtained by Monte Carlo simulation.

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Generation and Verification of Tests for Analog Circuits 7

During this stage in the simulation, if the fault cur-rent is an order of magnitude greater than the faultfree spread used for the region of acceptability then thefault is clearly detectable and is dropped from the faultlist. Similarly, totally undetectable faults are markedas undetectable and dropped. For the remaining faults,the best test from the single response simulation (the

BEGINObtain initial set of M best input stimuli from analyses:

• AC analysis for coarse DC offsets and amplitude• Noise analysis for input amplitude• Monte Carlo AC sweep over frequency and DC offset for process weighting• AC sensitivity of each fault

DO FOR each stimulus i = 1 .. M WHILE undropped faults exist{

Perform Monte Carlo simulation on the fault-free circuit with stimulus i toget upper and lower pass/fail limitsDO FOR each fault j = 1 .. Nwhere j not dropped

{Do single simulation with stimulusiClassify fault j :IF totally detectable ∗∗ strike from fault list

{Drop fault j from fault listSet POD j = 100%Set STIM j = iContinue}

ELSERecord DISTi, j distance metric


DO FOR each fault j = 1 .. N where j not dropped{


Find i such that DISTi, j = maxi

(DI STi, j ) ** find best test stimulus

IF DISTi, j = 0.0{

Do Monte Carlo simulation using stimulus i and record POD j ,Set STIM j = iSet DISTi, j = 0.0}

}WHILE KS test failed and max

i(DI STi, j ) = 0.0

}ENDOUTPUT POD j , STIM j for fault j = 1 .. N

stimulus with the largest DIST value) is selected and aMonte Carlo analysis is performed on the faulty circuit.The distribution of the results is compared to the Nor-mal distribution using the KS test. If the faulty proba-bility distribution is indeed Normal then the probabilityof detection, POD j , can be calculated using Eq. (4), ifnot, the next best test is tried. The whole algorithm ispresented below:

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whereN = Number of faults on fault listM = Number of input stimuliPOD j = Probability of detection for fault j = 1 .. NSTIM j = Best stimulus for fault j = 1 .. NDISTi, j = Distance metric for fault j = 1 .. N , stimulusi = 1..M

7. Experimental Procedure and Results

This technique was evaluated on a continuous timeanalog multiplier circuit from a commercial cell li-brary consisting of a series of 4 active attenuators/levelshifters, a Gilbert gain cell, a voltage reference andan opamp configured as a current to voltage converter,(see Fig. 6). The inputs are applied to V+x (AC and DCstimuli) and V+y (DC level of input stimulus only) withV−x and V−y grounded. Power supply voltages of +5and −5 volts are applied to VDD and VSS respectively.All Monte Carlo simulations were conducted by vary-ing the level 2 SPICE transistor parameters VTO, TOX,UO, LD and poly resistance using process variation in-formation. For this circuit, an operating point analysistakes about 0.15 s on a 500 MHz Sun UltraSPARC pro-cessor. An AC analysis takes about 0.02 s. The marginal

Fig. 6. Multiplier cell.

cost of AC sensitivity analysis is insignificant. A tran-sient analysis over 10 cycles requires about 0.25 s. Thisfigure applies to fault-free and fault simulations and toeach Monte Carlo simulation.

In order to extract the AC component of the sup-ply current at the supply terminal VDD of the circuitunder test for these simulations, a behavioral currentcontrolled voltage source (CCVS) converts the total(DC and AC) supply current to a voltage. A capacitorblocks the DC component of the voltage at the outputof the CCVS and the steady state AC RMS voltage ismeasured across a resistance using the HSPICE .mea-sure command, after initial transients in the circuit havedied down.

The first part of the test stimulus generation algo-rithm finds a set of suitable inputs using small signalanalysis techniques. The small signal transfer charac-teristic from the input to the power supply terminal iscalculated, defined as the Idd-tf response. Fig. 7 showsthe Idd-tf for all input offsets of the multiplier. It can beseen that Idd-tf increases approximately linearly overthe range −4 to 5 volts.

