  • Gain Scheduled Controller Design for Balancing an Autonomous Bicycle

    Shuai Wang1,∗, Leilei Cui2,∗, Jie Lai1, Sicheng Yang1, Xiangyu Chen1, Yu Zheng1,Zhengyou Zhang1, Fellow, IEEE, and Zhong-Ping Jiang2, Fellow, IEEE

    Abstract— In this paper, the gain scheduling technique isapplied to design a balance controller for an autonomousbicycle with an inertia wheel. Previously, two different balancecontrollers are needed depending on whether the bicycle isstationary or dynamic. The switch between the two differentcontrollers may cause the instability of the autonomous bicy-cle. Our proposed gain scheduled controller can balance theautonomous bicycle in both stationary and dynamic cases. Aphysical system is built and experiments are carried out todemonstrate the effectiveness of the gain scheduled controller.


    The control of bicycles has aroused interests of scientistsand engineers for a long time [1][2][3]. Considering au-tonomous bicycles, the balance control is interesting because:the mathematical model of the bicycle is a time-varyingsystem; autonomous bicycles are under-actuated systems[5]; autonomous bicycles are multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) systems. It is difficult to decouple the effects of themultiple inputs.

    When bicycles are moving forward, they can be balancedby the centrifugal force via changing the steering angle [1].However, when the velocity of bicycles is low, the centrifugalforce is too small to balance the bicycle. Thus, the slowerthe autonomous bicycle moves, the harder it is to balancethe bicycle via changing the steering angle. Therefore, it isdifficult to balance a stationary bicycle, and other additionalcomponents are required. For the autonomous bicycle asshown in Fig. 1, we use a torque-controlled motor to drive theinertia wheel, which was installed between the front wheeland the rear wheel. The inertia wheel is used to provide areactive torque to assist the self-balancing of the autonomousbicycle when it moves in a low speed or even stops. Besidesthe torque-controlled motor, the velocity of the autonomousbicycle can be controlled by a servo motor installed at thecenter of the rear wheel, and the steering angular velocity canbe controlled by a stepper motor. According to the existingpapers, the operating modes of the autonomous bicycle canbe categorized into the following modes.• Stationary mode: the rear wheel of the bicycle stops

    moving, and the autonomous bicycle is balanced by

    *This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation underGrant EPCN-1903781, and in part by a gift from the Tencent company. Thefirst two authors contributed equally to this work.

    1S. Wang, J. Lai, S. Yang, X. Chen, Y. Zheng and Z. Zhang are withTencent Robotics X, Tencent Holdings, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (e-mail: [email protected])

    2L. Cui and Z. P. Jiang are with the Control and Networks Lab,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tandon School ofEngineering, New York University, Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA (e-mail:[email protected]; [email protected])

    Fig. 1. RoBicycle - the Autonomous Robot Bicycle System

    additional components. Options of the additional com-ponents include a rotor mounted on the crossbar [6],a pendulum to balance the autonomous bicycle bytilting force [7], a gyroscope to balance the autonomousbicycle by gyroscopic effect [8][9][10], a high speedflywheel with a single DOF gimbal [11], and an inertiawheel [12][13][14] which is used to provide the balancetorque.

    • Dynamic mode: the rear wheel drives the autonomousbicycle to move at a fast speed, and the autonomousbicycle can be balanced by steering the handlebar only[15][16][17]. It is shown that the bicycle will fall ontothe ground if the moving speed is less than a certainvalue which depends on the physical parameters of thebicycle itself [1][18]. It is almost impossible to keepbalance under this dynamic mode once the velocity ofthe autonomous bicycle is lower than this physical limit.

    In the aforementioned papers, most of them only take intoconsideration one of the operating modes. Therefore if wecombine these controllers and apply them to our autonomousbicycle system, the controller needs to be switched betweendifferent modes when the autonomous bicycle status changesbetween being stationary and moving along some certaincurve. However, the switch of controllers usually comesfrom engineering experience. The system stability cannot beguaranteed by theoretical proof. For different autonomousbicycles, due to different physical parameters, the switchingtime is different. Besides, the switching time and strategyshould be determined by a lot of experiments, which are timeconsuming. In order to overcome the aforementioned limita-

    2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)October 25-29, 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA (Virtual)

    978-1-7281-6211-9/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 7595

  • tions, firstly, we establish a linearized dynamic model, whereboth inertia wheel torque and the steering handlebar rotationare included as system inputs. Then, the gain schedulingtechnique is applied to design the balance controller basedon the linearized dynamic model. The stability of the closed-loop autonomous bicycle is also analyzed.

