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Visiting Research Chairs in the United States


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2014-2015 Fulbright Canada Scholar Awards in the United States

Award Host Award Dates Benefit

Traditional Fulbright Scholar Award

Any American University, Research Centre,

Think Tank, or Government Agency

Sep-Dec 2014 or Jan-Apr 2015


Visiting Research Chair in Arctic Studies

University of Washington Jan-Apr 2015 or Mar-Jun 2015


Visiting Research Chair in Border Studies

Borders in Globalization Consortium

Sep-Dec 2014 or Jan-Apr 2015


Visiting Research Chair in Canadian Studies

Kennesaw State University Sep-Dec 2014 or

Jan-Apr 2015 US$25,000

Visiting Research Chair in Canadian Studies

Michigan State University Sep-Dec 2014 or

Jan-Apr 2015 US$25,000

Visiting Research Chair in Canadian Studies

University of California Berkeley

Sep-Dec 2014 or Jan-Apr 2015


Visiting Research Chair in Canada-U.S. Relations

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Jan-May 2015 US$25,000

Visiting Research Chair in Military Social Work

University of Southern California

Sep-Dec 2014 or Jan-Apr 2015


Visiting Research Chair at the California NanoSystems Institute

University of California Los Angeles

Sep-Dec 2014 or Jan-Apr 2015


Visiting Research Chair in North American Studies

American University Sep-Dec 2014 or

Jan-Apr 2015 US$25,000

Visiting Research Chair in Policy Studies

University of Texas at Austin Sep-Dec 2014 or

Jan-Apr 2015 US$25,000

Visiting Research Chair in Public Diplomacy

University of Southern California

Sep-Dec 2014 or Jan-Apr 2015


Visiting Research Chair in Québec Studies

State University of New York College at Plattsburgh

Sep-Dec 2014 or Jan-Apr 2015


Visiting Research Chair in Science

Illinois Institute of Technology

Sep-Dec 2014 or Jan-Apr 2015


Visiting Research Chair in War and Peace Studies

Norwich University Sep-Dec 2014 or

Jan-Apr 2015 US$25,000

Visiting Research Chair (field open)

University of California Santa Barbara

Sep-Dec 2014 or Jan-Apr 2015


Visiting Research Chair (field open)

Vanderbilt University Sep-Dec 2014 or

Jan-Apr 2015 US$25,000

Note: Given the interdisciplinary nature of many awards, please consult all awards for opportunities.

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Traditional Fulbright Scholar Award

Can be held at any American University, Research Center, Think Tank, or Government Agency

Fulbright Canada offers a unique opportunity to explore a wide range of scholarly issues,

including important contemporary issues that are relevant to Canada, to the United States,

and to the relationship between the two countries.

Traditional Fulbright Scholar awards for Canadian scholars are open to scholars in all fields

(excluding medical training) and are designed to enable emerging and established scholars,

post-doctoral researchers and experienced professionals to conduct research, teach, or

undertake a combination of both activities for one semester or a full academic year at a

university or research centre of their choice in the United States

Specializations: While the competition is open to all disciplines, Fulbright Canada is particularly

interested in encouraging research in the humanities, in the areas of

communications and culture, in Canadian-American relations, in all areas of

contemporary public policy, on topics relating to culture and to the

environment, law, indigenous issues, and in pure and applied sciences.

Contact: [email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Arctic Studies at the

University of Washington The Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Arctic Studies will be open to Canadian scholars that

meet the eligibility requirements of the Fulbright Program. Specifically, the Chair will be

focused on issues pertaining to Arctic Studies. Scholars and practitioners are invited to

apply. Research interests may include the natural sciences, social sciences, arts or


The Chair will carry out the program of research, teaching and service outlined in the

successful application. The teaching requirement includes a one-quarter, 3-credit, upper

division seminar focused on the applicant's research interests and appropriate to the

students enrolled in the University of Washington's Arctic academic program. In addition,

the Chair will provide the annual Fulbright Lecture focused on emerging issues and

developments in the Arctic region, and serve on the advisory board of the polar science and

policy institute to build collaborative relations with Arctic scholars, scientists, and

indigenous organizations.

The Fulbright Visiting Research Chair is sponsored by the Office of Global Affairs; Division of

Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences; Henry M. Jackson School of International

Studies; and, College of the Environment.