The change in Idd-tf over the range −4 to 5 V isdue to the biasing arrangement used in the attenuatorsthat causes the operating point of the transistors to de-pend on the DC input voltage. Therefore, if a large

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Generation and Verification of Tests for Analog Circuits 9

Fig. 7. Small signal input to supply current transfer response Idd-tfof the multiplier plotted against DC input offset.

amplitude sinusoid is applied to this circuit, the sup-ply current response will contain significant distortion.For the essentially linear AC small signal sensitivityanalysis to give predictable results, a small amplitudesinusoid must be used.

The noise (thermal, “1/ f ”, and shot) generated by thecircuit must not mask the AC supply current generatedby the input stimulus. A signal to noise test is used todetermine the smallest amplitude of stimulus we coulduse. The noise analysis is performed at a DC offsetrelating to a minimum in the Idd-tf response. This is theDC offset voltage that will give the lowest amplitudeAC supply current. A minimum in Idd-tf near a DCinput offset of −4 V is seen in Fig. 7.

The fault free AC RMS supply current at a DC inputoffset of −3.75 V is approximately 1.5 µV at 1 MHzand 4.5 µV at 10 MHz, (just above the 7.5 MHz pass-band of the opamp) when stimulated with, for examplea 0.25 V amplitude sinusoid. Fig. 8 shows the total noiseat these frequencies is 65 nA/

√Hz and 125 nA/

√Hz re-

spectively. The signal to noise ratios are 27 dB at 1 MHzand 31 dB at 10 MHz. These figures can be comparedto the minimum noise ratios necessary for the transferof video signals of 20–30 dB. Therefore even at highfrequencies the supply current response will not be lostin noise. A 0.25 V amplitude stimulus can thus be used.

The next part of the algorithm consists of finding aset of stimuli and therefore an AC sensitivity analysiswas performed for each virtual (10 M� resistor) shortcircuit fault injected into the multiplier at DC offsetsof −3.75 volts to +3.75 volts. DC offsets outside thisrange caused distortion.

Fig. 8. Total integrated supply current noise with the input of themultiplier held at −3.75 V plotted versus frequency.

The maximum sensitivity for most of the faults con-sidered occurred at the highest frequency 10 MHz andat the lowest DC offset −3.75 volts. However the rel-ative change in fault free RMS supply current due toprocess variation also showed a maximum of ±90%with these stimuli parameters suggesting a possibil-ity that many of the faults in the attenuators would beundetected. Using the weighted sensitivity measure de-fined in Eq. (10) the best test for the attenuators wasat 3 MHz which has high sensitivity to the fault at thisfrequency but only ±30% relative deviation. A plot ofthe weighted sensitivity for a gate source short in oneof the transistors of an attenuator is illustrated in Fig. 9.

Faults in the opamp showed a very high sensitiv-ity at 10 MHz, approximately 10 times of that at

Fig. 9. The variation of process weighted sensitivity measured atthe power supply terminal of the multiplier versus DC input offsetand frequency of the input stimulus.

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3 MHz offsetting the effect of process variation in theweighted sensitivity measure and so the 10 MHz signalat −3.75 V remains the best test. In summary, the fourbest test frequencies were 3 MHz (27 faults), 10 MHz(22 faults), 1.8 MHz (6 faults) and 560 kHz (4 faults),all at an offset of −3.75 V. These cover 59 out of the77 short circuit faults considered. Other tests could beconsidered, for example +3.75 volts offset at a fre-quency of 10 MHz (1 fault). However these are unlikelyto substantially increase the fault coverage the circuit,because these faults are likely to be covered by manydifferent tests.

The algorithm described in Section 6 was then usedto obtain the probability of detection and optimum in-put stimulus for each open and short fault considered.Using the algorithm is was possible to eliminate 28out of a total of 199 clearly detectable or clearly un-detectable faults prior to the Monte Carlo simulationstage. Moreover, since accurate Monte Carlo simula-tion was (for nearly all faults) only performed at oneoptimum stimulus, a considerable reduction simulationtime was achieved. Tables 2 and 3 show the numbers ofsimulations required to fault simulate the opamp circuitusing a brute force (i.e. simulate everything) approachversus that using the algorithm of Section 6. As canbe seen, the number of simulations is reduced by over5 times.