    Primary contributions of this paper are summarized asfollows. A gain scheduled balance controller is designedwithout switching between different controllers. The stabil-ity of the closed-loop autonomous bicycle with the gainscheduled balance controller can be guaranteed under mildassumptions. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness ofthe gain scheduled balance controller.

    This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents thedynamic modeling of the autonomous bicycle, during whichboth the dynamics of the inertia wheel and the dynamics ofthe bicycle are considered. In Section III, the gain schedulingcontroller design method is introduced and applied to theautonomous bicycle. The stability of the closed-loop bicycleis also analyzed. In Section IV, experiments are conductedto demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.Finally, the conclusion and future works are described inSection V. Due to space limitations, proofs are not included.


    The mathematical model presented in this section includesthe effects of the inertial wheel and the steering handlebaron the balance of the bicycle. The trail effect is neglected.Parameters used in the model are depicted in Fig. 2.

    In detail, θ is the roll angle of the robot, with θ = 0being the balancing point assuming the bicycle is not moving.The rotational angle of the inertia wheel is given by φ . Themain bicycle frame consists of all components on the robotbicycle except for the inertia wheel. The mass of the mainbicycle frame and the inertia wheel are given by m1 and m2respectively. The distances from the ground to the center ofmass of the main bicycle frame and the inertia wheel aregiven by L1 and L2 respectively. The center of mass of thewhole bicycle is denoted by point P. The momentums ofinertia of the main bicycle frame and the inertia wheel withrespect to x-axis are given by I1 and I2 respectively. Thebicycle’s moving speed is represented by V . The distancebetween the center of the front wheel and the center of therear wheel is given by L. The horizontal distance betweenthe center of mass P and the rear wheel center is representedby d. The rotational angle and angular velocity of the frontsteering handlebar is represented by δ and δ̇ , respectively.The gravity acceleration is represented by g = 9.81m/s2. InFig. 2(b), when the front handlebar is steered with an angleδ , the radii of the tracks of the front wheel, the center of massof the robot, and the rear wheel are denoted by R1, R2 andR3, respectively. In practice, L is relatively small comparedto the radius of the trajectory, so R1 ≈ R2 ≈ R3=̇R. Definethe curvature of the trajectory center as σ = 1/R= tan(δ )/L.The output torque of the motor driving the inertia wheel isrepresented by Tr.






    (c) (d)




    R1 R2 R3









    Fig. 2. Definition of parameters: (a) Front view; (b) Top view with withthe steering angle δ ; (c) Side view (seeing from the front wheel to the rearwheel) when the bicycle is straight up; (d) Side view when the bicycle tilts.

    The moving speed of the robot V is independent of θ andφ during the movement.

    Ttran =12

    m1(V 2x1 +V2y1 +V



    m2(V 2x2 +V2y2 +V



    m1[V 2 +(V σd +L1θ̇ cosθ)2 +(−L1θ̇ sinθ)2]


    m2[V 2 +(V σd +L2θ̇ cosθ)2 +(−L2θ̇ sinθ)2].


    Similarly, the rotational kinetic energy can be derived by con-sidering the bicycle frame and the inertia wheel separately

    Trot =12

    I1θ̇ 2 +12

    I2(θ̇ + φ̇)2. (2)

    The potential energy is given as

    U = (m1L1 +m2L2)g(1+ cosθ). (3)

    Then according to the Euler-Lagrange Expression


    (∂L∂ q̇i

    )− ∂L

    ∂qi= τi, (4)

    where L = Ttran +Trot−U , qi’s are generalized coordinatesincluding θ and φ , q̇i’s are generalized velocities, and τi’s


  • are generalized force with τθ = (m1L1+m2L2)cosθσV 2 andτφ = Tr. After substituting σ with tan(δ )/L and linearizingsinθ ≈ θ , we have the dynamics model of the robot:

    (m1L21 +m2L22 + I1 + I2)θ̈ + I2φ̈ − (m1L1 +m2L2)gθ =

    −V (m1L1 +m2L2)dL

    δ̇ − (m1L1 +m2L2)V2

    Lδ .