Specializations: Natural Sciences

Social Sciences

Arts or Humanities

Contact: Nadine Fabbi, Associate Director, Canadian Studies Center

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Border Studies

Borders in Globalization Consortium In support of a proposal to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s

Partnership Grants program, the University of Victoria reached out to Fulbright Canada to

join them in this long term project. A unique condition of this chair sets it apart from

Fulbright Canada’s regular awards – it is limited to a network of academic and non-

academic organizations, titled the Borders in Globalization Consortium, aiming to build

excellence in the knowledge and understanding of borders. Specifically, recipients of this

award can either be an American scholar hosted in a Canadian institution, or a Canadian

scholar hosted in an American institution, and the home and host institutions must be one

of those partnered within the Consortium.

The following institutions are confirmed members of the Consortium:

Home Institution Host Institution

Carleton University University at Buffalo

Royal Military College of Canada University of Texas at El-Paso

University of Lethbridge Western Washington University

University of Ottawa

University of Regina

University of Quebec a Montreal

University of Victoria

Specializations: Border Policy, Security, Management, and Governance.

Contact: Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Canadian Studies at

Kennesaw State University Resident in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Fulbright Visiting Research

Chair will conduct research, develop partnerships with Kennesaw State University (KSU)

faculty, present guest lectures at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and assist the KSU

community in providing greater visibility for Canadian studies on campus and in the region.

In addition, the scholar will teach one course in the College of Humanities and Social

Sciences and will participate in the annual conference of the Southern Association for

Canadian Studies. The KSU College of Humanities & Social Sciences strives to foster a better

understanding of the great literary, philosophical, and cultural achievements of world

civilizations. The College promotes scholarship and creative activity, with an emphasis on

facilitating an understanding of human interaction across world cultures and time.

Scholarship and service-focused professional initiatives promote collaboration across

disciplines, address both local and global problems, and enhance the quality of life of the

diverse communities served. Convenient to metro Atlanta and two interstates, affordable

KSU is a diverse mixture of traditional and non-traditional, residential and commuter

students. The campus is a beautiful, thriving place with facilities that are growing with the

student body..

Specializations: Environment Policy, Aboriginal Issues, Cultural Policy, Canada-U.S. Relations,

Security Issues, Health Policy, Trade Issues.

Contact: Dawn Kirby, Associate Dean, Graduate Affairs and Research

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Canadian Studies at

Michigan State University Resident in the Canadian Studies Centre at Michigan State University, the Fulbright Visiting

Research Chair will conduct research, develop partnerships, and guest lecture at the

graduate or undergraduate level. In addition, the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at

Michigan State University will have opportunities to deliver public lectures, give seminar

presentations, participate in conferences and related research, and otherwise contribute to

the intellectual life at Michigan State University (MSU). MSU’s Canadian Studies Centre,

established in 1958, is arguably the oldest program of its kind in the United States. It is

comprised of over seventy core faculty members, graduate students from thirty-one

departments, along with Library and Museum staff. The MSU Press publishes more

scholarly books on Canada than any other university press in the United States. Known

internationally as a major U.S. public university with global reach, Michigan State University

has been advancing knowledge and transforming lives through innovative teaching,

research, and outreach for over 150 years. Michigan State University is located in East

Lansing, the cultural and recreational center of mid-Michigan. Its tradition of international

research and outreach, combined with its recent successes in study abroad, provide fertile

ground for making MSU a truly global university. (

Specializations: Water Science, Great Lakes Restoration, Environmental Resiliency Systems,

Policy Innovation.

Contact: AnnMarie Schneider, Director, Canadian Studies Center

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Canadian Studies at the

University of California, Berkeley The University of California was chartered in 1868 and its flagship campus — envisioned as

a "City of Learning" — was established at Berkeley, on San Francisco Bay. Today the world's

premier public university and a wellspring of innovation, UC Berkeley occupies a 1,232 acre

campus with a sylvan 178-acre central core. From this home its academic community

makes key contributions to the economic and social well-being of California, the nation, and


Berkeley’s Canadian Studies Program is an interdisciplinary campus initiative to promote

research on and instruction of Canada, including through comparative studies. This

program encourages and facilitates an awareness of Canadian issues on the Berkeley

campus, in nearby institutions with no Canadian Studies programs of their own, and in the

wider community.

