
Gain Instant Access to My Personalized 1-on-

1 Internet Marketing Training and Coaching

and Quickly Skyrocket Your Earnings From

as Little as Zero Dollars a Day to Over $100s

of Dollars a Day in New Online Product Sales!

Please Read on To Discover How You Can Claim

Your Very Own FREE Business Consultation

Today So that You Can Get Started in No Time!

Dear Business Owner,

My name is Far Mukthar and I am a business coach in Singapore, as well as

an established author, speaker, and marketing consultant. But why

should any of this matter to you? Well the reason is quite simple really…

Over the last 4 years I have personally advised over 100s of online

marketers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners, to reach their

projected business goals through my one on one online business coaching.

By doing this, I have helped many ‘struggling entrepreneurs’ to build

their first successful business, even after many years of initial failure, so if

any of this sounds appealing to you, then please listen up…

Basically, if you are looking for a change in your current financial income,

then I am happy to announce to you today that the solution that you

have long been waiting for is finally available for you to try.

In telling you this, I hope that this notice comes as great news to you then,

especially if you find that your current business is stagnating, and if

you are still looking for a quick fix to get your company back into the green.

So if you are having a difficult time in attracting fresh new clients, building a

list of hyper-response leads, or simply closing new product sales, then I am

happy to tell you that I can help put your feet back in the right direction.

Is your business suffering from any of the following scenarios:

Not having enough customers?

Not being able to generate enough traffic back to your website?

Not having a solid business plan that is guaranteed for success?

Not having a lead funnel system in place to effectively follow up and

build loyalty with your prospects?

Not having an effective marketing plan in place in order to drive

consistent results over time?

Not having enough money to fund your business ideas?

Not having the proper guidance in order to set things up correctly?

Not having enough credibility or "expert positioning" in your


Not having enough time management skills, or productivity

habits in order take consistent, and effective action?

Well if any of these scenarios apply to you or your current business,

then I am happy to tell you that today you can eliminate all of these

problems once and for all!

But what if you don’t have any current business ideas or websites?

Well then I am also glad to inform you that none of these factors will

have to be a problem for you either.

This is because I am here today to help you set up a new business from

scratch, so even if you do not have any current experience with marketing

products online, or even an idea to start out with, you do not have to panic!

So if you are ready to usher your current online business towards the

next level of success, then read on to what I have to tell you…

Because I would like for you to know that I am currently here for you to

walk you through every step of the way of launching your very own six-

figure online business,

Are you still with me here?

‘Whether You Are Looking to Earn Just a Few Hundred Dollars

Extra Per Month, or Better Yet, If You Would Like to Reach Six

Figure Monthly Profits, I Am Here Today to Help You Succeed!’

If you are looking for an individualized approach to your business, where

you can be personally guided towards success from someone who has years

of experiences, then you have come to the right place.

I offer 1-on-1 business coaching and counseling for many different

type of online business startups, online services, and personal programs

including but not limited to:

Life Coaching and Business Coaching

Online Business Owners, Expert Business Owners, Speakers,

and Trainers

Marketing Professionals, Mentors, Gurus, and Product


MLM Creators and MLM Participants

Professional Service Providers : Photography, Events,

Workshops, and Camps

Chiropractic Treatment, Alternative Health, Yoga, Personal

Training, Spa, Fitness, and more.

Real Estate agents

Tuition Centers, Educators, College Prep Programs, Teachers,

and Professors

Culinary Arts, including Baking & Cooking classes

Self-Help and Productivity Training

And much much more.

In this way I can help your business grow in many different ways including

(but not limited to):

Close More Clients: Are you having a hard time converting your

existing website visitors into buyers? Well by utilizing my total

alignment strategies, you will easily learn how to not only attract,

but also convert, dozens of new clients or customers to your product

or service on a daily basis.

Automate Your Business: After many years of operating businesses

online I’ve discovered that the best online systems to own are those

that run and manage themselves. As such, I will make sure that for

each business that I help my clients create, that within a time

frame of 3 months or less, that my client’s business will be able to

manage itself so that eventually it is possible for all my clients to earn

quick and easy fully automated residuals profits.