    I2(θ̈ + φ̈) = Tr. (6)

    The motor driving the inertia wheel can be modeled [19] as:

    Vm = Lmdidt


    Tm = Kt i,

    Tr = NgTm,


    where Vm is the driving voltage, Ke is the motor back electro-magnetic force, ωm is the angular velocity of the motor,which equals to φ̇ , Lm is the armature coil inductance, Rmis armature coil resistance, i is the armature current, Tm isthe motor torque before the gear box, Kt is the motor torqueconstant and Ng is the gear ratio. Tr is the motor generatedtorque after the gear box. It is also the torque driving theinertia wheel in this autonomous bicycle. In practice, for amotor Lm

  • where PPP(αl) is the solution to the following algebraic Riccatiequation

    AAAT (αl)PPP(αl)+PPP(αl)AAA(αl)−PPP(αl)LLLPPP(αl)+QQQ(αl) = 000,LLL(αl) = BBB(αl)RRR−1(αl)BBBT (αl).


    For α ∈ [αl ,αl+1], the gain matrix KKK(α) can be determinedby the linear interpolation between KKK(αl) and KKK(αl+1),which can be expressed as

    KKK(α) = KKK(αl)+KKK(αl+1)−KKK(αl)

    αl+1−αl(α−αl). (18)

    Intuitively, by choosing an appropriate number of αl ∈ I,provided that the rate of change of α is sufficiently small,the design criteria for the system (15) are satisfied.

    Theorem 3.4: Let Assumption 3.1-3.2 hold and h =αl+1 − αl . For the system (15) with the controller uuu =−KKK(α)xxx, where KKK(α) is obtained by (18), there existsµ,ε > 0, such that if |α̇| ≤ µ and h < ε , limt→∞ xxx = 000.

    Proof: According to (17), it can be easily checked thatPPP(αl + h) = PPP(αl) + ooo(h), and KKK(αl + h) = KKK(αl) + ooo(h).From (18), it is clear that KKK(α) = KKK(αl) + ooo(α − αl).Define AAAc(α) = AAA(α)−BBB(α)KKK(α), and let λ (AAA) denote theeigenvalues of AAA. Thus AAAc(α) = AAAc(αl)+ ooo(α −αl). Nowapplying the results on analytic perturbation of eigenvalues ofa matrix [23], [24], one can obtain λ (AAAc(α)) = λ (AAAc(αl))+ooo(α −αl). Therefore, when h→ 0, λ (AAAc(α)) ∈ C−. Thusaccording to the Lemma 3.5 in [20], the theorem can beproved.

    C. Application in the Control of Autonomous Bicycle

    For the autonomous bicycle, via Popov–Belevitch–Hautustest, one can easily find that for any velocity V , (AAA,BBB) arecontrollable. Besides, in practice, the velocity of the bicycleis continuous with respect to time. Thus Assumptions 3.1-3.2are satisfied.

    Now we consider the application of gain scheduling inthe control of the autonomous robot bicycle model. Matricesin the state space representation AAA(V ) and BBB(V ) are time-varying with V (t). At a series of fixed speeds V = Vl , forl = 1,2, . . .n, the LQR controller is used to obtain the gainmatrix KKK(Vl). When choosing the matrices QQQ and RRR in thecontroller design, practical physical limitations should betaken into consideration. For example, there is a rotationalspeed limit of the inertia wheel driving motor. The selectionof parameters in QQQ and RRR needs to ensure the motor operatesunder this speed limitation. As we know, the inertia wheelneeds to work when the bicycle’s moving speed is slow, andthe operation of the steering wheel is helpful but not a must.Similarly, when the bicycle runs at a relatively high speedwith the rotation of the steering handlebar and the centrifugalforce is large enough, the operation of the steering wheelis rather important for the system compared to the inertiawheel. It means that we need to adjust the parameters ofcontroller design so that under different situations, two inputsof the system contribute accordingly as we expected. Oneoption is to set RRR = diag(r11,r22/(V γ + ε)) for sufficientsmall ε and γ > 1. In the experiments proposed in this

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 3. Static disturbances experiments: (a) a disturbance towards onedirection; (b) a disturbance towards the opposite direction.

    Fig. 4. Results of Experiment 1: Static disturbances

    paper, by testing performances when the bicycle is stationaryand moving along a straight line or a circle as the specialcases respectively, γ = 4 is used. Then the value r11 = 10and r22 = 20 are used considering the contributions of theinertia wheel and the steering handlebar at different bicycle’smoving speeds. According to Theorem 3.4, applying the gainmatrix KKK(V ), with V covering the whole speed range, gainscheduling control guarantees the stability of the closed-loopbicycle system.


    A. Experimental Setup

    A two-wheeled autonomous robot bicycle depicted in Fig.1, namely RoBicycle, is built up. It is a nonlinear systemwith three driving inputs: the steering handlebar, the rearwheel rotation and the inertia wheel. The steering handlebaris driven by a servoing motor and can be controlled byeither position or speed instructions. The inertia wheel motoris driven by torque using Field-Oriented Control. The rearwheel can be driven by either torque command or speedcommand.