The results from the fault simulation are shown inTable 4. Many faults have probabilities of detectioneither towards 100% (totally detectable) or close to0% (totally undetectable), because some faults havepractically no influence on the RMS supply at all and

Table 2. No. of simulations for “Brute Force” approach.

Simulation stage Explanation Total

Good Monte Carlo simulation Stimuli × Monte Carlo runs: 6 × 30 180

Faulty Monte Carlo simulation Stimuli × Monte Carlo runs × faults: 6 × 30 × 199 35820

Total 36000

Table 3. No. of simulations for hybrid fault simulation algorithm.

Simulation stage Explanation Total

Good Monte Carlo simulation Stimuli × Monte Carlo runs: 6 × 30 180

Initial single simulation Stimuli × faults—stimuli for faults that are already detectable: 6 × 199 – 36 1158

Faulty Monte Carlo simulation (Faults—eliminated faults) × Monte Carlo runs: (199 − (11 + 17 + 8)) × 30 4890

Extra Monte Carlo simulations Faults which failed KS test × Monte Carlo runs: 6 × 30 180

Total 6408

Table 4. Fault coverage.

Probability of % numberClassification detection range of faults

Detectable faults PDi > 99.5% 36

Undetectable faults PDi < 0.5% 16

Partially detectable faults 0.5% < PDi < 99.5% 42

Simulation did not converge N/A 6%

those that do only required a small change in currentto be close to 100% detectable. Faults for which thesimulation converged were categorized into detectable,undetectable or partially detectable using a thresholdof PDi = 0.5%. This was chosen arbitrarily based on0.27%, the probability of a type I error (a good cir-cuit classed as faulty), any higher accuracy would notbe appropriate, since the cut-off value between faultyand fault free responses was assumed to be 3 standarddeviations. 199 faults were considered.

The results can also be expressed as an average prob-ability of detection over all convergent faults, which inthis case is 65%. The 42% faults classified as partiallydetectable are of the most interest. It was noted thatcertain faults produced a variance different to that ofthe fault free case; an example for a gate-drain shortfault is shown in Fig. 5. This confirms the need for afull Monte Carlo simulation on both the faulty and faultfree responses in such cases.

It is of particular interest to investigate a suitablevalue for the DIST test metric which can be used toeliminate clearly detectable faults whilst not incorrectly

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Generation and Verification of Tests for Analog Circuits 11

Fig. 10. Fault classification and percentage probability of detection error.

classifying undetectable faults. The problem here is thatthe process parameter spread effect on each faulty cir-cuit is not known at the stage in the algorithm whereclearly detectable faults are eliminated, and the cut-off value must be set at a high value. The graph inFig. 10 shows the number of incorrectly classified andcorrectly eliminated faults as a function of the DISTcut-off value. Clearly if the separation distance is re-duced then the number of faults dropped increases,which would lead to savings in simulation time, butat the expense of an increased number of incorrectlyclassified faults. The percentage error in the averageprobability of detection figure is also plotted becauseit indicates the effect of the overall error caused by theincorrectly classified faults.

Care must also be taken when considering the er-ror in probability of detection, however, if the relativeprobabilities of fault occurrence are to be taken intoconsideration using a technique such as IFA. A smallerror in a fault which is highly likely to occur willproduce a higher overall inaccuracy than that which isunlikely to occur. Further work should incorporate thisadditional parameter into the hybrid fault simulationalgorithm.

In order to evaluate the effect of the fault model resis-tance value on the results, the experiment was repeatedusing 500 � in place of 1 � in the short fault model forMonte Carlo simulations. It was found that the maxi-mum difference in probability of detection for any onefault was 22%; the average over all 79 short faults washowever less than 2%. Thus in this case the effect ofhigher resistance fault models is minimal on the overallfault test quality.

