Page 1: Fundamental Abilities For Every Parent

turn into a much better

Most of the parents, especially if they are new, believe that everything they need to know about

raising kids is pretty well known already but the truth is that there are some new skills that every

parent should learn. This is because not one person is absolutely perfect; every person has areas

of improvement or weaknesses that they need to improve upon. The world is always changing; for

example, most of the parents out there today didn't grow up using the internet but now they have

to police it like crazy in case it adversely effects their kids. Let's look at some important parenting

skills that all parents should possess.

It is imperative that you set the very best possible example for your son or daughter. It is far

easier for you to simply tell your kids what to and not to do but leading by example is what they

need from you more than anything else. Kids learn more from observation than by what you tell

them, so it's critical that your actions match your words at all times.

As a parent, you are naturally going to be a child's first role model, so by setting a good example,

you have the best chance of having your child live up to your standards. Parents who tell their

kids to not do something, like using swear words, for example, and then constantly do this very

thing, usually find that it's their actions rather than their requests that the kids follow. Every parent

worries about keeping his or her child safe but he or she must also realize that there is no way to

watch that child every second of every day. That's why it's essential to give them some basic

information so they know what to do and how to reach you, or another adult who can protect them

if it ever becomes necessary. As soon as your child can retain the information ensure that he or

she knows his full name, address and phone number. They should also be fully able to contact

you whether you are at home or at work. You may want to give your child a cell phone that's only

for emergencies, where they can contact you or dial 911 if necessary. They make cell phone

plans just for these purposes. If your child is in a location where there is a friend or relative who

can get to them sooner than you can, be sure that he or she knows how to contact that person.

So many kids today are in the habit of spending all of their spare time in front of computers,

televisions or on the phone. This is why one of your parenting skills needs to be teaching your

kids to find value in free play. In addition to the organized activities for which you have signed

them up, don't forget how valuable old fashioned play time at the park, on the playground or

during play dates with friends can be. Research shows that kids who don't play enough are prone

to social problems like aggression, ADD and depression. Doing outdoorsy things as a family on

the weekend like hiking, swimming, walking in the woods, etc are great ways to encourage the

free play.

While some aspects of parenting come naturally to us, we all have areas where we need to

develop our skills. Do not expect that you will be perfect but also do your best to learn from your

mistakes. Remember: just because you've behaved in a certain fashion in the past or because

your parents behaved in a certain way that does not mean that you are doomed to repeat those

things; you can make the adjustments you need to make. Being a parent is, along with other

things, a learning process.

Page 2: Fundamental Abilities For Every Parent

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