    Although practical applications of RoBicycle demonstrategood performance when it runs on both flat surface and small


  • (a)


    Fig. 5. Accelerating and braking experiment: (a) RoBicycle started runningon the left of the screen; (b) RoBicycle stopped on the right of the screen.

    Fig. 6. Results of Experiment 2: Accelerating and braking

    bumps or bridges, the analyses and control of the bicyclerunning on the non-flat surface are beyond the scope of thispaper. In this paper, all experiments have been performed ona flat non-slippery surface. The full robot state information isavailable by using the IMU to obtain Euler angle and attitudeof the robot with Kalman filter and data fusion, and encodersof the driving motors to monitor the rotation angle of eachmotor. The control law of the robot has been implementedon an STM32H7 chip in C language with a sampling time ofTs = 0.005s. ROS middleware is used for data transmissionand recording and other high-level strategy, such as planningand decision, which is beyond the scope of this paper.

    B. Experimental Results

    Three experiments were performed to show the effective-ness and robustness of the autonomous robot bicycle systemwith the gain scheduled controller. These experiments areshown in the accompanying video.

    1) Static disturbances: As shown in Fig. 3(a)-(b), after the

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    Fig. 7. Hybrid Line - Circle - Line experiment: (a) started moving forward;(b)-(c) run circle; (d) changed the curve from a circle back to a straight line.

    Fig. 8. Results of Experiment 3: Hybrid Line - Circle - Line

    autonomous robot bicycle kept self-balanced in the equilib-rium point for a few seconds, a disturbance towards one di-rection was made by human hand before the system returnedto the equilibrium point and the inertia wheel rotationalangular velocity slowed down. Then a similar disturbancetowards the opposite direction was made. The results aredepicted in Fig. 4. After each disturbance, the Euler angleθ changed dramatically. The inertia wheel controller gave apeak torque over 10 Nm before the tilting Euler angle movedback to the equilibrium point. The inertia wheel rotationalangular velocity φ̇ also changed during this period as a resultof the torque applied to the flywheel. The rear wheel did notmove, so the speed V = 0, with some noises obtained fromthe rear wheel motor encoder.

    2) Accelerating and braking: As shown in Fig. 5(a)-(b),RoBicycle started balancing from the standstill, and thenmoved forward. The human operator gave an accelerationinstruction to the rear wheel using the remote controllerfollowed by a braking instruction to stop the moving. The


  • RoBicycle is balanced by the proposed controller duringthe whole accelerating and braking period. The results aredepicted in Fig. 6. The accelerating and braking could beregarded as external disturbances to the balance control.That is why θ , Tr and φ̇ changed largely during the speedchanging between 10-22 s. The steering handlebar anglechanged at the time when RoBicycle started moving forwardto correct a static error of the initial value once it waspowered up. Once it stopped moving forward, the Eulerangle damped before it finally settled down around thebalancing point. Tests on uneven surfaces such as goingacross deceleration belts also demonstrate the effectivenessand robustness of the controller.

    3) Hybrid Line - Circle - Line - Stop: As shown in Fig.7(a)-(d), the RoBicycle accelerated along a straight line.Then the human operator sent a desired Euler angle usingthe remote controller to change the path to a circle. After thebicycle running along a circle curve for about 60 seconds, aninstruction was given to change the path back to a straightline, before a braking signal to speed it down. The RoBicyclekept self-balanced through the whole procedure, even whenthe moving speed turned back to 0 finally. The results aredepicted in Fig. 8. In this experiment, all previous controldesign and strategies were applied. Initially, when the desiredEuler angle is zero, the inertia wheel torque contributedgreatly to the self-balance, with the steering handlebar anglealmost unchanged. After the bicycle received the deired Eulerangle and moved along a circle, the handlebar contributedlargely to the balancing, with the inertia wheel speed slowingdown. The bicycle can balance itself to the desired Eulerangle with the proposed controller. Again, RoBicycle keptself-balanced by the gain scheduled controller during thewhole Stationary - Line - Circle - Line - Stop period. It wasshown that the robotic system was stable with the proposedgain scheduled controller.

    V. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, we have designed a gain scheduled con-

    troller to balance an autonomous bicycle. Compared withother controllers, the proposed controller can balance thebicycle without switching controllers between the stationarymode and the dynamic mode. Experiments demonstrate thatthe proposed gain scheduled balance controller is effectivewhether the autonomous bicycle is stationary or moving.Our future work will be dedicated to the model-free robustbalance controller design by means of robust dynamic pro-gramming techniques developed in [25].

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