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adjusted for fithout seasonal variation season il adjustment

1 % 7 1946 1947 19U6 Mar. j | Pob» Mr j. Wfjr. | Fob* kcUPe

Industrial production 164 Total pl89 189 168 pl86 185 164

Manufactures Total P197 196 173 pl93 193 170 Dur rblo P223 222 193 p221 219 181 Nondurable pl75 176 166 pl71 171 162

Miner-Is pi47 146 137 Pl42 140 150 Construction contracts, value

Tot al * 151 147 * 131 148 Residential * 152 129 * 135 135 jsll other * 149 161 # 127 158

Factory m^loyment P154.4 rl54.5 rl32.6 Total P154.4 rl54.5 rl32.6 P153.8 rl53«8 rl32.1

Durable goods plSl.2 rl80.7 rl42.2 pl80.6 r160.1 r141.7 Nondurable goods P133.4 rl33.8 rl25.1 P132.7 rl33.1 rl24«4

Factory payrolls Total - - * r310.7 r238.3 Durable goods - - - - * r344«5 r2li4.8 }Iondurr̂ )le goods — — — * r277.7 r232.1

Froifht c"rlo :dings 146 142 139 137 133 132

Dcpsrtmont store siilcs, veluo p277 269 256 p265 222 238

Dup rtmont storo stocks * voluu 275 177 * 252 172

p—•Preliminary. r—Revised. " * D • bet not y^t avail ctle* Note t —Production * oar loadings, and department store sales indexes based on doily

averages# To convert durable manufactures, nondurable manufactures* and minerals indexes to points in total index* shown in Federal Reserve Chart Book* multiply durable by #379# nondurable by «l#69* ;nd minerals by .152*

Construction contract indexes bnsed on 3-month moving averages, centered vt second month* of P. 1# Dodge data for 37 Eastern States* To convert indexes to value figures, shown in Federal Reserve Ch-rt Book, multiply total by #1*10,269,000, residential by $184,137,000 <-nd ull other by *226,132,000. oyment index, without seasonal adjustment, and payrolls index compiled by Buror.u of Statistics. Ravisud indexes from January 1945 forweard rble-xscd April 15, 194?•


For release in morning papers, lUesday, Apr|l 29, 1947

April 26, 1947


1939 average = 100 for factory employment and payrolls; 1923-25 LvtirRge • 100 for construction contracts;

1935-39 verage * 100 for all other series.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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INDUSTRIE PRODUCTION (19)5+39 rvefage * 100)

Adjusted for seasonal variation

tiithout seasonal adjustment

1947 - • 1946 1947 1946 MET# - I $ k-r. Mar. | Feb# Mvr.


Iron end steel pi94 rl91 169 Pl94 rl91 169 Pig iron • 191 168 • 191 168 Stool 207 r207 176 207 r207 176 Open hearth 179 17k 161 179 174 161 Electric 142 rlJt6 286 412 r446 286

Machinery p278 276 207 p278 276 207 Transportation equipment P23U 233 209 P234 233 209 Automobiles V P191 190 114 pi9l 190 114

Honferrous metals and products *200 203 139 p200 203 139 Smelting and refining . * 188 121 * 188 121

lumber and products pi48 147 125 pi4o 135 120 Lumber pl?8 137 117 pl26 118 108 furniture pl66 167 142 pl66 167 142

Stone,elcy, tad glass products p218 218 192 P209 204 184 PI afce gl ass 159 15U 136 159 154 136 Cement * 202 152 * 153 125 Clay products pl62 164 150 P155 155 143 Gypsum and plaster products p228 232 204 P219 221 197 Abrasive & asbestos products p259 260 217 p259 260 217

Textiles end products P172 173 162 pi72 173 162 Cotton consumption 160 161 147 160 161 .147 Rayon deliveries 2?0 260 245 270 260 245 Wool textiles # 177 173 177 173

Leather products * 120 134 • 123 134 Taming * 119 120 * 128 119 Cattle hide leathers • - * 134 140 * 145 l4o Calf end kip leathers * 98 84 102 82 Goat end kid leathers . * 81 62 * 84 62 Sheep end lamb leathers * * 148 * * 144

"Shoes * 120 144 * 120 144 Manufactured food products pl 57 157 156 Pi4o 140 139 Wheat flour pl66 158 122 pi63 160 119 Meatpacking pl49 159 140 p!38 152 129 Other manufactured foods pl60 pl 59 167 pl42 Pi43 148 Processed fruits & vegetables P152 137 163 p84 86 89

p—Proliminary^ 1 • Data not yet available.

ij This series is currently based upon man*hour statistics for. plants classified in the automobile tmd automobile parts industries and is designed to measure productive activity during the month in connection with assembly of passenger CRTs, trucks, trailers,• and busses; production of bodies, parts, accessor-ies, Including replacement parts $ and output of non automotive products made in the plants covered.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Page 3: g123_19470428.pdf

INDUSTRIAL PROUDCflOM (1955*59 /^yerago * 100)

Adjusted for seasonal v?xi:.tion



Mar# w _ I Feb*

seasonal adjustment m i

Mcg-iuX w Mar*

K/mP.%CTURES (Cont*d.)

Prper m d products Paporbotsrd • H ows print pro duction

Printing end publishing Newsprint consumption

Petroleum & coal products Gasoline Coko Byproduct Boohivo

Chemicals Rayon Industrial chemicals

Rubber products


* fUels Bituminous coal -anthracite Crude petroleum

Bbtrls Iron ore

180 89

pl39 124 •

pi 39 * *

pU09 p252 $289 pit29 p2UU

157 181 89 140 125 *

pl42 172 165 413 253 290 429 2I46

pl52 150 pi63 162 pll3 107 pl 51 Plii9 pll7 122

148 165 86 127 110 171 130 151 145 337 232 256 382 221

145 168 125 138 89


180 89

pl42 129

• * •

P139 * *

pU09 p25U P289 pU29 P2W+

P152 pl63" Pii3 P151 p83 *

157 181 89 m 122 #

p H £ 172

1 290 42$ 2li6

150 168 107 1 IfJ 85 73



1% 171 130 151 145 337 234 256 382 $21

145 168 125 138

. 2i4 28

p--Preliminary or sstira'tucL * Dr-.ta not yet ci>ie.

FREIGHT CARLOADINGS (1935%39 uvorage = 100)

boc i 147 149 155 147 • il# 155 Coko - 180 171 165 182 182 166 Grain 159 147 141 146 14U 130 Livestock 121 111 rl4l 96 89 111 F:r^st*products 159 166* 134 159 159 134 Ore 171™ 172 M l — 50. 43 35 ill SCvll'BOGUS 151 145 143 i a 136 •136 !k.rchmdisof l*c#l* 78 76 78 79 74 79

r—noviscd. . N"tut—T'- convert- coal and miscellaneous indexes to points in total index, shown

in i'odorrl Re servo Chart Bock, multiply co* 1 by .213 rmd raisoollcnuous by .548.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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