
Fuzzing CowsThe “No Bull” Talk on Fuzzing

Security B-Sides OttawaNovember 13, 2010

Mike Sues (Rigel Kent)Karim Nathoo (Inverse Labs)


• We can’t cover fuzzing in-depth in 50 minutes• Raise awareness of fuzzing as an option in higher

assurance/product evaluations/more focused assessments

• Go over challenges/experiences from the field• Provide real examples• Get you thinking about how you can start fuzzing• Expose the scan monkey• Collect free chicken wings honorarium

What’s With The Title

• An inside joke that went wrong• It is Mike’s fault

WTF is Fuzzing

• Pass malicious input to interfaces• Interfaces to target are attacker accessible

ones (either direct or indirect)• Detect anomalous conditions that might be

exploitable• Usually there is some form of automation• All the kewl people are doing it

Fuzzing History

• Manual & custom scripts– Unintelligent

• i.e. cat /dev/random | service to 0wn– It worked!

• A bit more intelligent– Modeling protocols

• Block-based modeling– Frameworks

Fuzzing History

• Tool integration– Inline fuzzing– Fuzzing and root cause analysis

• Process stalking– Fuzzing and code coverage– Commercialization

• Fuzzing support– Reverse engineering of protocols and code

Limits of the Scan Monkey• The Scan Monkey uses nmap and Nessus without discrimination in a failed

attempt at world domination• Good Stuff:

– Tools determine presence of known vulnerabilities– Audit configurations– Verify patches– Highly automatable– You can get co-op students to do this– For some situations this is perfectly fine (low assurance environments,

operational audits, time constrained etc.)– Co-op students will work for Twizzlers

• Bad Stuff:– For new technologies, Scan Monkey tools don’t have signatures– Aside from getting lucky on occasion, effectiveness limited for product or new

technology evaluation– It is boring, contributions to the human condition are limited

When to Fuzz

• New product/technology• Old product but a high level of assurance is

required• Internal QA as part of SDLC if you are a

product vendor• If you are a bug hunter• If you don’t really have a lot going on in your


When Not to Fuzz

• If you actually have a life• When you’re testing systems/products in


Different Types of Fuzzing

• Network– Server perspective (example: fuzz web server)– Client perspective (example: fuzz web browser)– Protocol (example: fuzz IPv6 stack)

• Local– File format– API– Driver

Different Types of Fuzzing

• Wireless– 802.11x– Bluetooth– IR– Zigbee– RFID

Generating Payloads/Tests• Generation Based

– Reverse engineer,• Protocol• API• Field encoding


– Manually• Your brain and many test communications

– Wireshark– Strace

• Time-intensive

Generating Payloads/Tests• Generation Based

– Semi-automatic protocol analysis• Proprietary and open protocols

– Open protocols still have grey areas• Analyze or proxy network communications

– Wireshark• Research & tools

– Discoverer– PI (Protocol Informatics)– PDB (Protocol Debugger)

Generating Payloads/Tests• Generation Based

– Modeling input to generate test cases in their entirety• Block-based modeling

s_string ("USER "); s_string_variable("bob"); s_string("\r\n"); s_string("PASS "); s_string_variable("bob"); s_string("\r\n");

Generating Payloads/Tests• Mutation Based

– Use existing valid payload and perturb it– Re-writing proxy

• PDB (Protocol Debugger)• Taof (The Art of Fuzzing)

– Modify stock client if you have source code (ex: openSSL)

Target Observability and Traceability

• Need to be able to observe anomalies as the target is being stressed

• Not only detect an anomalous condition/state but CORRELATE to test case

• Absolutely key to effective fuzzing• If you do it wrong you will waste lots of time

and FAIL

Methods for Target Observability

• Process monitoring (Debugger)– Usually the best way

• Network Heartbeats • Log Files• Test Case Timing

Beware the State Machine

• If you don’t setup protocols properly, all you do is fuzz the crap out of the error state

• perl –e ‘print “A” x 41’ is not always enough• You may also just fuzz decoder code

– MIME/BER encoded fields

Beware the State Machine

Protocol Handshake AuthenticationTransport

Crypto Decoder Payload Processing

Error State

Fuzzing Ninja

Fuzzing Work Flow• Rough methodology,

– Reverse/research target– Prioritize areas/inputs to stress

• Code coverage– Model inputs– Create test cases– Automate– Analyze results– Root cause analysis

• Determine exploitability– Develop proof of concept/full exploit

• Iterate!

