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August 16, 2020

Prayer Requests Please call the Church Offcies (815) 584-3420 or [email protected] to submit prayer requests or make changes. Thank you! Please pray for continued recovery from recent storms; for our farmers and families; for our Schools, for the students, teachers, administrators, custodial staff, bus drivers and helpers and other staff, for guidance, peace and encouragement. Pray for a way through this Covid-19 pandemic. Pray for all those in the medical field and researchers. Pray for our leaders. Pray for those unemployed. Lift up the economy; the LSC Communications plant closing, for those workers to find new employement and for new businesses to open in Dwight. Special prayers for those with health issues for healing and comfort: The family of Lee Christopher. He passed on Thursday 8/6. A memorial service will be held at a later date. David Taylor (8/19 vascular surgery on left leg), Susan Faust (knee replacement 8/6), Randall Farris (7/14, UTI in blood, improving), Tom Powers (7/13, Covid-19, improving, Son of Kathleen and Walter Johnson). Those battling cancer including: John Geshwind, Tammy Pulver, Walter Johnson, Jonathan Becker, Jean Cooper, Sharon Vining, Joyce Nelson, Tami Cashion, Ruth Bosman, Pat Martis, Docia Hancock, Evan Rich, Tenley (3 yr. old niece of Christy Partney), Nola (friend of Randy Fransen), Bunny Morrison (Aunt of J. Golden), Cyndi Seibert (niece of Randall & Judy Farris) & Myra Starks.

Altar Flowers

Flowers on the Altar August 16 given in memory of Barbara Wilson by Claude Wilson, Sharri & Marvin Hilti, Jessica & Robb Davis and Evan & Megan Rich.

If you would like to provide altar flowers, please sign up on the flower chart on the

kiosk in the Welcome Center or call the church office.

Birthday Blessings Judy Farris (8/16) Alicia Sancken (8/17) Brooklyn Long (8/18) Jason Watchinski (8/20) Nicole Enzinger, Andrea Scheuer (8/21)

Anniversaries Mike & Shari Tambling (8/16) John & Bridget Stec (8/17) Eric & Andrea Scheuer (8/21) Mike & Laurel Ebersohl (8/22)

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Food Pantry Thank you for your ongoing donations to our food pantry as we serve those in need in our region. Please bring your donations to the Welcome Center baskets in the Entrance by the Library or, if you prefer, make a financial donation by marking your envelope “Dwight Food Pantry.” Items regularly needed include: Cereal (Frosted Flakes, Sugar Puffs, etc), jelly, pork and beans, peanut butter, canned tuna & chicken, spaghetti sauce & noodles, canned spaghetti o’s and ravioli, canned soups, canned vegetables, toilet paper, paper towels.

August Highlights

Love Offering for Rev. Mike & Laurel Rev. Mike and Laurel retired from DUMC on July 1, 2020. At that time we were

under Phase 3 order by the Governor and couldn’t properly send them off. Pastor Mary has graciously invited Rev. Mike & Laurel back on August 23 to conduct the one service at 10 a.m. We will have a going away celebration following the service outside with all the proper precautions taken. It is customary to take a Love Offering for the outgoing Pastor. If you would like to contribute, we will receive your gifts on August 9 and August 16th or you can mail it to the church office. Make checks out to DUMC and write “Love Offering” on the memo line. We will present our gifts on August 23rd at the celebration. God’s blessings, Staff Pastor Relations Committee August 16 This Sunday we are blessings backpacks and giving out 3rd grade Bibles at both services. Those receiving Bibles are Chase Bradley, Carter Christenson and Van Patten. If you know someone we missed, contact Stacey [email protected] or the Office [email protected]. Baby Bottles donations are due back today as well. August 18 thru August 26 Pastor Mary will be gone on vacation. Rev. Julie Smith,retired UMC Clergy, is on call at (618) 658-0281. Next Sunday August 23 ONE SERVICE AT 10 A.M. Rev. Mike and Laurel will be here. Rev. Mike will be leading worship The Fellowship Hall will be open for overflow attendance as we are still limited to 75 in the Sanctuary. There will be an outdoor farewell celebration/reception for them at 11 a.m. Please bring your own lawn chair and practice social distancing. August 30 5th Sunday Singspiration ONE SERVICE AT 10 A.M. The Fellowship Hall will be open for overflow attendance as we are still limited to 75 in the Sanctuary. REMEMBER ON AUGUST 23rd & 30TH the Live Broadcast will be at 10 a.m. Everyone continues wearing masks and practicing social distancing on Sundays. GREAT JOB CHURCH! You are welcome to join us this Sunday at 8:00 a.m. Traditional and 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Praise. Both services are broadcasted live and recorded for YouTube. Links to the live worship, bulletins and YouTube are on