The Fulbright Chair will be invited to give a public lecture and make him- or herself available

to students on campus. The Fulbright Chair may also help organize a small conference in

partnership with the Canadian Studies Program.

Specializations: For scholars who can advance Canadian Studies at Berkeley, with a preference

for those working in the Social Sciences or Humanities.

Contact: Irene Bloemraad, Director, Canadian Studies Program

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Canada-U.S. Relations at the

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars The holder of the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair spends up to five months in residence at

the Canada Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars conducting

research in the field of Canada-U.S. relations. The chairholder has opportunities to deliver

public lectures, give seminar presentations, participate in conferences, and otherwise

contribute to the ongoing research activities at the Wilson Center, allowing the chairholder

to develop professional and academic partnerships with other scholars while in residence.

In addition to the US$25,000 award, the chairholder is provided with a suitable workspace

and a Windows-based computer, as well as support services, including access to numerous

computer databases (including Nexis and Ciao), access to Library of Congress materials, and

an intern who will serve as a research assistant for up to twenty hours per week.

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., and supported by public and private funds, the

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is a nonpartisan institution engaged in

the study of national and world affairs. The Wilson Center’s mission is to commemorate the

ideals of Woodrow Wilson by providing a link between the world of ideas and the world of

policy, and to foster research, study, discussion, and collaboration among a full spectrum of

individuals concerned with policy and scholarship in national and world affairs. The Wilson

Center maintains a lively, neutral forum for free and informed dialogue. The Canada

Institute was established to explore one of America’s most important bilateral relationships.


Specializations: Trade Policy, Security Policy, Environmental Policy, Border Issues, Health Policy,

or North American Integration.

Contact: David Biette, Director, Canada Institute

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Military Social Work at the

University of Southern California The Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Military Families (CIR) at the

University of Southern California School of Social Work is dedicated to improving the lives

of service members, veterans, and their families. CIR brings together innovative technology

development with university research leadership and strong linkages with the military. Its

programs bridge a critical gap in the needs of wounded warriors and their families through

innovative education and training platforms, applied research, and strategic partnerships

that improve the capacity and competency of behavioral healthcare providers .

Specializations: Research pertaining to military behavioral health in social work and allied


Military Culture

Understanding the Impact of Combat

Problems of Reintegration.

Contact: Marilyn Flynn, Dean, School of Social Work

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at the California NanoSystems Institute at the

University of California, Los Angeles The mission of the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) is to foster a collaborative,

strongly integrated and interactive environment embedded on the University of California

campuses at Los Angeles (UCLA) and Santa Barbara (UCSB) that will fuel innovat ion in

nanosystems research and education, and enable partnerships with industry for rapid

commercialization of discoveries in nanoscience and nanotechnology. CNSI is a world-

leading center for innovation, education, and commercialization in nanoscale science and

technology. To fulfill this mission, CNSI identifies and targets key opportunities in

biomedicine, devices, energy, and the environment.

Specializations: Energy, Environment:, Health-Medicine, Information Technology.

Contact: Paul Weiss, Director, California NanoSystems Institute

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in North American Studies at

American University Resident in the Center for North American Studies at American University, the Fulbright

Visiting Research Chair will conduct research, develop partnerships, and teach one three-

credit course. In addition, the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in North American Studies

will have opportunities to deliver public lectures, give seminar presentations, participate in

conferences and related research, and otherwise contribute to the intellectual life at

American University. The Center for North American Studies (CNAS) examines the

differences and shared characteristics of Canada, Mexico, and the United States; compares

the North American experiment with Europe; and, challenges students and faculty to

imagine a continental future. CNAS, with a 35-member inter-disciplinary Faculty Advisory

Committee, teaches about 6-12 courses on North American issues, undertakes faculty

seminars, and conducts research on the full gamut of issues that affect the 430 million

people in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Educating the next generation of leaders

in all three countries, CNAS is one of only a few centers focused on all of North America.

The Center offers a minor for undergraduates and a certificate for graduate students in

North American Studies. It also co-edits a peer-reviewed journal, Norteamérica, with the

North American Studies Center of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


Specializations: Economic Relations or Political Relations.