Prioritizing• Fuzzing takes a long time, might not be able to cover

everything within engagement scope• Lots of ways to approach, lots of tradeoffs

– Obscure versus common functionality (commercial development experience teaches not everything is QA’d)

– Level of access (ex: kernel mode versus user mode)– May be trade off in terms of level of access or probability

of finding a bug versus affected user base (ex: bug in IE versus Safari)

Prioritizing Cont’d

• Embedded RTOS as an example:– Servers – probably best vendor coverage– Setuid programs - privilege escalation– Regular user programs -limited privileges– Drivers – very target specific– System call API – might find bug that is not

attacker accessible

Root Cause Analysis Challenges

• Difficulties:– Black box: all you have is raw crash data and assembly

code– Bug could be triggered before it becomes apparent using

fault detection technique, examples:• simple stack based overflow triggered early in function but not

raise exception till function return. • heap overflow: corrupted memory location might not be used

until well after function return, making it even harder– Analyst needs knowledge of different vulnerability classes

(stack overflows, heap overflows, integer overflows, format string, etc.) to do thorough RCA

Network Fuzzing Challenges

• Binary protocols• Checksums/verifiers, state machine challenges• Closed systems (appliances)

– Limited debug support– Target side instrumentation difficult or impossible

• Multi-threaded/multi-process servers• Test case throughput limited by network

Network Fuzzing Demo 1

• The traditional FTP server example

Network Fuzzing Demo 1• Summary:

– State machine – needed to properly setup authenticated session to find vulnerability

– Fault detection based on network heart beat works in this example

– Correlating test case to exception avoids search space nightmare

– Needed to switch to target debugger view to determine exact target state and exploitability

– Exception is an access violation, fits pattern standard for stack based buffer overflows

– Demonstrated how some analysis is required to get to root cause and formulate an exploit (quick)

– It’s not always this easy :)

Network Fuzzing Demo 2

• Physical security system• Found in field in a real assessment

Network Fuzzing Demo 2• Summary

– Target observability – relying on a network heartbeat in this case would have resulted in missing the bug

• Multiple threads• Server doesn’t crash when one thread generates exception• We need a debugger/ deployed agent in this case

– Root Cause Analysis – does not appear exploitable for remote code exec, unhandled C++ exception with no opportunity to overwrite exception handler

– We can DoS the crap out of the alarm system console and web server though :)

– Amount of root cause analysis depends on target, in this case alarm DoS as interesting as remote code execution

File Format Fuzzing

• Headers and internal structure– PE– Microsoft Office– PDF– Media files– Images– Anti-virus

• File parsing

File Format Fuzzing

• Software reads and interprets these formats– Client or supporting library (e.g. image library)

• Model input structure and fields• Launch client on fuzzed input file• Look for crash

– Process monitoring• Integration of launch and detection in one tool

File Format Fuzzing

• Issues– File formats are complex and many interesting

ones are closed source– Formats can be embedded

• Down the rabbit hole– Many test cases

• Fuzz till the cows come home– File formats can change radically between

software versions

File Format Fuzzing

• Tools– FileFuzzer– FuzzyWuzzy– SPIKEfile– notSPIKEfile

• Distributed fuzzing ….

Client-side Fuzzing

• Why do we like clients?– They pay my bills– They are fun to work with– They have interesting work– Exploiting them gets me right on an internal

workstation• Mike is happy

Client-side Fuzzing

• Coordinated approach– Fuzzing server and test client– Fuzzing model resides on server– Client connects– Server delivers fuzzed input– Client goes boom

Client-side Fuzzing

• Issues– Server maintains state of fuzzing cases

• Distributed fuzzing considerations– Maintaining state across clients

– Client must be activated and pointed to fuzzing server

– Detection of client crash• Process monitoring on client machine• Client or support library?

Client-side Fuzzing

• Issues– Complex client inputs

• Client inputs• Support library inputs

– Many test cases• Distributed fuzzing!

Client-side Fuzzing

• Tools– Peach– Sulley– Condenomicon– COM and ActiveX fuzzers

Driver Fuzzing

• Diving into Ring0

• Different approaches– Remote protocol fuzzing (e.g. stack fuzzing)– Local API fuzzing

Driver Fuzzing

• Local API fuzzing– User mode -> kernel mode

• Privilege escalation• Important for multi stage attacks

– Application specific• User land components• Driver components

Driver Fuzzing

• Issues– Identify the interface and inputs

• Device name/Link• IOCTL

– Header files– Reversing user-land components

– Identifying a crash• Blue screen in Windows

– Slow down testing

Driver Fuzzing

• Tools– Immunity Debugger

• Driverlib– Discover driver names/links

• pyCommand script– Proxy IOCTL calls

• Mutation-based fuzzer– Direct fuzzing

• Generation-based fuzzer

– Kartoffel

Developing Exploits• You don’t go from crash -> 0day in a few minutes• Generating crashes is easy, analysis is hard part• Difficulties:

– It’s not 2001 anymore– Memory corruption mitigations in modern OS’s


– 3rd party support libraries– Specific setup conditions– Analyst often needs expert knowledge

Developing Exploits• Goal of engagement

– Exploit development might not be in scope• Working with developers/vendor

• Clients might not want to fund you to develop an exploit– Customers paying for gaps in vendor development

practices?• Smells like a buck is being passed

The Evolution of Cows• Driver fuzzing tools/techniques continuing to improve

and becoming more accessible• Continued integration of fuzzers and RCA tools• File format fuzzing continuing to increase and a

blurring of file-format and client-side fuzzing• More device fuzzing (e.g. smart device stuff)• Better automated tools for developing our models• Distributed fuzzing frameworks and tools

Fuzzing Cows• Questions?

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