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our website at Wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, social distancing and not remaining in an enclosed area too long are all key to keeping transmission of Covid-19 to a minimum. As followers of Jesus, we are called to think of the needs of others above our own preferences, especially those most vulnerable in our church family, and be diligent in using safe practices. This is how we show the love of God through Jesus Christ. I look forward to seeing you masked in worship and connecting to you safely in other ways as we continue to live in these unprecedented times. Stay safe as you continue to share Christ! Blessings to us all! Pastor Mary Please keep in touch! The church office is now open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00AM – Noon. You can call the Church office at (815)584-3420. If no answer, please leave a message and we will return your call. You can also communicate via email and our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter. If you are not receiving weekly emails from the church, including emails with our bulletins, church announcements, and e-newsletters, please email the church office: [email protected]. You may contact Pastor Mary at [email protected] or on her cell at (309)621-3284. We are updating our contact information so if you know of any changes for anyone connected to our church PLEASE let us know!

If you use the fellowship hall for a meeting, please leave chairs in place as they have to be cleaned before stacking.

Baby Bottles to benefit Hope Pregnancy Center in Pontiac are due this Sunday August 16th. There is a table in the Foyer designated for collecting your donation. Bulletin & Newsletter article deadlines – If you have an article you wish to have printed in the Bulletin or Newsletter please submit it to [email protected] or call the church (815)584-3429. Bulletin deadline – each Wednesday by 10am, Newsletter by the 20th of each month.

Alcoholics Anonymous – Cancelled until further notice When: Saturdays from 9-10 a.m. @ DUMC Fellowship Hall Information:

Join our Facebook Group at: Dwight United Methodist Church. Find out information on the Sunday services as well as information on upcoming church events.

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This Week

Have you ever had something that seemed too big to conquer? Joshua has brought the people into the Promise Land and now he is leading them in taking possession of the land. Jericho is a fortified city with thick walls. How are they going to be able to knock them down? How are we ever going to break down the barriers blocking us from moving forward in our lives? How can we tap the power of repetition and use it for good in our lives? Joshua shows us how simple obedience and follow through bring about big changes. What is God asking you to do more than once? What is keeping you from doing it? Join Joshua in faithfulness and watch those barriers come down! I look forward to seeing you this week at church. Don’t forget to invite others to come and meet Christ through Dwight UMC! TITHES AND OFFERINGS Remember that our financial stewardship is critical to the ministry of the church. We are still not allowed to collect the offering during worship. Thank you for your support especially during these challenging times. You may continue to use E-Giving at, or mail your tithe/gift (checks only please) to Dwight UMC, 701 S. Columbia St., Dwight, IL. 60420. We have closed containers at the back of the sanctuary for your offerings when you attend worship. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness!

Worship via LIVE STREAMING 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. There will be an email and social media post sent out each week on how to link to the

live broadcast and on the website at

The August 16, 2020 recorded services will be available on YouTube no later than Tuesday August 18.

(Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost “The Walls Came Down” with Rev. Mary Arnold)

We post links for attending services live at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. online and email the bulletins and announcements each week. Be sure and check your spam if you are

not getting them. Go to our website at or contact the Office [email protected] and we will assist you in any way we can.

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