Contact: Anthony Quainton, Associate Director, Center for North American Studies

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Policy Studies at the

University of Texas at Austin Resident in the Department of Government (Political Science) at the University of Texas at

Austin (UT Austin), the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair will have the opportunity to engage

in research with departmental faculty as well as present guest lectures, possibly team

teach, and generally engage the campus community.

With over fifty full time faculty, the department is particularly strong in the fields of public

policy, American politics, and comparative politics. The chair holder may also interact with

the faculty and programs of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, the School of

Law, the Population Research Center, and the departments in the College of Liberal Arts

(such as Sociology and Geography). The flagship of the University of Texas System, UT

Austin is a major research university home to more than 50,000 students, 2,900 faculty and

21,000 staff members. Founded in 1883, UT Austin is one of the largest and most respected

universities in the United States. Additionally, the campus is home to many cultural

treasures, such as the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, the LBJ Library and

Museum, the Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, the Dolph Briscoe Center for American

History, the Benson Latin American Collection, and the Texas Memorial Museum. Nestled

among the rolling hills and lakes of Central Texas, Austin is the seat of state government, a

high technology center, and an entertainment complex that includes the best of live music,

the arts and all the fun of the great outdoors.

Specializations: Policy issues with a comparative U.S.-Canadian dimension at either the national

or state-provincial levels.

Contact: David Leal, Director, Public Policy Institute

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Public Diplomacy at the

University of Southern California Resident in the Center on Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California (USC),

the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair will conduct research, write a paper for publication by

the Center, and teach one course in the USC Master of Public Diplomacy Program. In

addition, the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Public Diplomacy will have opportunities to

deliver public lectures, give seminar presentations, participate in conferences and related

research, and otherwise contribute to the intellectual life of the university. The USC Center

on Public Diplomacy at the Annenberg School (CPD) was established in August 2003 as a

partnership between the USC Annenberg School for Communication and the USC Dana and

David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences’ School of International Relations. It is

a joint scholarly research, policy analysis and professional training organization dedicated to

furthering the study and practice of public diplomacy. The Center benefits from its strategic

location in Los Angeles, a vital center for communication and commerce and an

international entertainment capital that encompasses the motion picture, television, radio

and music industries as well as one of the world’s most vibrant art communities. Los

Angeles is a highly diverse city that is home to the nation’s largest international population.


Specializations: Cultural Diplomacy, Soft Power and National Image, International Broadcasting,

Place and Nation Branding, International Exchange, or Cyber Diplomacy.

Contact: Nicholas Cull, Director, Center on Public Diplomacy

[email protected]

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Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Québec Studies at the

State University of New York College at Plattsburgh Support the advancement of Québec studies in the United States! Share Québecois Culture,

Expand knowledge about Québec among the academic community and opinion leaders in the

United States.

Engage in collaborative research, deliver public lectures, give seminar presentations,

participate in conferences and otherwise contribute to ongoing research activities in the

United States. The chairholder will be housed at the Institute on Québec Studies, SUNY-

Plattsburgh. This award is open to all researchers associated with a Québec university,

government agency, or institute.

Specializations:. Research in all areas of Québec studies, including:

bilateral relations between Québec and the United States,

the economy and bilateral trade between Québec and the United States,

security and Canada-U.S. Border issues,

environmental, energy, and natural resource issues,


Québec’s international relations and public diplomacy,

Québec’s cultural policies and its identity, and

other matters relating to the Québec government’s priorities

(e.g. the Plan Nord)

Contact: Christopher Kirkey, Director, Institute on Québec Studies

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Science at

Illinois Institute of Technology At Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago, the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in the

College of Science will conduct research and teach a course or mentor a team in one of IIT’s

Interprofessional (IPRO) Projects. In addition, the Chair may deliver public lectures, give

seminar presentations and participate in conferences.