Productivity Training: One of the most difficult aspects of running

an online business is organizing your time and energy in order for you

to effectively get your tasks completed. Fortunately for you however, I

am here to help you stay motivated and productive with all your

business tasks. How can I help you achieve this? By utilizing online

communication tools such as Skype and Teamviewer as well as provide

personal telephone support to you as well so that you can accomplish

all of the tasks that are required of you on a daily basis and never end

up falling behind on your marketing tasks!

Create a Highly Optimized Sales-funnel: If you expect to earn

massive profits, then it is imperative for you to have a highly

optimized sales funnel that is designed to transform your cold

website visitors into rapid buyers on a consistent basis. As such,

one of the most essential elements of our coaching sessions will be to

make sure that your sales funnel are optimized throughout your entire

website experience from your landing page to checkout by employing

my highly coveted sales funnel secrets.

Motivation and Mindset: Whether your know it or not, half of the

battle of setting up a profitable online business is having the right

mindset and knowing how to motivate yourself properly

throughout the thick and thin of your business so that at no point in

time do you feel overwhelmed.

How to Select the Right Business Model: With over a dozen

different models to choose from, I will help you identify the right

business plan for your own personal ambitions, goals, and

skillsets, so that later we can develop a winning marketing strategy

to ensure that your business is able to achieve massive sales and


Develop a Killer Marketing Strategy: Whether if it’s your aim to

generate free traffic back to your website through methods such as

article writing, blogging, building backlinks, forum marketing,

and social media, or if you have capital available for paid traffic

methods such as CPC, Sponsored Listings, and Media Buys, I can help

you pitch your product directly to the eyes of your consumer.

Increase Your Market Credibility: I will help you become an expert

in your industry, thus granting you instant recognition and

credibility in your niche that can help you close even more product

sales and become a trusted name in the market of your choice.

And Much Much More: From webinars, classified ads, onward to viral

videos, and more, I will go through great lengths to make sure that

every possible effective business marketing strategy that is right

for your business, will actually be employed for your business.

This is Not Your Typical Coaching Program

In order for you to understand the value that is offered with this program

there are a few things that I must explain to your first.

First off, with most coaching programs that you will find online, you will find

that the business consultants behind these coaching programs typically

offer a cookie-cutter template and system to all of their clients.

This means that there is no individuality between the business ideas, or

websites that are generated for the clients, so that ultimately you will be

competing against other people all with the same idea as your own.

But besides this fact, what you will also find with a lot of today’s coaches is

that they just tend to provide you with questions for you to answer on

your own, all while neglecting to provide you with any real advice in reality.

So while you may find such an approach helpful since it will allow you to

come up with your own unique ideas, what you will soon also discover is

that just asking you questions will never be enough for you to succeed.

How can I say this so confidently?

This is because I know from personal experience that without a coach to

provide you with any real guidance or direction that running your own

business will not only be quite frustrating, but also very difficult!

So what makes my coaching program different? Well a lot of things.

For one, all coaching sessions that I provide to my clients, are not just

unique, but are also specifically tailored towards each and every one of

my client’s own special needs and expectations.

This means that there will never be someone who will operate the same

business model as you, which should come as great news for you since

you will never have to worry about competing with someone with your idea.

Secondly, I will also give you tips, strategies and guidance that actually work

when implemented in the real world, and that are based on the very best

modern day marketing, and up-to-date business practices.

Lastly, I know first-hand that in order for your business to really

succeed on the market place, that your product or service must not only be

unique, but also highly individualized, in both production and marketing.

As such, by the end of our online business coaching, I will make sure that

your new business is not just perfectly crafted to deliver a spectacular

product or service for you to earn massive profits from.

But that it is also highly valuable to your new clients and customers, and

also in extreme demand by those in your market or industry.

How Would You Like to Take

Your Profits to the Next Level?

