Page 1: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

Gail BoringWriting Improvement Solutions810- 348-3438 [email protected]



Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 2: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 3: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 4: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 5: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

“Gail Boring is an exceptional writing coach who has helped our school reach success. She is passionate about helping students become writers and builds authentic relationships with both students and teachers. Both her knowledge and expertise have been indispensable to Aspire. Thank you for everything Gail!”

Kelli Kintz, K-2 Dean


Wednesday, March 5, 14

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“Gail’s training helped my teachers prepare for our state test. She taught the teachers the breakdown of the test, how to help students write a well-planned piece, with strategies to develop and improve their piece. With these tools, three years ago our 4th grade students scored the highest possible levels. When they took our state test this year as 7th graders, they scored 100% on their writing, when the state average was 47%. She helped us develop our school’s writing program, led teachers in the planning of many genre units of study, raised our understanding about the of assessing writing regularly, helped us create yearlong writing calendars for each grade level aligned with state standards, and helped teachers organize publishing celebrations.”

“Gail helped me understand the best way I as an administrator could support my staff in becoming great writing teachers. I highly recommend Gail as a literacy leader. She will undoubtedly raise the bar by instilling best practice teaching practices at your school.”

Erum Mohiuddin, Principal

Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 7: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

“Gail Boring is an informative, passionate and experienced writing coach. I have watched my students grow into wonderful writers with her expertise. I cannot thank Gail enough for helping my students become amazing young writers.”

Karri Frost, Kindergarten Teacher


Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 8: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

“Gail Boring has taught me more, in the short time I have known her, then all of my college teaching classes combined.”

Rorik Robelli, Middle school social studies teacher


Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 9: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

Model Classroom Visits

Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 10: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

Teachers Hosting Colleagues in Model Classrooms

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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Inspiring Writers

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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Offering Tips, Writer to Writer

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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Research Skills Aligned With CCSS

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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Embedded Professional Development

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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Writing for Authentic Purposes

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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Teaching Partnership Behaviors

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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Building Confidence in Writers

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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The Art of Conferring

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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Modeling the Power of Active Engagement

Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 20: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

Side by Side Coaching

Wednesday, March 5, 14

Page 21: Gail's Brochure and Preview of Her Work

Formative Assessment Modeled On-Site

Wednesday, March 5, 14

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