Page 1: Fujitsu CeBIT 2011 Press Conference Dr. Joseph Reger

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CeBIT Theme:

Cloud Computing

Work and Life with the Cloud

Dr. Joseph Reger, CTO

Page 2: Fujitsu CeBIT 2011 Press Conference Dr. Joseph Reger

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CeBIT Theme: Cloud Computing

We like the theme

•we believe that Cloud Computing will change IT and is here to stay

•we invest substantially in Cloud Computing

•we believe that Cloud Computing is favorable to our business model

Started 2009 to talk about Cloud Computing in detail

•question was: “what” is Cloud Computing

Continued 2010

•question was: “why” Cloud Computing, what are the benefits

2011: Work and Life with the Cloud

•for us and many of our customers: the question is: “how” can we start with Cloud Computing

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Life with the Cloud

Work with the Cloud

Our progress

Cloud Computing for Fujitsu

Recommended Exhibits

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Life with the Cloud

� (private) Life is in the cloud already (for


� more advanced than work in the cloud

� Fujitsu consumer survey:

reservations, apprehensions in many countries

• we learned from it (security, privacy)

• started research projects to rectify the issues

• e.g. European legislation,fragmentation vs. cloud and competitiveness

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Work with the Cloud

� Progress is slower

� much longer change cyclesin enterprise computing

� security and compliance considerations

� lock-in fears

� preference for private, on-premise clouds

� We respond to the sentiment

� special security measures,even off-premise: "Fujitsu Trusted Cloud"

� special SLA-s

� open specifications, open API-s (for DMTF)

� we develop private and hybrid cloud

� we move beyond infrastructure: upper layers

� we leverage Fujitsu's global capabilities and are introducing an ISV program

� will add software layers: ISV Market, PaaS, …

� will add BPaaS building blocks

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Our progress

� The results are showing

� we have business plans for Cloud Computing

(as opposed to lip service)

� we are building a global infrastructure:

Fujitsu Global Cloud

� Germany will go live in June

� we have showcases and references:pure IaaS and hybrid cloud scenarios

� one dozen ISV-s in our new ISV marketplace

� several dozens of customers doing serious

data processing in the cloud

� hundreds of instances contracted in Europe

� thousands of instances world wide

� 70% of our contracts are for innovations,not for legacy systems!

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Cloud Computing for Fujitsu

� Cloud Computing is important!

� IT is not equal to Cloud Computing

� currently the smaller part of IT is Cloud

Computing related

� "There is life below the clouds!"

� Cloud Computing is not equal to IT

� Cloud Computing more than just IT

� therefore the name is becoming a misnomer,

cloud services is better

� "There is life above the clouds!“

� Fujitsu Technology Solutions got into Cloud

from the infrastructure side

� but the Fujitsu Group has more capabilities

� stay tuned for software and services

innovations by Fujitsu

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Recommended Exhibits

� Cloud Computing

� IaaS, security, service levels, trusted cloud

� Offerings for ISV-s

� Dynamic Infrastructures

� products, solutions, services

� Dynamic Infrastructures Blocks

� new concept of building blocks

� of servers, storage, networking and system software

� to simplify and accelerate the deployment of:

• Dynamic Infrastructures

• Dynamic Cloud Infrastructures

• private, public, hybrid, on-premise, off-premise

� Product innovations

� Stylistic Q 550:secure business class slate PC based on Windows

� Wireless PC displays

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