It is not easy to outline all of the benefits that you will gain from my 6

month coaching program, but here a few key details that every one of my

clients should expect:

1. Outline Your Vision – What makes my business startup program

different than the rest is that I am here to help you work with the

ideas that you already have in mind, or help you come up with your

own unique and original idea if you do not have at hand. This

includes helping you identify a niche that you can cater to, as well as

helping you to conduct the initial market research that is necessary for

you to understand your niche, as well as to make sure that the niche

you have chosen naturally appeals to your interests. Visualization of

your entire business is key to creating a system that maximizes

success, so the first step of your business creation plan will be to set

up mind maps and diagrams of your initial business ideas so that we

have a framework from which we can branch out from.

2. Develop a Professional Business Plan – Once we have selected a

niche, conducted some preliminary market research, and have

analyzed some of the competitors that already exist in your industry,

we will next work on creating a business plan. What will your

business plan entail? It will contain your business objectives as well

as financial goals and expectations. In addition to such details, we will

also assess any risks that are associated with your business, and come

up with preventive strategies to ensure that you are able to solve any

obstacles that may exist before they even arise.

3. Create a Lethal Marketing Strategy – What’s inside your marketing

plan? Well to begin, we will perform an analysis of the average

consumer in your niche, and sketch out an analysis of this individual

so that we can identify your customers’ wants, needs, expectations,

and aspirations. Next we will compile a list of sources where your

consumers exist, and draft plans for each of these sources on how we

will deliver your product or service to the eyes of your consumer.

4. Produce a High Quality Product or Service – My team of business

experts are here to help you create a completely unique, high quality,

and original product or service in the niche of your choice. What can

you expect from us in regards to your product development? Well

ultimately what we will create for you is a mastermind course on the

topic of your choice that includes content such as multiple 40-60

pages pdf documents, audio files, interviews, mind maps,

videos, sometimes software, and more! Best of all, the product

that you will be receiving will not be some weak common product, or

even at the same quality of products that already exist in your market

or industry. Instead, we will work diligently to ensure that we end up

creating a superior product or service that is guaranteed to exceed the

quality of any of the products or services that already exist from your


“Every Single Marketing Method and

Profit-Pulling Technique That I Know

Will Be Personally Revealed to You

in This Exclusive Coaching Program!”

So what can you expect to learn from me by the end of your personal one-

on-one coaching?

Here are just a few of the areas that you can expect to become an expert

on through my personalized training and support.

How to Attract More Customers, Gain More Leads, and Build More Interest Towards Your Business: In order for your business

to successfully prosper, you must make sure that you are able to

generate sufficient activity towards your business from multiple areas. Such activity includes receiving information from your

potential prospects in regards to any questions or comments that they may have in regards to your product or service. Being alerted of

a new lead who has signed up to your newsletter. And finally being able to drive new customers to your business so that you may begin

to receive new daily sale notifications. As such, with my online coaching and training I will make sure to teach you everything that

there is to know in regards to increasing the amount of customers and leads that your business may currently have, as well as how to

address any objections that may exist in the minds of your consumer so that they can invest confidently with the solution that your

business has to offer.

How to Close Massive Product Sales: The art of closing more

products sales lies in developing your skills as a marketer in areas such as copywriting and salesmanship, which are all skills that

depend how persuasive you can be as an online marketer. As such, I will make sure to educate you on only the most effective marketing

strategies that exist on the internet, as well as to deliver only the

most professional sales copy throughout your entire sales funnel,

(which is a bonus that is included in the costs of your online coaching and business set-up), so that your conversions are maximized from

all directions, and so that you won’t have to worry about spending thousands of dollars on hiring marketing specialists. Not only that,

but I will also train you on how to communicate effectively with your target audience, so that you can easily get them to gain your trust

and to take action with your company. Overall, at the end of our training you will learn to understand that it does not matter how

much interest that you can generate back to your business, but more importantly, on how many sales you are able to convert from the

traffic that you receive that is the key to your success.

How to Make Your Marketing Run on Complete Autopilot: I will help you build your own business that eventually will be able to

manage itself, so that once all the work is completed by you, that you

will never have to worry about lifting a finger to edit your website again. This will be accomplished through methods such as building

viral traffic back to your website, training your affiliates to easily close more sales for you, how to get your website in the top 3 results

of search engines for long term free traffic, building a customer relations department or helpdesk to handle all of your business

inquiries, and much much more.

