Page 1: Functionsprinciplesof teaching


Rupali Shendkar


Page 2: Functionsprinciplesof teaching


Teaching is the most difficult and complex series involving teacher, students and curriculum. It is a process by which the students and curriculum are brought together. It also establishes the environment to bring about effective learning.

The main aim of teaching is to help the students to learn in an effective way. Thus, teaching is to cause the child to learn and acquire the desired knowledge, skills and desirable ways of learning in the society.

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Teaching is to cause the child to learn and acquire the desired knowledge, skill and also desirable ways of living in the society.

The main aim of teaching is to help the child to respond to his environment in an effective way.

Psychology and educators have explained teaching from different angles. Some of the explanation are as follows:

Teaching is communication between two or more persons who influence each other by their idea and learn something in the process of interaction.

Teaching is to cause motivation to learn.

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1. According to O B Smith (Teaching is a system of action which induces learning through interpersonal relationship)

2. According to John Dewey (teaching is the process of mutual exchange or relationship among the teacher, students and curriculum or society arousing the curiosity of learning in the pupil)

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1. Stimulation- It means to cause motivation in learner to learn new things, it is to create an urge to learn.

2. Guidance- It means to guide the learner to develop his capabilities, skills, attitudes and knowledge to the maximum for adequate adjustments in the external environment.

3. Direction- It means that teaching is a goal – Directed activity, which leads to pre determined behavior.

4. Encouragement of learning-It means to encourage the learner to acquire maximum learning

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1. Teaching is to give opportunities for the students to take active participation.

2. Teaching is to secure motivation.3. Teaching is to train the students to

mould their emotional attitude.4. Teaching is to cause the students to

learn.5. Teaching establishes a relationship .

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6. Teaching is to give information.7. Helping the students to adjust

themselves in public and in the environment.

8. Teaching means preparation.9. Teaching means organization of

learning.10.Teaching means guidance.

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1. Proper guidance- When a teacher gives proper guidance the students ,they can learn and imbibe knowledge.

2. Kindness and Sympathy- The teacher has to be kind and good to the students in order to teach them properly. Children learn more that are taught in a kind manner.

3. Co-operation - There should be co-operation between teacher and student.

4. Good planning- Planning is necessary in teaching in order to teach systematically.

5. Suggestion-In good teaching, the teacher has to give suggestion, and not orders, to the students for their effective performance of any activity.

6. Stimulation-The teacher should stimulate ideas and action s of the students.

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CONT…7. Past experience of the child- Good teaching is possible

when the teacher adds something to the past knowledge of the student.

8. Past experience of the teacher. A teacher has to take his past experience into account in order to teach the students and also help them to be civilized and cultured as good citizens.

9. Diagnoses the learning difficulties of the child- Children have their own difficulty in learning. A teacher should diagnoses them with a view of removing them.

10. Evaluation of the knowledge of the children- It is necessary to know whether the children have gained or not gained any knowledge.

11. Progress- Teaching should be progressive in order to develop the individuality of a child and to make his progress.

12. Democratic-Teaching has to be democratic i.e the teacher has to put himself at par with the students.

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1. Proceed from simple to complex2. Proceed from concrete to abstract3. Proceed from particular to general 4. Proceed from known to unknown5. Proceed from whole to parts6. Proceed from psychological to logical7. Proceed from deduction to induction8. Proceed from induction to deduction9. Proceed from easy to difficult10. Proceed from analyst to synthesis11. Proceed from empirical to rational12. Proceed from seen to unseen13. Proceed from actual to representative14. Follow nature

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1. Explaining, and Informing- A good teacher is always informative and gives a lot of information to the students

2. Initiating, Directing and Administering- A teacher has to face and handle many problems the students are associated with decision making activities. So a teacher should initiate activities and get them organized.

3. Unifying the Group- It s the important task of the teacher of developing a group with a group spirit, a unified group.

4. Giving security- The teacher should identify the needs of the students and when they need protection he should protect them

5. Clarifying Attitudes, Belief, and problem- The teacher gives the children the opportunities to compare, classify , interpret and sets them in a position to analyze, criticize and summarize.

6. Diagnosing Learning Problems and Giving Remedy- This helps to remove the difficulties of the students of their problem.

7. Making Curriculum Materials-The teacher should modify the curriculum according to the need of the local community.

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8. Evaluation, Recording and Reporting- The teacher should conduct tests and periodical examination and report the progress to the principal and parents.

9. Enriching Community Activity- A teacher should keep close contact with the community and develop harmonious relationship between school and community.

10. Arranging and Organizing Classroom – Physical facility should be appropriately provided in the classroom for learning.

11. Participating in school Activities – A teacher should participate in other activities like excursions, picnics, and some shows.

12. Participation in Professional Life- Every teacher must enter wholly into professional life and make contribution to the improvenmt of the profession.

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Therefore the position of skills is an essential feature of any profession. Skills provide a means for professionals to put their theoretical knowledge into practice.

Effective teacher should posses skills and competence that set them apart not only from the non teachers but also from ineffective teachers.


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