


ABOUTWhen I learned that there are currently globally 130 million girls who are not in school, of which 50 million girls of secondary

school age denied an education, I felt sick to my stomach. 

While I wasn't a straight-A student who had my nose in textbooks 24/7, I had opportunities to better myself in other activities,

resources, and programs. I was surrounded by copious amount of "education", which I was taking for granted while there are

girls out there who had nothing. No pencils or books, no art or dance lessons, no access to community or innovation. Drop-

out rates attributed to child marriages and female genital mutilation; and those who do attend school had to walk hours

and miles to get to school with the risk of getting attacked or raped. Not to mention in many countries - cultural traditions

also play a big role in the education challenge, specifically with the role of females in the community.

None of this sat right with me. There had to be better options out there. There had to be something we could do to help

improve the quality of life for these girls. This made me want to learn a bit more about the barriers these communities face

on a daily basis and seeing if I am able to help. Motivated by purpose - I decided to book a trip to rural Kenya for June 2018,

partnered with a local non-profit called Children of Maasai Educational Programme to help with logistics, and organized an

online fundraiser raising funds & awareness for this cause. I was fascinated with the Maasai culture and how their traditions

and traditional beliefs play such a vital role. In one month's time, our supporters and donors doubled our personal goal and I

couldn't be more grateful for their contribution and generosity.

I truly believe that women are leaders of our communities. Without them, half of us wouldn't be here today. Women deserve

to feel valued and worthy - and that foundation is built during her childhood & adolescence. To pay it forward, I want to give

girls and women around the world similar opportunities and tools I was given so that they could achieve their passions and

maximize their potential in their communities. I can't wait to share with you what I will learn.

THREE MAIN GOALS FOR MY TRIP:Foster relationships with local community

Maasai leaders

Contribute to community development

projects through mutual two-way exchange of

ideas (gender-friendly education systems,

digital literacy, entrepreneurship)

Educate my community about global

educational challenges and how the Maasai

culture and traditions play a role

Albert Wong

Ana Kafie

Anne Ferguson

Annie McNeely

Ashley Beaudin

Ben Harvey

Christianna Brooks

Claudia Mongrain

Danielle Hurtubise

Ella Narraway

Erin Chiarelli

Frannie Coggeshall

Katharine Cornfield

Katherine Craig

Kyleigh Marcotte

Lina Vallejos

Linda Palmer

Mackensie Vallieres

Madison Drury

Majorie Goodkey

Mel Watson

Melissa Keown

Mylene Jacques

Odette McNeely

Reilly Beesley

Samantha Grobler

Sara Gill

Savannah Ramandi Logan

Shaun Goodkey

Simon von Bismarck

Susan Oliver

Teri Matthewson

Tina Mashreghi



With children still dying of preventable illnesses and

starvation in Kenya, we work to reduce the underlying

causes of poverty and improve health services and

food security. CMEP aims primarily at providing basic

needs such as health care, to children in the Maasai

area of Kenya, to promote a fulfilling and prosperous

education. We believe the best investment for the

future is in a child. Educating children will help save

lives and will contribute to ending poverty.

Departure Date: June 12th

Destination: Town of Kumpa, Kajiado County, KenyaTrip Information

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