How to Setup Your Business: I will help you throughout all of the stages of setting up your business which include (1) how to secure a

proper domain name, (2) how to connect your domain name to your webhost, (3) creating a visually impressive website and/or product

design for your business, (4) building and adding content for all of the pages on your website, (5) how to set up a highly effective sales

funnel, (6) testing all of the payment links on your website, (7) set

up an auto responder and lead funnel system, (8) how to secure high quality joint venture (JV) and affiliate partnerships, (9) ways that you

can promote your business on the web, (10) and lastly how to automate all of your business tasks so you can enjoy easy autopilot

profits, among many other cool methods that are not listed on this page.

How to Become Recognized as an Expert Authority in Your

Target Market: In order for your product or service to be taken seriously in your marketplace, you must find ways to make sure that

your brand or business appear as it is operated by an authority. What are some of the ways that I will help you accomplish this task? Well it

is simple really. For example, I will teach you ways where you can

position yourself as an expert in your niche by contributing

information to highly valuable sources in your market, which are the places on the web where your consumers generally search for product

or service information. Not only that, but I will also teach you ways that you can appear in very important media in regards to your niche

market so that you can easily build the buzz about your business through methods such as online interviews, podcasts, being listed as

a featured contributor or a guest on an already established website, press releases, and much more. As such, one of my goals for you is

that by the end of your online coaching and training, that your product or service will be a household name that most of your target

audience will be accustomed to hearing about.

Get Started Today with a FREE 1-on-1

Business Consultation [$197 Value]!

Because I want to make sure that all of my potential clients fully understand

the details of this offer before they are enlisted into my coaching program, I

am going to give you a FREE 45 minute business consultation call.

So what are the topics that we will discuss during this 45 minute free

consultation call?

These topics include but are not limited to:

1. Crystallization of Your Business Goals – First we will solidify any

and all of your financial goals that you may have, so that all of your

business expectations are clear from the start. Next we will create

timelines for the estimated time of completion for all of the goals that

we have come up with, so that by the end of this step you will be left

with a complete blueprint at hand that is easy for us to follow.

2. Crafting a Personalized Action Plan – Creating a business from

scratch is a lot of work, and if you expect your business to succeed

then you must be organized throughout all of the steps of your

complete business development. As such, in this step we will develop a

fully actionable plan for you to follow so that the development of your

entire business appears as a realistic feat that is possible for you to

achieve, provided of course that you continue to make the consistent

daily actions that are listed in your plan.

3. Identifying and Eliminating Your Limiting Barriers – Is there any

factors that are currently holding you back from success? For example,

perhaps you lack the technical expertise that is necessary in order to

create a website, or maybe you are low on capital so you are afraid to

take certain risks. As such, in this step we will identify and address

any limiting barriers that may exist for you, and that are currently

preventing you from taking action towards your goals, so that we can

eliminate any obstacles that prevent you from taking action.

4. Total Alignment Process (work on aligning all elements of the

environment to work towards your goals) – In order for your business

to work effectively, all aspects of your business must synchronize with

any of the other aspects of your business. For example, your

marketing plan must align with your financial goals and budget. As

such, in this step we will make sure that all aspects of your business

plan flow together and support each other so that all aspects of your

business is fostered and strengthened with any new work that you

complete towards your business.

5. Success Psychology – Half of the battle of becoming successful

includes having a winning mindset. As such, I will educate you on

some of the most important success psychology so that you can

remain highly motivated, optimistic, and productive as you complete

all of your business goals.

So what are you waiting for? To take advantage of this limited time

FREE 45 Minute Business Consultation please click on the button below:

[Insert Button or Form]

There are only 10 slots a month that are open at a time for these free

business consultations. Sign up now while there is still room available!

My Coaching Program is 100% Risk Free

Guaranteed! If You Do Not Succeed With

My Personal Training – Then You Won’t

Have to Pay a Penny for This Service!