IIT College of Science research includes:

Physics: Accelerator research and development Computational biophysics Materials science using synchrotron radiation Theoretical particle physics Physics education/collegiate education

Biology: Muscle and cellular matrix biology Biological macromolecular dynamics Cancer biology Bioremediation

Chemistry: Biological and medicinal chemistry Chemistry of materials Catalysis Nanopore sensing and gas sensors Computational and theoretical chemistry

Computer Science: Parallel and distributed processing, high-performance computing Computational linguistics Information retrieval, data mining Grid computing, cloud computing Wireless networks

Applied Mathematics: Data science, statistical learning, and approximation Computational biological fluids and novel materials Graphs, networks, and optimization Mathematical finance Stochastic dynamics and multiscale modeling

IIT College of Science educates outstanding students who want to make a difference in the

world. It offers students a rigorous, academically demanding education that is relevant and

grounded in real-world experiences. IIT benefits from its location in Chicago, a vibrant

global city near Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory.

Specializations: Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics and

Science Education, Physics.

Contact: Russell Betts, Dean, College of Science

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in War and Peace Studies at

Norwich University Norwich University welcomes a Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in War and Peace Studies

with expertise in any of the following disciplines: International Relations, Military History,

Diplomacy, Military Sociology or Cyber Warfare.

Resident in the newly-formed College of Liberal Arts, the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair

will conduct research, guest lecture at the undergraduate level, and support the missions of

both the Department of History and Political Science’s Studies in War and Peace Program

and the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies’ Military History, Diplomacy or

Information Assurance Programs. The Chair will have opportunities to participate in public

lectures, attend conferences, and otherwise contribute to the intellectual life at Norwich

University. Implementation of this Research Chair position is in direct support of Norwich’s

commitment to further expand the stature of the institution and to bolster the strength of

the intellectual environment of Norwich University. As the United States’ oldest private

military college, and the birthplace of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, the Norwich

campus comprises a population of approximately 1500 cadets, 500 civilian students, and

120 tenure-track faculty. Founded in 1819, Norwich University is located in idyllic

Northfield, Vermont, 230 km south of Montreal and 280 km north of Boston.


Specializations: International Relations, Military History, Diplomacy, Military Sociology, Cyber


Contact: David Westerman, Associate Vice-President for Research

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at the

University of California, Santa Barbara The University of California at Santa Barbara welcomes Fulbright scholars in a diverse range

of academic disciplines across the humanities and fine arts, sciences and social sciences,

including the interdisciplinary exploration for which the campus is renowned. Resident in

an appropriate department within the College of Letters and Science, the Visiting Research

Chair at UCSB will conduct research, develop collaborations, and teach one 10-week course

at the graduate or undergraduate level. The Visiting Research Chair will have opportunities

to deliver public lectures, give seminar presentations, participate in conferences, and

otherwise contribute to intellectual life at UC Santa Barbara. One of only 62 members of the

American Association of Universities, UC Santa Barbara is renowned as a research university

with an outstanding faculty. UCSB offers innovative interdisciplinary programs which bring

together faculty and students from the College, Engineering, the Bren School of

Environmental Science and Management, the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, and 80

outstanding research units, centers, and institutes. Situated on nearly 1000 acres

overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the campus is known for its natural beauty and lively cultural

and artistic life. (

Specializations: Humanities and Fine Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, or Interdisciplinary


Contact: Barbara Gilkes, Assistant Dean, College of Letters and Science

[email protected]

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Fulbright Visiting Research Chair at

Vanderbilt University Resident in an appropriate academic department or centre within the College of Arts &

Science, the Fulbright Visiting Research Chair will conduct research, develop partnerships,

and guest lecture at the graduate or undergraduate level. In addition, the Visiting Research

Chair will have opportunities to deliver public lectures, give seminar presentations,

participate in conferences and related research, and otherwise contribute to the intellectual

life of Vanderbilt University. Vanderbilt actively promotes research and teaching that

crosses disciplines and departments, through a multitude of centers and institutes. The

Fulbright Visiting Chair may choose to work with one of these organizations to develop

personal and professional networks, access important resources, and further academic

pursuit. Situated just five minutes from downtown Nashville, Vanderbilt University is a

centre for scholarly research, informed and creative teaching, and service to the community

and society at large. Vanderbilt upholds the highest standards to be a leader in the quest

for and dissemination of knowledge, and the creative experimentation of ideas and

concepts. (

Specializations: Humanities, Public Policy, Health and Society, American Studies, or

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.

Contact: Martin Rapisarda, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Science

[email protected]

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