8. Conclusions

This paper has described the principle of an automatictest generation and verification technique for analogcircuits. It has been shown to be both effective andeasy to implement (suitable for test automation). Theapproach is directed specifically at the generation ofstimuli for structural tests in order to detect catastrophicfaults in analog circuits, using RMS supply currentmonitoring, but is not restricted to supply current tests.Tests for sampled circuits could be derived if they werefirst converted to the continuous time domain and theappropriate fault models employed [14].

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The stimulus is generated by choosing the frequencyand DC offset of a sinusoid that has the highest sensitiv-ity to faulty behavior but a low susceptibility to processparameter change. The test is then verified with faultsimulation, using an initial low accuracy simulationfollowed by a very accurate Monte Carlo simulationfor those faults that are marginal cases. Thus, exces-sive fault simulation effort is avoided whilst still re-taining accurate results and generating optimum tests.For each fault considered, a measure of detectability iscalculated based on probability theory that takes intoaccount the likely variation in supply current due toprocess parameter deviations. Using a mixture of faultsimulation approaches (hybrid fault simulation) has re-duced simulation time to the point where it is feasiblewithout significant loss of accuracy.

Although in this case the fault coverage figures werenot high for either resistance of fault model employed,all faults which were classed as undetectable werefound to have little effect on the functionality of thecircuit, passing a specification test. Those faults thatwere classed as partially detected, mostly in the opampwould need other tests, perhaps measuring the RMS ofthe output voltage. Further work needs to be done toautomatically derive such tests. +An alternative is tomodify the circuit, to reduce the masking effect of theattenuators.

Further work should focus on the application of thetest algorithm to sampled circuits and other structuraltest methodologies. In addition, further automation ofthe test stimulus generation technique is required to in-clude circuits that have multiple inputs. Furthermore toincrease confidence in the results, the entire spectrumof bridging resistances should be considered within thefault simulation scheme. Clearly, as this approach relieson the sensitivity calculations, the circuit under consid-eration must be operating in a linear region. Highly non-linear circuits cannot be analyzed using this approachand therefore may need to be partitioned. Again, thisis a subject for further work.


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Stephen Spinks received the degree of B. Eng in Electronic En-gineering from Hull University, UK. His Ph.D. on Analogue Faultsimulation for the structural testing of Mixed Signal ICs was alsogained at Hull University. Currently he is working for Zarlink Semi-conductor, Swindon UK on the design of ICs for Gigabit Opticallinks. He has also worked on design of audio Codecs and digitalcellular ICs. He is an Associate Member of IEE and a Member ofIEEE.

Chris Chalk received the B.Sc. in physics with electronics fromthe University of East Anglia, UK in 1986. He received the M.Sc.and Ph.D. degress from the University of Southampton, UK, in 1994and 1998 respectively. From 1986 to 1993, he was employed by theBritish Broadcasting Corporation as a Radio engineer. From 1994to 1998 worked at Southampton University as a research assistant,working on Mixed Signal Testing. He is currently working for PhilipsSemiconductors in Southampton as an analog designer. His interestsinclude mixed-signal design and test, fault simulation, and automatictest stimulus generation for analog circuits.

Ian Bell has a B.Sc. and Dip.Eng. in Electronic Engineering. From1986 to 1989 he was an Engineer and then a Research Assistant, atthe University of Hull in the Dept. of Electronic Engineering. Since1989 he has been a Lecturer in that Department. His research interestsinclude: VLSI design and test; self testing analogue and mixed signalcircuits; fault simulation of analogue and mixed signal circuits; andtest issues in the manufacture of electronic systems.

Mark Zwolinski received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronicsfrom the University of Southampton, UK, in 1982 and 1986, respec-tively. He is a Reader in the School of Electronics and ComputerScience, University of Southampton, UK. His research interests in-clude simulation and modeling algorithms for analogue and mixed-signal integrated circuits, testing techniques for mixed-signal inte-grated circuits and VHDL. He has co-authored over 100 researchpapers in technical journals and conferences. He is a Member of IEEand ACM and a Senior Member of IEEE.

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