Many of my clients have been able to earn their money back and more with

the business advice and strategies that I have been able to teach them

through my exclusive coaching program. Take for example Ng Xin Yi:

"It's been my dream to have a successful online business. I went for a

lot of seminars and took online courses about internet marketing,

marketing, copywriting and sales. I was suffering from an information


Working with Far was very catered to my needs and wants, instead of

a generic structure. He helped me to cleared up a lot of my

information overload and helped me focus on the essentials to start an

internet business.

He also provided me with copywriting and sales advice to help me

improve my skills. On top of that he also gave me additional resources

to further improve some of the essential skills I need. With Far’s

advice, I am on my way to take action to start a successful internet


Far has expert information that he has learnt through studying other

experts plus his own experience in business. He is well versed in all

things internet marketing, from identifying niches to target, finding

your target market, getting your sales and marketing done, sales and

marketing funnels, plus creating information products that sell. I'd

definitely recommend others to work with Far with their business,

marketing and sales. He's friendly, helpful and really wants you to


If after your first 30 days of coaching you find that you are not satisfied

with the results that you have been able to achieve with your business, then

you are always entitled for a full money back guarantee.

But remember you do not have to pay for anything up front.

That’s right!

I am offering you as a potential client a FREE one on one business

consultation so that I may assess your current financial goals, and analyze

any pre-existing business strategies that you may have.

So if after our first initial consultation, you find that you still have many

questions to ask about your business plan or my coaching offer, then you

may also be entitled for free future consultations at no additional charge!

This is because it is not uncommon for many of my clients to become so

excited at the possibility of being able to create their own massive fortunes,

that they usually need more than one consultation to discuss their ideas.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your free consultation right

now, so that you may finally begin to create a greater financial future for

you and your loved ones.

Here Is What a Few of My Past Customers

Had to Say About This Special Opportunity…

Imran Md Ali - “Far Mukthar is Singapore’s Premier Entrepreneur mindset

and goal-setting coach…”

Rachel Tan – “Far’s knowledge and skills in business automation systems,

marketing funnels and video is fantastic! Before he helped me create

automated marketing funnel, I was so busy and tired looking for customers,

I was neglecting my children. Because of him, I have more time to be with

my children because now customers send enquiries to me.”

Andy Chew - “I used to be frustrated with my business being stuck in the

same place and feeling like I was hitting a hidden ceiling. Far helped me

open my eyes to all the ways that I’ve been holding myself and my business

back and what I needed to do to overcome it. Now, not only do I feel more

driven, motivated and stress free, my business is on its way to record profits

this year! I can’t thank you enough man.”

Mhd Aseem – “With Far’s Why-What Technique, I was able to get rid of my

fears that was stopping me from being successful, like fear of failure, fear or

rejection, fear of speaking from stage! So amazing! I still got some work to

do lah, but thanks to Far, I know what to do.”

So what are you waiting for? These are just a fraction of the countless

success stories that I have been able to create over the last few years.

And best of all you have nothing to lose and everything to gain because

the price of your first consultation is FREE.

Schedule your free business consultation today if spots are still available!

[Insert Signup Link/Form]

Yours Truly,

Far Mukthar

P.S. There are only 10 slots that are available each month for your FREE

45 Minute Business Consultation. As such, if you find that you cannot sign up

for a consultation this month, please email me at [email] so that I may add

you to a waiting list.

P.S.S. Remember your free business consultation is 100% risk free, and you

do not have to pay for anything up front. Also, after your first initial free

business consultation is over, you may also be entitled to additional free

consultations free of charge before we get you started on any official

coaching agreement.

P.S.S.S. If you do decide to enroll into this coaching program, you will

continue to receive personal assistance from me via email, phone, and

Skype for over 6 months of continued service.

P.S.S.S.S. This coaching program is backed by a 30 day money back

guarantee, so if at any time within the first month of coaching you are

not satisfied with the results of your training, you may contact me anytime

during this period for a full refund, and I will return back to you every cent

that you have invested into this program.

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